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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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I did good on the 4th, but yesterday I ate all day. Hmmm... absent mindedness snuck up on me. However, it wasn't anything I wasn't allowed so I can be happy in that! Also, people are starting to notice my losses again, even though its still only 3 pounds. Maybe next weeks weigh-in will be noteworthy!

Hey LilMIss...the absent mindedness is a real devil, isn't it? It is just SO easy to completely ignore what your hand and mouth are doing. Remember: weight loss and inches loss are not the same - so if people are noticing, maybe it is an inches lost phenomenon. Don't get anxious about the pounds lost (or not lost) next week. Just keep on keepin on!!

It is amazing how healthy good choices fill me up very quickly, it's the junk that seems to hit a bottomless pit. My tomatos are in so I have been filling up on them. mmmmm good.

I have to see the doctor again on Thursday and I want to at least be where I was the last time I saw him so I am going to be very, very good this week.

We went to a party yesterday and saw some folks we hadn't seen in a couple of years. They were astounded by the change so I guess I am on the right track even if I am not quite where I want to be.


MMMMM - I love fresh tomatoes too! My Tomato plants are growing but no sign of the tomatoes yet - it is still early. I'm hoping I get to have some and not have to share with the deer, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs etc....

Having other people notice thechanges is a great inspiration, isn't it? Keep it up, watch your iintake.

[quote name=Ezma;1267561Having a bit of a grumpy morning here. I gained 1.5 pounds. While I know I wasn't perfect' date=' I still took in a low enough amount that I should have lost weight. Oh well, I learned this before and just have t accept that it's real - I must take in a much lower amount of calories to lose weight. I'm just proud that I haven't given up. But I'm re-focusing and am determine to lose 8 pounds before my doctor's appointment. I know it sounds like a lot in a week but if I get really strict and eat like I should be eating, it should drop off really fast.


I know you must be disappointed Ezma; don't starve yourself to meet a scale goal though. Just be a little more vigilant in watching what you eat, and keep up the exercise! I am really slacking in my exercise; I'm still doing it, but im not striving to increase the amount at all; just keep at status quo. I KNOW I should be increasing the amount/duration/variety but I just really hate doing it. The walking to/from work is habit, and playing in the dirt is fun, but other stuff is just a pain in the proverbial!

As Lori/Rhap would say, just keep swimming!!!!

OK, where are the rest of the VVs?

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Oh man, getting up in the morning is kind painful at times. I can certainly feel the weight I've put back on. You'd think that just that would be enough to keep the junk out of my mouth, wouldn't ya? Didn't eat a lot yesterday but it wasn't near as good as I wish. Focus, focus!!!

No much to say today. I'm the middle of the first bathroom remodel here. They said it would only take 2-3 days. Hope they are right. I'm gonna run away for most of the day today in hopes they will get the worst of the noise and dust done. Gonna go about an hour south of me and look at houses with my mom and a couple friends. Hopefully it will be some exercise and no munching time.

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Morning everyone!

I later this morning i it's been chaotic at work, and Im feeling a bit of pressure, so thought I would take a few minutes to pop in here and have a sanity check!

Ezma - the house hunting? Is it for your mother or friends, or just a fun thing to do? But anything that keeps you out of the house when renovations are ongoing is good! The dust and noise generate endless chaos...and who needs that??

Angie - Don't say that; I was hoping the deer and rabbits might be satisfied with the lovely collection of weeds growing on my lawn....

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Hmmmm......no entries since I posted yesterday?? Well, I'm still here; maybe you are all out enjoying the summer weather.

Play safe, eat healthy, check in with us....

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Hmmmm......no entries since I posted yesterday?? Well, I'm still here; maybe you are all out enjoying the summer weather.

Play safe, eat healthy, check in with us....


It's getting mighty lonely here...:drool::sad::thumbup:

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Morning Tap. I'm here. :tongue_smilie: Tired but trying to find my "get up and go". Yesterday was busy busy so I didn't get a chance to post.

The house hunting is a combination of things. Some is just for fun, others rounds are because I'm looking for a property to rent for income. That's kinda put on hold for a bit cause they are fighting me a bit on one of the life insurance policies we had on my husband. That plus the housing market is doing weird things right now and could break either way soon. I'm hoping by the time I'm ready again it will be a better buyers market. Though for our economy's sake I hope things go in favor of the people losing their homes. I'd rather have a stronger economy and make less money from interest.

Shower time since the contractor will be here in 15 minutes. Take care guys. Be healthy.

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Hi Tap, I'm always around. Well most of the time.

I just don't have much to report on. Well, here's a bit of an NSV you all might want to hear about. I haven't worked a Friday since early November of last year. The reason is our State is in financial crisis. I've always already gotten every other Friday off, however with us having two Furlough days off per month it just worked out to where I hadn't worked one in a very long time.

Now my Dept has been exempted during our most busy time. I work for Emergency Services so it makes good sense. Anyway, to Celebrate I decided to bring with me a dozen (very fresh) donuts, some bran muffins and orange juice. Everyone chowed down on the donuts, but the bran muffins havent been touched! ROFL!!

Well, this brings me to my NSV. Even though I put out the money for the donuts I didn't have NOT ONE! Besides that, so many other Depts around me brought goodies too. They even made waffles in the Directors Office and was invited to get some if I wanted. Did I?


So, that's my story of the day!

Have a nice weekend all!!!

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Hi All

Today is finally a sunny day in Calgary. So I've taken the dog for a walk been to a stampede Breakfast where I ate nothing and I'm going out to dinner with my lapband support group tonight. Already looked at the menu online and know what I'm going to eat.

Also trying to gather the funds for my deposit for my bodylift , boob lift and fat injections into my bum scheduled hopefully for this time next year. So No spending or holidaying here.

Enjoy your day.

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Seems the weekends get real slow around here and I guess that's a real good thing. Means we're busy having lives. Yay!

My doctor's appointment is on Tuesday and right now I've gained two pounds in the last month. Certainy not where I wanted to be and hopefully I can get those two pounds off in the next two days. I know it's better than where it was with about a 12 pound gain each month but so very far still from where I want to be.

I did get a psychological insight this morning on my weight loss, or gain, right now. I think that I've had to tun off my caring function in order to deal with the loss of my husband. Sure, I cry, I grieve but most of the time I just try to keep myself busy with things I can control just to make through the days. Because I'm in that frame of mind, it makes it very hard to consistantly say I care about what I put in my mouth. Hard to care about whether or not I exercise each day. I have moments that I care immensely but most of the time I find myself with the "who cares" feeling.

This was not said to evoke pity from anyone. I shared this to show that I am pinpointing the areas that are giving me trouble, finding the stumbling blocks to my health. For me, indentifying the problem really is a huge step in resolving it. Now, hopefully my theory is right and I can allow myself to care about that area of my life.

And Rhap, I'm hearing you right now - "Keep swimming".

Edited by Ezma

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Happy Monday, everyone! At the moment I am listening to an alarm in the computer room ring/shriek...it is postively deafening, and so far, no help from the helpline. I will call again at 8am, and if that doesn't bring satisfaction, I think I will just go into the room and start unplugging!!!

The house hunting is a combination of things. Some is just for fun, others rounds are because I'm looking for a property to rent for income.

I'm with you Ezma, the preference would of course be that the economy turns around, but having a rental income propoerty would be good too. I hope your insurance situation gets resolved soon.

,I just don't have much to report on. Well, here's a bit of an NSV you all might want to hear about. to Celebrate I decided to bring with me a dozen donuts, some bran muffins and orange juice. Even though I put out the money for the donuts I didn't have NOT ONE! Besides that, so many other Depts around me brought goodies too. They even made waffles in the Directors Office and was invited to get some if I wanted. Did I?


That's great Lil Miss...resistance. Sadly, like those encountering the borg, my resistence is futile!! (for those sci-fi fans)

Hi All

So I've taken the dog for a walk been to a stampede breakfast where I ate nothing and I'm going out to dinner with my lapband support group tonight. trying to gather the funds for my deposit for my bodylift , boob lift and fat injections into my bum scheduled hopefully for this time next year. .

I've never made it to the Calgary stampede...seems like it is a BIG event though! Its great your have a lapband support group; sadly because my clinic is several hours from me, I can't avail of the support group. Hope you all engjoyed your dinner!

My doctor's appointment is on Tuesday and right now I've gained two pounds in the last month.I know it's better than where it was with about a 12 pound gain each month but so very far still from where I want to be.

I am pinpointing the areas that are giving me trouble, finding the stumbling blocks to my health. For me, indentifying the problem really is a huge step in resolving it. Now, hopefully my theory is right and I can allow myself to care about that area of my life.

You are so right; if we can find the trigger or the stumbling block we are partway to addressing it. It is great that you are working through your issues, Ezma and your 'can do' attitude will be a big factor in the success I KNOW you will have.

To all of us - keep swimming! We can do this!

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Well, good news and not so good. I lost a pound this morning. That's the good. Bad is that I have absolutely no willpower when it comes to those blasted gourmet Peanut Butter Cookies from Fry's. I did fantastic yesterday until I hit the grocery store at about 6 PM. I had to go past the dang Cookies to get my feta cheese. I kept saying all the things I said to myself all day to beat the other temptations but the cookies won this time. I do feel it coming back though. Feel like I can get back on track where before I wasn't sure if I could do it. Today has been better than yesterday so far but it isn't 6 yet. I'm planning on a Protein shake for dinner and I'm not going out any more today.

How are you guys doing? Tap, did the alarm stop for ya?

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Morning Ezma and my other fellow VVs - I know you are out there even if you aren't posting!

The computer alarm finally stopped around 930 - many in the office were almost stark-raving mad by then!!

Re: You lost a pound - YEAH!! And you realized your weakness, and tried to resist...awareness is half the battle. It's being unaware that is a real problem. Besides, they were Peanut Butter Cookies...it's understandable (you remember my weakness for all things with nuts).

I'm having a tough morning with the band today - it just does NOT want to let me have anything...and of course, the more it resists, the more anxious I get which means the tighter it gets. So, I'm nursing my coffee and trying to ignore it...then when it isn't looking, I'll get my Protein smoothie in!! :rolleyes:

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I guess I should post an update since I'm back from my trip and getting back into the swing of things.

NSV- I had my wedding resized for a second time and it's now size 5 1/2. That's definitely smaller than it was when I got married. I think it was a 6. I know my ring size was at least an 8 before I had my surgery. So glad I have a warranty on the ring that gives me free resizing for life.

I had a very nice visit with Jaime and StLouisGal. We met at a restaurant and had dinner and chatted. It's great to see others going through the same milestones and talk about our individual battles. Thanks, Ladies, for meeting up with me. You're both looking great!

My weight is at a standstill. It doesn't look like I gained or lost much on my trip. It's good that I didn't gain. I behaved in a manner consistent with maintenance, I suppose.

I've ordered a couple of books that I'm hoping will be here today. They are the Body for Life book and the Eating for Life cookbook. The recipes are what caught my attention. They are very similar to how I have been trying to eat. I think I will read through the books and see if I'm up to completing a 12 week challenge. Heaven knows I could use some toning and shaping.

I hope everyone is having a good summer. I'm loving the evening thunderstorms and rainbows we've been seeing.

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Good morning everyone!

I just wanted to post here simply because I want to announce that I'm sick and I'm tired. Sick/tired of being too tight. ...of not being able to eat a healthy breakfast. ...of not being able to eat a healthy lunch or dinner. ...of not being able to eat. ...without having to force pinapple juice down my throat so I can get some food in my stomach without that piercing pain and glob of food forcing its way back up.

I have an appointment on July 31st to have Fluid unfilled in my band. I think I want ALOT taken out! I'm truly done with this feeling. I even think I'd rather NOT HAVE ENOUGH IN! I want to be able to eat what everyone else is eating. Just not alot of it. Yes, I want to have some eggs once in awhile. Yeah, throw in some pork chops. Um, and give me some of that rice too. (My dear rice you have been vilified too long by too many!) Thanks!

Here is what I think I should be able to eat for dinner. 3 oz. of any kind of meat (protein) that I want. I don't care if its fried chicken. How about a scoop of carbohydrate side, and a good helping of veggies. That is all I ever wanted. I don't want to have to take one hour just to eat that little bit (but I do). I'm sick of bingeing on crackers and craving ice cream afterward because I know in my mind that is all I can get in without that *PAiN* !!! I just want to feel *NORMAL* again!!!!!!!

I NEVER HAD A SUGAR ADDICTION BEFORE BANDING! My main fat contributor was chips and soda. Well, I don't even think about those monsters anymore. I never cared too much for cake, ice-cream, chocolate, etc before. Now it consumes me! I have to really exercise some strict will power to stay away from it. It upsets me so much!

I tend to wonder what really is good restriction? Is it to the point where all I can do is drink Protein shakes in the morning? Is it to the point where I can barely even eat meat without the gagging and sliming and get that retchid look on my face? To the point where my family is wondering as I'm clutching my chest if I'm having cardiac arrest?

I'm sorry, but when I decided to get the Lap-Band, it was to come to terms with food and grow a *healthy* relationship with it. This IS NOT HEALTHY! I think more about food now than I ever have before! I'm constantly wondering if the food is too over cooked. If I'm going to be satisfied after eating. To me satisfaction isn't just knowing I was able to get that food down *finally*. It's eating my food, without pain or reservation and ENJOYING IT!!! NOT If my band is going to "nut up" or will it let me enjoy one meal.

I'm so done with it.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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