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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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Woohoo! I've finally lost weight. I'm down 8 lbs from the highest weight I saw post-baby (270). I only hit that weight a day or two and I was more consistently right around 267. Today I was 262, so I'm calling it a 5 lb loss because I think those other 3 lbs were Water weight. It has only been about 10 days since I started losing again, so I'm pretty happy with that. I see my doctor again on 8/5, so I'd love to be back to my lowest weight or pretty close to it by then.

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Yay Jaime! I'm so happy to hear the weight is moving down again for you. Happy for two reasons - happy for you, of course and happy because you were always one of the ones that I felt closest to as far as where we started from and how we were doing. So if you can get this beast moving back in a downward direction again, so can I! I fact, I'm gonna have to kick it in and catch up with you. :thumbup:

Hope the rest of you are having a fantastic weekend. Mine is going okay. And I still have today to make it end up a fantastic one. Go team VV!!!!

Also, I sent out several PMs today to some people on my friends list that I miss. If I sent you one and you've changed your name or if you've been on recently, sorry. Just chalk it up to my really messed up brain. Anyway, hope we see some of them soon. I've really missed so many people on here. Glad some of you guys are still here.

Edited by Ezma

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I'm frustrated with my weight. It goes up and down the same few pounds over and over and over again. I guess I probably need a fill. Not getting one in July, so it'll have to be August. I am able to eat a little less carefully and larger quantities than before.

I'm heading on a trip to St. Louis in a couple of days. My sister and I are running a 5k together on July 4th,


HI Melissa...I know the "poundage bounce"...up/down/up/down..I've been doing that for several months now. And as I had a fill which has had minimal impact, I think I am just where my body wants to be.

lol no they weren't ACTUALLY melting. But it seemed like it. The track is black so it was HOT.

Angie - but it's only June! What is it going to be like in July and August?!?!? Better watch it and keep to early morning runs!

Woohoo! I've finally lost weight. I'm down 8 lbs from the highest weight I saw post-baby (270). Today I was 262, so I'm calling it a 5 lb loss because I think those other 3 lbs were Water weight.

YEAH Jaime. That's great! I'm very happy for you....

So if you can get this beast moving back in a downward direction again, so can I! I fact, I'm gonna have to kick it in and catch up with you. :thumbdown:

I sent out several PMs today to some people on my friends list that I miss. I hope we see some of them soon. I've really missed so many people on here. Glad some of you guys are still here.

Now THAT'S the attitude Ezma! You can do it! And as for some of our long-lost VVs...glad you sent some PMs. I've tried and tried so much so that I felt I was becoming a stalker/nag! Let's hope we can get some of our long lost VVs back!

OK ladies, it is Monday. I hope your weekends were good. I spent lots of time in the garden (which is always fun), and some time (and money) in a garden store or two...that's fun too! DH and I created a triangle shaped bed (20' X 15') in one corner of the yard...and what a challenge - digging out weeds with roots to China, and tree root remnants, turning sod, bringing in wheelbarrows full of new earth, turning in compost, etc. We only planted a few new things - the garden needs a lot, but small steps. Just like weight loss...small steps. In 10 -15 years, this yard will be beautiful...right now it is a weedy rocky slope with one or two oasis (oasises? oasi?) of landscaped gardens. I just plan to add on to each bed a little every year, and build a few new beds every year....that's a lot of shovelling in my future!

Gotta grab another coffee, then get my rear in gear...catch you later!

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I've been adding a new garden or so every year to my house, too. I'm just about done, I just have 1-2 more areas I'd like to landscape.

I figure that means dh will get a new job 5 states away and we'll have to move, just as I get it how I want it. :thumbdown:

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Morning morning morning. LOL - still need sleep. I played on my computer until 2:30 AM and then watchd TV until 4. Jeez! Worst part was I found 4 lovely Cookies during it. The rest of the food that day was good though. Hoping I didn't mess up too much. Back on track today though I won't be walking since I'm way too tired right now.

Wish I had a landscape gene or two like you guys. Think all of mine fell in the interior design area. Oh well, at least our front yard was already done and just need a tiny bit of tweaking. The backyard is a different story. It's small since the pool is large and takes up a good bit of it. Guess I'm gonna see if I can find someone to do the landscaping. Think I should wait until the pool is replastered and new deck is done.

Okay, gonna go plan my day and get something done before I nap. Ahhhh, heavenly naps.

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Happy Monday!

We got back from our trip to Gatlinburg and the Great Smokey Mountains last night. We had so much fun, hiking in the mountains, walking down the strip in Gatlinburg, etc. I wish we could have stayed a few more days but alas, we had to come home. I held my own on the weightloss scale, didn't gain or lose even though we spent the weekend trying out new restaurants. (This is where the band really helps) and they have Baskin and Robbins, Ben and Jerry's and two other ice cream shops. (the band isn't much help there and my willpower is weak) At least we walked to get our evening ice cream so I don't feel too bad. I was on vacation after all.

Hope everyone is having a great week and planning something fun for July 4.

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I've been adding a new garden or so every year to my house, too. I figure that means dh will get a new job 5 states away and we'll have to move, just as I get it how I want it. :tongue2:

Yes indeed, I can relate!! The only difference this time is that there was NOTHING at this place when we moved here (nothing except weeds and rocks), so it was truly starting from scratch. It will take a LONG time to get this place 'up to snuff'.

I played on my computer until 2:30 AM and then watchd TV until 4. Worst part was I found 4 lovely Cookies during it.

Wish I had a landscape gene or two like you guys. Think all of mine fell in the interior design area. ..the pool is large and takes up a good bit of it.

Ezma - you found 4 cookies...not 4 dozen! Cookies are a 'normal' part of life...remember we are NOT on a diet, we are aiming to live normal lives! So yes, although it would be better not to have had the cookies, it isn't in itself bad that you had 4 cookies. Cut yourself some slack!

Interior design is NOT my thing...I look at magazines sometimes and say "my, isn't that nice." but have no knowledge on how to 'create my space'.

We got back from our trip to Gatlinburg and the Great Smokey Mountains last night. We had so much fun, hiking in the mountains, walking down the strip in Gatlinburg, etc.. I held my own on the weightloss scale, didn't gain or lose even though we spent the weekend trying out new restaurants. (This is where the band really helps) and they have Baskin and Robbins, Ben and Jerry's and two other ice cream shops. (the band isn't much help there and my willpower is weak) At least we walked to get our evening ice cream so I don't feel too bad. I was on vacation after all.

That sounds like a wonderful vacation, and the fact that you could have ice-cream and eat out and NOT gain is fabulous!! YAY!!!!:cursing::w00t: But don't mention ice-cream...someone here has a weakness for it!!!

Morning all! It is a dreary day here - so it isn't too bad working then! It did however make a soggy walk to work this morning...and my hair is just a little dishevelled!

I have been working on not snacking at night, but last night i lapsed...I had about 2 handfuls of raisins and (my demon) nuts - EACH! Oh well, try again today.

Hope everyone is doing good.....

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Okay, I'm still struggling. Yesterday I did okay, about 1700 calories but it was still not as good as I need it to be. I also ended up with a 2 pound gain for the week.

Need your suggestions. I really want to get back to small, small portions and lower carbs. Any suggestions on getting to post op diet? Right now all I can think of is to go back to the pre-op stavation diet for a week, then liquids for a week, mushy for a week, etc. Only problem is it's so extreme that I can't seem to get myself going on it. Even after my fill I only managed liquids for most of a day

How are the rest of you doing?

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You will get back on track Ezma. I missed you.

Hi, VV's. I missed you. I slipped away again. I have a LOT going on right now, except the scale. Whenever I slip away I always forget to follow the lap band rules, but here I am. I am still a different person than I was before lapband. More active, happier, I'm just not as thin as I thought I would be. I'll try to correct that with you guys now. Thanks for checking in on me. Sorry I was gone so long, taps.

It looks like I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm in school, I have been working my butt off, and have no free time. I try to do as much as possible on the internet, but summer classes have been really hard, but I just took my mid-terms and I am currently sporting a 4.0 for the semester.

Marcie has a huge interview Thursday, which will have her doubling her salary and both of us Moving to San Antonio, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

I bought a used treadmill, but as of yet have had almost no time to use it. That is both partly true, and partly a big fat excuse :tongue2:

I missed you all. I will try to get through the thread and catch what is going on, but you guys could always give me the highlights.

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Yes indeed, I can relate!! The only difference this time is that there was NOTHING at this place when we moved here (nothing except weeds and rocks), so it was truly starting from scratch. It will take a LONG time to get this place 'up to snuff'.

That would have been easier. LOL

We've taken out/had taken out nearly 40 shrubs so far, with another 15 or so left. The previous owners had a thing for shrubs, and I definitely do not. :tongue2: If it doesn't flower or change colors, I don't want it here.

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I am also going to start the process of looking for a Plastic Surgeon. Although I don't have a lot of hanging skin giving me rashes or anything, I do have some jiggly skin and 'the girls' are soon going to meet my toes, so I'd like them hoisted up. Im not at goal, but I figure it will take a while to meet a number of PS's and have the consults etc, and then and only then will I make a final decision...am I too old? Can I afford it? Will it really make me feel better about my body? etc.

I hear ya! I've been thinking about getting a boob job for awhile now. The longer time lapses from my surgery date, the droopier they seem to get. No, I have not lost any weight (which I can't figure out) but inches seem to disappear from me in the oddest places. Happens to be my chest area, BIG BUMMER!

Woohoo! I've finally lost weight. I'm down 8 lbs from the highest weight I saw post-baby (270). I only hit that weight a day or two and I was more consistently right around 267. Today I was 262, so I'm calling it a 5 lb loss because I think those other 3 lbs were Water weight. It has only been about 10 days since I started losing again, so I'm pretty happy with that. I see my doctor again on 8/5, so I'd love to be back to my lowest weight or pretty close to it by then.

Jaime that is fantastic!! I'm really hoping I'm right around the corner for that...

Happy Monday!

We got back from our trip to Gatlinburg and the Great Smokey Mountains last night. We had so much fun, hiking in the mountains, walking down the strip in Gatlinburg, etc. I wish we could have stayed a few more days but alas, we had to come home. I held my own on the weightloss scale, didn't gain or lose even though we spent the weekend trying out new restaurants. (This is where the band really helps) and they have Baskin and Robbins, Ben and Jerry's and two other ice cream shops. (the band isn't much help there and my willpower is weak) At least we walked to get our evening ice cream so I don't feel too bad. I was on vacation after all.

Hope everyone is having a great week and planning something fun for July 4.

Sounds like you had a great time! Good on you for not gaining, its very hard to do when your not thinking about "being good" every moment. :D

You will get back on track Ezma. I missed you.

Hi, VV's. I missed you. I slipped away again. I have a LOT going on right now, except the scale. Whenever I slip away I always forget to follow the lap band rules, but here I am. I am still a different person than I was before lapband. More active, happier, I'm just not as thin as I thought I would be. I'll try to correct that with you guys now. Thanks for checking in on me. Sorry I was gone so long, taps.

It looks like I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm in school, I have been working my butt off, and have no free time. I try to do as much as possible on the internet, but summer classes have been really hard, but I just took my mid-terms and I am currently sporting a 4.0 for the semester.

Marcie has a huge interview Thursday, which will have her doubling her salary and both of us Moving to San Antonio, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

I bought a used treadmill, but as of yet have had almost no time to use it. That is both partly true, and partly a big fat excuse :)

I missed you all. I will try to get through the thread and catch what is going on, but you guys could always give me the highlights.

Terra! It's so nice to see you on here! I see you on FB all the time. :angry: Tell Marcie good luck for the interview!! It's so tough these days, but I'm sure she will do excellent. PS, great job on the 4.0!!:cursing:

As for myself, I STILL have not eaten any chips. I'm starting to get discouraged with it because I STILL have not lost any weight. It seems to me like, why am I forcing myself to stay away from something I thought was a major problem when it's not fixing itself. I've also stopped eating candy Cookies cakes ice-cream, etc. Still nothing...:wub: I just don't freakin get it???

All I can think of is to stay on course and bump up my physical activities. I've been really lax with my workouts, which I know doesn't help at all.

I started off really strong and lost lots fast. Then I crashed into the wall I think and just "gave up" for awhile. Slowly but surely I've started taking things back on, one by one. It's working and doesn't even feel like I'm dieting, but I think if the weight would start dropping I could feel even better about it.

Anyway, that's me in a nutshell right now. Maybe next time I have an update it will be better. :thumbup:

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Okay, I'm still struggling. Yesterday I did okay, about 1700 calories but it was still not as good as I need it to be. I also ended up with a 2 pound gain for the week.

Need your suggestions. I really want to get back to small, small portions and lower carbs.

Hi Ezma! I couldn't do the whole pre-op/post-op stuff again...I think that would too radical for me. On those times when I get really pissed at myself and promise to 'follow the rules more faithfully', I have found using the little half-cup plastic containers helps. I measure the food and put it into the containers - this way, I can't over-eat...the portion size is controlled. When I make my lunch, I pop in my container of whatever (chicken salad is my recent addiction), another container of grapes, another container of yogurt. It looks like a lot of containers (which somehow my little brain interprets as a lot of food), and I can't over-eat cause I don't have it available. At dinner time, I have even given up using the salad plate - it still allowed me to 'pile on' the food. :P So, I eat from my containers...pretty? no. But functional. Now if i could just beat the night-time cravings............:ohmy:

Hi, VV's. I missed you. I slipped away again. I have a LOT going on right now, except the scale. Whenever I slip away I always forget to follow the lap band rules, but here I am. I am still a different person than I was before lapband. More active, happier, I'm just not as thin as I thought I would be.

I'm in school, I have been working my butt off... and I am currently sporting a 4.0 for the semester.

Marcie has a huge interview Thursday, which will have her doubling her salary and both of us Moving to San Antonio, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

I bought a used treadmill, but as of yet have had almost no time to use it. That is both partly true, and partly a big fat excuse :)

Welcome back RSG!!! We really have been missing our VVs...we will try to help you get 'back in the groove' but it seems like you are doing good. Now, get on that treadmill....

Fabulous achievements in your courses - 4.0 - Whoo hoo!!:)

Tell Marci we are sending good interview vibes/wishes her way. How would you feel about moving to SA? Do you have friends/family there?

Have you been doing art? Seen good movies? Read good books (other than textbooks)?

We've taken out/had taken out nearly 40 shrubs so far, with another 15 or so left. The previous owners had a thing for shrubs, and I definitely do not. :crying: If it doesn't flower or change colors, I don't want it here.

You're breaking my heart, Angie.:ohmy: I love shrubs - not saying I would have ONLY shrubs, but they do have an appeal to me - and I use the 'non-coloring/flowering' ones as counterpoints to those that do. A few evergreens bracketing a lush bed of bulbs and perennials....beautiful.

And lots of shrubs have flowers too...are you keeping those?

No, I have not lost any weight (which I can't figure out) but inches seem to disappear from me in the oddest places.

I STILL have not eaten any chips. I'm starting to get discouraged with it because I STILL have not lost any weight. It seems to me like, why am I forcing myself to stay away from something I thought was a major problem when it's not fixing itself. I've also stopped eating candy Cookies cakes ice-cream, etc. Still nothing...:lol: All I can think of is to stay on course and bump up my physical activities. I've been really lax with my workouts, which I know doesn't help at all.

Slowly but surely I've started taking things back on, one by one. It's working and doesn't even feel like I'm dieting, but I think if the weight would start dropping I could feel even better about it.

Hi LilMIss...the fact that the inches are dropping is good - I know it doesn't show on a scale, but I bet it shows on your body, and how your clothes fit, etc. I would agree with your strategy - up the exercise and stay the course...don't give in to your frustration.

It's great to see you back posting too!

OK - a few more VVs need to check in (and I love for a few more of our lost ones to re-appear).

It's a dreary day here - not a great beginning to July, but as I'm inside I guess it doesn't matter too much! I am going to try again to make this month a 'snack free in the evening' month...for about the 100th time, it seems! I just haven't been able to go a month...willpower is not my middle name!:sad:

I am close to my goal (not the docs target weight though) and really want to make it. So, a snack free month might just get me there (I hope). There was a discussion (here or another thread, I can't remember) of doc's goals versus personal goals...oddly many people's docs set 'high' goals, and the person wanted to get lower. My doc set a goal for me that I think would make me a walking skeleton.:crying::ohmy: I don't know if I could do it, or maintain it, or even if at my age I should try for it but then again, maybe I am being too easy on myself. What do you guys think? I'm 5' 5" with big bones (my thumb and middle finger do not meet when wrapped around my wrist - and there is no fat there!), and my doc has set a goal of 115-122...

And to my Canadian family and friends...Happy Canada Day!!

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Wow! It's good to see RSG back and it's been a few weeks since I've seen anything from LilMiss so it's great to see you back too. Yay yay yay! The VVs are coming home. I also got pms back from Queen of Hearts and AprilE and I'm hopeful that they will be posting here again soon. It's so really great to see all these old familiar names.

If there's anyone that's just been reading but not posting, please do me a favor, just post a quick hello. I'd love to say hi back and I'm sure so would the rest here. Really put a smile on my face this morning.

RSG - that's fantastic on school, keep it up, it's way better to be busy like that. If you can just fit in a quick morning walk on the treadmill it will fall into routine soon and you'll feel so much better. Also, sending all my good luck power to Marcie.

Tap - thankls, that's a great idea. I'm gonna try measuring stuff out again instead of guessing. It's a great next step for me.

Lil - Good to hear from you. Missed you over the last week or two.

Crystal - haven't seen anything from you later. Missin' you too. I will call you I promise. I'm so bad at the phone. Call me if you want, I'm sure you're a better phone person than I am though I love to talk. LOL

Yay VVs! Let's rock the band life this week and kick some fat butt!

Where are Marathinner, kjeter, AprilE, JaxBandster, Becca with the video blog, all the rest of you that my poor brain can't pull out right now? Okay, I'm excited and hyper now. Good time to go walk.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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