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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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I haven't seen my surgeon yet. My appointment will be on November 4th, I think.

We got official word today that the position was awarded to someone besides my husband. We are terribly disappointed. :thumbup:

I've started feeling nauseated which is helpful to avoid the sweet tooth. So that's a bonus.

I like the 5 year to goal perspective as well. I just haven't been able to get much below 190 with the way I've been behaving the last few months. Hopefully this pregnancy will help me reset and after the baby comes I can finish the weight loss journey!

Supposed to get many inches of snow tonight. It's already been raining all day. Wet and cold!

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We got official word today that the position was awarded to someone besides my husband. We are terribly disappointed. .

Supposed to get many inches of snow tonight. It's already been raining all day. Wet and cold!

Sorry to hear the job didn't go the way you wanted. Hopefully something better will come along (that won't require another move)

Did you get your snow? This weather is really weird, Where did fall go, it's only October. I love snow, but it is a little early!

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Hey y’all!

Melissa, I’m very sorry to hear about the position. Maybe that means something better was meant to happen. I wish you all the best.

Ok, it’s been way too quiet in here! Where is everyone?

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The snow storm petered out and we got less than an inch. Didn't give us the snow day I was hoping for. :unsure:

Did I tell you guys that I've been substitute teaching? It's been an adventure. I've done 4th grade, 2nd grade and 5th grade. 2nd was my favorite so far.

My appetite has been greatly reduced with this minor amount of nausea that has set in. I'm grateful for that. I need to do better about making sure my consumed calories are nutritious. Although sometimes nothing but tapioca pudding sounds good. So warm tapioca pudding it just was. :seeya:

I haven't done my exercise except for one day this week. I'm feeling a little wimpy. My husband is out of town and it's hard to get there. I won't quit though. I need to have a fit pregnancy. For sure.

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Didn't lose as much as I wanted but I think I'm down a couple from my last visit. Woot!

Ezma - you are DOWN in weight - that's great!

Think positive, not negative!

Thanks, everyone. I guess you could consider it an NSV. :)

yes indeed - the best kind!!

It was funny about your ring falling off. Usually we're so busy about losing weight off our bellies or backsides we forget about the little places it comes off of.

Tapshoes-How is your struggle going? I've had a better time for 2 days now. I pray it lasts.

The little places - like our feet. I have a huge selection of size 8 shoes (I have a bit of an Imedla Marcos shoe love) that I have no use for - have given boxes of them to the local woman's shelter. Now I am in the process of buying their replacements in a size 7 - it will be a long time to replace them all!

food and exercise wise - not good. I am rapidly gaining weight - what the heck is wrong with me!???

I think my surgeon took out too much! This lion’s hungry and won’t let me forget it. I've also noticed I can take huge bites and eat tons! L Ah, well. I haven’t felt hunger like this in over a year so I didn’t handle it well.

I have to show my nutritionist what I've eaten and I’m sure she’ll question those last two days. Today however is going to be really good! Whatever. I’m so gonna do this you guys!!!!!! I have to!! NO way am I gonna fail this. The average bandster loss to goal is 5 years. I’ll make it 3. ;-)

that's the attitude, LilMiss. You need to give your gut a chance to relax after the stress of the last few months - this is like bandster hell again. It is pure willpower that will get you through this period.

How I wish I could convince myself of this!!

5 years?!?! Really?!?!? WOW, I didn't know that; my doc didn't say that at all.

Hey Girls! I'm having kind of a blue day today. Not sure why, nothing specific has happened. But nothing new or nothing serious, so I'm sure I'll get through it.

. I don't feel like a failure now! Sometimes I'm able to aknowlege the fact that I've lost 60 pounds, and that that is a significant amount of weight, but other times I feel like I have a long ways to go and wonder how I'll do it.

Jul - Hope you are feeling less blue - maybe feeling an energetic orange or bright green!!!

Focus on the positive - you did your exercise, and you have lost 60 pounds!!! 60! Weren't there times at the beginning of this journey that you thought you would be so happy if you lost 25 or 50 pounds? And now you are at 60 and counting!

I’m going to make this work! Sure I”ve said that before, but one of these times it’s going to be true! LOL :-P


We got official word today that the position was awarded to someone besides my husband. We are terribly disappointed. :lol:

I've started feeling nauseated which is helpful to avoid the sweet tooth. So that's a bonus.

Supposed to get many inches of snow tonight. It's already been raining all day. Wet and cold!

Sorry to hear that your husband did not get the position; I know you are disappointed.

First time I've ever heard of morning-sickness being viewed as a positive thing - :closedeyes::w00t:

Keep the snow away from me....no no no snow!

This weather is really weird, Where did fall go, it's only October. I love snow, but it is a little early!

Hey St Louis - you LOVE snow?!?! Are you for real??? The older I get the less I like it - and I'm getting old now!! I suppose snow would be ok if it: happened while the temperature was in the 70's/80's; it only snowed on the lawns -not the sidewalks and roads; it never happened with high winds....

Ok, it’s been way too quiet in here! Where is everyone?

Been busy and feeling in a bit of a funk. This thread and the PJTP threads are about the only ones I come to anymore. It seems we are fewer and fewer in all the threads I like, and I get saddened by that......

Did I tell you guys that I've been substitute teaching? It's been an adventure. I've done 4th grade, 2nd grade and 5th grade. 2nd was my favorite so far.

My appetite has been greatly reduced with this minor amount of nausea that has set in. I'm grateful for that. I need to do better about making sure my consumed calories are nutritious. Although sometimes nothing but tapioca pudding sounds good. So warm tapioca pudding it just was. :)

Tapioca pudding - YUCK!!! It is right up there with rice pudding as something I cannot stand - not the smell, the texture or the taste.........you can have my share Melissa!!

Happy Friday everyone. Take care of yourselves!

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Morning guys. Sounds like you've all been busy and working hard at keeping that band frame of mind.

Melissa - sorry about hubby's job, would have been nice if he had gotten that. So great about the baby though and you might not gain much if you're still exercising and putting healthy food in ya.

Jul - so good to hear from you. I'm really glad to hear you're hanging in there and fighting the good fight. I know sometimes it feels like you're struggling so hard and not getting anywhere. But it will kick in at some point.

Lil - I'm so curious about those Slim Shots. Gonna go research them in a minute. Also, that 5 year thing really helped me feel better. I was expecting myself to be at goal in 2 years and was really feeling like a failure.

Tap? How you doing hon? Hope things are going well for you. I always worry about you when you don't check in regularly. You really have been an inspiration. You've worked hard and are so close to your goal. In fact, I think it sounds like your body has decided that it is the right spot. Don't beat yourself up. Celebrate all you've done.

As for me, I'm trudging away. Trying to get myself back on track. I've hit this huge plateau and I know it's going to take major commitment for me to start losing again. I have to go back to eating the way I was for the first 6-8 months after my band. I have to be absolutely strict about not letting the bad stuff in. I have to avoid fast food like the plague. I really, really have to start caring for myself. The doctor, nurse and nutritionist all gave me pep talks. Felt a bit like being attacked but I know it's because I was already having a bad day. They really are wonderful there. I just need to kick my own arse. Talk to you all soon. Have a great weekend.

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Happy Friday ladies!!

Melissa, I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, so forgive me for being just a little green with envy! Lol :-P I would love to teach 2nd graders too. That is the best age as a kid. A little older than the pee in your pants stage and too young to start mouthing off to adults. Cute as little buttons to boot! They are such gems at that age!

Definitely keep up with your workouts. I mean not as much as before, but a little goes a long way. Good health will work for you and your baby. I remember a few years ago during my walks I’d always see this pregnant lady doing her brisk walk every day. She looked great and her little bubble would grow right along. She was adorable, and I swore if I ever got preggers I’d do the exact same thing. J

One more thing… it seems like everyone around me is pregnant right now! You’re one a few on this board I know are preggo right now, and there are even about 4-5 ladies around me at work who are a few months along. That is so fantastical!

Tap, nice to see ya! You have to check in here! Now that I’ve finally decided to nip this in the bud all my VV’s have vanished. L It makes me very sad too, really.

Ezma, I really like the slim shots. I just ran out and I have to tell you that day I had one helped so much. They are all natural except for the fake sweetner equal they put in there and the fake vanilla or chocolate flavoring. In fact I’m all out! I need to go get some more.

Juls, where are ya? Miss you! J

All, please DON’T get down on yourselves. Yes, it is true that it is expected of a band patient to reach their goals between 3-5 years. We lose much slower than the average WLS patients. We have an advantage though IMO. Please note I’m not knocking any other WLS because I did consider several others, and will still if there is ever a day I can’t have my band anymore… but with the band and over the years we learn what works and what doesn’t. That being good, well balanced and healthy eating, getting exercise and plenty of outdoors. We are the healthiest of any other WLS group. We retain everything we put in our bodies. Now is our surgery worry free? No, not by a long shot! This is especially true if we don’t pay attention to if we are too tight (guilty!!) or if our bands are acting awry.

I’d say that of any of the WLS out there and of anyone who has the band and has learned all this information, we have the biggest chance of success of keeping it off. I really truly believe that. We may gain some back, we may fall off the wagon and take our times getting to where we want to be, we may stay the course and lose 1-2 Lbs per week until goal, or we can fast forward the process and race to the finish… regardless of how we get there, we do it in the most healthy manner. You can’t argue that.

Ladies, we can do this – but we will all do this on our own time. Never feel down about all that you haven’t done yet. Rejoice in remembering what you have, and better yet always remember how far you’ve come!

As for myself I had a good visit with my nutritionist. I did get picked apart, but you know that is what I wanted from her! She’s really great and attentive. She gave me some great ideas I can try for the next month until I see her again. I asked her if I could keep coming back monthly until I get this down. She seemed very pleased by me asking, I believe because that let her know that I’m very serious now and I want to finish this out.

I’ll never get too tight again. It was a learning curve for me with this tool. Too tight does not equal weight loss! In fact it did the exact opposite for me. I do however still think I might need a very tiny bit put back in. Maybe .1cc or .2cc and see how that does. It might just get me to the perfect spot. I will forever now stay on the looser side. I have re-married my band and I fully intend to get every little bit of help from it that I know now I can get. Hehe, that is what I told my nutritionist about re-marrying my band… she got a kick out of that.

Okay gals, as you know I’m very quiet on the weekend. You all take care, and be blessed! J

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Ohhh and I forgot to mention… I weighed in at 250.6 on the doctors scale. I was 256.6 last time I was there. I was only there last Friday. I was only expecting to see maybe a 2-3 Lbs lost. I was a bit shocked!

This morning I weighed 249 on the nose. My scale at home and the one at my Dr.s office is pretty neck and neck so I trust what it tells me. I was pretty stoked! So, in spite of my bad days I’d say I rocked it this week. :-D But… tomorrow is my official weigh day for WW so I have to stay on point all day today, especially since today is my rest day from workouts.

Onederland here I come *finally* lmao! J

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Tap? I always worry about you when you don't check in regularly. You really have been an inspiration. You've worked hard and are so close to your goal. In fact, I think it sounds like your body has decided that it is the right spot.

As for me, I'm trudging away. I have to go back to eating the way I was for the first 6-8 months after my band. I have to be absolutely strict about not letting the bad stuff in. I have to avoid fast food like the plague. I really, really have to start caring for myself. The doctor, nurse and nutritionist all gave me pep talks. Felt a bit like being attacked but I know it's because I was already having a bad day. They really are wonderful there. I just need to kick my own arse.

Thanks Ezma, my body may have decided, but it didn't negotiate that with my doc...who is still insistent that a big-boned 5'5" gal in her 50's should weigh between 117-124...

I can't ever see myself at 117 (at least, not alive and with all my legs and arms:laugh:) but maybe 124 is possible??? So, if I could just get my exercise mojo back and start watching what I eat, instead of being a blob and eating everything I see, I might do better and reach that goal............:closedeyes:

Melissa, I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, so forgive me for being just a little green with envy! Lol :-P

Me too, me too! Have thought that maybe in my retirement, I will try to become an ESL teacher, and then see what opportunities that provides. I though want to teach adults - not children, not teens, but adults. They are ususally more determined and focused on learning.

Tap, nice to see ya! You have to check in here! Now that I’ve finally decided to nip this in the bud all my VV’s have vanished. L It makes me very sad too, really.

Thanks LilMiss, I will try...but I really miss the whole VV crowd - RSG, Marathinner, Blessed, Lori, Crystal, Mom, and just everyone! Oh, and Gibson...where are you?

Juls, where are ya? Miss you! J


All, please DON’T get down on yourselves.

Ladies, we can do this – but we will all do this on our own time.

To quote Lori - keep swimming!

She gave me some great ideas I can try for the next month until I see her again. I asked her if I could keep coming back monthly until I get this down.

What ideas? Share...

I will forever now stay on the looser side. I have re-married my band and I fully intend to get every little bit of help from it that I know now I can get.

Renewed band vows....:w00t:

Okay gals, as you know I’m very quiet on the weekend. You all take care, and be blessed! J

You too!

Ohhh and I forgot to mention… I weighed in at 250.6 on the doctors scale. I was 256.6 last time I was there. I was only there last Friday. I was only expecting to see maybe a 2-3 Lbs lost. I was a bit shocked!

This morning I weighed 249 on the nose. My scale at home and the one at my Dr.s office is pretty neck and neck so I trust what it tells me. .

Onederland here I come *finally* lmao! J

YAHOO!!! That's wonderful. Make sure you update your sticker!

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happy Monday everyone! I hope you all enjoyed a lovely weekend.

My eating is completely out of control.....:wink2::scared2: Last night, for example, after dinner (which I devoured) I ate a bowl of ice cream and 2 date squares - and I don't even like sweet things!!! So, I recommited this morning to eating better....let's see how I do.

Exercise - still haven't done that yet...what has happened to me??? Im seriously in a bad spot in my head!

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Good morning! Hope everyone had a better weekend than I did! I was so sick with a stomach virus. L I feel ok now but darn-it! I took up all my fun time!! Now I’m back at work and as usual do not feel rested like I should. But, I have an NSV!! Even though I didn’t feel good I STILL did my workout! I usually use not feeling good as an excuse to skip out, but not this time. It might have only been 20 minutes and 30 minutes calisthenics but still, I did it!!

Tap, I so know how you feel, but remember – you are so close to goal now! Maybe you need a day to meditate and get back into perspective. Don’t fall off now… you can slack off after you get to goal. Not to the point of gaining though either.

How do you feel? How is your health? I mean, maybe your body IS done. I know I’m just now contradicting what I just said, but that could be a factor too. There’s a lot to consider when saying we’ve finished. I put my goal up to 160. That I know is doable for me. I’ve been 160 before and I liked myself back then. But, at least if I get there I can always choose if I want to do more.

The things my nutritionist really pointed out is that I need to substitute more Snacks for fruit. So we agreed at this point I’ll up my one fruit a day to two. She also said no more liquid supplements, like Protein Drinks. She said a band patient really has no need for Protein drinks and just tacks on calories needlessly. Also that if I’m not able to get my protein in through solids then I was too tight. I already knew that though! Lol She made a food suggestion. There are some food wraps in the deli section. They are rather good size and they are only 100 calories (2 points) and they have different flavors too. One last good thing she wanted me to do is make a list of 10 different types of breakfasts that fit nutritiously within 6-7 points. She thinks I’m being too repetitious with my eating and might help with my over snacking in the evenings.

Okay, well I’ll check back in soon! Have a great day all!!

How’s everyone else?

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Morning guys. Did everyone have a good weekend? Lil, sorry to hear you were so sick during the good days. I'm trying so hard to get my head back to it's healthy eating spot. Still haven't found it but I haven't given up looking for it. I'm determined to break this plateau before my next doctor's appointment.

Going to post what I ate yesterday in the hopes that I'll embarrass myself so much that I get back to healthy eating. I started out wrong by not eating Breakfast. For lunch I had grilled chicken, two Tomato slices and a small order of onion rings with catsup. (half good/half bad). And for the grand finale (cringing with shame here), I had two, count them, two M&M McFlurries and 4 servings of cheese puffs. That's a whopping 1900 calories for dinner that wasn't even dinner. Then I was craving something foodlike so I had a couple small slices of pork tenderloin for snack.< /p>

Okay, now I'm asking myself how I can do that kind of thing to myself and swearing to be better today. Please, please pray it sticks with me thru the day.

Have a great one guys. Talk to you soon.

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Even though I didn’t feel good I STILL did my workout! I usually use not feeling good as an excuse to skip out, but not this time. It might have only been 20 minutes and 30 minutes calisthenics but still, I did it!!

How do you feel? How is your health? I mean, maybe your body IS done.

The things my nutritionist really pointed out is that I need to substitute more Snacks for fruit.

She also said no more liquid supplements, like Protein drinks.

Sorry to hear you had a bad weekend, but congrats on getting some exercise! As for me, I have to go to the Y today and either clean out my locker as I haven't gone in 3 months (after using it faithfully for 18 months) OR resign for another year and use it....Im still debating............

As for my food intake - much better yesterday; I indulged in one scoop (I really can't say tablesppon - I'd guess 3) of Peanut Butter last night. But overall much better than previously.

Today is another battle..........

As for my body deciding this is THE weight - well my weight is certainly something I haven't seen since an early teen, but the doc says, nope. 10 more pounds. I think if I had PS, my flabby gut would remove a few pounds alone, but that is far in my future (if at all).

Your nutrionist sounds like she really is going to work WITH you - that's great. My food selection is broad, I love my fuits, drink my Water, and only use protein drinks if I am too tight in the morning, but need to have a breakfast later. I make it up and take it to work with me.

Going to post what I ate yesterday in the hopes that I'll embarrass myself so much that I get back to healthy eating. I started out wrong by not eating breakfast. For lunch I had grilled chicken, two Tomato slices and a small order of onion rings with catsup. (half good/half bad). And for the grand finale (cringing with shame here), I had two, count them, two M&M McFlurries and 4 servings of cheese puffs. That's a whopping 1900 calories for dinner that wasn't even dinner. Then I was craving something foodlike so I had a couple small slices of pork tenderloin for snack.< /p>

Okay, now I'm asking myself how I can do that kind of thing to myself and swearing to be better today. Please, please pray it sticks with me thru the day.

Hi Ezma, Sending 'food police' thoughts your way - I'll be watching you!!!!:cursing:

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Sorry I'm not posting more regularly. I know I need to make it along with my exercise a priority in the morning. I'm been crazy busy with this house but thankfully it should be all done by the first half of next week. Today is carpet and a meeting at the house with the property management team. I'm having fun but it's also kinda scary. I really do think I made good choices on it but it's hard to see money flying out the window. Hopefully they will rent it soon and I'll see money coming back in.

Haven't walked in about 2 weeks now but I think I'm doin some exercise at the house by the work out there. I miss my walks with my mom and should be back to them next week.

Tap, sounds like you're doing much better now. I remember you used to exercise like crazy and were so consistant at it. You definitely can burn out on it. Is there another type of exercise that might appeal to you more?

Hope the rest of you are doing well. Eat well and prosper.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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