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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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LilMiss- I've got my eye on you. You shouldn't be struggling so much with eating! Don't be afraid to get a total unfill. I don't want to sound preachy or scare you, but I suffered waaaay too long and kept telling myself I was ok..when I wasn't. Don't ignore your symptoms, sweetie! Please get checked out..you shouldn't be suffering in anyway, shape or form.:unsure:

As for me, I've had a rough couple of weeks. I went through some fertility treatment that included injections and an IUI. It didn't work:sad:. The meds were REALLY harsh on my body, and I gained 8 pounds of fluid:thumbdown: I was also really depressed when my preggie test came back negative and started the ol' emotional eating habit. I haven't had a fill since my band replacement..but guess where I'm going on Thrusday!!! I'm ready to get my new band working for me and maintaining my goal weight. It SUCKED seeing that scale moving back up. I'm trying not to beat myself up, but it really has been hard. I'm going to take a break from the fertility meds and am not sure where we go from here. I'm still hopeful that I will be a Mom someday..and hopefully that day comes sooner than later!

Love you all!


Hey mara!

You are absolutely right! I have an appt to see my surgeon on the 9th for more unfill. I'll ask him what he suggests, but I know for sure I don't like feeling any pain when I eat. It gives me too much excuse to eat the bad stuff and too much of it.

Here sending some pregnant well wishes your way! Don't give up. :smile2:

And my kitty is doing great. She's healed up and back to her happy self. Only the shaved tail is left to remind us, well, that and the bill.

Lil - thank you for the link to the 5-day, that' exactly what I've been needing and I really think I can do it right now. Yay!

Happy Monday to everyone. It's a glorious new week. Boy, oh boy, is that thinking positive. Gonna be a tense day for me since I have an inspection on a property that I still don't know if the bank has signed the paperwork on. Sheesh, bank repos are a pain to buy. Take care guys.

Ezma, glad the kitty is doing good! I have some of my own and they are like my little babies. I know how stressfull it can be when they are sick or hurt. :frown2:

YVW on the 5 day pouch test. You know I never did it, but I think I'll try again soon. Ugh! I've got to get it together before I gain back what I've lost from WW!! I need to stop stressing too much is probably what I need to do.

...and yes, HAPPY MONDAY! Let's start this week off right everyone! :smile2:

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Just checking in. I'm feeling well, just very tired most of the time. I'll be glad to get some solid food soon.

We leave tomorrow for two weeks' vacation to see the New England Fall Color and my aunt in Pennsylvania. It should be a great tear. I hope the weather there is as beautiful as it is here today. Everyone get out and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.

Talk to you soon.


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Glad to hear you're doing good STL! Hang in there and keep up updated!

You're right, the weather is fabulous! A friend and I enjoyed a 2 mile stroll then took a look at some information booths about Cat Adoption, Homeless Services, Health and a few other things. It was great!

Hope everyone is having a great Monday too!

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Morning everyone. Gonna try to start that 5-day pouch diet again today. I did really great until about 4 PM yesterday. I had been running around like crazy yesterday and didn't have time to eat lunch. Then found out the bank finally signed the papers on the house I'm trying to buy. Yay! We did part of the inspection yesterday but they couldnt do the electrical part because there was no power to the house. Turns out that it was supposed to be on but there was some kind of problem. The agent sent a contractor out and he said it needed a new fuse box so she sent the bank a request to repair it. Best part is that it was one of the most expensive things that they had found so far on the inspection. Looks like the bank is gonna be paying for it. Woo hoo!!!

Anyway, being way too over hungry and excited, I bought Cookies at Frys. Oh well, I'm gonna start again today and every other day I need to until I get it done. I can do this!

How are the rest of you doing?

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Ezma, don't feel bad about the Cookies, just enjoy them and move on.

LiL'missdiva, Have you found any answers as to whether or not you can get the sleeve covered by insurance? Did you do the pouch test?

Well despite admitting to myself what I need to do to make more progress, i haven't done what I need to do. I have the desire to do it just not the actual will or motivation or whatever it is. But I have accepted until I do those things i will not be losing weight. I haven't given up, i'm just on hold, or maybe pause for now.

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Well despite admitting to myself what I need to do to make more progress, i haven't done what I need to do. I have the desire to do it just not the actual will or motivation or whatever it is. But I have accepted until I do those things i will not be losing weight. I haven't given up, i'm just on hold, or maybe pause for now.

Wow, oh wow, do I understand what you mean by this. Hang in there Jul. The day will come for both of us that it just clicks in again. I want to be losing again so bad but just can't quite get it to happen. It's like the word on the tip of my tongue....it's right there but I just can't quite get it.

Hope you're all doing well. It's been a busy, busy week for me and I'm sorry for not checking in more often. I think things are going to be slowing down a bit. At least they will until the 16th, when I'm supposed to close on the house.

So I have a question for you guys. My son now has a girlfriend. It's his first and he's only 14. Just curious if girls, young ones like this, are still trying to get pregnant on purpose? I feel so old because they are way more advanced than I was at that age and I'm concerned about all kinds of things. Yet, I know it's normal growth and just want to make sure he has the proper parental support.

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Ezma, don't feel bad about the Cookies, just enjoy them and move on.

LiL'missdiva, Have you found any answers as to whether or not you can get the sleeve covered by insurance? Did you do the pouch test?

Well despite admitting to myself what I need to do to make more progress, i haven't done what I need to do. I have the desire to do it just not the actual will or motivation or whatever it is. But I have accepted until I do those things i will not be losing weight. I haven't given up, i'm just on hold, or maybe pause for now.

Jul, well so far the answer is no on the insurance and the sleeve. I might just have to go out and pay for it on my own. That's fine, I mean if it means getting to goal and being more healthy then yeah.

I didn't do the pouch test either. I'm just so far gone with liquids I don't think I can even think about them anymore!

:-( But oh well. I'm feeling good. :thumbup:

Jul, at this stage in the game being on pause is much more than normal. I feel so bad that Im feeling that way too. I was losing again for a few months but since I got sick last month I'm finding hard once again to pick up where I left off. How or why does this happen? We went through so much with the surgery, pre-ops and everything else.

Well, sorry so short on time! I'll check in again soon! :)

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So I have a question for you guys. My son now has a girlfriend. It's his first and he's only 14. Just curious if girls, young ones like this, are still trying to get pregnant on purpose? I feel so old because they are way more advanced than I was at that age and I'm concerned about all kinds of things. Yet, I know it's normal growth and just want to make sure he has the proper parental support.

Ezma, I have a few years until my girls are old enough to date. I'm glad I don't have to worry about that just yet. I told my girls they're not allowed to kiss anyone until they're 30. We'll see how well that one works. :smile:

You asked if girls are still trying to get pregnant on purpose. I'm guessing that as many as ever were, probably are. I'm also guessing that for every girl that intentionally gets pregnant, there are others who are careless about birth control and safe sex. If you think he's having sex, or about to be having sex, you should definitely be having some serious discussions with him.

As far as weight loss, I'm doing okay. Haven't lost anything in the last couple of weeks. I just can't keep my mitts out of the chocolate and occasional sweets. I think this next week I need to completely purge the house so that there isn't anything in here that I shouldn't be eating. Maybe then I'll be able to lose these last few pounds.

I've done great on my exercise. Haven't missed a workout in a couple of weeks. It's the darn eating. :(

Our housing situation is still up in the air. We found out we're not able to buy a home right now because of our credit score and student debt. But, we have found an amazing home to rent. It's not finished being renovated, but the landlord said he would try to get things lined up so that he could be finished with the house in time for us to move in there. We don't have an official closing date on this house we're renting yet, but we are hopeful it will be long enough for that house to be finished.

Also waiting to hear if my hubby gets this long-awaited promotion in his current office. This coming week should yield a lot of info about our near future! The uncertainty is what's hard.

Edited by Shinyhappymommy

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Hi VV's,

I am back from my vacation/business trip. It wass great to see a lot of friends, but the constant eating and drinking was NOT so good. Combined with no exercise, I gained almost 5 pounds...........ARGHHH!! So, back to the basics today. Now to catch up...

Hi Guys

I am bandless! After 18mths I"m hungry and can eat food. I don't have to do liquids. That was a little scary ,but I've tried to make good choices so far .I hope I can keep it up.

I hope I can stil be a VV.

Of course you are still a VV. You are one of us; keep us posted on how things are going for you.

Ckktwallace, the situation you are in would really scare me. Won't that be amazing when you are able to keep at your goal weight by your efforts? You can do it!

Shiny - the cake looks amazing - YUMMMM!!!

I agree with your assessment of CKK's situation - I would be terrified if I were bandless! Even just going on vacation WITH my band was a challenge; without my band, I am sure I would soon balloon - again! But, not everyone is as weak as I ma!

My big news!!!!! I broke 200 this morning. I won't change the ticker until I see the Doctor on Thursday but this morning on my scale I was at 198!!!!! It's been about 20 years since I was there. I guess these liquids are good for something .

WHOO HOO!!! YAY!!:wink3::w00t::frown:

my daughter just sold her house and those inspections can be a problem. Hers worked out fairly well and she closes on Thursday.

St Louis - 100 pound mark - it's a wonderful feeling!

it would mean so much more to me to be one of the ones saying I'm at the 100 pound mark, or I'm wearing single digit clothing. Plus a friend I work with is getting ready to get the LAP-BAND® and She is so excitied and can't wait. I remember feeling that way, and now I feel like I'm taking it for granted when there are so many who would do anything to have the band. And now I feel I must be a good example of a bandster for my friend.

Thanks Jul. You WILL get there, I believe it, and so should you! Having your friend along with the journey probably will help.

I am starting to seriously consider a revision.

The band doesn't work for everyone and I think I'm one of them. I'm still losing thank goodness. The band gives me lots of misery though. I'm really tight all of a sudden again and I'm back to my surgeon on the 9th to get some more taken out.

I'ts my open enrollment period for health insurance at work and i'm going to do some research on which ones I can choose that will perform the sleeve surgery. I so afraid to live without my band, I think it's the only reason I haven't gained *all* my weight back. I can surely eat around it though, and I never had a sugar addiction before banding. Now I do. I'm so unhappy really, but it's my struggle. For me, it has made my addiction to food worse than ever and is very painful for me.

LilMiss - I am so sorry that you continue to have issues; you must do what you can to make certain you are not compromising your health. Prolonging problems just makes them worse, so make sure you see your doc and explain everrthing and that he/she DOES something.

Of course, as I am so far behind in the postings, it is possible you have a later post telling me more. So, I guess I shall continue reading....

Morning guys. I'm rushing like a maniac this morning but wanted to stop in and say hi to all. Hope you have a great day.

Having some personal family crises right now, but we'll get through them. The band is still working for me, just too tight some days and too loose on others. Weird how it fluctuates. I went to the doc last Thursday for a follow up and I had lost 5 lbs since I had been there six weeks prior. According to his scale I was 228, 100 lbs less than my heaviest weight, and 91 less than surgery weight. According to my scale this morning, I was 226. Just wanted to check in!

TS - I hope your personal sitation is resolved. The band absolutely reacts to stress, so that cannot help at all! Your weight loss to date is fabulous!

I'm doing pretty well. Making good choices and my band is still doing what it's supposed to without being too tight. I'm feeling grateful for that. I wonder how long that will last. As I read the complications, I have to face the fact that it may not be as permanent a fixture in my body as I initially thought. I'm so curious to watch cjjktWallace's journey without the band. If I were to lose the band, I wonder if I could maintain my loss without it. I like to think I could, but who knows? I'm at the point right now that if I'm not very careful about my eating and exercise my weight will creep back up, so how is that different band or no band?

Just found out our house sold. The one we're renting and have only been in since June. So we're moving again, by November 15th. Sigh. There are some good things in the works, though and we may be in a position to actually buy a house this time.

You are absolutely right in your assessment Shiny - I too wonder if the band will be permanent for me. But, so far, other than the occassional need for adjustments, the band is fine - it is my eating that isn't! The proof was my vacation - I did no exercise, and just ate and ate and ate and drank. No Portion Control was necessary as it was constantly nibbling not big meals...constant eating somewhat fools my band. So, as of today, back to the basics...

I hope your housing situation is resolved in a postive way!

ALWAYS post here! The good the bad and the ugly. We are here for eachother through good and bad. It's fun to hear the good stuff but we certainly need to help eachother through the bad.


I suck with the keeping up with things. Dang it.

I am moving to texas next thursday. I haven't seen Marcie for a month so I've been feeling really low.

I told Marcie that nothing that taste good is allowed in the house anymore cause I gotta get something working with this band.

I've taken up photography.

I love you guys. I promise to try to visit more often.

RSG - HI (Tap waves wildly)! It is so great to hear from you; please keep it up! I know you are probably in the midst of moving madness, but how excited you must be too! I am delighted to hear you have taken up photography - make sure to post some of them for us to see. You have so many talents!

Hey guys. Great to see so many posting again.

The bank is supposed to be signing the papers on my rental property tomorrow morning. Yay! Can you believe this? I'm actually looking for another one now. LOL I'm one sick puppy.

WOW Ezma, I can't imagine being a multiple property owner - so many things to go wrong, and knowing me, they would all be expensive things like roofs or foundations!!! How do you keep on top of the constant repairs, and collecting rent, etc?

Today I actually got to eat soup!!!! I'm having cottage cheese for dinner. Can you remember back when a few bites of cottage cheese was a thrill?

I saw the doctor today. He took out my staples, YEAH I am below 200 lbs. I haven't seen these kinds of numbers in probably 20 years. I'm pretty excited.

I get my first fill in six weeks. We'll see how it goes. I'm a little afraid to get a fill, remembering the pain I had before but I don't want my weight to go the wrong way either.

I've been cleared to go on our vacation so we leave on Wednesday morning We are headed to the Northeast to see the fall foliage and the Amish in Pennsylvania. It should be fun.

Oh yes, I can remember near the end of the liquid phase thinking that a few mouthfuls of cottage cheese would taste like heaven!! And it did!

Don't start anticipating issues; it's a new band, so it is a new experience. I hope you are enjoying your time on vaation.

As for me, I've had a rough couple of weeks. I went through some fertility treatment that included injections and an IUI. It didn't work:sad:. The meds were REALLY harsh on my body, and I gained 8 pounds of fluid:thumbdown: I was also really depressed when my preggie test came back negative and started the ol' emotional eating habit. I haven't had a fill since my band replacement..but guess where I'm going on Thrusday!!! I'm ready to get my new band working for me and maintaining my goal weight. It SUCKED seeing that scale moving back up. I'm still hopeful that I will be a Mom someday..and hopefully that day comes sooner than later!

Amy - I am so sorry that that IVI didn't work. I can't imagine the stress that you are feeling - band and fertility issues. I've had each stress but not at the same time. I became consumed with my fertility challenges at the time; I can't imagine trying to get throught that time with band issues as well! My thoughts are with you.

Just checking in. I'm feeling well, just very tired most of the time. I'll be glad to get some solid food soon.

We leave tomorrow for two weeks' vacation to see the New England Fall Color and my aunt in Pennsylvania. It should be a great tear. I hope the weather there is as beautiful as it is here today. Everyone get out and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.

Keep itup SLG. I hope you are indeed enjoying fall colors and the coolish temperatures!

the bank finally signed the papers on the house I'm trying to buy. Yay! We did part of the inspection yesterday but they couldnt do the electrical part because there was no power to the house. Turns out that it was supposed to be on but there was some kind of problem. The agent sent a contractor out and he said it needed a new fuse box so she sent the bank a request to repair it. Best part is that it was one of the most expensive things that they had found so far on the inspection. Looks like the bank is gonna be paying for it. Woo hoo!!!

Ezma - you are certainly keeping busy...hope all things house related are going well! And don't worry over the cookie - just the occasional one is fine. It's when they become a meal that there is an issue (I know this from experience!!!)

Well despite admitting to myself what I need to do to make more progress, i haven't done what I need to do. I have the desire to do it just not the actual will or motivation or whatever it is. But I have accepted until I do those things i will not be losing weight. I haven't given up, i'm just on hold, or maybe pause for now.

Hi Jul. I know the feeling well. It is like me with exercise. I know I should do it, I know why, I know I can do it...I just don't want to! I really need to find my motivation...

Wow, oh wow, do I understand what you mean by this. Hang in there Jul. The day will come for both of us that it just clicks in again. I want to be losing again so bad but just can't quite get it to happen. It's like the word on the tip of my tongue....it's right there but I just can't quite get it.

So I have a question for you guys. My son now has a girlfriend. It's his first and he's only 14. Just curious if girls, young ones like this, are still trying to get pregnant on purpose? I feel so old because they are way more advanced than I was at that age and I'm concerned about all kinds of things. Yet, I know it's normal growth and just want to make sure he has the proper parental support.

Your words to Jul are spot on, Ezma! I needed to hear them too!

As for your teenage son - I have no insights.

I told my girls they're not allowed to kiss anyone until they're 30. We'll see how well that one works. ;) :sad::eek::laugh::blink:

I've done great on my exercise. Haven't missed a workout in a couple of weeks. It's the darn eating. :(

Our housing situation is still up in the air. We found out we're not able to buy a home right now because of our credit score and student debt. But, we have found an amazing home to rent. It's not finished being renovated, but the landlord said he would try to get things lined up so that he could be finished with the house in time for us to move in there. We don't have an official closing date on this house we're renting yet, but we are hopeful it will be long enough for that house to be finished.

Also waiting to hear if my hubby gets this long-awaited promotion in his current office. This coming week should yield a lot of info about our near future! The uncertainty is what's hard.

Shiny - I hope the housing works out, and I hope your hubby gets the promotion!!

OK - am I caught up????

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Dang tap! That's probably the longest post Ive seen in awhile! Awesome!! So nice to see you're back, i've missed ya! Been quiet since you were gone. :frown: Girl the 5 lbs. is actually not bad. I can do that in one single "bad" weekend.

You'll lose it quick, so mount up! We're here to see you through.

As for me, nothing much has changed. I have been looking deeper into the revision, but I'm thinking that's going to be a ways down the road. Even if I get to goal with my band years from now, I know I can never go back to just nothing. I can gain way too easily and I really don't want to be right back where I left off or worse.

I cancelled my unfill appt and instead made an appointment to see my surgeons nutritionist. Maybe I just need to be lead back into the right direction? We'll see how that goes. I know I am having issues though because I woke up almost all night the other night with my coughing fits. Some last night too. :-( I'm going to try not eating too late and see how that holds.

Shiny, at least you're doing you're workouts! I know it must be really very frustrating though, battling the sweet demon. So sad!! I wish I could just slay him once and for all and he is never able to return. He's like Jason from Friday the 13th!! Just when you think you've conquered him... well... you know how it goes. I'm on part 299 right now! :blink:

Ezma, I wish I had some good advice for you with your son. But, you're a great Mom and I'm sure you'll get it right. I never had a lot of boyfriends growing up and held down my virtuosity for a bit longer than other girls my age and for the time it was in. Now a days it would seem like I was an old woman! lol What I remember though is that my Mom would always be open with the discussion and always tried to tell me the things boys would do to try to convince me. She would also tell me that I'm special and I should wait for someone that I loved - and when the time came, just to be open with her about it. It wasn't too weird ( I mean it was a little but I'm glad she did it).. anyway what I'm saying is, just try talking with him a little bit. My Mom didn't mind talking to my brothers either. It can't hurt and even if he doesn't receive it well, at least you know you did what you could.


Ok well, hope everyone's doing good for a Monday. I'm slammed at work and I've had this spreadsheet due forever. I'll check in again soon!


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Hey LilMiss,

The issues you are having - are you sure that cancelling the unfill was best? I REALLY hate to think that you might be doing some damage to your system through your nightly coughing. The appointment with the nutritionist can't do any harm, and may be beneficial, but I worry about your coughing.

The sweet demon isn't my enemy - but those high fat Proteins are doing me in! Nuts, nuts and more nuts! I know that some of my weight gain can be attributed to the empty calories of alcohol (I went from one glass of wine a week, to having multiple glasses almost every day while on holiday). BAH!!! That is easily controlled. But the need for Proteins, and my loves of all things nutty and cheesy are going to be a bigger struggle.

How is everyone else doing? Roll call: Shiny, Ezma; Marathinner; Angie; Lori; Jul; RSG; St Louis; CKK;TSK; Mom; and others.

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Morning guys.

Welcome back Tap!!!!! 5 pounds was not bad at all and I bet it will come back off pretty darn quick. Really good to have you back.

Hope everyone is having a good week. So far, so good for me. I was getting quite stressed out over this rental house thing. It's my first and I really want to make sure I take care of the money hubby supplied with the ultimate sacrifice. Anyway, I calmed down a bit yesterday after I did a total pamper spa day, well for me it was anyway. Got my legs and brows waxed, mani and pedi. I felt like a queen. But the best news was the 1.5 pounds I lost this week. Yippee! No idea how I did it cause I wasn't good but I'll take it.

Thanks for the advise on the kid too. We do communicate well and I'm very thankful for that. Just hope he's strong enough to keep himself out of situations that he might find it hard to say no. Egads! It's as bad as having a girl to worry about.

Take care guys. Wishing ya all a skinny day.

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Ya know, once I cancelled I wondered too if it were a good idea. I think I really need to try to change some habits I’d gotten into first before getting unfilled. Really, I’m only very tight sometimes. Other times I can eat a football. Seriously, I’ve tried.

Tap, I know what you mean about the nuts too! I love them, and especially love almonds! Yum!

I’m going to seriously do the www.5daypouchtest.com come Monday. I know I’ve said that already but I’m really going to do it then. I have Monday and Tuesday off. Those are the hardest days to get through so I can just hole myself up and gitrdone. I’m probably not going to be the easiest person to get along with on those days so best to do it at home.

Ezma, fantastic! Good on you with the weight loss. It’s always the best when we’re not even trying. Hopefully I’ve got a few of those in my future too! Also, Queen for a day? You’ve got it goin on right now! J

Ok yall! Have a lovely day!

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I calmed down a bit yesterday after I did a total pamper spa day, well for me it was anyway. Got my legs and brows waxed, mani and pedi. I felt like a queen. But the best news was the 1.5 pounds I lost this week. Yippee! No idea how I did it cause I wasn't good but I'll take it.

OUCH!!! I tried waxing once and never again. :thumbup: And certainly not near my eyes...you are made of stronger stuff than I am, that's for sure!! Mani and pedi would be tolerable, but only just - Im not a mani/pedi kind of gal!!

As for the weight loss, don't question it, just accept it!!! I agree, take it however it comes and dont ask why!

Of course if you figure out why, you will share, right?????:D

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Ya know, once I cancelled I wondered too if it were a good idea. I think I really need to try to change some habits I’d gotten into first before getting unfilled. Really, I’m only very tight sometimes. Other times I can eat a football. Seriously, I’ve tried.

I’m going to seriously do the www.5daypouchtest.com come Monday. I know I’ve said that already but I’m really going to do it then. I have Monday and Tuesday off. Those are the hardest days to get through so I can just hole myself up and gitrdone. I’m probably not going to be the easiest person to get along with on those days so best to do it at home.


Well, just make sure you monitor the coughing - would hate to find out a small issue became a bigger issue. Your fellow VVs, especially me, will be monitoring you!!!

Is the pouchtest before the nutritionist? Because he/she may not support that approach, so best to have it over with before going IMO. I am holding out the pouchtest as a last resort if I don't get back to the good lifestyle soon. Yesterday was Day one of being a good bandster again, and dang it all, I caved last night and had a piece of apple cake. So, day one again today. I figure/hope that if I can get back to the basics for a month then I can get back to good behaviors BEFORE the foodfests of thanksgiving and christmas. ....

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
      · 0 replies
      1. This update has no replies.
    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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