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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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I'm considering getting a complete unfill. Crazy, eh? With all the running I've been doing, I just can't seem to eat enough / the right stuff to fuel my body. I've been thinking about it for awhile, just haven't had the nerve to go through with it. lol. I had a small unfill just over a month ago, which helped, but still not enough.

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Yes, popcorn and ice cream are my weaknesses. ;)

I did end up calling the surgeon Saturday morning. The P.A. was on call and told me to try meat tenderizer. I couldn't bring myself to do it. She said she would meet me in the E.R. to remove all the Fluid from my band if I thought I couldn't make it til Monday. I hung in there, and it seems to be getting better. I do believe something was stuck in there. It's odd to go from being able to eat almost anything one day, to barely getting liquids down the next. I stayed on liquids and mushies until tonight. I ate dinner, including a small portion of meat, and it went down okay (I chewed, chewed, chewed!). I wasn't able to eat as much, but that's okay. As long as I can get some food down. I'll give it a few more days. If it still seem like I'm too tight, I'll pay my surgeon a visit for sure.

Thanks, Ezma! You, too! It's good to be back and in touch with all of you! :w00t:

Oh sweetie....PLEASE go see your doc! I don't want to come off as "preachy", but my latest situation was such a huge lesson! I ignored my symptoms for too long and I ended up in surgery. Of course I'm not suggesting that will happen to you, but you sound like you're too tight. You should NEVER have to struggle to get food down. I think you would feel so much better after a slight unfill.



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I'm considering getting a complete unfill. Crazy, eh? With all the running I've been doing, I just can't seem to eat enough / the right stuff to fuel my body. I've been thinking about it for awhile, just haven't had the nerve to go through with it. lol. I had a small unfill just over a month ago, which helped, but still not enough.

Hey Angie...great to see you on here! You are doing awesome! I don't think it's crazy at all to want to get a complete unfill. I think you're smart for recognizing what your body needs to be healthy. When I was unfilled I stilll felt restriction. Plus, the beauty of the band is if you get totally unfilled and don't like it...you can get refilled! Congrats on all the running!

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I wonder if there is a reason so many of us are having tightness problems. I'm still on liquids and hope everything works out so that I can eat veg and fruit. I feel so unhealthy. I must admit I am not drinking as many Protein Shakes as I should and feel crappy because of it. NEW MANTRA " I must have protein! I must have protein!

School starts next week for my guys so I'm running around getting organized.

Have a great week.

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Oh sweetie....PLEASE go see your doc! I don't want to come off as "preachy", but my latest situation was such a huge lesson! I ignored my symptoms for too long and I ended up in surgery. Of course I'm not suggesting that will happen to you, but you sound like you're too tight. You should NEVER have to struggle to get food down. I think you would feel so much better after a slight unfill.



Thanks, Amy. You're not "preachy" at all. I appreciate you sharing your experience with me. I haven't had a fill since June. Wonder what would make me be so tight all of a sudden? It wasn't like that before. In fact, on August 6th, I asked for MORE Fluid in my band when I saw my surgeon. He wanted to wait, so I didn't get any more. Just a couple of a days later, I couldn't get anything down. I ate a little meat and Pasta yesterday and it went down okay. How much should I be able to eat before stopping? Right now, I can only eat a few bites. Maybe 1/4 to a 1/2 cup. I'm wondering if that's how it's supposed to be. I could eat much more before, though. I seem to finally be losing again, so I'm hesitant in getting an unfill. All advice/suggestions are welcome!

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Kelli, I can eat a cup or more of food at a time. A cup and a half is my max. Depending on what I'm eating that amount of food will last me 4-5 hours. I can eat relatively fast most of the time. However I will have a few days (usuall TOM) where I'll have to be extra careful with eating because I will feel some restriction.

I don't really have issues with eating much at all. I'm able to sustain my program Weight Watchers with little or no effort, and most days I eat several points lower than what I'm allowed daily. It's so awesome!

I do know that once my points are lowered I might have a little bit of issue and might at that moment get a iddy biddy tiny fill and see if that might help some.

I just hate to hear when so many are overly tight. I think that happens way too much, and I also think that is not how the band was supposed to work. I mean, it wasn't until I was too tight that I started to gain my weight back. Now that I can eat normally again, I'm back to losing and have plenty of energy to sustain my vigorous workouts. I feel really great!

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Thanks, Amy. You're not "preachy" at all. I appreciate you sharing your experience with me. I haven't had a fill since June. Wonder what would make me be so tight all of a sudden? It wasn't like that before. In fact, on August 6th, I asked for MORE Fluid in my band when I saw my surgeon. He wanted to wait, so I didn't get any more. Just a couple of a days later, I couldn't get anything down. I ate a little meat and Pasta yesterday and it went down okay. How much should I be able to eat before stopping? Right now, I can only eat a few bites. Maybe 1/4 to a 1/2 cup. I'm wondering if that's how it's supposed to be. I could eat much more before, though. I seem to finally be losing again, so I'm hesitant in getting an unfill. All advice/suggestions are welcome!

I really have come to the conclusion the band is a fickle little friend! Somedays you feel great restriction, somedays you don't even feel like you have a band. I do know that hormones (TOM), and stress can't greatly affect restriction. I think if you are having any episodes of PB'ing or feeling uncomfortable and you are overfilled. Even a slight unfill could make all the difference in the world!

Kelli, I can eat a cup or more of food at a time. A cup and a half is my max. Depending on what I'm eating that amount of food will last me 4-5 hours. I can eat relatively fast most of the time. However I will have a few days (usuall TOM) where I'll have to be extra careful with eating because I will feel some restriction.

I don't really have issues with eating much at all. I'm able to sustain my program Weight Watchers with little or no effort, and most days I eat several points lower than what I'm allowed daily. It's so awesome!

I do know that once my points are lowered I might have a little bit of issue and might at that moment get a iddy biddy tiny fill and see if that might help some.

I just hate to hear when so many are overly tight. I think that happens way too much, and I also think that is not how the band was supposed to work. I mean, it wasn't until I was too tight that I started to gain my weight back. Now that I can eat normally again, I'm back to losing and have plenty of energy to sustain my vigorous workouts. I feel really great!

Perfectly said, LMD!!!

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Morning everyone. Sounds like so many are having tightness issues. Sucks. I got a fill yesterday and it was exactly what I needed. I had been feeling like I didn't even have a band for the last month. Best news is I lost 2.8 pounds last week and bonus of 1.4 more since yesterdays morning. Woo hoo!!! I'm actually back on track. I'm gonna try to stay on the post op/ full liquids for a week. I think it just might be what I need to get into the groove of losing again. It stinks that I have to take off the 50 I gained back when my sweet hubby died but I'd rather take it off than keep it. lol

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:lol:Ezma that is fantastic!!! WTG!!!:D

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Thanks for everyone's words of wisdom. I will definitely keep them in mind. I haven't decided whether to get an unfill at this point, but I will keep you posted.

Ezma, so glad you're doing well! Keep up the good work!

Off to lunch. Will check in later!

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Just checking in. Hope everyone is doing okay and having a great day!

I decided to measure my food yesterday to see how much I can eat. I can eat almost a cup of food at a time. I'm not really having any problems getting things down now. I even ate bread this morning with no problem. Maybe I was overdoing it. I will still seriously consider getting a small unfill. Thanks again for everyone's concern and advice.

How are y'all?? :blink:

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Just checking in. Hope everyone is doing okay and having a great day!

I decided to measure my food yesterday to see how much I can eat. I can eat almost a cup of food at a time. I'm not really having any problems getting things down now. I even ate bread this morning with no problem. Maybe I was overdoing it. I will still seriously consider getting a small unfill. Thanks again for everyone's concern and advice.

How are y'all?? :blink:

That's really not all that bad Kelli, glad you are feeling better. One thing I've noticed for myself is that one day my band will be non-existent (which it is, just able to eat a little more without feeling restriction). Then the next day I need to take tiny bites and give a few minutes after my first one. I really never know how my band will act at any meal until after that first bite.

It's just life with the band.

You probably can give it some time before getting some taken out. You might just have reached your sweet spot. It sounds like it. :mellow:

As for me I'm doing pretty good. Just hanging in there!

I won't weigh myself anymore unless it's weigh day. I let the scale rule my moods too much!

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Morning guys. How's everyone doing today? Any big plans for the weekend? I don't have any yet. Just waiting to hear if they excepted my bid on a house that I want to use as a rental property. If so, that will keep me busy for a while since I'll need to redo the kitchen and have a bit of work done on the rest of the place. Nothing to big outside of the kitchen cabinets, counters and appliances. It's been fun but I get so frustrated waiting on things. I mean, how long does it take to say yes or no to a full price, cash bid. Banks! It's a repo so the bank owns it.

I put back on that 1.4 pounds I dropped the day after my fill but no big surprises there. I know I'm holding a bit of Water and that's probably most of it.

Another weird thing happened to me. I rarely dream but I've been having more since my husband died. Well, last night I had one of him. The first one I've remembered since he passed away. Had hugs and kisses and was good to see him looking like he did before he got ill but it made me cry alot this morning. I'm sure it's just part of greiving but it was quite bittersweet.

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Morning guys. How's everyone doing today? Any big plans for the weekend? I don't have any yet. Just waiting to hear if they excepted my bid on a house that I want to use as a rental property. If so, that will keep me busy for a while since I'll need to redo the kitchen and have a bit of work done on the rest of the place. Nothing to big outside of the kitchen cabinets, counters and appliances. It's been fun but I get so frustrated waiting on things. I mean, how long does it take to say yes or no to a full price, cash bid. Banks! It's a repo so the bank owns it.

I put back on that 1.4 pounds I dropped the day after my fill but no big surprises there. I know I'm holding a bit of Water and that's probably most of it.

Another weird thing happened to me. I rarely dream but I've been having more since my husband died. Well, last night I had one of him. The first one I've remembered since he passed away. Had hugs and kisses and was good to see him looking like he did before he got ill but it made me cry alot this morning. I'm sure it's just part of greiving but it was quite bittersweet.

(((Ezma))) :( Though I know the dreams are so great to see him. Just hang in there.

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Oh and I really don't have any plans except a few things that need to get done. I have to get them done before my class starts on Monday. I tend to put everything on the back burners until my classes end.

This class is only 1 unit, but it doesn't matter how small it is, I still have trouble squeezing it in with other things like a long work day and workouts.

I need a loooooong break O_o

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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    • Teriesa

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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
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