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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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Morning guys. How's everyone doing this week? Starting a weight loss contest with my parents and maybe brother today. Hoping that having weekly accountability will help me more. So for I've been bouncing around between 2 or 3 pounds since my last doctor's appointment. Luckily the high end is the same as when I weighed at the office last. So if nothing else, I've stayed the same and not gained any. I have until the 18th to get some off. I know I can do this. Heck, I was consistantly losing 10-12 pounds every month before. I want my mojo back.

I forgot to pass on this tip I read from Sparkpeople or whatever it is. The title was something about the evening munchies and how to get rid of them. Article in a nutshell said you just have to have willpower thru the cravings. LMAO How was that for a helpful tip? I know I never thought of that one. hehe

Great idea Ezma, whatever works - take it and run! :huh2: About the article written by a rocket scientist. Thank goodness for the rocket scientists of the world, where would we be without them?

Congratulations! That is FANTASTIC!!

But nope, I'm not inspired to do it too!

Hi Ezma! If you find your mojo, will you see if mine is with it? Mine's gone missing too!!!

As for that helpful hint...who'da thunk it???:lol:

So, where is everyone? ... Lil Miss?

I'm right here!! :lol:

I had a BAD Sunday - I was unstoppable in eating crap and doing nothing! Yesterday was much better but only because I was feeling sick from the day before!

Today I am back on the eating program, but not the exercise..I just didn't want to do it today. Seriously, I HAVE to get back on the exercise regime, but I just don't have any interest..........

I am thinking of going for a small unfill - I am starting to get a bit of a sore throat and have been having lots of post-meal burping...LOTS of it. So, perhaps I need a small unfill. I shall wait another day or two to decide and see if I start to have any trouble swallowing 'hard protein'. Yogurt all things slippery are NO problem.

Anyway, that's my post for the day. Come on VVs. Tell us what's happening.

Tap, it has really taken me alot of effort and a complete revamp of my routine for me to get feel like I'm finally back to that awesome feeling you get. I had to get a new pair of shoes, a new piece of exercise equipment and total accountability with WW Online to get back here. It didn't happen overnight at all. I seriously began to feel like I would never get back here again.

I really hope you find that niche that's going to get that back for you. Or who knows, maybe you just need a little time..

Sorry Tap, I didn't get to update on Monday, I had a lot of busy work to get to, and just didn't get time for the computer. August is gonna be a busy month. Anyway, the garage sale was FANTASTIC!!!! I had a blast. It was a lot of work, but I just enjoyed meeting people, chatting and just having fun. We sold over 85% of what we had available, and we made twice as much money as I thought we were gonna. Honestly though, I think the best part was meeting people! My two favorite quotes from the sale:

"I go to garage sales all the time, and this is just one of the nicest I've ever seen - you really have everything organized, and you have something for everyone in the family!" That made me feel so good hearing this, 'cus I did work hard to organize everything. I'm sure we did have something for everyone, lol . . . 18 years of accumulated stuff, plus stuff from my hubby's side of the family - when his mother passed away, and when his grandmother passed away. I felt a little bad selling some of it, but hubby didn't - we just don't have the room! Where does all this "stuff" come from? lol :wub:

A lady picked up a beautiful pastel dress that still had the tags on it (size 2X), and she was amazed it was never worn. I told her it was meant to be an Easter dress. She said, "Oh, I'm so sorry the lady never got to wear this, it's lovely." When I told her that lady was me, she looked me up and down in disbelief. It just felt so good :huh2: "You must have lost quite a bit of weight." Yep I did :blink: It always feels so good when someone notices. :wink:

The "bake sale part" of the sale flopped, no one wanted to buy food, even the tempting aroma of cinnamon rolls. I ended up giving them away for free to those who bought something. A neighbor even brought over a plate of chocolate chip Cookies to hand out. The neighbors were all so friendly and came over to chat and help out!

The weather cooperated by being sunny and beautiful all weekend, I don't think I could have asked for more. It was a very successful sale and a great time. Plus I have my garage, crawl space and several closets cleaned out! I'm geeked. :tt1:


Getting back to my weight loss and motivation, it seems I found my mojo! I have my weight back into the 150's (whew) and I'm doing excellent staying on plan (so far for 4 days, lol). I'm gonna try really hard and keep it up. Maybe my inspiration came back from the compliments I received from over the weekend. Anyway, no more excuses - vacation is over, no more parties. Well except for the birthday party for my son, but I'm gonna really practice some restraint against the ice cream and cake. I gotta view that stuff as EVIL. :wink2:

Tap, I'm with you, my exercise mojo is still lagging - I think I need something new to spark it. Eating good for a few days will help me to shed a few of those extra pounds I've gained, but I know it's exercise that's gonna burn the rest off and keep me from gaining more. Especially when my lap-band isn't up to par at the moment. I'm really doing this on will power alone right now.

Anyway, no more excuses - full steam ahead and charging towards my goal!


Hey Lori! I'm so glad your sale was a success! Giving out the cinnamon rolls as a thank you gift was a very nice gesture. I'm sure they all really appreciated it!

That sounds great your getting your mojo back, and especially now that your back into the 150's - that is totally great! I wish I were there too, but hey I'll get there soon! :)

Hey everyone! Sounds like a lot of exciting stuff has been going on. This past week is the best one I have had in a long time. Last year was extremely rough for me with 3 deaths in our family and various other problems. But for the first time in a long time I feel like the black cloud has moved over. I hope it moved far away! First of all my last fill was just magic! I am able to stop eating with no effort. I'm eating the small amounts I had expected when I got the surgery. For awhile I was wondering if the band just didn't really work for me. Well after this last fill it is! Like I said I'm eating small amounts, feeling very satisfied for a long time. I feel good. I reached anew low. 201!!! This is big for me. I am soon to be out of the 200's. I'm just thrilled about that.

We went to an amusement park over the weekend and i know what you guys were talking about. How great it was to get on rides and not be embarassed because they can't strap you in a ride. I felt great. It was the first time in a long time i felt more like a "normal" person, and not an obese patient. And we got a puppy. She is 3 mths old and just loveable! I don't mean to come off as bragging or me, me, me. I'm just so happy, I really feel I have much to be thankful for right now. I'm just basking in it because I can't remember the last time I felt this way. Ok enough about me.

Angie, that is amazing! That is truly something to be proud of. Not just that you ran the 2 miles, but that you have improved your health and fittness level to be able to do it. Awesome!

Lilmissdiva, how is it going since your unfill? Are you feeling a lot better? How many fills did you have prior to it?

Tapshoes, I'm glad to hear you have many interests. I guess sometimes it's just hard to be motivated when life can just be so busy. I missed my workout the past couple mornings and feel a little guilty, but I'll get it back. Did eating get better? I know when I go through my eating whateve phases I get mad at myself. But eventually it works it's self out.

Ezma, I know what you mean about those articles that say things like "to lose weight you need healthier habbits" it's like DUH! Why didn't I think of that. Do they really think so many people would have weight problems if it was that simple?!!

Hey Lori, how are you?

Well time to go back to work for me. talk to everyone soon.

Hey Jul! Sounds like you had it rough for a minute, but then you finished it off in good fashion. I am truly sorry for your losses - and I hope everything from here on is all good for you. :)

That's so great about the rides! Oh how I want to do that!! It;s been so long! It's ok though, I'll just live vicariously through you until I get the courage to get on one. I was thinking when I finally break onederland I'll treat myself to a fun time at an amusement park.

My fill has been great, and I have never been happier to have done something like that. I can eat, I can eat small portions and be satisfied, and be satisfied until my next meal. I'm good with small Snacks in between such as fruit, etc. Thanks for asking! :thumbup:

For me I've been plugging along, trying to find new ways to get back on track. So far I;ve found a winning match. A new elliptical, new shape ups shoes and a new accountability tool. I signed up with Weight Watchers Online. It's awesome! It's akin to Daily Plate, but I think it's much more user friendly. It's going to be my new buddy until I take it accross the finish line. I mean I better utilize it, it's costing me money!!

Talk soon all!

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Lori - what a fantastic sale you had. I'm gonna have to remember all the advice for next time I do one. I gave up after my last one. But that one was right after we moved and hubby was near his end. I just didn't have the time to do anything for it and it showed. I barely sold anything.

Jul - Never worry about sounding me, me, me. You didn't at all and I, personally, love hearing what everyone is doing. Please talk about you. :) Huge congrats on 201. You're so close to onederland.

Lil - Great job getting back your exercise mojo. How's the new equipment doing? Was it eliptical? Not sure if I'm remembering right or not.

Tap - I'm looking and looking. I'm sure they are hiding somewhere together having Snacks and giggling. Mojo! Mojo! Where the heck are you!?

Edited by Ezma

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, the garage sale was FANTASTIC!!!! I had a blast. It was a lot of work, but I just enjoyed meeting people, chatting and just having fun. We sold over 85% of what we had available, and we made twice as much money as I thought we were gonna. Honestly though, I think the best part was meeting people! My two favorite quotes from the sale:

"I go to garage sales all the time, and this is just one of the nicest I've ever seen - you really have everything organized, and you have something for everyone in the family!"

A lady picked up a beautiful pastel dress that still had the tags on it (size 2X), and she was amazed it was never worn. I told her it was meant to be an Easter dress. She said, "Oh, I'm so sorry the lady never got to wear this, it's lovely." When I told her that lady was me, she looked me up and down in disbelief. It just felt so good :)"You must have lost quite a bit of weight." Yep I did :lol: It always feels so good when someone notices. :lol:

The "bake sale part" of the sale flopped, no one wanted to buy food, even the tempting aroma of cinnamon rolls.

I have my garage, crawl space and several closets cleaned out! I'm geeked. :lol:


Getting back to my weight loss and motivation, it seems I found my mojo! I have my weight back into the 150's (whew) and I'm doing excellent staying on plan (so far for 4 days, lol). I'm gonna try really hard and keep it up.

Eating good for a few days will help me to shed a few of those extra pounds I've gained, but I know it's exercise that's gonna burn the rest off and keep me from gaining more. Especially when my lap-band isn't up to par at the moment. I'm really doing this on will power alone right now.

Hi Lori! Glad to hear the garage sale was a success - and the compliments were the icing on the cake (so to speak!). I am amazed though that people didn't buy any of the rolls - guess different regions/people want different things!

And back in the 150's and with good eating...you are on a roll! I am sure you will succeed; you have come this far and have the right attitude!

This past week is the best one I have had in a long time. First of all my last fill was just magic! I am able to stop eating with no effort. I'm eating the small amounts I had expected when I got the surgery.

I feel good. I reached anew low. 201!!! This is big for me. I am soon to be out of the 200's.

I'm just so happy, I really feel I have much to be thankful for right now. I'm just basking in it because I can't remember the last time I felt this way.


Hi Jul! Sound like things are going great for you - YAH!! And so close to breaking the 200 pound barrier...This is fabulous...enjoy it! I am delighted that your last fill has done so much for you. It certainly is easier whent he band helps us, isn't it?


I really hope you find that niche that's going to get that back for you. Or who knows, maybe you just need a little time.

My fill has been great, and I have never been happier to have done something like that. I can eat, I can eat small portions and be satisfied, and be satisfied until my next meal. I'm good with small Snacks in between such as fruit, etc.

Hey LilMiss - you are sounding so much more positive than last month...what a change! This is so good, and your attitude is great! New shoes, new equipment, new attitude...you are unstoppable now!!

Tap - I'm looking and looking. I'm sure they are hiding somewhere together having Snacks and giggling. Mojo! Mojo! Where the heck are you!?


I'm still moping! I walked to work today and totally bypassed the Y - I just could NOT get interested enough to cross the threshold and go in! So, I guess a brisk walk home tonight and then I will have to find something to do tonight...other than eat,, and be a blob. BAH!!! Someone, kick me in the rear, or give me a slap upside the head...

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Morning all. Everyone feeling inspired today? I'm gonna try to get there. We've moved our walk length up a bit and today it's 2 and 2/3 miles. We're working up to 3 but I'm already dreading it today. Gonna jump in the shower and hope that perks me up.

Have to take my son to get his hair trimmed up a bit. He likes it long but it's looking really messy and I can't stand that. My baby is starting high school on Monday. Where did the time go and where is my tiny, tiny baby? It really is hard to believe that he's going to be a freshman already. I took him to orientation last night. It was so weird to be there without my husband. We have gone to every single thing like that since Austin started school. Just gotta buck up and realize that he was there in spirit.

Have a great day guys.

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Morning Ezma,

Glad to see you back on the exercise routine Ezma...imagine...maybe someday you too will become an Angie/Shiny/runner kind of gal!

It must have been difficult to go to the orientation without your husband, but I bet your son apprecited that you were there! And yes, isn't it strange how children age so quickly but their parents don't? You're still young!

I still have the exercise mopes. It has now been over a week since I went to the Y. Still getting up in plenty of time to go but just don't do it. I got in 60+ minutes of brisk walking yesterday and will again today, but I just have no interest/energy in going to the Y. Im hoping that in Sept some new courses will be offered and one of them will be just the jump-start I need....but who knows.

Well, gonna grab my lunch now - small bean salad and a ff yogurt. Definately missing the Protein, so will have to have a big protein-packed supper.

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Morning all. Everyone feeling inspired today? I'm gonna try to get there. We've moved our walk length up a bit and today it's 2 and 2/3 miles. We're working up to 3 but I'm already dreading it today. Gonna jump in the shower and hope that perks me up.

Have to take my son to get his hair trimmed up a bit. He likes it long but it's looking really messy and I can't stand that. My baby is starting high school on Monday. Where did the time go and where is my tiny, tiny baby? It really is hard to believe that he's going to be a freshman already. I took him to orientation last night. It was so weird to be there without my husband. We have gone to every single thing like that since Austin started school. Just gotta buck up and realize that he was there in spirit.

Have a great day guys.

Hi Ezma,

I'm still doing good on the food plan, but really need some motivation for exercise. I've been busy busy busy, but I don't think that cuts it for good aerobic fat burning exercise. I need to get back on my bike and get my treadmill smokin' again.

I know what you mean about kids growing up so fast. My son just turned 13 a week ago, now I'm the mother of a teenager! :eek: My son has autism, so his behavior is still very young, but he is growing fast - he's starting to give me that "mom, I don't wanna do that right now" look already. Arrg! :sneaky:

I'm sure your husband was with you both in spirit when you went to orientation. You sound so strong when I read your posts, and I admire you for that. I'm sure it's gotta be so hard sometimes. ((((warm hugs)))) to you and keep that strong faith going. :smile:


Glad to see you back on the exercise routine Ezma...imagine...maybe someday you too will become an Angie/Shiny/runner kind of gal!

I wish I could get that kind of motivation going. Can't ever see myself running! Maybe if I got into the 140 weight range - right now I'm having trouble fighting the 150's. Most difficult weight range yet. I know 158 probably doesn't sound like a lot, but it is on a 5'2" body frame. Need to convince my body it really is "petite". lol. :w00t:

I still have the exercise mopes.

Me too Tap. :tt2: I gotta learn to buck up it and get my butt in gear again.

Well, gonna grab my lunch now - small bean salad and a ff yogurt. Definately missing the Protein, so will have to have a big protein-packed supper.

Oooo, I LOVE bean salad. But Beans have Protein, yes? And I wish they made ff *soy* yogurt. I've never found any. The regular soy yogurt is way too many carbs and calories. And I can't touch anything with milk (although oddly cheese doesn't bother me) - milk just plays havoc with my GI system. I'm very lactose intolerant.

OK! Pushing myself to do two miles on the treadmill tonight. I'll report in tomorrow and let you know if I was successful, lol. :lol:

Hugs and have a good day all - Just Keep Swimming! And running, and walking, etc. lol. :wink:

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(((Ezma))) Sometimes words just aren't enough. Hang in there. It's going to be tough, but you're a tough lady. You just need time.

Tap, you definitely need a better motivator when it comes to the workouts. I LOVE to workout, but even *I* got burnt out on the same routine after awhile. I didn't even realize it. I felt no motivation whatsoever, but since I bought my new elliptical, shoes and WW Online to promotoe workouts (you gain extra eating points for busting your Buns :sneaky:) I have a renewed energy. I'm really kicking it back into gear! TG I didn't think I'd ever get this back. I'm so happy!

Lori, you've done so great to be in the 150's!! My goal is (well based on my BMI whatever) is 155. I doubt I'll ever breathe down the 150's though!! :lol: I think a more attainable goal for myself is 170. I just like the way I look heavier. I guess what I'm saying is... look how far you have come. From your pics I think you look totally awesome. As long as you are comfortable with yourself, don't be down on the fact your (as you say) only in the 150's. I'd dream to be there!! LOL

As for myself, well I'm back at it again. New journaling system, a-la Weight Watchers Online. It's working fantastic for me. Today is day three. Day one I didn't even go over my points and into my "weekly points". In fact I used one less! How's that for willpower??? Day two (yesterday) I indulged some with ice cream. It was DELICIOUS! I used some of my weekly points for that, as I did have a pretty decent dinner. Not anything totally health conscious, but I expected it.

The thing I need to get over mostly is my feelings of guilt. I mean, I stayed well within plan, and should not feel bad for wanting and eating that ice cream. I should remember that before, I would eat that whole 4 serving size of B&J before. Last night I only ate 1. YES ONE!! What an NSV for me. I'm stoked!

Best wishes VV's!

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Hey everyone...

I've been MIA a while ...trying to get my life as a single parent running smoothly....

I have not had a fill since sometime in May I believe...I still have restriction so I cancelled my appointment I had this week and rescheduled it for mid September...

Some days I look in the mirror and I can't believe I'm 153, down from 226...Size 18 to a 10...

I went to Goodwill and was looking for shorts and capris and I decided to try on a 10 to see how tight they were on me and I had to take them off and look at the tag to make sure they were 10's. I even tried on a second pair, trying to blame it on the designer...lol

I'm trying to fit more exercise in my day, but so far I can only get in 30-40 minutes 3-5 days a week depending on my schedule.

I hope everyone is doing great!

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Blessed Twice - It is great to see you again! I know you must be facing new challenges every day - but the fact that you are doing so well says you can do it!!

153 pounds is great - is that your target, or just a stop on the weightloss journey?? Size 10 - YAY you!

I know all about the exercise challenges - bah humbug!

My goal is (well based on my BMI whatever) is 155. I doubt I'll ever breathe down the 150's though!! :wink2: I think a more attainable goal for myself is 170. I just like the way I look heavier.

As for myself, well I'm back at it again. New journaling system, a-la Weight Watchers Online. It's working fantastic for me.

YAY on the NSV! And you're right - it isn't about a number. It is where you are happy and feel good about yourself. I know my doc still thinks that I, at 5'5" and big-boned, should strive for 117 - 125...but I think it just isn't going to happen. And frankly, I'm not sure how I would look at that weight. However, I am going to the clinic next week and shall have another wee chat about it and the reflux I am starting to have.

My son just turned 13 a week ago, now I'm the mother of a teenager! :blink:

Right now I'm having trouble fighting the 150's. Most difficult weight range yet. I know 158 probably doesn't sound like a lot, but it is on a 5'2" body frame. Need to convince my body it really is "petite". lol. :nanahump:

Hugs and have a good day all - Just Keep Swimming! And running, and walking, etc. lol. :biggrin:

HLori - mother of a teenager...that only lasts for 9 years!!!:Banane56::laugh:

I know what you mean about fighting the 150's - just keep the faith...exercise (says she who is ignoring that same thing) and eating right.

And yes everyone - just keep swimming!!! Have a great weekend...

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As of today: I am no longer "obese".

Focus on that for a bit! YAY Angie. :wink2::thumbup:What a great start to the weekend!

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Woohoo Angie!! Great job!!! :-D

Tap, 5'5 and 115? OMG. *faint* I hope you can talk some sense into your doc!

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Congrats to blessed twice!! How exciting to go clothes shopping and have such a drastic change in size! That would put a smile on my face!

Angie, your goal is absolutly great too! I hate the term obese. It makes a person sound like a disgusting beast, like Jaba the Hut or something. So that is wonderful you are out of the "obese" cloumn.

Hey lil miss, what are these special magic shoes you got? how are they different from regular shoes? Are you finding it easy to follow WW?

Well on Monday I have to have a surgery. it is scar revision for some very large keloids on both of my shoulders. So due to the location of the surgery I will be restricted from a lot of arm movement, bending and stretching. Which means, you guessed it! It will interefere with my working out. Maybe after a couple of days I might be able to do my stationary bike (Minus the arms) but I'm so worried about gaining. especially since I was just starting to make progress! Do you guys think it's possible to lose weight without working out, just in case I'm not up to it for a week or two. I suppose I could walk. But is that enough? I'm really bummed about this, but I can't stand the damn keloids anymore either. i was tempted to put it off, but I might as well get it overwith. Are any of you having problems with extra skin from your belly? So far I haven't lost enough in that area to make a good decision as to whether or not I'll need surgery to remove it. But if I do I found a good surgeon. We just bought a new computer. YaY!, but we havn't set it up, I'm not sure when that will be for sure. So just in case you guys don't hear from me for a little while, you all take care. Keep up the good work! But I will try to check in, even if I have to go to the library! I need the support!

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Blessed and Angie - Congrats to both of you. I can barely imagine either or those. Way to go.

Jul - Good luck on your surgery. I'll be sending you good thoughts. Let us know how it went.

Have a great weekend all.

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My surgeon wants me at around 122 so I have 31 pounds to go according to him. I'm going to see how I feel and look as I lose the next 20 -30 pounds. I'm 5'2" ...I will have to decided as I get smaller and it will depend on how I feel. I don't want to be sickly looking....

Great Job Angie..

Hang in there Ezma...you are doing great!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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