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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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Still here. Been busy for the past week, my hubby is off for two weeks, we've been doing some much needed chores around the house, plus getting ready for vacation for next week. So I'll probably not be around much. I doubt anyone will miss me. Somehow I don't feel like I'm contributing much here, I'm not the best writer. I feel it inside but can never get it in words. :lol:

Not much going on with my weight loss, but I'm not really trying hard at the moment - but I've been doing good with maintaining, and I'm happy with that. Once back from vacation I'm gonna push for my goal.

StLouisGal, your vacation sounds wonderful. I would have loved hiking in mountains! The ice cream shops would have been my weakness too. While on vacation, I'm going to enjoy some good foods I don't usually eat. Ice cream will probably be one of them. :)

Congratz to those who lost some pounds, and warm hugs to those still swimming - with such positive support from everyone else here, I know you'll make it! :P I'd like to hear from some of the old friends too.

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Hi Ezma! I couldn't do the whole pre-op/post-op stuff again...I think that would too radical for me. On those times when I get really pissed at myself and promise to 'follow the rules more faithfully', I have found using the little half-cup plastic containers helps. I measure the food and put it into the containers - this way, I can't over-eat...the portion size is controlled. When I make my lunch, I pop in my container of whatever (chicken salad is my recent addiction), another container of grapes, another container of yogurt. It looks like a lot of containers (which somehow my little brain interprets as a lot of food), and I can't over-eat cause I don't have it available. At dinner time, I have even given up using the salad plate - it still allowed me to 'pile on' the food. :P So, I eat from my containers...pretty? no. But functional. Now if i could just

Hi LilMIss...the fact that the inches are dropping is good - I know it doesn't show on a scale, but I bet it shows on your body, and how your clothes fit, etc. I would agree with your strategy - up the exercise and stay the course...don't give in to your frustration.

It's great to see you back posting too!

OK - a few more VVs need to check in (and I love for a few more of our lost ones to re-appear).

It's a dreary day here - not a great beginning to July, but as I'm inside I guess it doesn't matter too much! I am going to try again to make this month a 'snack free in the evening' month...for about the 100th time, it seems! I just haven't been able to go a month...willpower is not my middle name!:ohmy:

I am close to my goal (not the docs target weight though) and really want to make it. So, a snack free month might just get me there (I hope). There was a discussion (here or another thread, I can't remember) of doc's goals versus personal goals...oddly many people's docs set 'high' goals, and the person wanted to get lower. My doc set a goal for me that I think would make me a walking skeleton.:crying::ohmy: I don't know if I could do it, or maintain it, or even if at my age I should try for it but then again, maybe I am being too easy on myself. What do you guys think? I'm 5' 5" with big bones (my thumb and middle finger do not meet when wrapped around my wrist - and there is no fat there!), and my doc has set a goal of 115-122...

And to my Canadian family and friends...Happy Canada Day!!

I've even tried the 5 day pouch test and THAT didn't even work. It's too much, and one thing I learned is that nothing so strict is going to get me back on track. Only taking baby steps and slowly remembering what I need to get done. I crashed big time and maybe even cracked my skull! But, one month at a time and I'm getting it all together. It's the head stuff that holds me back from losing anymore.

Great idea with the cup size portions! Ziploc would make a fortune off me... LOL

Thanks for the welcome back. :sad: I've been super busy at work since I work for the State of CA and its are bad time of year. I usually log in during lunch hour, but lately have been working through it. Yeah I know, I need my time - but I usually take that for my walking hour.

I think you can pull it off Tap, I have tried numerous times to get down a new habit - but one thing I did was keep trying. Then one day I finally said, look Irene - THIS IS IT!! And sure enough it was. I have been holding strong, and for that I'm very proud of myself. Never give up!

Speaking of goals, you know Tap that really is an extremely low target set by your Dr. I'm also 5'5 and was told to try for 150. That is the higher end of our height for being a normal BMI. However, I'm even going to go higher than that. I would be very comfy if I could make it to 160-170. I'm not looking to be skinny, of course that isn't for everyone. I want to be a little chunky since I've got it in good places... as my husband always says - SHAZAMM!! HAHA! :)

Wow! It's good to see RSG back and it's been a few weeks since I've seen anything from LilMiss so it's great to see you back too. Yay yay yay! The VVs are coming home. I also got pms back from Queen of Hearts and AprilE and I'm hopeful that they will be posting here again soon. It's so really great to see all these old familiar names.

If there's anyone that's just been reading but not posting, please do me a favor, just post a quick hello. I'd love to say hi back and I'm sure so would the rest here. Really put a smile on my face this morning.

THANK YOU! I was very glad to see you back too! I already mentioned that awhile ago of course, but it bears being said again. :)

I last spoke to QOH a few months ago. I would love to see her post again! She was always so positive and upbeat - made me feel good!!

Still here. Been busy for the past week, my hubby is off for two weeks, we've been doing some much needed chores around the house, plus getting ready for vacation for next week. So I'll probably not be around much. I doubt anyone will miss me. Somehow I don't feel like I'm contributing much here, I'm not the best writer. I feel it inside but can never get it in words. :lol:

Not much going on with my weight loss, but I'm not really trying hard at the moment - but I've been doing good with maintaining, and I'm happy with that. Once back from vacation I'm gonna push for my goal.

OMG how can you say that??? Of course we would miss you!! :ohmy: :crying: No worries, I believe you will make it to goal. I believe any one of us can do it, if we really want to and we make sure we're sticking to the plan!

Well everyone, I must confess. I must take back the fact I said I have not lost any weight. I did lose weight this month. A whole whoppin 3 Lbs! Of course I've been there, done that. I really hesitate even mentioning this. However, I don't know what it is, but this loss just feels different. It's like I'm settling in and realizing what I really need to do to get to where I originally intended to be. I also feel very comfortable with it too. I don't think about it much. I also think I've finally overcome the chip demon. I don't even think about them much anymore, which is great! It only took 3 months! LOL!!

I'm still battling the sugar demon though, but I'm sure in just as much time I'll be over it. Every day gets easier. I simply cannot eat these things. They are so destructive to my mission. I simply can't control my intake with it, trust me I've really tried. It just doesn't work, and all it does is throw me off to want to eat other things all day that I shouldn't eat.

I can do this!

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Rhap - you're nuts. :tongue2: I consider you one of the major stability blocks around here. You would be sorely missed.

Not in much of a talkative mood this morning, probably cause I just got up and cant think yet. But I need to get moving so wanted to check in here.

Hope you all have a great day.

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Thanks LilMiss and Ezma! and you're right Ezma, I'm very nuts, it's the one thing that keeps my mind somewhat sane, lol. :tongue2: I hope I didn't sound too pathetically down there, :w00t: I'm really sorry if I did. Although it's 100 times better after my weight loss, I still deal with some bouts of depression. :cursing: I just need a swift kick in the rump and I can usually get out of that mood! I just want to be chummy and have fun with my girlfriends here. I'm good today, looking forward to the 4th of July weekend and some vacation after. :) There's been a lot of stress and I think I need it. We also need some sun and warm weather here in Michigan, it's been so cold and rainy.

I wish everyone a very happy Fourth of July and a great weekend! :w00t:

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Hidee hoo everyone!

Thanks Lori, and Happy 4th of July to everyone as well! Please be safe and sane, no injuries or fires!

We are going to have a tailgate party at a costco parking lot and wait for our Fairgrounds to have their Fireworks Spectacular at 9 PM... should be a *blast*!!

Staying strong today. Someone brought in Molassess cookies... oh yum! I almost absent-mindedly grabbed one. Then I remembered, oh yeah! No cookies! That made me think about all those years of absent-minded eating I would do all the time. I lied to myself all the time saying, "oh it's not THAT much". Well it got me to be well over 300 Lbs. Sad... but now I'm much better, and everyday I'm learning to get back to my Bandster Ways!

Quiet day in the thread today huh? Well everyone must be busy at work to make sure they can enjoy their Holiday Weekend.

Talk soon! Again, have a great weekend!

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Morning all!

I had an unexpected business trip so I was away from the computer, and therefore LBT and the VVs, so let me get caught up....

The VVs are coming home. I also got pms back from Queen of Hearts and AprilE and I'm hopeful that they will be posting here again soon. It's so really great to see all these old familiar names.

If there's anyone that's just been reading but not posting, please do me a favor, just post a quick hello. I'd love to say hi back and I'm sure so would the rest here. Really put a smile on my face this morning.

Where are Marathinner, kjeter, AprilE, JaxBandster, Becca with the video blog, all the rest of you that my poor brain can't pull out right now?

I agree 1000%! I love to see the VVs - all of them. Come onguys, post and let us know you are all alive and well!

Still here. Been busy for the past week, my hubby is off for two weeks, we've been doing some much needed chores around the house, plus getting ready for vacation for next week. So I'll probably not be around much. I doubt anyone will miss me. Somehow I don't feel like I'm contributing much here, I'm not the best writer. I feel it inside but can never get it in words. :)

Not much going on with my weight loss, but I'm not really trying hard at the moment - but I've been doing good with maintaining, and I'm happy with that. Once back from vacation I'm gonna push for my goal.

Lori - of course we will miss you; don't you dare abandon us! And I am pleased that you are maintaining your weight...someday all of us will be there! Of that, I am positive! You have a fabulous vacation, enjoy that new found health, indulge in the occasional icecream, take a few hikes, and have fun!

Only taking baby steps and slowly remembering what I need to get done. I crashed big time and maybe even cracked my skull! It's the head stuff that holds me back from losing anymore.

Speaking of goals, you know Tap that really is an extremely low target set by your Dr. I'm also 5'5 and was told to try for 150.

I did lose weight this month. A whole whoppin 3 Lbs!

I can do this!

Yes indeed - Lil Miss - the head stuff is the most difficult! I KNOW I shouldn't have evening Snacks, I KNOW IT KNOW IT KNOW IT, but still, I do. I keep trying, though.

And YAY on the 3 pounds!

I'm glad you think the goal my doc set is low...I was really beginning to think I was out of touch with reality! But honestly, att my age (and yes, I think age is a factor), I think the weight is too low.

Rhap - you're nuts. :thumbup: I consider you one of the major stability blocks around here. You would be sorely missed.


Yeah - What she said!!!

, I still deal with some bouts of depression. :o I just need a swift kick in the rump and I can usually get out of that mood! I just want to be chummy and have fun with my girlfriends here. I'm good today, looking forward to the 4th of July weekend and some vacation after. :) There's been a lot of stress and I think I need it. We also need some sun and warm weather here in Michigan, it's been so cold and rainy.

I know that the weather affects my mood, and the stress doesn't help. It's another rainy day here too - summer is a LONG time coming this year, and the constant rain or drizzle and cool temperatures just isn't helping me feel upbeat and positive.

Happy 4th of July to everyone as well! Please be safe and sane, no injuries or fires!

That made me think about all those years of absent-minded eating I would do all the time. I lied to myself all the time saying, "oh it's not THAT much". Well it got me to be well over 300 Lbs. Sad... but now I'm much better, and everyday I'm learning to get back to my Bandster Ways!

yes the eating while not being really aware of what you are doing is such a danger. Yeah you for being strong.

You can do it. We can do it!

Have a wonderful safe 4th of July everyone - whether partying in a costco parking lot:blink:, in a park or your backyard!!

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Helloo. Marcie had her interview yesterday and it went really well, She's flying to san antonio on the 13th to give a thirty minute speech as her final interview.

So I think this is happening.

even visiting here I feel inspired, though I know this isn't the right time to try to get in any routine, but I have started paying attention to what I put in my mouth.

reading through this thread, I see I've missed alot, sorry about that.

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Morning guys.

Hope you had a good trip Tap.

Tara - I was just thinking that it would be a wonderful time to start new habits and routines if you do move. You have to re-establish everything anyway, might as well conciously make it a healthy routine.

Gotta run cause I got up late so it will be a shorty today. Off to walk. Have a great one.

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Hi Everyone.

I've been on vacation for almost a week, so haven't been posting. I'm at my sister's in St. Louis and having a great time.

I ran a 5k this morning in the rain! It was crazy, but fun. I improved my time from last fall by about 4 minutes! I was completely soaked. It's so odd to be freezing cold on the 4th of July in St. Louis!

I have another week on vacation, during which I am meeting up with Jaime and StLouisGal. I'm very excited to meet them. Is anyone else here in St. Louis that I didn't realize?

Hope you have a happy and safe 4th of July!

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Hope everyone had a great 4th! I ran a 10k in town, which I felt ill prepared for, having only ever run 6 miles once before and never 6.2 but I finished it still running and still smiling, and with at least 5 people behind me. lol

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Hi Guys

I hope you all had a good Independence Day.I know I had a good Canada Day. Its also Stampede and I know I'll be tempted by all the new fried food (deep fried jelly beans) so I'm only going to visit the grounds once and have 1 treat. I'm finding it hard being completely unfilled again and have gained 5lbs ,but that is better than last time when I gained 20 lbs back.

I know my pouch is still stretched as I have pain when I eat solid Protein so sliders become easy to pick (all bad).

Maybe a week of liquids and Maalox will help my pouch and get me refocused.

I sound like a moaning minnie, What I mean to say is

I will exercise more.

I will make better choices.

Have a great day ladies.

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I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend doing things with friends and family and not eating too much. I spent some time playing in the dirt, but other than that didn't do anything really new or exciting. Just the usual stuff...but that suits me just fine! My eating was mostly good...a few slips, but compared to pre-banding they were nothing! I had a sugar-fee fat-freecreamsicle (well, more than 1 actually:blushing:) but still, that was the worst of it!

Now to catch up..

Marcie had her interview and it went really well, She's flying to san antonio on the 13th to give a thirty minute speech as her final interview.

even visiting here I feel inspired, though I know this isn't the right time to try to get in any routine, but I have started paying attention to what I put in my mouth.

reading through this thread, I see I've missed alot, sorry about that.

Yes RSG you have missed a lot....but you can catch up, and get back to posting!! Make that part of your routine just as being aware of every mouthful you eat.

I certainly am sending good vibes for marcie's presentation.

Tara - I was just thinking that it would be a wonderful time to start new habits and routines if you do move. You have to re-establish everything anyway, might as well conciously make it a healthy routine.

What an excellent suggestion, Ezma! How are things going with you? You seem to be getting in your walking every day and that's good.

I'm at my sister's in St. Louis and having a great time.

I ran a 5k this morning in the rain! It was crazy, but fun. I improved my time from last fall by about 4 minutes!

I have another week on vacation, during which I am meeting up with Jaime and StLouisGal. I'm very excited to meet them.

Hi Shiny ! I wondered where you were! Running a 5k in the rain - now that is dedication! It has been unseasonably wet and cold where I live too...where is the summer heat and sunshine????

How wonderful that you are meeting Jaime and StLouis....say a big hello to them!

Hope everyone had a great 4th! I ran a 10k in town, which I felt ill prepared for, having only ever run 6 miles once before and never 6.2 but I finished it still running and still smiling, and with at least 5 people behind me. lol

WOW - 10K runs...I repeat, I think you are nuts! :tongue_smilie: Next you will be doing marathons!

Hi Guys

Its also Stampede and I know I'll be tempted by all the new fried food (deep fried jelly beans) so I'm only going to visit the grounds once and have 1 treat. I'm finding it hard being completely unfilled again and have gained 5lbs ,but that is better than last time when I gained 20 lbs back.

I know my pouch is still stretched as I have pain when I eat solid Protein so sliders become easy to pick (all bad).

Maybe a week of liquids and Maalox will help my pouch and get me refocused.

What I mean to say is

I will exercise more.

I will make better choices.

Deep fried jelly-beans?? I cannot imagine them!

Sorry to hear that you are struggling, but you definately have the right attitude...you can do this.

We can do this!!

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Doing a quick check-in! Hey Tara, I hope Marcie did well on her speach. I would freak out if I had to get in front of an audience, so afraid I'd blow it... ugh! She's so brave!

My 4th was fun and yet a little disappointing. We couldn't see the fireworks as well as we'd hoped, but I think we might have discovered a really good spot for next year. I guess I'll have to wait a few days to find out. ;-P

I did good on the 4th, but yesterday I ate all day. Hmmm... absent mindedness snuck up on me. However, it wasn't anything I wasn't allowed so I can be happy in that! Also, people are starting to notice my losses again, even though its still only 3 pounds. Maybe next weeks weigh-in will be noteworthy!

Have a great day everyone!

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Hey all! Glad to hear everyone had a good 4th. I was at my aunt's house. It is amazing how healthy good choices fill me up very quickly, it's the junk that seems to hit a bottomless pit. I did good because all I had was healthy stuff. My tomatos are in so I have been filling up on them. mmmmm good.

I have to see the doctor again on Thursday and I want to at least be where I was the last time I saw him so I am going to be very, very good this week. I'm only about two pounds heavier so I think I'll be ok. I really don't want him to put any more fill in because I think I am still pretty tight. Two grilled chicken tenderloins and I am stuffed for hours.

We went to a party yesterday and saw some folks we hadn't seen in a couple of years. They were astounded by the change so I guess I am on the right track even if I am not quite where I want to be.

Gotta go for now. You all take care,

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Morning all. Having a bit of a grumpy morning here. I gained 1.5 pounds. While I know I wasn't perfect, I still took in a low enough amount that I should have lost weight. Oh well, I learned this before and just have t accept that it's real - I must take in a much lower amount of calories to lose weight. I'm just proud that I haven't given up. It would be so easy to just let it go and eat. But I'm re-focusing and am determine to lose 8 pounds before my doctor's appointment. I know it sounds like a lot in a week but if I get really strict and eat like I should be eating, it should drop off really fast.

Did you all have a great weekend? Sounds like several of you did. Off to walk again. At least I'm consistant on that. Yay!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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