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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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Hey Shiny, glad the move is going well. I dread the day we have to move. We've been in this house for 28 years and I don't look forward to trying to pack it all up (or worse yet get rid of some of my treasures (aka junk)Hopefully a move for us is still 7 or 8 years away.

Good information on the Water. I know I do much better when I drink at least 72 ounces of plain water before I hit the tea/Crystal Lite, etc. According to your plan I should be drinking about 102 per day. It is just so hard unless I am doing something other than sitting at my desk.

Hope your day is going great!

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Hello everyone!

It has been a while since I've logged into this site, but I immediately wanted to come to my group. I have really missed all of you!

I pretty much stayed away because I have come to the realization that my band just can't work for me anymore due to my sensitive stomach.

I had gotten back on track earlier in the year and then two of my good friends died two months ago in the same day. I couldn't keep anything down for 3 days and had to get an unfill immediately. That was on May 19th. Then I found out I might get layed off from work...

According to my doctor the stomach is a muscle and with the band around it, when I get upset it tightens badly and then I have to get unfills. With the constant back and forth, I've just maintained... I can't seem to lose anymore weight because everytime I do, some stressful crap comes up and bam, UNFILL.

I'm going in today at 3:30 for a refill to get me back up to my sweetspot, but, if I get layed off in a few weeks I'll just have to get an unfill again.

When I came on to look at all the newer pictures I just wanted to cry when I see people who were banded after me already down 120 lbs or whatnot.. i feel like a failure, but I just don't know how else the band can work for me anymore. To maintain??? maintain me at still an obese weight I guess.. I refuse to live puking all the time...

Anyway, that's my update.

Huggs to you all!


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Oh Crystal, I'm so sorry you have had such a struggle. Your explanation explains a lot of why I have had so much tightness. I had to have most of my fill taken out too. (and my doctor only refills at a rate of .25 to .50 cc per fill) I hadn't put the stress piece in to the equation and it makes perfect sense.

If you are able to maintain that is a plus. I always gain when I am stressed. I am trying to get back on track and have lost 7 of the ten pounds I gained by exercising my tail off and eating only three small meals a day with no Snacks. It is really hard because I am a stress eater. Cutting the sugar has helped reduce the stress somewhat but it is still there.

Hang in there. Hopefully your job will stay put and things will settle down. I am so sorry for the loss of your friends. Losing a friend is a super stresser and you got a double whammy. Hang in there and don't be so hard on yourself.

I'm off for my lunchtime walk but I just wanted to tell you how good it is to see you on the board again. Welcome back!

Love ya,

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Thank you St. Louis Gal! You have always been non-judgemental and wonderful with me!

I always say that I gained weight because I was happy, cuz when I'm happy I eat! When I'm upset I can't eat. THis was even before the band I had problems eating when I was upset. So, add the band in there and it makes it even worse.

I don't know why the first 5 months I was banded I didn't go through any stressful event because I was losing like 8 -10 lbs a month and it was perfect; then that one event with my friend, and bam, it's never been the same since.

But, I'm really not going to give up, which is why I'm getting this fill today. I didn't go through all that time researching this surgery and 6 months of doctors visits and all that for nothing. I won't let this band in me be a waste of space.



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What happens with liquids when you are stressed? What if you tried shakes when you know you are having a stressful day. Jazz it up with some fruit, skim milk, Protein Powder and some sugar free Syrup so that you get nutrition but don't aggravate your tummy. I did nearly a month of liquids before we finally figured out what I needed was an unfill. Fortunately I was able to get liquids down easily. It's not the most exciting diet in the world but it might give your tummy a rest. (The bonus is, if you are eating the right kind of liquids (no ice cream or chocolate :thumbup:) You should shed a few pounds. :(

Hang in there.

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WOW!! I miss one morning of posting, and the place goes wild!! YAY!!! It is nice to see all the chatter - and welcome back to Crystal and Babydoe! OK - now to catch up....

The exercise part has been going really well. Still having lots of trouble with the eating part though. I seem to end up throwing up every time I eat real food. Good thing I hate throwing up or I'd worry about bulimia. Next step for me is to get back to tracking my food on the Daily Plate. Think I'll try to start that this weekend or tomorrow. Baby steps are good.

That's it, Ezma. Small baby steps. First you added back the exercise. Next add the tracking food. And just ease back into the eating style...you are still under a lot of stress and you just need to take things easy. Make sure you get your Vitamins in though...

Even with practically no fill in my band, if I eat fast or don't chew for ever I get stuck. I started tracking on the Daily plate again yesterday. We have to get with it girls! We've come too far to fail now.

We are NOT going to fail...we may have lapses, temporary fluctuations, but we are not failing. Just keep thinking of how far we have come...each of us has made changes, and lost some weight, and realized something about our eating habits...we have learned things...mostly about our particular food addictions.... How I love (and miss) nuts!

Yep, I still count calories - sometimes more loosely, but right now I really want to get the rest of the weight off, so I'm being very careful.

It's so nice to see all the posts here, it's lovely that we have our support group thriving still. It would be nice to see more of the VV gang too! :biggrin:

Lori - so close to goal....you must feel wonderful!!!!

I track my food infrequently; I probably should do it more consistently. I'll add that to the things I should do, but don't!!

Send a few emails, post a message - see if we can't find a few more VVs. I miss them all!

I did my three miles. I forgot I had a doctor appointment today at lunch and I took the train to work today. It's about a mile and a half to the office so off I went. With Curves tonight, I feel good about my exercise.

St Louis - you are doing great with the exercise! I too walk home from work (most days)...but so far I haven't had to worry about the temp! Keep it up!

Wow! It is a great thread. It was good to hear from all of you. Did any one every have a problem with sensitivity to the first solids of the day?? Sliming ? Nausea?

Hi Babedoe! Nice to see you posting. Sensitivity to solids...yes, but not sliming or nausea. I can't eat Breakfast when I first get up. I have to wait an hour or two and then eat. Otherwise the food may go down, but sure as shootin' it's gonna reverse direction!

. We got moved, finally got phone and internet and I've lost 5 pounds in the last week!

I found a book about drinking Water. It said that we should drink 1 ounce per 2 pounds of body weight and then 1 ounce for every 2 ounces of soda, alcohol or sugary drinks that we consume. That makes my water intake about twice what I had been doing. I think that plus the extra physical activity of moving plus sticking to my challenge plan has really made a difference. I plan on keeping it up with everything else I'm doing.

The move was so much easier this time around and I feel like I was able to be an active partner for my husband and not let time do most of the work like last time and the time before that and the time before that. . .

My weight was 187 yesterday. That is lower than I've been in at least 12 years.

WOW Shiny! Lowest weight, Smooth Move, exercise etc...you are certainly on top of things. That is fabulous! MOre clothes shopping for you is probably in your future!

It has been a while since I've logged into this site, but I immediately wanted to come to my group. I have really missed all of you!

I pretty much stayed away because I have come to the realization that my band just can't work for me anymore due to my sensitive stomach.

I had gotten back on track earlier in the year and then two of my good friends died two months ago in the same day. I couldn't keep anything down for 3 days and had to get an unfill immediately. That was on May 19th. Then I found out I might get layed off from work...

According to my doctor the stomach is a muscle and with the band around it, when I get upset it tightens badly and then I have to get unfills. With the constant back and forth, I've just maintained... I can't seem to lose anymore weight because everytime I do, some stressful crap comes up and bam, UNFILL.

I'm going in today at 3:30 for a refill to get me back up to my sweetspot, but, if I get layed off in a few weeks I'll just have to get an unfill again.

Crystal...I am so sorry you have been having the terrible stresses in your life recently..the band issue is second to those. I certainly hope for your mental health alone that your job becomes more stable, or some other wonderful opportunity arises. In the meantime, being able to maintain while all this is going on is a testament to your strength. You are NOT a failure. I hope this next fill helps, but maybe even thinking about it is adding more stress. i have no words of wisdom. Just keep trying, keep posting here, let us try to help - or at least let us be your sounding board. You ARE strong.

I just wanted to tell you how good it is to see you on the board again. Welcome back!

What she said!:biggrin:

But, I'm really not going to give up, which is why I'm getting this fill today. I didn't go through all that time researching this surgery and 6 months of doctors visits and all that for nothing. I won't let this band in me be a waste of space.

That's it Crystal! A positive attitude.

What if you tried shakes when you know you are having a stressful day. Jazz it up with some fruit, skim milk, Protein powder and some sugar free Syrup so that you get nutrition but don't aggravate your tummy. It's not the most exciting diet in the world but it might give your tummy a rest. .

And EXCELLENT suggest St Louis!!

OK guys...I got my exercise in this morning, and then have 2 more days before I leave for my conference. I don't know what I am going to do there - tight schedule from 8 am to 8pm, every meal catered, and NO computer to access here....arghhh!!!!!!

'Tis time for me to go to bed now - 430am comes early!

Take care everyone; we are stronger than our cravings! WE CAN do this.

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Wow! It is a great thread. It was good to hear from all of you. Did any one every have a problem with sensitivity to the first solids of the day?? Sliming ? Nausea?

I have a bit of this now. I get nausea with most things I eat before noon. I try to just drink an Ensure or a banana, something simple because I know I need to make sure I get my meals in. But it does make me sick.

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Thank you St. Louis Gal! You have always been non-judgemental and wonderful with me!

I always say that I gained weight because I was happy, cuz when I'm happy I eat! When I'm upset I can't eat. THis was even before the band I had problems eating when I was upset. So, add the band in there and it makes it even worse.

I don't know why the first 5 months I was banded I didn't go through any stressful event because I was losing like 8 -10 lbs a month and it was perfect; then that one event with my friend, and bam, it's never been the same since.

But, I'm really not going to give up, which is why I'm getting this fill today. I didn't go through all that time researching this surgery and 6 months of doctors visits and all that for nothing. I won't let this band in me be a waste of space.



It's great to have you back Crystal. Sorry to hear about all of the trials you are having right now. Wish we could trade a bit. I've gained about 40 pounds since my husband passed away. I just want to eat. Maybe we could trade a bit and get a normal eating pattern for each of us.

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I found a book about drinking Water. It said that we should drink 1 ounce per 2 pounds of body weight and then 1 ounce for every 2 ounces of soda, alcohol or sugary drinks that we consume. That makes my water intake about twice what I had been doing. .

I had to do a double-take on that statement...at first I thought it read 1 oz/pound....I'd never leave the bathroom if that were the case!! I did my calculations, and I am consistently meeting (and exceeding) that target...imagine, one thing I AM doing with no struggles!!!!:biggrin:

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Okay, I finally caught up on all the back posts. How wonderful to see everyone posting here.

What I'm seeing is a lot of us settling into real life and trying to figure out how to incorporate the changes we made from having a band into what our daily lives hold. It is certainly a process and I am glad to have the support of you all during it.

Crystal, if you truly think the band can't work with your stomach properly have you looked into other options like a gastric sleeve? I've read quite a bit about that on this site. I have had virtually no problems with my band, but if i ever did have complications I would seriously consider revising from band to sleeve. I think a sleeve would eliminate the being-too-tight thing.

It's funny, but at first I wanted the band because it was reversible if needed. Now that I've lost so much weight, there's no way in the world I want this reversed! So a more permanent solution is a more realistic option.

On running. It surprises me that it's something that I've gotten into. I hated running. Couldn't figure out why someone would do that on purpose unless a large animal was chasing them. But as I started walking I felt empowered. So eventually I tried running a few steps. It freed me from this pre-conceived notion that I couldn't run and was too weak to ever do so. I was strong enough to do that little bit and strong enough to add to it day by day. I used the couch to 5K and thought it was pretty challenging. I didn't know any couch potatoes that could do the amount of walking/running that it prescribes to begin with. But eventually I got there and was able to progress a bit at a time.

Like Angie said, I don't know if you'd really call what I do running, it's more what most people would consider jogging, but I call it running because to me that's what I'm doing. I'm not sprinting, but I'm running at a pace that I can sustain for 2 miles or more.

Sometimes, though, my workouts fizzle out. I went to the gym yesterday, having had a great run on Monday, and just couldn't do it. I ran for about 5 minutes and just didn't have the oomph to keep going. My goal is 45 minutes of exercise, so walking counted. I got tired of doing the walking eventually and moved to the stationary bike for the last 13 minutes. :biggrin:

Today we are going to walk to the library for our exercise. I think it's about a mile away. We'll see how long it takes with the kids in tow. There's a mom and toddler group, followed by a mom's group with free babysitting. I'm looking forward to it.

I hope you all have a fabulous day!

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Thank you all! And Tapshoes, I loved that long reply you made to everybody! that was so cool! I can't even see everybody's reply, so I 'm not sure how to copy others things. I use to know like a year ago, but it's been so long, I forgot. lol.

Ezma, I sent you a personal email...

And Shiny, I had thought about doing the Sleeve, but I don't think my insurance would cover it. But, I think about it all the time actually. People with sensitive tummy's like me, this might not be a good solution for them. But, again, I don't want to give up.

Slight bad news.. I went in to get my fill yesterday and they said my insurance no longer covers my visits and I have to pay full price for the fills now. I was very upset. I was expecting just the normal $15 copay. Apparently they were charging it as an office visit, but the insurance companies got wise to that and cancelled those. Sadly, they didnt' even tell me when I called or else I could have gathered the money up and transferred things and had the money...

I might call my lapband doctor and see if he'll give me a fill at his office so it will be like a real "office visit" so to speak.

It feels good being back on here. When I stay away, I feel like something is missing that I need to help me succeed with my band.

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You are all such a great support. With your support and encouragement, I have exercised all five days this week. Today according to Google maps, I walked 4 miles on my lunch break, (55 minutes total) so I was really moving. I walked the city streets instead of the track today and went farther than I had planned but it was a pretty day.

My weight this morning was back down to 203. :unsure: It had been as high as 212 again since I got my unfill. Now I am really watching what I eat and drinking lots more plain Water. Tomorrow I can start breaking new ground and try to break past the 200 mark. That has been a tough one for me. I am really trying now to stay away from the sugary Snacks, although I did eat about half a piece of chocolate cake when I was out with my Red Hat friends. I left the other half on the plate instead of boxing it up to go. :tongue2:

Love you all!

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You are all such a great support. With your support and encouragement, I have exercised all five days this week. Today according to Google maps, I walked 4 miles on my lunch break, (55 minutes total) so I was really moving. I walked the city streets instead of the track today and went farther than I had planned but it was a pretty day.

My weight this morning was back down to 203. :thumbup: It had been as high as 212 again since I got my unfill. Now I am really watching what I eat and drinking lots more plain Water. Tomorrow I can start breaking new ground and try to break past the 200 mark. That has been a tough one for me. I am really trying now to stay away from the sugary Snacks, although I did eat about half a piece of chocolate cake when I was out with my Red Hat friends. I left the other half on the plate instead of boxing it up to go. :lol:

Love you all!

This is really awesome StLouisGal! Congratz to you on all of it. :thumbup::thumbup::w00t: This is inspiring to me too! I know I "only" have about 5 pounds to lose (I may want to go further) . . . but I SO want to get there, and be able to say I lost 100 pounds. That's a lot off a 5'2" frame. Plus all this helps me learn to maintain too - I NEVER want to go back to where I was. Lots of love to you too! :clap:

.... I hated running. Couldn't figure out why someone would do that on purpose unless a large animal was chasing them.

ROFL! :clap: Now where can I find a large animal . . .

WOW!! I miss one morning of posting, and the place goes wild!! YAY!!! It is nice to see all the chatter - and welcome back to Crystal and Babydoe! OK - now to catch up....

Agree! It so great to see other people joining us! I feel a little backed up with catching up too, but I'm still here and trying! Welcome back Crystal and Babydoe!

We are NOT going to fail...we may have lapses, temporary fluctuations,

Somehow I read this as "memory fluctuations", lol . . . I'm must be having those! :unsure:

How I love (and miss) nuts!

My dietitian says it's good to eat nuts, especially walnuts (good Omega 3's, heart healthy fats) - just in moderation of course. 4 walnut halves is one fat serving (I know, pathetically small amount) . . . my diet plan includes 3 fat servings a day. Peanut Butter is my passion though, so the fat serving goes there. :tongue2:

Lori - so close to goal....you must feel wonderful!!!!

I track my food infrequently; I probably should do it more consistently. I'll add that to the things I should do, but don't!!

I am feeling great! :clap: But I think that last 5 pounds is going to be SO stubborn! :eek: Tracking food and calories/fats/protein/carbs may sound like a major pain, but it's really helped keep me on plan. I've gotten so used to it, it's become just a regular daily routine, like showering and brushing your teeth.

OK guys...I got my exercise in this morning, and then have 2 more days before I leave for my conference. I don't know what I am going to do there - tight schedule from 8 am to 8pm, every meal catered, and NO computer to access here....arghhh!!!!!!

Gonna miss you! Please take care and be safe!

Take care everyone; we are stronger than our cravings! WE CAN do this.

YES! I keep saying this too, it really helps! :lol:

I wish everyone a wonderful and beautiful weekend!

Just Keep Swimming!

June is no junk month!

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What I'm seeing is a lot of us settling into real life and trying to figure out how to incorporate the changes we made from having a band into what our daily lives hold. It is certainly a process and I am glad to have the support of you all during it.

I hated running. Couldn't figure out why someone would do that on purpose unless a large animal was chasing them. But as I started walking I felt empowered.

Sometimes, though, my workouts fizzle out. I went to the gym yesterday, having had a great run on Monday, and just couldn't do it. I ran for about 5 minutes and just didn't have the oomph to keep going. My goal is 45 minutes of exercise, so walking counted. I got tired of doing the walking eventually and moved to the stationary bike for the last 13 minutes. :eek:

Today we are going to walk to the library for our exercise. I think it's about a mile away. .

How did the walk to the library go? I know all about exercising fizzling out...I make myself do it, because if I don't, it is an express ride to slugville!

Slight bad news.. I went in to get my fill yesterday and they said my insurance no longer covers my visits and I have to pay full price for the fills now. I was very upset. I was expecting just the normal $15 copay.

It feels good being back on here. When I stay away, I feel like something is missing that I need to help me succeed with my band.

We are so glad you are back Cool! I hope you can find other arrangements for your fills that won't be too pricey.

You are all such a great support. Today according to Google maps, I walked 4 miles on my lunch break, (55 minutes total) so I was really moving.

My weight this morning was back down to 203. :unsure: Tomorrow I can start breaking new ground and try to break past the 200 mark. That has been a tough one for me.

For me, walking and seeing things, other than the walls of the gym, make it easier to go further. A 4 mile walk at lunch is tremendous...way to go!!!

And now, onto breaking the 200 mark...you CAN do...onederland is a great place.

I know I "only" have about 5 pounds to lose (I may want to go further) . . . but I SO want to get there, and be able to say I lost 100 pounds. That's a lot off a 5'2" frame. Plus all this helps me learn to maintain too - I NEVER want to go back to where I was.

My dietitian says it's good to eat nuts, especially walnuts (good Omega 3's, heart healthy fats) - just in moderation of course.

I am feeling great! :lol:

But I think that last 5 pounds is going to be SO stubborn! :thumbup:

You CAN do it Lori. You have the determination, you have the attitude, and you have us supporting you!!!

As for the nuts...well, the VVs know they are my weakness, so for me, no nuts. I just can't resist them, so don't tempt me...:thumbup::drool:

Morning all! I am taking a break from my Saturday cleaning - gotta get the house cleaned, and then pack - how many clothes do I need for 6 days of business meetings, with evening meetings as well, and dinners, and one reception?

And while I'm away, my step daughter graduates from university, and she, her sister, and her mother (DH's ex) are all coming here...so now I gotta clean the house to the n'th degree too! Stress? Nope, no stress! Insanity perhaps, but no stress!!!:tongue2::sneaky::lol::w00t:

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Ooh, Tap, good luck with family visiting. Are you on good terms with the ex? I'm guessing you must be since she is staying with you guys.

Our walk to the library was good. My 11 y.o. daughter kept complaining that we were walking too fast. She said she wouldn't mind walking to the library if she was just strolling. LOL I tried to slow down for her, but she said I was still walking too fast. My kids are soft. I need to help them get more fit.

We also went to the pool for a couple hours yesterday afternoon. It felt really nice to not be humiliated by being so exposed in my swimsuit. There was even a man who said hello to me and then exchanged a couple of pleasantries a little while later. I wouldn't call it flirting exactly, but he was definitely interacting with me. Such an exchange just doesn't happen when you're very overweight and very insecure. I have to admit that I really enjoyed that attention. I am completely devoted to my husband, but it's nice to get some outside feedback, even if it's unintentional feedback, you know?


I love the support from this forum and this thread as well. What a great group of people we have here.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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