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Do you need to lose those pounds you've gained?

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lilmiss! welcome back! ughh, moving. uck. we did that a little over a year ago. it was nice, the whole bigger house thing, but the whole pack and unpack thing, not so much fun. good luck with all that. i am sure that will burn plenty of calories! i have been slacking on actual working out exercising but have been busy so i think that has helped me. i would be doing so much better if i was really working out. i am making an effort starting today to do at least 30 minutes each night this week.

congrats on 30 days! way to go! i am so proud of you. i totally tanked it on even trying with the candy thing. but i am back on it today, giving it another go. i was doing really good, but have stalled out, even gained a few back. i took a good look at what i was consuming and it hit me! it was what i was drinking! i had been only drinking Water and crystal light. but then i went on a gatorade and real lemonade/pink lemonade binger for little over a week, probably like a week and half. holy crap how those liquid calories just load up on you. but today i am back on the crystal light wagon and i already feel better!

i am in charge of the concession stand for this weekend for the boxing tournament our club is hosting. its killing me! i have so much crap in my house right now! boxes of candy. i have been baking Cookies and brownies....i will be glad to have it over with and these things to be outta the house again.

this week is crazy busy getting everything ready for saturday's boxing. i will be glad when its over and things return to our normal busy. i figure then i will be able to up my workouts and be more focused on myself again.

congrats on the lsoe jrfan! seeing a loss always gets me going again! i tend to get tighter after a week or two as well. and i am always tighter in the am, usually until around noon or so. it took some getting used to.

hope everyone is well.

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I need help I have gained alot of weight back, I am not sure why. I had a migrain for almost a year and was on alot of medication. I was down to 195 and now after winter and headache releif I am back up to 225, I went and got a fill with my doctor when I was at 215 he did not say anything but for me to be on a week long fluids and I did that but I have still put on weight since january My next fill is in June4, what should I do? get a fill every month? I feel stupid, Like I don't know how to us my own Tool. and I am feeling pretty down about it, any advise?

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Liz, the best thing to do is just take it one day at a time. There are so many of us out there that have gained. Granted it's not alot of weight, and not nearly as much as could have been gained if we didn't have the lap-band.

I guess the thing to do is just to get out there and do what we are supposed to do. The weight is not going to drop all on its own. The band is not a magic device, but only there to prevent us from eating too much. It's also not flawless. It's quite easy to eat around it.

I'm maybe a bit too tight and yet I was able to gain a bit for awhile. I have stayed steady since, but I know I'm not going to go back into the right direction until I give it 100%. It's just the way it is.

I bounce up and down the same 5-10 Lbs. What can I do about that?? Well I know the answer, but I just don't follow through. I can't be upset at myself much either, I have come a really long way! I received a picture message from a friend today asking, well hey, why didn't you mention you lost 100 LBS??? I mean come on... look on the bright side here!! Haha! I really need to do that.

The fact is when I sit down and compare me now and then... I pick NOW anyday! I really love who I have become, but I also realize there is so much more I can do to become even better.

Life just keeps getting better and I keep getting better.

I wish you all the best!

How is everyone else doing? I've just been a bit busy and haven't been around. I weigh the same today as what my ticker says. Funny huh? I wrote that like a month ago. Shame on me! Get with it Irene!!

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Irene, I've only read to page two of this thread and just had to post ( will go back to read everything later!).

First, thank you! I am in the same position as you. Banded in Nov 2007, got down to around 170, gained back I'm thinking around 25 but will not get on the scale to prove it. I'm having such a hard time!!!

chips and ice cream - yes, I have got to stay away from those too. Like you, I spiral out of control if I just have ONE! It is like alcohol or any addiction to me as well. I just cannot have any.

So something that has helped me- I recently talked to a friend who did WW and lost over 50 pounds. Just knowing her struggles has helped me know that it DOES take a bit of struggle, and the skinny girls don't necessarily eat whatever they want if ya know what I mean. She said she would eat three small meals a day, that's it. No Snacks. If she was hungry, she'd look at her watch and say only an hour until lunch, or only half an hour till supper. She was hungry. I did that for a week and it was working - then I went on vacation for a week where that totally got blown to pieces. Now I'm back and of course fighting off my addictions because, yes, I had chips and ice cream on vacation!!!

My goal is to eat three meals a day, no Snacks. I know that's what it's going to take for me. I look forward to coming to this thread often!

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Okay, have read it all!

Georgia Girl - I have PCOS and am a perfectionist just the way you describe it as well - if I have one thing I shouldn't, I figure I've blown it anyway so I go for broke.

JRFAN88 - I live in AR too. Where are you from? What doctor are you using?

Irene - there ARE things they put in Doritos to make you addicted. I found this out recently. MSG. MSG is extremely addicting and can cause you to stop losing weight. It can also be hidden in the food label as wording other than MSG. If you google "other words for MSG" or something like that you'll see a big list of words to look for when you're reading packaging. So in other words, the food industry knows we are all looking for the word "MSG" because we know to avoid it by now, right? So instead of putting "MSG" on the packaging, they list it as a different name, but it's still MSG. Am I making sense? For example, if you see "natural flavoring," that's actually MSG. There's about 30 different names MSG can be listed as.

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lindata - I'm from Murfreesboro, in the SW corner of state. I use the doctors in Texarkana. Where are you from & what doctor do you use?

That was interesting to know about the Doritoes. chips are definitely a weakness for me. I do, however, realize that I can just have a few now, whereas before the band I couldn't control the amount at all.

I have finally broken past about an 8 month plateau. I kept gaining & losing the same 5-10 pounds & I have finally broke under 160. I was beginning to think it would never happen. My band had got too tight last week. I went in for a tiny unfill. We went camping over the weekend & I knew I wasn't able to eat much & when I got home I couldn't wait to get on that scale & BAM there it was - 156.

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What a great thread! I had my band in August of 2006 and did great for the first year or so. I got down to 164 from my high of 236. In April of 2008 I had a fill after gaining about 10 pounds. Over the course of the year I gained another 10 and finally ended up at my doctor's office in March of this year. I had a stretched pouch and inflammation and was completely unfilled and sent home on two weeks of liquids. I went and had a endoscopy to see if there was any additional damage. And gained myself another 15 pounds in the process. I'm up 35 and unbelievably discouraged.

Today I went for a fill with fleuro. It was clear that the little 2ccs I was up to after the unfill wasn't restricting anything - the barium just sloshed on through. They added .4 and it looks really good now. When I got in the car I had one of those aha moments. My band hasn't been providing me with restriction for over a year now. Now wonder I gained weight! I was right back where I was the year I'd lost and regained and decided to get the band in the first place. I feel really relieved. I needed the band to lose weight and I need it to work to maintain. That's just how it is and I can't beat myself up over it anymore.

Now I'm looking forward to getting past the liquids and mushies so I can see if it's really working again!

As far as getting back on track I'm trying a few different things. A few years ago I did a weight loss hypnosis programs. So I reordered the sessions on CD and have started listening again. I can definitely tell a difference in my motivation and control the day after I listen to the program.

I also started logging my foods online (I've been trying Spark People and Daily Plate). If I really do have restriction again then it'll be more about keeping on top of my nutrition and Protein intake and keeping alert for excessive snacking.

In November I rejoined the local health club and have been doing Pilates Mat 2-3 times a week. What's interesting is that I'm back up to 199 but I'm not the same size I was the last time I was this weight. So even though I can't see it, it must be working under all that extra padding. Now I just need to add cardio. My husband is a real nag about exercise, we've got an elliptical and a treadmill in our home so it's hard to tell him no.

I'm also back to the support groups. I have to figure out why I overeat and work on it. There's another support group I'm going to try on the 13th and I'll pick the one that works best for me. I also went to look at the FACE Weight Loss program which appears to be a non diet kind of program. And I was thinking about buying that Gabriel Method book.

At any rate... I'm so glad this thread exists and that I'm not alone in struggle to relose my regained weight. It helps a lot.


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Hello ladies...

I have not had surgery yet. I am hoping it will be in Oct. I just wanted to say how encouraging you all are. I commend you for all your hard work. I would like to continue to chat with you all, as i believe that the more support you have the better. My primary care doctor just took me off my birthcontrol pills today to see if it would help lower my blood pressure. I have my first meeting with the dietician on thursday. I am looking forward to the surgery and the new life change it will bring, but I am definitely scared of gaining weight back. my highest weight is 250, I am at 242 right now....would love to be 135....here's to goals and support!

Thanks again for all your words. Hope to talk with you all again soon.:wub:

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hi i just found this thread...and i admit i haven't been around this site much lately. i'm struggling big time and really need to get my head back on straight. i'll be a year out August 5th and i'm still only down 50 pounds. i've been stuck for a while. i know that i need to get more exercise in...and i am trying...but i guess i need to try harder. ok...going to have a hard boiled egg for lunch. have a good day everyone!

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hi lilmissdiva,

i just found this thread and read your initial email.

i smiled when you kept saying for people to not be "mightier then thou'" i didnt post for a year because people were exactly like that way...some downright mean...even ones who needed advice themselves. i will say in the past 6 mos...i find people to be alot more caring/encouraging on this site. the know-it-alls have seemed to disappear.

i had an experience like yours. this past christmas i gained 17 lbs. i must say most of it is due to blue bell ice cream (it's the best in the world down here in texas). i was getting insane....the more i gained, the more i hated myself and the more i ate. my jeans were getting sooooo tight....it reminded me of the prebanded josie. i think this is where the compulsion of mine hadnt been dealt with.

things i've done to get it under control:

1. started to journal my food each day. i use netdiary because it is iphone/computer compatible. in past i used sparkpeople.com and it was great.

2. i really had to work hard to just live 1 day at a time. i was getting way ahead of myself. my fiance's daughter's wedding was july 25th. i was putting so much pressure to lose the weight for then....and i ate more. the end of this story...the wedding was just called off so i didnt need to worry at all.

3. i just had a Tummy Tuck and boob lift so i had to stop exercising. i was just cleared to start again and need to get my butt to the gym. this definitely helps...

4. i actually pray for the strength to stay on track. this helps alot

one thing you mentioned that i have an issue with is being tight. i am tight even without fill. it is easier for me to eat junk then good food. i am starting to force myself to stop junk and take the time to eat good food. this has been the hardest struggle

the upside my jeans are feeling better....so it is giving me some positive NSV's

so i am and will always be in the "process". i still have 8 lbs of the 17 on and still working on it.

thank you for the great thread topic.

Edited by josiebies

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tvg, hello! You know that going through what you are experiencing is very common. I have been stuck where I'm at for a really long time now. Maybe a year now. I'm almost downright sick of this lap-band - and I'm planning to get some unfilled at the end of this month. I have an appt to see my surgeon on the 31st at noon. I just can't stand this feeling in my chest every time I try to eat good healthy foods anymore.

Josie, thank you for the advice! I really already know about all of those things... I think it really comes down to actually doing it. Hmmm... well I'm not that bad off. I mean - I still haven't eaten any chips. NOPE!! I've been sticking with it and holding strong. Bad thing though is I fell off the wagon with the chocolate candy and Ice cream last couple days. Ugh!!

Good luck!

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FINALLY...someone I can relate to. I was banded September 2007, went from 252 down to 192. I was doing really well, then stopped losing. I have not lost any weight in months. I have gained, how much I do not know because I am afraid to get on the scale. I can tell I've gained because my pants are a little more snug then they were. I am filled as much as I can be. That's not the problem. The problem is that I can eat, more so in the late afternoon - evening & I take advantage of it. I am so disgusted. I guess my expectations of myself and this whole process were too high. I do PB sometimes, almost daily to be honest. It's just the evenings that get me. I know we are supposed to be eating tiny meals, chewing a thousand times before swallowing, not drinking with meals, etc. but for me it doesn't matter, no matter what I do I cannot lose anymore.

I also love Slim fast, so I was thinking that I should drink one for lunch, and then eat a lean cuisine for dinner. At least I would have Portion Control again. WHY am I in this position again? I never thought I'd be dealing with this ever again!!! I am so glad I found this post. I want to be held accountable to someone and hopefully this is it. Once i reached my one year anniversary, it's almost as though I've dropped off the face of the earth as far as my doctor is concerned.

You sound exactly like me. I'm 1 1/2 years post op and can't get the last 35 pounds off no matter what I do. I'm tight as I can comfortably be and still, no joy. I went back to Weight Watchers a few weeks ago and I bought some Slim Shots today. I feel EXACTLY like I did before the band - frustrated, hopeless, angry. Granted, I am 70 pounds lighter than I was then, but I'm still too fat and still desperate. Glad to know I'm not alone. :tongue2:

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Lilly, its very common for band patients to go up and down. We just don't go to the extreme as we did before the band. THANKS GOODNESS!!

I see you mentioned Weight Watchers. Well I just started up a new thread for support for those of us following the points system. Please join us!!


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I'm there!

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Well I am in the same boat as I had my surgery in 2006 and at my lowest was around 155. I have gained and lost weight over the last several years, but am currently 30 pounds over my lowest weight. It is really discouraging as I always order salads when everyone else is ordering things I would like to eat, when we go out. Maybe I don't eat enough at meals and snack on nuts and eat too many. I don't eat breads or potatoes or rice even though I fix them for every on else. I need to get control on my diet. I usually have oatmeal and no sugar juice for Breakfast and then exercise on the treadmill for 30 min to I hour. . Many times I will have a yogurt for dinner, Soup at lunch. I will find my self taking a bite of cheese now and then during the day. Any suggestions???? It is very depressing as I not only paid a large amount for this surgery, but I ordered two pairs of pants the other day, same brand and size and can't get into them and I refuse to buy larger ones as I am NOT going to go back to my 235 pound self that I started out as.

Edited by pbrown

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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