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Hi Irene. Thanks for being open and honest with the issues you're facing right now. I think you're doing a great job.

Regarding chips - they are also my downfall. I drank 64 - 96 oz of Pepsi a day before the surgery. Two weeks before I had the surgery, I stopped drinking soda. After 1 week of horrible headaches, I knew I was on the mend. I haven't had a soda since March 31, 2008. All that being said, to let you know I had to "trick" myself regarding the chips. I know I cannot drink soda because of the band (granted some people do, but I don't even want to try it). I "tricked" myself in to believing I could not have chips because they are physically bad for the band. I know it's ridiculous that a 36 year old woman can't seem to control the urges, but that's where I am. Since the self-imposed "if you eat it you will need to have the band removed" phase, I haven't had chips.

It's not easy and sometimes I seem to ache with the desire to eat just a few. But, it works for me.

I had to have all the saline removed from my band 4 weeks ago. I gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks. Since then I've lost 2 of those pounds. Since I'm near my goal weight, I'm trying to find the spot where I have the least amount of saline to maintain the weight. It's almost as frustrating as finding the sweet spot in order to lose the weight in the first place.

With all that being said, I still know this is the best health decision I've ever made. I guess I didn't take in to account that I would try to sabotage myself from time to time. You've done a great job so far and I know you'll continue to lose weight on your journey. One quick word of advice regarding stairs. I looooovvvve to walk up stairs, it gets my heart rate up and helps keep my butt from sagging to my knees (currently a position tied up by my boobs:rolleyes:)! However, walking downstairs hurts my knee and ankle - old softball injuries. I've found that if I only walk up the stairs I do a lot more and don't feel the pain afterwards. I'm sure you're like me and you're not afraid to feel the burn in your muscles - you just don't want pain in your joints. As silly as it sounds, maybe you could ride the elevator down a few flights and walk back up. Over time, I bet you can get more flights in if you don't have to think about your arthritis. Hope this helps - it made a big difference for me.

Thanks again for your postings. They really help me a lot.

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My Asthma only really gives me issues during the spring time, and mostly when the Oak trees are giving off their pollen. Crazy thing is I work in Downtown Sacramento, and those suckers are everywhere!! Oh well, what can I do.

As of right now I take Zyrtec, Chlorpheniramine and of course as I mentioned my Cingulair, but that's more geared toward my Asthma. My asthma is a result of my bad allergies though. I also sometimes will take Pseudoephedrine as needed (Sudafed), but it adversely affects my HBP, so I have to use that in moderation.

I'm all messed up!

I'm right there with you. I take Zyrtec, Singulair, Flonase, and the Advair along with 2 HBP meds and prilosec for reflux (common with asthma). My asthma is allergy based as well. That's why I'm hopeful that the shots might help. Never had asthma until I lived in WA state and was exposed to year round allergens. Now I'm just all messed up and allergic to most anything that grows. I also have to have supplemental oxygen at night because I now live in a high altitude and don't get enough oxygen when I sleep.< /p>

I was complaining to my allergist that my BP is not going down like I thought it should with my weight loss. She said that since I hadn't got my asthma under control lately that that can contribute to higher BP too (as well as not using my CPAP/oxygen, she really reamed me for that too) and finally in the last few weeks since I've been diligent with my asthma meds, my BP is starting to drop. So much that I may get off one of the meds soon and my PCM told me the other day that if I need to take Sudafed for stuffiness...go right ahead.

I don't know if the drop in BP is due to taking the Advair like I'm supposed to or because I've been better about using my oxygen and the CPAP, maybe both~maybe neither...maybe the weight loss finally catching up, who knows, I'm just happy it's finally going down. I guess I'll learn to live with the ankle and hip joint pain and headaches and other twinges and occasional side effects I get from the Advair.

Sometimes I feel like I should wear a mask when I go outside, esp in the springtime. They are adding on to the hospital where I work and it seems to be windy more often that not and dirt is constantly being blown around, it is so awful to walk by but I can't escape it. Maybe I'll tie a bandana on, what kind of looks do you think I'd get then? :(

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i have had a freakin crap of a day!

went for that fill. told the dr how i have been able to eat more and anything since the last fill a month ago. he said ok, lets look. i no Fluid in my band! when i got the fill in march it was 2.1 cc. today it was .2 cc. WTF???? so yeah, i am freakin the #*%@ out! the dr tells me of the few reasons it may be, the FREAK, ALMOST NEVER HAPPEN reasons this could happen. perhaps when i sat up last time for the fluoro i pulled the needle out of the port and when he added fluid it didnt go in the band, just into me. or, and he says he has only done this one time, he just didnt put it back in. maybe got to discussing things with me and didnt realize he didnt push it in. something strange like that.

or, more likely, i have a leak somewhere. wtf now? i am seriously freakin out and upset and in a panic. i ask him how i find out for sure. he said, well, you will know if this fill works or not. and i said, and if not? he said i will have to call my surgeon. who is in mexico. just freakin great.

and to add to it my dear dear dh is mad about it. yes dear, its my fault. i thought, gee, lets get a leak...that sounds fun. *(@#$(*@#&)(@#&$(&@#($*@(#$#@*$)(@#$)(&@#&$&$(*@(*$&@#(*((. ARGHHH!!!!

so i sit here in a state of shock. do i just go ahead and try to eat something? to see if it worked? or do i follow my normal rules and stay liquid and soft foods for a day or two and then try? just in case it did work and this was some fluke strange thing??? oh what to do, what to do!! i want to EAT!!! the whole emotional eating thing is rearing its ugly head.

think i will just go hide in the bathroom and cry some more. all this and i still had to come to work. damn my day!

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i have had a freakin crap of a day!

went for that fill. told the dr how i have been able to eat more and anything since the last fill a month ago. he said ok, lets look. i no Fluid in my band! when i got the fill in march it was 2.1 cc. today it was .2 cc. WTF???? so yeah, i am freakin the #*%@ out! the dr tells me of the few reasons it may be, the FREAK, ALMOST NEVER HAPPEN reasons this could happen. perhaps when i sat up last time for the fluoro i pulled the needle out of the port and when he added fluid it didnt go in the band, just into me. or, and he says he has only done this one time, he just didnt put it back in. maybe got to discussing things with me and didnt realize he didnt push it in. something strange like that.

or, more likely, i have a leak somewhere. wtf now? i am seriously freakin out and upset and in a panic. i ask him how i find out for sure. he said, well, you will know if this fill works or not. and i said, and if not? he said i will have to call my surgeon. who is in mexico. just freakin great.

and to add to it my dear dear dh is mad about it. yes dear, its my fault. i thought, gee, lets get a leak...that sounds fun. *(@#$(*@#&)(@#&$(&@#($*@(#$#@*$)(@#$)(&@#&$&$(*@(*$&@#(*((. ARGHHH!!!!

so i sit here in a state of shock. do i just go ahead and try to eat something? to see if it worked? or do i follow my normal rules and stay liquid and soft foods for a day or two and then try? just in case it did work and this was some fluke strange thing??? oh what to do, what to do!! i want to EAT!!! the whole emotional eating thing is rearing its ugly head.

think i will just go hide in the bathroom and cry some more. all this and i still had to come to work. damn my day!


I'm so sorry you're having a rough day! :sad:

That is a fear of mine, and it is a very credible fear that something could go wrong with the band. It's actually more common I think than some might realize. I'm so afraid of what could happen if I were to lose my band or get totally unfilled for an amount of time... ugh! I totally can feel your urgency and pain!!!

The best thing to do at this point is to stay rational... and definitely do the bandster rules. If it was just a fluke and your band is ok, then you don't want to risk any other problems by eating too fast and having a PB. Just try to remain patient and see how it plays out. Take care of your band!

Our husbands just don't understand what we are going through, but I agree he could use a little more tact when addressing the issue. It's a very sensitive subject for us, and any little thing goes wrong and it can send us over the edge! I know it!! :)

Get your feelings out hon, but when you are done just try to stay sane. What would your husband do without you?? LOL!! :)

Keep in touch and let me know how it goes...

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irene- thank you so much for responding so quickly. i am really struggling. what a day. its funny, in the not funny way, but at every fill i was always way paranoid about something being wrong. like i had stretched my pouch or something. and it always ended up being ok. but not today. maybe?? hell i dont even know how to feel right now. i need to check my email and see if the dr in mexico has answered me yet. what if i am all freakin out and it really is ok? or i dont get all upset and it is broken? i know getting upset isnt gonna help anything, but that is just something that can not be helped right now!

as for my dh...and right now the d is not for dear...he has never been fully on board with this. he thought i should just exercise and try harder. this was the "easy" way out. omg, what the hell does he know? this is the farthest thing from easy. he gets pissy about the money part of it every time i go for a fill. he just doesnt understand. he says he needs to lsoe 5 pounds, and poof, next day its gone. i love him to death, but some days!!! at times he is has become more understanding, but things like this just reinforce his way of thinking for him. he thinks it should be an exact science, with the fills, ya know? and its just not. and now this...he isnt happy to say the least. lol. but, what can i do?

so i have tried drinking something finally. and i seem to have restriction. as of right now. i definately have that tight, sitting there waiting to go through feelings. omg, havent had that forever! i am trying to not get to happy/excited though. what if it just takes it a couple days to leak out?

this on top of the problems i am having at home are gonna drive me to drinking! lol, well, sorta lol, but not really. my stepson is being a shit and i am all stressed out from him. i really hope he is better tonight or i think i might just lose my mind. instead of weight...

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want, I understand how tough that must be!

I have no idea about the non-support, my husband is overly supportive at times. Annoyingly so to be perfectly honest. I guess the hubbies just can't win no matter what. LOL!!

We'll both just hold out hope that everything is ok. It is actually quite common also for the person doing the fill to "miss it". It could just have been that the last time. Take it easy and do the liquids thing for a few days, however your doctor wanted you to do it.

I'll keep you in my thoughts, even so - so far so good.

I get you on the stepson thing. It seems that when something is on my mind in a negative way, everything and everyone gets on my nerves big time! Probably just best to avoid him to an extent right now, until you get your mind in a better place. It might be awhile.

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Well, I don't know if any of you have noticed but I have undertaken a few choice changes recently.

First of all, I have come to the conclusion that no matter what, or how tight I am, the Lap-Band will never be able to quiet my growling stomach. So I have decided to try out this new little thing called Slim Shots. They look like little coffee Creamers, and are about 1 oz. each. A box comes in 30's.

So far and this is day 3 taking them for me, it has really sincerely helped keep the hunger down. Not only that, it does also help with portions size too. The Lap-Band already helps with that right now, so I'm left eating very little. Or rather, a little bit seems to go further now. That is all I wanted... I felt I was still eating too much. The reason being that whatever I was able to get down didn't seem to last very long. Now it's lasting longer, and I'm getting that satisfied feeling with just a small bit. FINALLY!!

When I get hungry it's fierce! My stomach growls really loud and I feel ravenous. The Lap-Band has not seemed to control this in any way. I also get hungry around 3 hours after eating too. I really wanted each meal to get 4-5 hours time. I really hate the idea of having to snack between meals. It adds up!

So, with that - I"m now able to go those 4-5 hours between meals without the need to snack! That is so wonderful for me! I'm saving so many calories now! Each little oz. is about 20 calories. What a trade in!!

The taste is pretty bad however, and that would be the only complaint I'd have. Oh, besides the price... it's pretty hefty. The ingredients aren't bad either, it being oils and Equal (sweetner) which really isn't all that bad.

Other than that all is well. I'm doing very well on my eating habits... sticking to the healthier options when choosing what to eat. It feels good! I'm also sticking closely to my exercise routine. I feel heathy and strong again.

Which brings me to another point... anyone else notice how awful you feel physically when you eat bad and don't exercise? Once your body becomes accostomed to healthy living you feel great, and when you make poor choices, you seem to be able to really notice it.

Well that's me in a nutshell right now. At least my weight is inching down once again since I stopped taking those darned steroids. Wow that was really bringing me down! I was being really good and to gain weight... I could just feel the frustration building up inside me! UGH!!

Talk soon all! Tell me how you're doing out there!

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PS, today is day 11 and no CHIPS!! WOOHOOOO!!

I can DO THIS!!

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last night i was oh so daring and tried some mashed potatos and some squash for dinner. all mushied up. i had restriction for sure. felt so weird! but good too. it has been a long time.

so this morning i still have restriction! praise allah! so far so good. my coffee and now my Water is on a slow trickle for sure. it took me like 40 minutes to eat a little over 1/2 a container of yoplait. i finally just threw it away. because i didnt want anymore!!!! and it was getting warm and just sitting there. oh i just hope it stays for more then a day or two.

if i did have leak would it be gone quickly? does it just drip out? or does it go fast? after last time i didnt have restriction at all whatsoever, so this time is definately different!!! i just keep telling myself to stay calm, just in case it does go away in the next day or two. its really hard to not be excited though. i was so upset yesterday and so down.

it seemed funny to type stepson yesterday because i dont usually referr to him like that. he is just my son. he has some major behavioral/emotional issues. for probably about a year and a half or more i thought we were headed straight for a divorce because of him. then things got better and had been for about a year. but now he is back to his old ways. only this time my dh is standing up/behind me. its nice, new and weird, but great. i think maybe he has/is working through his daddy guilt better now. but stepson only does the things he does to/directed at me. he sometimes gives his dad fits, but never like he does to me. its maddening. and i feel like i am failing him somehow and i dont know how or what to do to fix it/him. it makes me very very sad. hardest thing ever done is being a parent (stepparent too) i think.

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missdiva- first i need to apologize. yesterday and today i have been so wrapped up in me i havent been supportive. i am sorry.

so you are liking the slimshots? i have thought about trying them too. my mom gave me this juice stuff my aunt is selling. i will have to check the name tonight. anyways, you take a 1 or 2 oz shot of it 1 or 2 times a day. i have been amazed at how great it is at supressing my appetite. its got that acai berry in it plus a bunch of Vitamins and good for you stuffs. this stuff doesnt taste too bad, plus its so little and i drink it fast. this morning it was slower going down and i was kinda burping it up,well the tast and it was not the greatest then, lol.

WAY TO GO! w/ no chips! i am really proud of you. i am going to pick something that has been my weakness lately and try giving it up too. i just have to decide what. it will probably be something sweet. since being banded i crave sweets. its so weird for me. before i was a pure salty girl! when the fam was having ice cream for dessert i would rather have had chips or pop corn or something like that. not now. now i fight the temptation of Cookies and ice cream (which i never really liked much before) and stupid reese's Peanut Butter cups! have any of you found a change like that too? huh, well, tonight i am gonna decide what it is i am done and over with.

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missdiva- first i need to apologize. yesterday and today i have been so wrapped up in me i havent been supportive. i am sorry.

so you are liking the slimshots? i have thought about trying them too. my mom gave me this juice stuff my aunt is selling. i will have to check the name tonight. anyways, you take a 1 or 2 oz shot of it 1 or 2 times a day. i have been amazed at how great it is at supressing my appetite. its got that acai berry in it plus a bunch of Vitamins and good for you stuffs. this stuff doesnt taste too bad, plus its so little and i drink it fast. this morning it was slower going down and i was kinda burping it up,well the tast and it was not the greatest then, lol.

WAY TO GO! w/ no chips! i am really proud of you. i am going to pick something that has been my weakness lately and try giving it up too. i just have to decide what. it will probably be something sweet. since being banded i crave sweets. its so weird for me. before i was a pure salty girl! when the fam was having ice cream for dessert i would rather have had chips or pop corn or something like that. not now. now i fight the temptation of Cookies and ice cream (which i never really liked much before) and stupid reese's Peanut Butter cups! have any of you found a change like that too? huh, well, tonight i am gonna decide what it is i am done and over with.

Thank you! ...and YES... it's really bizarre for me. I've always been a salty girl too. However, since being banded I'm totally digging the sugar. I don't know how or why that has happened but it has. Luckily I've been able to ignore it lately, but I've definitely noticed an increase since banding.

I'm wondering if it may have anything to do with how easily they slip through the band. It's pretty much the only thing that I can eat that doesn't hurt. :)

I know one thing though, I refuse to get any removed until I get down to where I started!! I will consider a slight unfill at that time.

Don't worry about getting all that off your chest, that's what I'm here for!

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i still have restriction! woohoo! and boohoo. lol. i am T-I-G-H-T tight! it is such a "new" feeling! its been so long since i had any restriction.

i ate some yogurt mid-morning yesterday. afternoon found me suddenly HUNGRY and i realized i hadnt eaten anthing else. i had some Jerky in my desk. BAD IDEA! i chewed really really good with the first bite. but the second, not so well. and i was pb'ing and sliming for hours! HOURS! when in thought i was ok i had what would probably count as MAYBE one very small bite of mashed potatos last night. actually i licked the spoon was all. and started sliming and pbing all over again. guess the Jerky wasnt gone because i ended up heaving pretty good until i little piece came up. i was miserable and thirsty! but after that i must have just irritated the hell outta myself. i could barely get hot tea down.

this morning i am better. still perty dang tight. i feel like i am starting all over again and its HELL!!! i am sitting here thinking of all things i want to eat but cant. its pathetic. i want chocolate chip Cookies. and cheesefries. and a big old cheeseburger. there is something wrong with me! i swear. lol. i better start sipping on my slimfast. maybe that will help? i sure hope so. i am finding myself just obsessed w/ food right now. ughh...good thing i have restriction. actually, i think that is why i am wiggin out. i know i CANT eat that stuff so i want it tens times worse then i would have monday. they need a band for the mind!

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I've read through your posts & have really enjoyed them. I think I'll order some of those slim shots today. Do you put a vanilla in your coffee or just drink them as a shot? I still get hungry often but my portion sizes are better than pre-band.

I had my surgery almost 1 year ago & only needed to lose 80 pounds & I thought I would be almost to goal by now. I've lost almost half, depending on what day it is. I fluctuate 5 pounds or so. I've had to have 2 slight unfills which have set me back each time. My doctors fill gradually & only 1 every 6 weeks. I'm exercising like crazy, walking/jogging during my lunch & 4 nights a week I work with a trainer at a gym. Sad thing is that my weight is still up & have been in same size clothes for 6 months or more. I'm loving the muscle definition though. Just wish I could get the fat off so you could see it better.

I'm curious, Lil Miss Diva, did you have your job interview & how it went?

Want_so_bad, I am glad you have restriction & that your band is working. I know that was a scary day for you. Also I sympathize about your son. I have a 15-year-old son who is "at that age". Somedays he's still my sweet baby & others he hates me & I don't like him so much either... Lol...

For people reading this that haven't been banded. I still love my band! Even though I have been at a stand still for months I know without a shadow of a doubt if it weren't for this band I would have already gained back every pound that I've lost along with an additional 10.

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I was banded in August of 06 and lost 80-85 pounds. I have since gained 10-15 of them back. I got to a point where I hadn't been able to lose any for over a year. I had been working out on the treadmill 3-4 times a week for usually 45 minutes. This past December we had to get a new treadmill so I thought with a new workout program I would up my time to 60 minutes. I still could not make those scales budge. I went in for a fill last week and the nurse said I had 1.8 in my 9.75cm band. She had me drink Water and kept adding more until I was at a 2.4cc. I felt some restriction for a day or two, but I am still getting hungry. I had a cup of cold Cereal this am at 7:45 and my stomach has been growling since 11:00 this am. I don't know if that means my fill is not adequate or not. The other day I was so busy I had not even eaten lunch and really wasn't that hungry but finally had a salad at about 2:00pm. I get headaches so thought I had better eat. So....don't really know if I am filled to the "sweet spot " yet.

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GUESS WHAT?? GUESS WHAT?? i ate under 1/2 a cup of Soup today and i am FULL! so happy. do a little dance, go me go me. havent had anything anywhere remote to this feelings since august of last year. sweet lord its great. golly jee willakers i hope i start dropping weight! i MUST workout today. i have this whole renewed sense that i can get to goal! i know i know, i said i wasnt going to get excited, but this is exciting!!! lol, i a nerd. i know i will get a workout outside tonight w/ the animals, feeding, brushing, walking and all that. but i am gonna walk/jog on the treadmill too. or maybe some wii fit. i feel good! its been so long!

but gawd, i wanna eat something bad! its the whole Celebrate w/ food thing. sick twisted mind i have. omg, i ate a tiny amount of Soup, lets get a reese's. NO NO NO! i will not. besides, i am perty sure it would get stuck and hurt like hell and i would rather not to that. lol.

irene, how is the chip ban going? i have decided to give up reese's Peanut Butter cups again. no more! they are the devil. spawn of a Peanut Butter satan! ok, so yeah, i havent been this upbeat for a while.

pbrown- maybe something w/ lots of Protein will help you make it longer before you get hungry? or have you tried that already? i think as long as this fill stays put this would be my sweet spot. i know i wouldnt want it any tighter. are you losing inches? toning up?

jrfan- i had about the same to lose as you. i am just a tad over 1/2 there, but i was banded in 2007. life happened though and i had some setbacks and fell off track. having lost 40lbs i thought i would be able to buy new clothes. but yeah, that is not the case. i have not dropped even ONE stupid pant size. NOT ONE!!! my legs are so much thinnger, and my arms, and upper body. all smaller. but my gut is just in the way. so no new pants until the Tummy Tuck. it sucks. its frustrating. hell, its depressing. but it is what it is and the harder i work the better i will look in the end, right? thats what i keep telling myself anyways. my son is 10 and pulling this crap. its so hard! like you said, i dont like him much at times! little turd. i would have never even thought of doing to my mom what he does to me. my dad woulda killed me. plus, i just respected her more then that, ya know?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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