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The date is set.. Now where are my dancing shoes???

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I have read positive and negative on this and what I find most disturbing is the put downs to others on their decisions. I think we all are here to read and get information but it sure comes across nasty here from some. I also see it seems ok for some to speak however they like and others get threatened to be banned for nothing. Something is not right here. This should be a nice place with all of us having common goals and speak like adults here but people have to defend themselves ? Hello - this is a support group - opinions are what we want for sure but this doctor slamming, is it really necessary. Make a point but don't make it so personal to the person questioning. I am not referring to myself so far but to what I have been reading and it actually makes me not want to say much because of these reasons.

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Heck I'm nervous enough about getting any surgery.. :smile2:

I just want to get this done.. come out healthy and move on with my life. :grouphug:

I asked for help and got flamed by the moderators of this forum for looking at the post they asked me to and noticed that they were wrong??? And no I had not already made a decision. Thats why I'm here asking questions.

My surgery date is set but I can still back out at any time. I'm just not prepared to drop a doctor based on someone misquoting a post.

I dunno... I just want to get this done and be happy I did it.

Could someone please hit the fastforward button and let me skip the next three months? :welldoneclap:



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Sigh. Nobody flamed you. You asked for links to posts about problems with Betancourt doctors and I provided them. Now it's up to you to decide what to do with them.

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Heck I'm nervous enough about getting any surgery.. :)

I just want to get this done.. come out healthy and move on with my life. :)

If you want to come out healthy, you select the BEST surgeon you can.

I asked for help and got flamed by the moderators of this forum for looking at the post they asked me to and noticed that they were wrong??? And no I had not already made a decision. Thats why I'm here asking questions.

You're asking questions and getting answers you don't want. Therefore, you proclaim you're getting flamed. You're entitled to your opinions.

My surgery date is set but I can still back out at any time. I'm just not prepared to drop a doctor based on someone misquoting a post.

The links Madame posted are self explanatory. Proceed at your own risk.

I dunno... I just want to get this done and be happy I did it.

As you say, your date is set so good luck.

Could someone please hit the fastforward button and let me skip the next three months? :thumbup:



Hakun seems to believe "support" is telling a person who picks a surgeon with bad outcomes that it's OK to go for it. Madame provided a wealth of links showing why Betancourt/Emmanuel clinic is NOT a good choice.

Edited by Elisabethsew

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You have to wonder about people's motives sometimes, when they ask a question and others go so far as to give them a ton of links of patients who have had bad outcomes.

But, they still decide to go with that doctor or that clinic.

There is a perspective patient on OH who says she is going to a doctor in Mexico who is doing the sleeve at a bargain basement rate. Several of Dr Aceves patients came on and told her to research more and not to go by price. Someone else, (not a Aceves patient), came on and said that Dr Aceves had in fact cut his price on the sleeve also.

I came on and explained that I had just had surgery there and he had not cut his price. Several other Aceves patients came and said no he had not cut his prices, that the ad was probably referring to the lapband. One even said she went to three different websites and talked to the coordinator. The price for sleeve surgery was the same.

Then this person accused all of us of being either the same poster/paid spokespersons/Aceves Cheerleaders.

Sadly, with all that drama the original poster will probably go get her bargain basement sleeve, then wonder later why she is having problems. Alas, all we can do is advise and try and steer people to do thorough research. I am 24 days post procedure and have lost 22#, gone from a size 18 to a size 14, and you're damn right, I am an Aceves cheerleader!

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You have to wonder about people's motives sometimes, when they ask a question and others go so far as to give them a ton of links of patients who have had bad outcomes.

But, they still decide to go with that doctor or that clinic.

There is a perspective patient on OH who says she is going to a doctor in Mexico who is doing the sleeve at a bargain basement rate. Several of Dr Aceves patients came on and told her to research more and not to go by price. Someone else, (not a Aceves patient), came on and said that Dr Aceves had in fact cut his price on the sleeve also.

I came on and explained that I had just had surgery there and he had not cut his price. Several other Aceves patients came and said no he had not cut his prices, that the ad was probably referring to the lapband. One even said she went to three different websites and talked to the coordinator. The price for sleeve surgery was the same.

Then this person accused all of us of being either the same poster/paid spokespersons/Aceves Cheerleaders.

Sadly, with all that drama the original poster will probably go get her bargain basement sleeve, then wonder later why she is having problems. Alas, all we can do is advise and try and steer people to do thorough research. I am 24 days post procedure and have lost 22#, gone from a size 18 to a size 14, and you're damn right, I am an Aceves cheerleader!

Whether or not they admit it, I think a lot (not all) of patients are drawn to advertised prices and swayed by paid and persistent coordinators whose paycheck depends on recruiting patients.

The economy is tough and coming up with money for weight loss surgery is a sacrifice. I did a lot of research and chose the best surgeon for me because I wanted it done right the first time and I wanted it done safely. That meant choosing a surgeon with a proven record of success, a surgeon who did not bang out 6-10 surgeries a day, and care in a real hospital with intensive care capability.

I got home yesterday and the first word that comes to mind from my experience is "impressive". I have been an RN for a LONG time and my area of expertise is critical care. You can bet I watched and questioned everything and am a very satisfied customer.

So, people can elect to go to whatever surgeon they want to. It's just plain rude to slam people who are trying to answer the questions that are asked.

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Someone explain to me how its rude to point out that the information "The Three Amigos" pointed me to wasnt derogatory at all but was infact taken from a positive post and picked apart for negative bits.

I came onto this forum with an open heart and asked for real experiences from this doctors/centers patients and instead got embroiled in some sort of forum argument that has been brewing a loooong time.

I have absolutely no problem with people giving me real information that I can use but to blatantly say that I am some sort of fanboy of Emmanuel or cant be swayed by logical arguments that have no base in reality is absurd.

Ive looked through every link that has been provided and there are indeed some disgruntled people with former doctors that used to work for Betancourt. Ok, I'm fine with that but the fact is those doctors no longer work for him. Does this put Dr. Betancourt or the Emmanuel center in question?? Or did he realise these doctors werent a good fit and found Dr. Almanza? I'm only working with the links and information you have provided me and I am simply not swayed by it.

And yes price has to be a consideration for me..heck I buy generic stuff at the grocery store and heavens forbid shop for the best price when I buy a house or a car.. and this in your eyes somehow makes my logic defective in choosing a doctor? Especially when I come here and ask for help?

So please the three of you have beat the dead horse to a bloody puddle can we just leave this thread to me .. you know the guy who started it!

How on earth did this get to a point where I have to ask this forums moderators to back away??

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Someone explain to me how its rude to point out that the information "The Three Amigos" pointed me to wasnt derogatory at all but was infact taken from a positive post and picked apart for negative bits.

I came onto this forum with an open heart and asked for real experiences from this doctors/centers patients and instead got embroiled in some sort of forum argument that has been brewing a loooong time.

I have absolutely no problem with people giving me real information that I can use but to blatantly say that I am some sort of fanboy of Emmanuel or cant be swayed by logical arguments that have no base in reality is absurd.

Ive looked through every link that has been provided and there are indeed some disgruntled people with former doctors that used to work for Betancourt. Ok, I'm fine with that but the fact is those doctors no longer work for him. Does this put Dr. Betancourt or the Emmanuel center in question?? Or did he realise these doctors werent a good fit and found Dr. Almanza? I'm only working with the links and information you have provided me and I am simply not swayed by it.

And yes price has to be a consideration for me..heck I buy generic stuff at the grocery store and heavens forbid shop for the best price when I buy a house or a car.. and this in your eyes somehow makes my logic defective in choosing a doctor? Especially when I come here and ask for help?

So please the three of you have beat the dead horse to a bloody puddle can we just leave this thread to me .. you know the guy who started it!

How on earth did this get to a point where I have to ask this forums moderators to back away??

There is nothing legit about a patient that clearly writes they have been on antibiotics since surgery. Over 2 months. You can explain and justify that away all you want, it doesn't change.

Give it up, you guys make Betancourt look bad each time to try to explain this away and justify it. I don't think you realize something, nobody cares where you go. It's your choice, you are an adult I assume, go where you want. You behave as though someone is trying to force you into something. Grow the heck up and get over it. Stop the whining, it's getting old.

YOU are the one dragging this out, not the mods. You are the one that is doing the feetie stomping, you are the one that won't let it go. For you to cry because the mods here get to voice their opinions is a little silly.

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Someone explain to me how its rude to point out that the information "The Three Amigos" pointed me to wasnt derogatory at all but was infact taken from a positive post and picked apart for negative bits.

I came onto this forum with an open heart and asked for real experiences from this doctors/centers patients and instead got embroiled in some sort of forum argument that has been brewing a loooong time.

I have absolutely no problem with people giving me real information that I can use but to blatantly say that I am some sort of fanboy of Emmanuel or cant be swayed by logical arguments that have no base in reality is absurd.

Ive looked through every link that has been provided and there are indeed some disgruntled people with former doctors that used to work for Betancourt. Ok, I'm fine with that but the fact is those doctors no longer work for him. Does this put Dr. Betancourt or the Emmanuel center in question?? Or did he realise these doctors werent a good fit and found Dr. Almanza? I'm only working with the links and information you have provided me and I am simply not swayed by it.

And yes price has to be a consideration for me..heck I buy generic stuff at the grocery store and heavens forbid shop for the best price when I buy a house or a car.. and this in your eyes somehow makes my logic defective in choosing a doctor? Especially when I come here and ask for help?

So please the three of you have beat the dead horse to a bloody puddle can we just leave this thread to me .. you know the guy who started it!

How on earth did this get to a point where I have to ask this forums moderators to back away??

For the LAST time, good luck with your surgery. You asked questions, you got responses, you didn't agree with the responses, and now you're insulting moderators. This is against the rules. Please review them.

Again, you are the one beating a dead horse. We wish you well with your surgery. Adios!

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Bob, I wish you the best possible outcome with your surgery. If you have done your research, and are comfortable and confident with your choice, then best of luck to you.

I had surgery with Dr. Aceves a few days ago and it was a truly wonderful experience. I hope your experience goes as well with whatever doctor you choose.

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Ok, I'm fine with that but the fact is those doctors no longer work for him.

Dr. Pompas -- who lied about her credentials and has a profile full of obviously fake testimonials on OH -- still works for him.

Does this put Dr. Betancourt or the Emmanuel center in question??

Absolutely. He's been working with crappy doctors for YEARS now. There is nothing to indicate he's changed. He bids out the surgeries and picks the *cheapest* docs. That's a recipe for disaster.

I'm only working with the links and information you have provided me and I am simply not swayed by it.

Then have a good surgery and I hope you are one of the lucky ones.

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My daughter and I considered the lap band and then decided from the posts and other family members with the band that perhaps VSG was the way to go and decided then to change our procedure, neither one of us came home with MRSA...or any other infection, we are currently 8 weeks out and we are doing great and happier then ever.



The problem with people who are paid to post is that they quite often cannot keep track of the stories they tell. Two threads have been closed so far. If YOU read closely, you will see that it was NOT posted that this mother and daughter tag team got MRSA. They both went in for a band and came home with a sleeve as per you.

Another patient who had surgery at Betancourt/Emmanual, an RN, stated that MRSA infections are common there, that she contracted it there, that she had to get IV antibiotics, and that she has not been off antibiotics since having the surgery in Jan!

Madame posted that the surgeon does up to 10 surgeries a day. You counter that he only does 3 sleeves a day. How many other procedures a day does he do in addition to the 3 sleeves?

I am a health care professional and would NEVER advise anyone to have bariatric surgery in a clinic where recovery takes place in a hotel and no ICU care is available. When you're own patient, an RN, posted that MRSA is a common infection and that she has been on antibiotics since her surgery 3 months ago, why would anyone in their right mind book surgery at your clinic?

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I think this thread has run its course.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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