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Please add me to the list...I'm being banded today...April 27. Soooo nervous!

Edited by petuniap

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Tomorrow 4/28 for me also!:tt2::thumbup: First time under general anesthesia. Looking forward to the "NEW ME".:D Say a prayer for me. Thankyou, rcher

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Hi everyone,

Don't forget the July 4th challenge for the bunny bandsters. If you'd like to participate, please go HERE.

Yet another updated list (updated: 12:40pm, 27 April 2009 [Australian eastern standard time]). Names in bright pink mean that person has checked in after surgery (so they are our 'confirmed banders').

Please let me know: if there are any errors, if there are any changes in dates, anyone missing from the list.

Also, once you've had your surgery, please check in with us so we know you're ok.

Wed April 1 = mulderfamily4, Sissyh1006, hhjazzyoo1, kaner, knewme, nataliedg8, Mommad, FDBAGPIPER, spirnat31, Swisskaese, Danielle07, Spinner115, misamae, Battjr, bignik, step587, soquili, scout47, Rogue

Thu April 2 = smilan, lingling, healthyme2, kerrischafer1, Poodia, lml32927, jonnycotes, russ3, MANOWAR, happykatz, preciousfriend, gw5390, dreamer69

Fri April 3 = super_chili, tish76, vegas girl, watermelon_1, TxMomof4, lich3853, mookp. lulu5040, brookeacomer, hanna61, Tall, kishaadamshall

Sat April 4 = GoddessNar, lawandad

Sun April 5 = chubbychops

Mon April 6 = swishbc, StephOnee, shakia90, Mona40, Crimson Tide, scottyjay, silverstar79, JohnB3465, doodlebug11, cajunmomma, Konda, sgtmtz, PBDove, stace31, mommyofthree, mariadonna84, fengshui, doxborough

Tue April 7 = hopeful41411, mobetter, Trulyleaves, daner1110, kmg365, lindasqd51, marlina, Healthydiva50, susanthomas-pate, opalfire9, Kitten123, jbhinla, Hlysmom, lobo, ecorreia, knighmo, CJB1127, dabrownx2, JudyLynn, jannyboo

Wed April 8 = ldeere2005, tstanart, Singer B, BTHIN09, rdoty, HelloSkinny, GitsMardi, MIMA1980, Lapbanded_Paladin, erinshel, DM Chef, BeerSpiritGuide, Dawn1991, CJB1127, amceache, Boy X, stephj, twinmamma1130, arellano8

Thu April 9 = txsandy, NYlady, murphy5, gamassagegirl, hopeful60, nursinem, JWL08, cowboyswife, CelticAngel, LivinWithFaith/KY, BethT1027, mi_illusion_st, LINDAPIERRE@ATT.NET, JoyceEggerth, Gavroche2004, Justdoingit, jacee506, bsivley

Fri April 10 = pdburch, JayTee562, jerseygirl518, sdeale0928, vagwada, firefly71, tbryant1216, Kimber7, Boykie, restintx, emjay, monicam, aprilflowers22, FutureSize10, jojo9272007


Mon April 13 = lachdanon, Elayne, babydoll1, 2Legit2Quit, tawandabee, hairnv, memzie, Jeansthings, aris, Taina009, IsabellaP84, pottergirl, swrktp, tinalb, QuilterCat2, CJNorwood, tpoth, colyn92, HIS4EVER, Brand_New_Me, tpoth, dubbee, jpmons

Tue April 14 = Suzdavis, victoria_057, poconomom, carbgrl, tiffalicious81, valjay, trishb13, moonbeam, auntbrat, jukebox81782, butterfly64, paxie, julia19642, lady28, queenann, Trapman, cbergstrom, phattat

Wed April 15 = hannahj914, sylver28, MrsMitch, mec267's wife, kimba74, DottieDoo, vcatalina1, Jazzy4Health, sandyswhisper, shanlyn, zetanett, delacruz64, Mbea

Thu April 16 = Jenfs5, scoobydoo, rannah12, vayiayia, Allformyson, Abbie-pie, BeefromCalie, contemplating, Sweet68, Stephanie1972, WishUponABand, LDL, loser09, JUSTTIRED, smiley78, myturn2bhappy, Tammy Webb, Jamie05, jjpoody, Cortney6983, beskild, Sugga4fun, maddoggy2665, barchedm, langx3, Tinypup, NewB, Fawkes

Fri April 17 = lapbandgirl2009, lulululu, MissChristina, terelbel, Carrie_W, Ingrien, hope4j, WendyII, ISITWORTHIT, pitterpat79, lapband09, remoteportal, Bigdaddyjulian, Wendy OKC, donnaty, Grazia, hally,DaveTownsend

Sat April 18 = Sandy T, vickyb123

Sun April 19 = Wanttolose's wife

Mon April 20 = sandi1011, Auddie, Carolnphx, 31andnew, txskoolnurse, phlphan, roscoeburke, karakent, indiandiva, Rumbera55, redhead722, TSDawn

Tue April 21 = ThinWithin, bellatrickz, Mand, tcbgirl, california29, Ttime1020, chelle06, Mariposa2009, finaldstination, lovelyolemiss, Vinca, dianesue99, phatgreenbunny

Wed April 22 = early, KikstersRT, Babygirl_68, April09Bandster, birdbrainzz, mec267, Lisacacb5, Band_Groupie, dminson, Jackiepurs31, trobison, Bobbie72, funnychik, ladyjp, Nana6, chiffani, sbecker32, B-lo, TerriLynne, Bella5425, pbailey, Godschild, Woobeesmom, verag

Thu April 23 = PharmaGirl, Goal150, a-newme, kittygirl, TanyaM, lilith, Losing for me, lapband-AP-redo, elliebc

Fri April 24 = loulou09, hrtgoeson, KMCD, jodimyers, Luckynjun, SHSUSioux, MiMi Teapot, AngieB2009, Oclaura, Tracey Jane, txdj, Dianem

Sun April 26 = Wanttolose

Mon April 27 = boomski, shellynnrn, Shrinkerbell, smiletracy, asaylor2009, VADarlene, mlat1822@live.com, ALuv82, tulsarealtorgb, jayne02, PUDGY, eak7615, pjop, erikaz, petuniap

Tue April 28 = rcher, MSan914, mccall, Jimbo_WV, atomicblonde, dcgraves56, Kara, jenajjthr, kimme040402, eriden6222, beckyc, doridoodles, SuzieJ, MrsMad

Wed April 29 = travelgrl, help1977, gonnabethinagain, CindyJ123, A New Outlook, darthmuller, Juliamb

Thu April 30 = kath17268, stephyv, kiposa, fattyfatty2by4, RosieQ, 1980, finallyready@51, cjgibson79, pspmtnac, Brittney365

April hopefuls = daqui26, mandilou, mscarly, mommyofone

Honorary Bunny Bandsters: WannaBe1/2TheWoman

Edited by PharmaGirl

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Well it's almost 4am and time to leave for the hospital. I have to be there by 5am. I'll check back in on Wednesday and let you all know how things went. Later, rcher!:unsure:

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Hi everyone,

Don't forget the July 4th challenge for the bunny bandsters. If you'd like to participate, please go HERE.

Yet another updated list (updated: 11am, 29 April 2009 [Australian eastern standard time]). Names in bright pink mean that person has checked in after surgery (so they are our 'confirmed banders').

Please let me know: if there are any errors, if there are any changes in dates, anyone missing from the list.

Also, once you've had your surgery, please check in with us so we know you're ok.

Wed April 1 = mulderfamily4, Sissyh1006, hhjazzyoo1, kaner, knewme, nataliedg8, Mommad, FDBAGPIPER, spirnat31, Swisskaese, Danielle07, Spinner115, misamae, Battjr, bignik, step587, soquili, scout47, Rogue

Thu April 2 = smilan, lingling, healthyme2, kerrischafer1, Poodia, lml32927, jonnycotes, russ3, MANOWAR, happykatz, preciousfriend, gw5390, dreamer69

Fri April 3 = super_chili, tish76, vegas girl, watermelon_1, TxMomof4, lich3853, mookp. lulu5040, brookeacomer, hanna61, Tall, kishaadamshall

Sat April 4 = GoddessNar, lawandad

Sun April 5 = chubbychops

Mon April 6 = swishbc, StephOnee, shakia90, Mona40, Crimson Tide, scottyjay, silverstar79, JohnB3465, doodlebug11, cajunmomma, Konda, sgtmtz, PBDove, stace31, mommyofthree, mariadonna84, fengshui, doxborough

Tue April 7 = hopeful41411, mobetter, Trulyleaves, daner1110, kmg365, lindasqd51, marlina, Healthydiva50, susanthomas-pate, opalfire9, Kitten123, jbhinla, Hlysmom, lobo, ecorreia, knighmo, CJB1127, dabrownx2, JudyLynn, jannyboo

Wed April 8 = ldeere2005, tstanart, Singer B, BTHIN09, rdoty, HelloSkinny, GitsMardi, MIMA1980, Lapbanded_Paladin, erinshel, DM Chef, BeerSpiritGuide, Dawn1991, CJB1127, amceache, Boy X, stephj, twinmamma1130, arellano8

Thu April 9 = txsandy, NYlady, murphy5, gamassagegirl, hopeful60, nursinem, JWL08, cowboyswife, CelticAngel, LivinWithFaith/KY, BethT1027, mi_illusion_st, LINDAPIERRE@ATT.NET, JoyceEggerth, Gavroche2004, Justdoingit, jacee506, bsivley

Fri April 10 = pdburch, JayTee562, jerseygirl518, sdeale0928, vagwada, firefly71, tbryant1216, Kimber7, Boykie, restintx, emjay, monicam, aprilflowers22, FutureSize10, jojo9272007


Mon April 13 = lachdanon, Elayne, babydoll1, 2Legit2Quit, tawandabee, hairnv, memzie, Jeansthings, aris, Taina009, IsabellaP84, pottergirl, swrktp, tinalb, QuilterCat2, CJNorwood, tpoth, colyn92, HIS4EVER, Brand_New_Me, tpoth, dubbee, jpmons

Tue April 14 = Suzdavis, victoria_057, poconomom, carbgrl, tiffalicious81, valjay, trishb13, moonbeam, auntbrat, jukebox81782, butterfly64, paxie, julia19642, lady28, queenann, Trapman, cbergstrom, phattat

Wed April 15 = hannahj914, sylver28, MrsMitch, mec267's wife, kimba74, DottieDoo, vcatalina1, Jazzy4Health, sandyswhisper, shanlyn, zetanett, delacruz64, Mbea

Thu April 16 = Jenfs5, scoobydoo, rannah12, vayiayia, Allformyson, Abbie-pie, BeefromCalie, contemplating, Sweet68, Stephanie1972, WishUponABand, LDL, loser09, JUSTTIRED, smiley78, myturn2bhappy, Tammy Webb, Jamie05, jjpoody, Cortney6983, beskild, Sugga4fun, maddoggy2665, barchedm, langx3, Tinypup, NewB, Fawkes

Fri April 17 = lapbandgirl2009, lulululu, MissChristina, terelbel, Carrie_W, Ingrien, hope4j, WendyII, ISITWORTHIT, pitterpat79, lapband09, remoteportal, Bigdaddyjulian, Wendy OKC, donnaty, Grazia, hally,DaveTownsend

Sat April 18 = Sandy T, vickyb123

Sun April 19 = Wanttolose's wife

Mon April 20 = sandi1011, Auddie, Carolnphx, 31andnew, txskoolnurse, phlphan, roscoeburke, karakent, indiandiva, Rumbera55, redhead722, TSDawn

Tue April 21 = ThinWithin, bellatrickz, Mand, tcbgirl, california29, Ttime1020, chelle06, Mariposa2009, finaldstination, lovelyolemiss, Vinca, dianesue99, phatgreenbunny

Wed April 22 = early, KikstersRT, Babygirl_68, April09Bandster, birdbrainzz, mec267, Lisacacb5, Band_Groupie, dminson, Jackiepurs31, trobison, Bobbie72, funnychik, ladyjp, Nana6, chiffani, sbecker32, B-lo, TerriLynne, Bella5425, pbailey, Godschild, Woobeesmom, verag

Thu April 23 = PharmaGirl, Goal150, a-newme, kittygirl, TanyaM, lilith, Losing for me, lapband-AP-redo, elliebc

Fri April 24 = loulou09, hrtgoeson, KMCD, jodimyers, Luckynjun, SHSUSioux, MiMi Teapot, AngieB2009, Oclaura, Tracey Jane, txdj, Dianem

Sun April 26 = Wanttolose

Mon April 27 = boomski, shellynnrn, Shrinkerbell, smiletracy, asaylor2009, VADarlene, mlat1822@live.com, ALuv82, tulsarealtorgb, jayne02, PUDGY, eak7615, pjop, erikaz, petuniap, mngirl0044

Tue April 28 = rcher, MSan914, mccall, Jimbo_WV, atomicblonde, dcgraves56, Kara, jenajjthr, kimme040402, eriden6222, beckyc, doridoodles, SuzieJ, MrsMad

Wed April 29 = travelgrl, help1977, gonnabethinagain, CindyJ123, A New Outlook, darthmuller, Juliamb

Thu April 30 = kath17268, stephyv, kiposa, fattyfatty2by4, RosieQ, 1980, finallyready@51, cjgibson79, pspmtnac, Brittney365

April hopefuls = daqui26, mandilou, mscarly, mommyofone

Honorary Bunny Bandsters: WannaBe1/2TheWoman

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Hi everyone,

The July 4th challenge for the bunny bandsters starts tomorrow!! Don't forget to weigh yourself tomorrow so you have a starting weight and a target weight. If you haven't yet signed up but would like to participate, please go HERE.

Here's the latest updated list (updated: 3pm, 30 April 2009 [Australian eastern standard time]). Names in bright pink mean that person has checked in after surgery (so they are our 'confirmed banders').

Please let me know: if there are any errors, if there are any changes in dates, anyone missing from the list.

Also, once you've had your surgery, please check in with us so we know you're ok.

Wed April 1 = mulderfamily4, Sissyh1006, hhjazzyoo1, kaner, knewme, nataliedg8, Mommad, FDBAGPIPER, spirnat31, Swisskaese, Danielle07, Spinner115, misamae, Battjr, bignik, step587, soquili, scout47, Rogue

Thu April 2 = smilan, lingling, healthyme2, kerrischafer1, Poodia, lml32927, jonnycotes, russ3, MANOWAR, happykatz, preciousfriend, gw5390, dreamer69

Fri April 3 = super_chili, tish76, vegas girl, watermelon_1, TxMomof4, lich3853, mookp. lulu5040, brookeacomer, hanna61, Tall, kishaadamshall

Sat April 4 = GoddessNar, lawandad

Sun April 5 = chubbychops

Mon April 6 = swishbc, StephOnee, shakia90, Mona40, Crimson Tide, scottyjay, silverstar79, JohnB3465, doodlebug11, cajunmomma, Konda, sgtmtz, PBDove, stace31, mommyofthree, mariadonna84, fengshui, doxborough

Tue April 7 = hopeful41411, mobetter, Trulyleaves, daner1110, kmg365, lindasqd51, marlina, Healthydiva50, susanthomas-pate, opalfire9, Kitten123, jbhinla, Hlysmom, lobo, ecorreia, knighmo, CJB1127, dabrownx2, JudyLynn, jannyboo

Wed April 8 = ldeere2005, tstanart, Singer B, BTHIN09, rdoty, HelloSkinny, GitsMardi, MIMA1980, Lapbanded_Paladin, erinshel, DM Chef, BeerSpiritGuide, Dawn1991, CJB1127, amceache, Boy X, stephj, twinmamma1130, arellano8

Thu April 9 = txsandy, NYlady, murphy5, gamassagegirl, hopeful60, nursinem, JWL08, cowboyswife, CelticAngel, LivinWithFaith/KY, BethT1027, mi_illusion_st, LINDAPIERRE@ATT.NET, JoyceEggerth, Gavroche2004, Justdoingit, jacee506, bsivley

Fri April 10 = pdburch, JayTee562, jerseygirl518, sdeale0928, vagwada, firefly71, tbryant1216, Kimber7, Boykie, restintx, emjay, monicam, aprilflowers22, FutureSize10, jojo9272007


Mon April 13 = lachdanon, Elayne, babydoll1, 2Legit2Quit, tawandabee, hairnv, memzie, Jeansthings, aris, Taina009, IsabellaP84, pottergirl, swrktp, tinalb, QuilterCat2, CJNorwood, tpoth, colyn92, HIS4EVER, Brand_New_Me, tpoth, dubbee, jpmons

Tue April 14 = Suzdavis, victoria_057, poconomom, carbgrl, tiffalicious81, valjay, trishb13, moonbeam, auntbrat, jukebox81782, butterfly64, paxie, julia19642, lady28, queenann, Trapman, cbergstrom, phattat

Wed April 15 = hannahj914, sylver28, MrsMitch, mec267's wife, kimba74, DottieDoo, vcatalina1, Jazzy4Health, sandyswhisper, shanlyn, zetanett, delacruz64, Mbea

Thu April 16 = Jenfs5, scoobydoo, rannah12, vayiayia, Allformyson, Abbie-pie, BeefromCalie, contemplating, Sweet68, Stephanie1972, WishUponABand, LDL, loser09, JUSTTIRED, smiley78, myturn2bhappy, Tammy Webb, Jamie05, jjpoody, Cortney6983, beskild, Sugga4fun, maddoggy2665, barchedm, langx3, Tinypup, NewB, Fawkes

Fri April 17 = lapbandgirl2009, lulululu, MissChristina, terelbel, Carrie_W, Ingrien, hope4j, WendyII, ISITWORTHIT, pitterpat79, lapband09, remoteportal, Bigdaddyjulian, Wendy OKC, donnaty, Grazia, hally,DaveTownsend

Sat April 18 = Sandy T, vickyb123

Sun April 19 = Wanttolose's wife

Mon April 20 = sandi1011, Auddie, Carolnphx, 31andnew, txskoolnurse, phlphan, roscoeburke, karakent, indiandiva, Rumbera55, redhead722, TSDawn

Tue April 21 = ThinWithin, bellatrickz, Mand, tcbgirl, california29, Ttime1020, chelle06, Mariposa2009, finaldstination, lovelyolemiss, Vinca, dianesue99, phatgreenbunny

Wed April 22 = early, KikstersRT, Babygirl_68, April09Bandster, birdbrainzz, mec267, Lisacacb5, Band_Groupie, dminson, Jackiepurs31, trobison, Bobbie72, funnychik, ladyjp, Nana6, chiffani, sbecker32, B-lo, TerriLynne, Bella5425, pbailey, Godschild, Woobeesmom, verag

Thu April 23 = PharmaGirl, Goal150, a-newme, kittygirl, TanyaM, lilith, Losing for me, lapband-AP-redo, elliebc

Fri April 24 = loulou09, hrtgoeson, KMCD, jodimyers, Luckynjun, SHSUSioux, MiMi Teapot, AngieB2009, Oclaura, Tracey Jane, txdj, Dianem

Sun April 26 = Wanttolose

Mon April 27 = boomski, shellynnrn, Shrinkerbell, smiletracy, asaylor2009, VADarlene, mlat1822, ALuv82, jayne02, PUDGY, eak7615, pjop, erikaz, petuniap, mngirl0044

Tue April 28 = rcher, MSan914, mccall, Jimbo_WV, atomicblonde, dcgraves56, Kara, jenajjthr, kimme040402, eriden6222, beckyc, doridoodles, SuzieJ, MrsMad

Wed April 29 = travelgrl, help1977, gonnabethinagain, CindyJ123, A New Outlook, darthmuller, Juliamb

Thu April 30 = kath17268, stephyv, kiposa, fattyfatty2by4, RosieQ, 1980, finallyready@51, cjgibson79, pspmtnac, Brittney365

April hopefuls = daqui26, mandilou, mscarly, mommyofone

Honorary Bunny Bandsters: WannaBe1/2TheWoman

Edited by PharmaGirl

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Hi everyone,

The July 4th challenge for the bunny bandsters starts tomorrow!! Don't forget to weigh yourself tomorrow so you have a starting weight and a target weight. If you haven't yet signed up but would like to participate, please go HERE.

Here's the latest updated list (updated: 4pm, 30 April 2009 [Australian eastern standard time]). Names in bright pink mean that person has checked in after surgery (so they are our 'confirmed banders').

Please let me know: if there are any errors, if there are any changes in dates, anyone missing from the list.

Also, once you've had your surgery, please check in with us so we know you're ok.

Wed April 1 = mulderfamily4, Sissyh1006, hhjazzyoo1, kaner, knewme, nataliedg8, Mommad, FDBAGPIPER, spirnat31, Swisskaese, Danielle07, Spinner115, misamae, Battjr, bignik, step587, soquili, scout47, Rogue

Thu April 2 = smilan, lingling, healthyme2, kerrischafer1, Poodia, lml32927, jonnycotes, russ3, MANOWAR, happykatz, preciousfriend, gw5390, dreamer69

Fri April 3 = super_chili, tish76, vegas girl, watermelon_1, TxMomof4, lich3853, mookp. lulu5040, brookeacomer, hanna61, Tall, kishaadamshall

Sat April 4 = GoddessNar, lawandad

Sun April 5 = chubbychops

Mon April 6 = swishbc, StephOnee, shakia90, Mona40, Crimson Tide, scottyjay, silverstar79, JohnB3465, doodlebug11, cajunmomma, Konda, sgtmtz, PBDove, stace31, mommyofthree, mariadonna84, fengshui, doxborough

Tue April 7 = hopeful41411, mobetter, Trulyleaves, daner1110, kmg365, lindasqd51, marlina, Healthydiva50, susanthomas-pate, opalfire9, Kitten123, jbhinla, Hlysmom, lobo, ecorreia, knighmo, CJB1127, dabrownx2, JudyLynn, jannyboo

Wed April 8 = ldeere2005, tstanart, Singer B, BTHIN09, rdoty, HelloSkinny, GitsMardi, MIMA1980, Lapbanded_Paladin, erinshel, DM Chef, BeerSpiritGuide, Dawn1991, CJB1127, amceache, Boy X, stephj, twinmamma1130, arellano8

Thu April 9 = txsandy, NYlady, murphy5, gamassagegirl, hopeful60, nursinem, JWL08, cowboyswife, CelticAngel, LivinWithFaith/KY, BethT1027, mi_illusion_st, LINDAPIERRE@ATT.NET, JoyceEggerth, Gavroche2004, Justdoingit, jacee506, bsivley

Fri April 10 = pdburch, JayTee562, jerseygirl518, sdeale0928, vagwada, firefly71, tbryant1216, Kimber7, Boykie, restintx, emjay, monicam, aprilflowers22, FutureSize10, jojo9272007, jaysmommy1106


Mon April 13 = lachdanon, Elayne, babydoll1, 2Legit2Quit, tawandabee, hairnv, memzie, Jeansthings, aris, Taina009, IsabellaP84, pottergirl, swrktp, tinalb, QuilterCat2, CJNorwood, tpoth, colyn92, HIS4EVER, Brand_New_Me, tpoth, dubbee, jpmons

Tue April 14 = Suzdavis, victoria_057, poconomom, carbgrl, tiffalicious81, valjay, trishb13, moonbeam, auntbrat, jukebox81782, butterfly64, paxie, julia19642, lady28, queenann, Trapman, cbergstrom, phattat

Wed April 15 = hannahj914, sylver28, MrsMitch, mec267's wife, kimba74, DottieDoo, vcatalina1, Jazzy4Health, sandyswhisper, shanlyn, zetanett, delacruz64, Mbea

Thu April 16 = Jenfs5, scoobydoo, rannah12, vayiayia, Allformyson, Abbie-pie, BeefromCalie, contemplating, Sweet68, Stephanie1972, WishUponABand, LDL, loser09, JUSTTIRED, smiley78, myturn2bhappy, Tammy Webb, Jamie05, jjpoody, Cortney6983, beskild, Sugga4fun, maddoggy2665, barchedm, langx3, Tinypup, NewB, Fawkes

Fri April 17 = lapbandgirl2009, lulululu, MissChristina, terelbel, Carrie_W, Ingrien, hope4j, WendyII, ISITWORTHIT, pitterpat79, lapband09, remoteportal, Bigdaddyjulian, Wendy OKC, donnaty, Grazia, hally,DaveTownsend, Donna2153

Sat April 18 = Sandy T, vickyb123

Sun April 19 = Wanttolose's wife

Mon April 20 = sandi1011, Auddie, Carolnphx, 31andnew, txskoolnurse, phlphan, roscoeburke, karakent, indiandiva, Rumbera55, redhead722, TSDawn, Txquiltlady, miss_me

Tue April 21 = ThinWithin, bellatrickz, Mand, tcbgirl, california29, Ttime1020, chelle06, Mariposa2009, finaldstination, lovelyolemiss, Vinca, dianesue99, phatgreenbunny, Okiebrat

Wed April 22 = early, KikstersRT, Babygirl_68, April09Bandster, birdbrainzz, mec267, Lisacacb5, Band_Groupie, dminson, Jackiepurs31, trobison, Bobbie72, funnychik, ladyjp, Nana6, chiffani, sbecker32, B-lo, TerriLynne, Bella5425, pbailey, Godschild, Woobeesmom, verag, iculookin

Thu April 23 = PharmaGirl, Goal150, a-newme, kittygirl, TanyaM, lilith, Losing for me, lapband-AP-redo, elliebc, VogueLibertine, lekekari, 4luci, dawright1, CJRUBI029

Fri April 24 = loulou09, hrtgoeson, KMCD, jodimyers, Luckynjun, SHSUSioux, MiMi Teapot, AngieB2009, Oclaura, Tracey Jane, txdj, Dianem

Sun April 26 = Wanttolose

Mon April 27 = boomski, shellynnrn, Shrinkerbell, smiletracy, asaylor2009, VADarlene, mlat1822, ALuv82, jayne02, PUDGY, eak7615, pjop, erikaz, petuniap, mngirl0044, KRISPYKREME

Tue April 28 = rcher, MSan914, mccall, Jimbo_WV, atomicblonde, dcgraves56, Kara, jenajjthr, kimme040402, eriden6222, beckyc, doridoodles, SuzieJ, MrsMad, wncarpenter26

Wed April 29 = travelgrl, help1977, gonnabethinagain, CindyJ123, A New Outlook, darthmuller, Juliamb

Thu April 30 = kath17268, stephyv, kiposa, fattyfatty2by4, RosieQ, 1980, finallyready@51, cjgibson79, pspmtnac, Brittney365

April hopefuls = daqui26, mandilou, mscarly, mommyofone

Honorary Bunny Bandsters: WannaBe1/2TheWoman

Edited by PharmaGirl

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Hi everyone,

The July 4th challenge for the bunny bandsters starts tomorrow!! Don't forget to weigh yourself tomorrow so you have a starting weight and a target weight. If you haven't yet signed up but would like to participate, please go HERE.

Here's the latest updated list (updated: 7pm, 30 April 2009 [Australian eastern standard time]). Names in bright pink mean that person has checked in after surgery (so they are our 'confirmed banders').

Please let me know: if there are any errors, if there are any changes in dates, anyone missing from the list.

Also, once you've had your surgery, please check in with us so we know you're ok.

Wed April 1 = mulderfamily4, Sissyh1006, hhjazzyoo1, kaner, knewme, nataliedg8, Mommad, FDBAGPIPER, spirnat31, Swisskaese, Danielle07, Spinner115, misamae, Battjr, bignik, step587, soquili, scout47, Rogue

Thu April 2 = smilan, lingling, healthyme2, kerrischafer1, Poodia, lml32927, jonnycotes, russ3, MANOWAR, happykatz, preciousfriend, gw5390, dreamer69

Fri April 3 = super_chili, tish76, vegas girl, watermelon_1, TxMomof4, lich3853, mookp. lulu5040, brookeacomer, hanna61, Tall, kishaadamshall

Sat April 4 = GoddessNar, lawandad

Sun April 5 = chubbychops

Mon April 6 = swishbc, StephOnee, shakia90, Mona40, Crimson Tide, scottyjay, silverstar79, JohnB3465, doodlebug11, cajunmomma, Konda, sgtmtz, PBDove, stace31, mommyofthree, mariadonna84, fengshui, doxborough

Tue April 7 = hopeful41411, mobetter, Trulyleaves, daner1110, kmg365, lindasqd51, marlina, Healthydiva50, susanthomas-pate, opalfire9, Kitten123, jbhinla, Hlysmom, lobo, ecorreia, knighmo, CJB1127, dabrownx2, JudyLynn, jannyboo

Wed April 8 = ldeere2005, tstanart, Singer B, BTHIN09, rdoty, HelloSkinny, GitsMardi, MIMA1980, Lapbanded_Paladin, erinshel, DM Chef, BeerSpiritGuide, Dawn1991, CJB1127, amceache, Boy X, stephj, twinmamma1130, arellano8

Thu April 9 = txsandy, NYlady, murphy5, gamassagegirl, hopeful60, nursinem, JWL08, cowboyswife, CelticAngel, LivinWithFaith/KY, BethT1027, mi_illusion_st, LINDAPIERRE@ATT.NET, JoyceEggerth, Gavroche2004, Justdoingit, jacee506, bsivley

Fri April 10 = pdburch, JayTee562, jerseygirl518, sdeale0928, vagwada, firefly71, tbryant1216, Kimber7, Boykie, restintx, emjay, monicam, aprilflowers22, FutureSize10, jojo9272007, jaysmommy1106


Mon April 13 = lachdanon, Elayne, babydoll1, 2Legit2Quit, tawandabee, hairnv, memzie, Jeansthings, aris, Taina009, IsabellaP84, pottergirl, swrktp, tinalb, QuilterCat2, CJNorwood, tpoth, colyn92, HIS4EVER, Brand_New_Me, tpoth, dubbee, jpmons

Tue April 14 = Suzdavis, victoria_057, poconomom, carbgrl, tiffalicious81, valjay, trishb13, moonbeam, auntbrat, jukebox81782, butterfly64, paxie, julia19642, lady28, queenann, Trapman, cbergstrom, phattat

Wed April 15 = hannahj914, sylver28, MrsMitch, mec267's wife, kimba74, DottieDoo, vcatalina1, Jazzy4Health, sandyswhisper, shanlyn, zetanett, delacruz64, Mbea

Thu April 16 = Jenfs5, scoobydoo, rannah12, vayiayia, Allformyson, Abbie-pie, BeefromCalie, contemplating, Sweet68, Stephanie1972, WishUponABand, LDL, loser09, JUSTTIRED, smiley78, myturn2bhappy, Tammy Webb, Jamie05, jjpoody, Cortney6983, beskild, Sugga4fun, maddoggy2665, barchedm, langx3, Tinypup, NewB, Fawkes

Fri April 17 = lapbandgirl2009, lulululu, MissChristina, terelbel, Carrie_W, Ingrien, hope4j, WendyII, ISITWORTHIT, pitterpat79, lapband09, remoteportal, Bigdaddyjulian, Wendy OKC, donnaty, Grazia, hally,DaveTownsend, Donna2153

Sat April 18 = Sandy T, vickyb123

Sun April 19 = Wanttolose's wife

Mon April 20 = sandi1011, Auddie, Carolnphx, 31andnew, txskoolnurse, phlphan, roscoeburke, karakent, indiandiva, Rumbera55, redhead722, TSDawn, Txquiltlady, miss_me

Tue April 21 = ThinWithin, bellatrickz, Mand, tcbgirl, california29, Ttime1020, chelle06, Mariposa2009, finaldstination, lovelyolemiss, Vinca, dianesue99, phatgreenbunny, Okiebrat

Wed April 22 = early, KikstersRT, Babygirl_68, April09Bandster, birdbrainzz, mec267, Lisacacb5, Band_Groupie, dminson, Jackiepurs31, trobison, Bobbie72, funnychik, ladyjp, Nana6, chiffani, sbecker32, B-lo, TerriLynne, Bella5425, pbailey, Godschild, Woobeesmom, verag, iculookin

Thu April 23 = PharmaGirl, Goal150, a-newme, kittygirl, TanyaM, lilith, Losing for me, lapband-AP-redo, elliebc, VogueLibertine, lekekari, 4luci, dawright1, CJRUBI029

Fri April 24 = loulou09, hrtgoeson, KMCD, jodimyers, Luckynjun, SHSUSioux, MiMi Teapot, AngieB2009, Oclaura, Tracey Jane, txdj, Dianem

Sun April 26 = Wanttolose

Mon April 27 = boomski, shellynnrn, Shrinkerbell, smiletracy, asaylor2009, VADarlene, mlat1822, ALuv82, jayne02, PUDGY, eak7615, pjop, erikaz, petuniap, mngirl0044, KRISPYKREME

Tue April 28 = rcher, MSan914, mccall, Jimbo_WV, atomicblonde, dcgraves56, Kara, jenajjthr, kimme040402, eriden6222, beckyc, doridoodles, SuzieJ, MrsMad, wncarpenter26

Wed April 29 = travelgrl, help1977, gonnabethinagain, CindyJ123, A New Outlook, darthmuller, Juliamb

Thu April 30 = kath17268, stephyv, kiposa, fattyfatty2by4, RosieQ, 1980, finallyready@51, cjgibson79, pspmtnac, Brittney365

April hopefuls = daqui26, mandilou, mscarly, mommyofone

Honorary Bunny Bandsters: WannaBe1/2TheWoman

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Hi everyone,

The July 4th challenge for the bunny bandsters starts tomorrow!! Don't forget to weigh yourself tomorrow so you have a starting weight and a target weight. If you haven't yet signed up but would like to participate, please go HERE.

Here's the latest updated list (updated: 2am, 1 May 2009 [Australian eastern standard time]). Names in bright pink mean that person has checked in after surgery (so they are our 'confirmed banders').

Please let me know: if there are any errors, if there are any changes in dates, anyone missing from the list.

Also, once you've had your surgery, please check in with us so we know you're ok.

Wed April 1 = mulderfamily4, Sissyh1006, hhjazzyoo1, kaner, knewme, nataliedg8, Mommad, FDBAGPIPER, spirnat31, Swisskaese, Danielle07, Spinner115, misamae, Battjr, bignik, step587, soquili, scout47, Rogue, REALIZEinCT

Thu April 2 = smilan, lingling, healthyme2, kerrischafer1, Poodia, lml32927, jonnycotes, russ3, MANOWAR, happykatz, preciousfriend, gw5390, dreamer69

Fri April 3 = super_chili, tish76, vegas girl, watermelon_1, TxMomof4, lich3853, mookp. lulu5040, brookeacomer, hanna61, Tall, kishaadamshall, K-11-Rock

Sat April 4 = GoddessNar, lawandad

Sun April 5 = chubbychops

Mon April 6 = swishbc, StephOnee, shakia90, Mona40, Crimson Tide, scottyjay, silverstar79, JohnB3465, doodlebug11, cajunmomma, Konda, sgtmtz, PBDove, stace31, mommyofthree, mariadonna84, fengshui, doxborough, godsbride

Tue April 7 = hopeful41411, mobetter, Trulyleaves, daner1110, kmg365, lindasqd51, marlina, Healthydiva50, susanthomas-pate, opalfire9, Kitten123, jbhinla, Hlysmom, lobo, ecorreia, knighmo, CJB1127, dabrownx2, JudyLynn, jannyboo

Wed April 8 = ldeere2005, tstanart, Singer B, BTHIN09, rdoty, HelloSkinny, GitsMardi, MIMA1980, Lapbanded_Paladin, erinshel, DM Chef, BeerSpiritGuide, Dawn1991, CJB1127, amceache, Boy X, stephj, twinmamma1130, arellano8

Thu April 9 = txsandy, NYlady, murphy5, gamassagegirl, hopeful60, nursinem, JWL08, cowboyswife, CelticAngel, LivinWithFaith/KY, BethT1027, mi_illusion_st, LINDAPIERRE@ATT.NET, JoyceEggerth, Gavroche2004, Justdoingit, jacee506, bsivley

Fri April 10 = pdburch, JayTee562, jerseygirl518, sdeale0928, vagwada, firefly71, tbryant1216, Kimber7, Boykie, restintx, emjay, monicam, aprilflowers22, FutureSize10, jojo9272007, jaysmommy1106


Mon April 13 = lachdanon, Elayne, babydoll1, 2Legit2Quit, tawandabee, hairnv, memzie, Jeansthings, aris, Taina009, IsabellaP84, pottergirl, swrktp, tinalb, QuilterCat2, CJNorwood, tpoth, colyn92, HIS4EVER, Brand_New_Me, tpoth, dubbee, jpmons

Tue April 14 = Suzdavis, victoria_057, poconomom, carbgrl, tiffalicious81, valjay, trishb13, moonbeam, auntbrat, jukebox81782, butterfly64, paxie, julia19642, lady28, queenann, Trapman, cbergstrom, phattat

Wed April 15 = hannahj914, sylver28, MrsMitch, mec267's wife, kimba74, DottieDoo, vcatalina1, Jazzy4Health, sandyswhisper, shanlyn, zetanett, delacruz64, Mbea

Thu April 16 = Jenfs5, scoobydoo, rannah12, vayiayia, Allformyson, Abbie-pie, BeefromCalie, contemplating, Sweet68, Stephanie1972, WishUponABand, LDL, loser09, JUSTTIRED, smiley78, myturn2bhappy, Tammy Webb, Jamie05, jjpoody, Cortney6983, beskild, Sugga4fun, maddoggy2665, barchedm, langx3, Tinypup, NewB, Fawkes

Fri April 17 = lapbandgirl2009, lulululu, MissChristina, terelbel, Carrie_W, Ingrien, hope4j, WendyII, ISITWORTHIT, pitterpat79, lapband09, remoteportal, Bigdaddyjulian, Wendy OKC, donnaty, Grazia, hally,DaveTownsend, Donna2153, readmymind

Sat April 18 = Sandy T, vickyb123

Sun April 19 = Wanttolose's wife

Mon April 20 = sandi1011, Auddie, Carolnphx, 31andnew, txskoolnurse, phlphan, roscoeburke, karakent, indiandiva, Rumbera55, redhead722, TSDawn, Txquiltlady, miss_me

Tue April 21 = ThinWithin, bellatrickz, Mand, tcbgirl, california29, Ttime1020, chelle06, Mariposa2009, finaldstination, lovelyolemiss, Vinca, dianesue99, phatgreenbunny, Okiebrat

Wed April 22 = early, KikstersRT, Babygirl_68, April09Bandster, birdbrainzz, mec267, Lisacacb5, Band_Groupie, dminson, Jackiepurs31, trobison, Bobbie72, funnychik, ladyjp, Nana6, chiffani, sbecker32, B-lo, TerriLynne, Bella5425, pbailey, Godschild, Woobeesmom, verag, iculookin

Thu April 23 = PharmaGirl, Goal150, a-newme, kittygirl, TanyaM, lilith, Losing for me, lapband-AP-redo, elliebc, VogueLibertine, lekekari, 4luci, dawright1, CJRUBI029

Fri April 24 = loulou09, hrtgoeson, KMCD, jodimyers, Luckynjun, SHSUSioux, MiMi Teapot, AngieB2009, Oclaura, Tracey Jane, txdj, Dianem

Sat April 25 = shell1

Sun April 26 = Wanttolose

Mon April 27 = boomski, shellynnrn, Shrinkerbell, smiletracy, asaylor2009, VADarlene, mlat1822, ALuv82, jayne02, PUDGY, eak7615, pjop, erikaz, petuniap, mngirl0044, KRISPYKREME

Tue April 28 = rcher, MSan914, mccall, Jimbo_WV, atomicblonde, dcgraves56, Kara, jenajjthr, kimme040402, eriden6222, beckyc, doridoodles, SuzieJ, MrsMad, wncarpenter26

Wed April 29 = travelgrl, help1977, gonnabethinagain, CindyJ123, A New Outlook, darthmuller, Juliamb

Thu April 30 = kath17268, stephyv, kiposa, fattyfatty2by4, RosieQ, 1980, finallyready@51, cjgibson79, pspmtnac, Brittney365

April hopefuls = daqui26, mandilou, mommyofone

Honorary Bunny Bandsters: WannaBe1/2TheWoman

Edited by PharmaGirl

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
      · 0 replies
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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