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Is God real?

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Uh no, its not like that at all. Language is something people can adapt to, religion is not. It’s ludicrous to even make that insinuation. Besides, while English is in fact the common language of the country it is not the official language of the country and it never will be. Our government and people in general make accommodations for people that do not speak English and that will not stop any time soon.

With the beliefs that you are espousing, I have come to believe you are not only an insensitive religious zealot but potentially a racial bigot as well, I hope your god can forgive you for both because I surely can not.

racial bigot? Where do you get that?

I don't say that people need to become 'christian'. Just that they shouldn't try to change this nations founding faith. Here you can worship Satan if you so choose and noone will say a word, but try to set up a Satanic Alter on your town green and see what they say.

English is the first language spoken here and the common language. Others can come to this country and speak any language they want. Noone stops them. But try to expect that ALL signs be changed to accomodate your specific language instead of english, the original language, and see what the people have to say about it.

I am a believer in Christ, and nothing more. I am not a 'religious' person in any way shape or form, therefore, I am not a religious zealot. I am also not a racist of any kind. BTW, I have said nothing in need of God's forgiveness and I am also not in need of your forgiveness. (unless of course I have personally offended you, then I will apologize for that. It was nothing personal. I don't even know you.)

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I believe that God exists. He is real and ever present. I believe he is sad when he looks down upon the earth and sees what mankind is doing. I also believe that he has a plan. His Son will return one day and end all of this madness, and take his rightful throne as King of Kings. Would anyone like to talk with me on this subject? I'm starting this new post, because some on this LBT rants and raves section don't want me to even mention God on a thread that's about abortion or the Octuplet mom or any other subject. So, I will start this thread that is only about Him and/or religion. What do you say? Is God real? Will He really return to earth one day?

I buy into everything you say here, further i believe in intelligent design and creationism. I voted for Obama because he claims to be a Christain and his public proclaimation of faith and because McCain is a consistantly shown to be liar. I am generally pro-life but think there are personal exceptions that have to be considered. I believe marrage is between a man and a woman and since my vote is my own i voted against gay marrage.

liberals think I am conservative and conservatives think I am liberal. I think they are both wrong. I think there is a fine line between extreem left, extreem right and the taliban.

Opps, forgot to mention prayer in school. I am against a teacher leading group prayer in the classroom. I am for a child being allowed to pray at their discretion.

Who wants some of this? Bring it.

Edited by phattat

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I honestly don't believe in god but I respect that others do. I have my reasons not to believe in God/Jesus/Everything christian. One thing that annoys me though is the way people react when you say your an athiest - It's like the end of the world when they hear it like they believe everyone is a christian - Not saying that about heaps of people but most of the people I've come across.

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I buy into everything you say here, further i believe in intelligent design and creationism. I voted for Obama because he claims to be a Christain and his public proclaimation of faith and because McCain is a consistantly shown to be liar. I am generally pro-life but think there are personal exceptions that have to be considered. I believe marrage is between a man and a woman and since my vote is my own i voted against gay marrage.

liberals think I am conservative and conservatives think I am liberal. I think they are both wrong. I think there is a fine line between extreem left, extreem right and the taliban.

Opps, forgot to mention prayer in school. I am against a teacher leading group prayer in the classroom. I am for a child being allowed to pray at their discretion.

Who wants some of this? Bring it.

Hi. Thanks for posting.

You say you voted for Obama because he claimed to be a christian. Do you feel that the 'fruits' of his christian faith have come shining through? In my opinion, I feel that he is not doing as God would like him to do. Just his abortion stand alone shows me that he doesn't respect God's view on the preciousness of life. And what about all the financial mismanagement? God has asked christians to be good stewards of their money. Obama has lied many times as well. He made many campaign promises that he didn't keep.

What exceptions to abortion do you have? My only exception would be to save the mother's life.

I also believe that marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman only. God agrees with this also.

(to discuss the prayer in school thing, come over and visit us on the "decline of morals in America" thread. okay?)

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I honestly don't believe in god but I respect that others do. I have my reasons not to believe in God/Jesus/Everything christian. One thing that annoys me though is the way people react when you say your an athiest - It's like the end of the world when they hear it like they believe everyone is a christian - Not saying that about heaps of people but most of the people I've come across.

Christians don't particularly like to hear that people don't believe in God, because they are sooooo sure that He is real, and they understand the ramifications of the afterlife for unbelievers, that it hurts them to know where the atheist will spend their eternity. The unbeliever will be existing for all eternity without God, while the believers will be enjoying peace and serenity and love and happiness with their creator for all eternity. They only have your best interest in mind when they react like it's 'the end of the world', as you say.

Christians also respect your choice not to believe in God. Without free will, God would have a mess of puppets and robots in Heaven with him. He wants only those that he has created who will love him back freely of their own will to be his children and inherit his eternal Kingdom.

As a christian, and a believer in God, I hope you will reconsider.

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I believe marrage is between a man and a woman and since my vote is my own i voted against gay marrage.

This is the problem I have with religion. Religion has *always* justified taking away human rights in favor of a myth that cannot even be proven to be true. Christianity isn't even an original religion, it was copied from prior myths yet you people, and yes... I mean what I write as I write it. You people have no problem taking away basic human rights based on what we know is a myth. Christianity did it with slavery, witch burnings, the halt to culture and science, Native Americans, and you still haven't learned the basic concepts of human rights. All this time, all this history, everything we know and you guys still don't get it.

If you don't want to be in a homosexual relationship, fine! Nobody is asking you to do so. But to prevent others from living their lives with their beliefs... it gets to the point that I look at Christianity and the only words that come to mind are primitive and mean. My hope is that someday Christians will evolve to what they claim to be already. Kind hearted people.

I voted for Obama because he claims to be a Christain and his public proclaimation of faith...

You know, Hitler claimed to be Christian too, that's why people voted for him and that is what he was banking on. When you vote based on religion you get what you get. I don't know what religion Obama is and I don't care. I don't vote based on religion. I vote on who I believe is the best for the job.

Opps, forgot to mention prayer in school. I am against a teacher leading group prayer in the classroom. I am for a child being allowed to pray at their discretion.

They can, they simply cannot disrupt children who want to learn while in school.

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You say you voted for Obama because he claimed to be a christian.

Yep, he made a proclaimation of faith and described the experiance. You can watch the whole thing on youtube.

Do you feel that the 'fruits' of his christian faith have come shblicaining through?

Compared to you? or me? Nope. Compared to McCain or Bush? Yep.

In my opinion, I feel that he is not doing as God would like him to do.

That is an expectation no pres can live up to because it would result in the discrimination of all the other religions and freedoms in this country. The days of religion driving politics in America are over. Good? Bad? .. it moot. But I don't see him going against God.

Just his abortion stand alone shows me that he doesn't respect God's view on the preciousness of life.

What stance are you referring to?

And what about all the financial mismanagement? God has asked christians to be good stewards of their money.

Did you forget the crisis we are in was inherited from 8 years of Bush? ..and that the personal debt American aquired (christain and non-christain) is of their own doing i.e. Using their house equity as ATM machines. The price of gas alone the 2 years leading up backrupted many small business's..thats BIG OIL..thats republican..thats Bush. I am curious to see what your solution to our countries financial situation is. Vote for McCain then what? Normally I would be against his approuch for the reasons you are implying..BUT..we are in a situation today that requires extreem measures and that is why I support what he is doing for the most part. (although in some ways I don't its a mixed bag)

Obama has lied many times as well. He made many campaign promises that he didn't keep.

Name 1. Keeping in mind he is 6 months into a 4 year term. Isn't it a little early to say he didn't keep a promise?

What exceptions to abortion do you have? My only exception would be to save the mother's life.

Mine too, although there may be some similar situations I am not thinking about.

I also believe that marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman only. God agrees with this also.

Me too.

To discuss the prayer in school thing, come over and visit us on the "decline of morals in America" thread. okay?

if i get more time i will.

Yes, God is real.


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You say you voted for Obama because he claimed to be a christian.

Yep, he made a proclaimation of faith and described the experiance. You can watch the whole thing on youtube.

Do you feel that the 'fruits' of his christian faith have come shblicaining through?

Compared to you? or me? Nope. Compared to McCain or Bush? Yep.

In my opinion, I feel that he is not doing as God would like him to do.

That is an expectation no pres can live up to because it would result in the discrimination of all the other religions and freedoms in this country. The days of religion driving politics in America are over. Good? Bad? .. it moot. But I don't see him going against God.

Just his abortion stand alone shows me that he doesn't respect God's view on the preciousness of life.

What stance are you referring to?

And what about all the financial mismanagement? God has asked christians to be good stewards of their money.

Did you forget the crisis we are in was inherited from 8 years of Bush? ..and that the personal debt American aquired (christain and non-christain) is of their own doing i.e. Using their house equity as ATM machines. The price of gas alone the 2 years leading up backrupted many small business's..thats BIG OIL..thats republican..thats Bush. I am curious to see what your solution to our countries financial situation is. Vote for McCain then what? Normally I would be against his approuch for the reasons you are implying..BUT..we are in a situation today that requires extreem measures and that is why I support what he is doing for the most part. (although in some ways I don't its a mixed bag)

Obama has lied many times as well. He made many campaign promises that he didn't keep.

Name 1. Keeping in mind he is 6 months into a 4 year term. Isn't it a little early to say he didn't keep a promise?

What exceptions to abortion do you have? My only exception would be to save the mother's life.

Mine too, although there may be some similar situations I am not thinking about.

I also believe that marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman only. God agrees with this also.

Me too.

To discuss the prayer in school thing, come over and visit us on the "decline of morals in America" thread. okay?

if i get more time i will.

Yes, God is real.


I don't like to compare presidents. I would like to base what I think about a president on what he has done, not what others have done before him. The past presidents have made their share of mistakes, no doubt about it. If we take Obama on his own stand, I feel that he has gone on an outrageous spending spree, and when I say spree, I mean it. Bush may have spent more than he should have, but that's no reason to continue doing the same. What happened to 'change'? He has spent more money in his short, few, first months than ALL, did I say ALL?, the past presidents put together. He has put our grandchildren and their children into tremendous debt that they will never be able to get out of, and he plans to spend more. This plan for national health care is going to cost trillions. Who's going to pay for that? It is never God's plan for anyone to spend more than you earn.

You asked about what stand I was talking about with abortion. Maybe you didn't know, but Obama supports abortions and he supports late term partial birth abortions and federal funding for them. I know God would not approve of the okaying of baby murders.

As for his campaign lies, I found a site that states them . Check it out.

bye.Partial List Of Obama Campaign Lies

Edited by pattygreen

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God is real, I am not one to push my beliefs on anyone but through my life I have realized he is my rock and he has pulled me through many great obstacles...glory!:blushing:

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God is real, I am not one to push my beliefs on anyone but through my life I have realized he is my rock and he has pulled me through many great obstacles...glory!:blushing:

Iris, Congratulations on your upcoming surgery date. I will pray that all goes well for you.

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God is real, I am not one to push my beliefs on anyone but through my life I have realized he is my rock and he has pulled me through many great obstacles...glory!:)

Iris, would you mind telling me how to get that tickerfactory you have at the bottom of your posts. I see them alot, but can't figure out where to go to get them. Thanks.

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I'd like to say Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there! Here's some wisdom from proverbs:

"The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him." Proverbs 20:7

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

And for all of you have no dad, it says in 2 Corinthians 6:18, "I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."

Edited by pattygreen

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Iris, would you mind telling me how to get that tickerfactory you have at the bottom of your posts. I see them alot, but can't figure out where to go to get them. Thanks.

Go to tickerfactory.com scroll down near the bottom of the page click on event which is under the wedding, birthday, anniversary section you enter your event date and then select the icons/charting graph that you wish to use.

God Bless

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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