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Is God real?

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When I say "it's not what's written over the door", I mean 'christian' denomination doors. For there are many differing denominations of christianity.(catholic, protestant, pentecostal.methodist, baptist, etc.) I'm not speaking of 'other' religions that aren't Christian.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. Sorry, I forgot. Christians are the only ones with REAL hearts. :blink:

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People the xtian God has killed or had killed:

God drowns everyone on earth (except Noah and his family) Genesis 7:23, BT 30,000,000? 30,000,000 God rains fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, killing everyone. Gen.19:24, BT 1000? 30,001,000 Lot’s wife for looking back Gen.19:26, BT 1 30,001,001 Er who was “wicked in the sight of the Lord” Gen.38:7, BT 1 30,001,002 Onan for spilling his seed Gen.38:10, BT 1 30,001,003 7th Egyptian Plague: Hail Exodus 9:25, BT 30,000? 30,031,003 God kills every Egyptian firstborn child. Ex.12:29-30, BT 500,000? 30,531,003 God drowns Egyptian army Ex.14:28, BT 1000? 30,532,003 God and Moses help Joshua kill the Amalekites Ex.17:13, BT 1000? 30,533,003 For dancing naked around Aaron’s golden calf Ex.32:27-28, 35, BT 3000 30,536,003 Aaron’s sons for offering strange fire before the Lord Lev.10:1-3, Num.3:4, 26:61, BT 2 30,536,005 A blasphemer Lev.24:10-23, BT 1 30,536,006 God burned to death an unknown number for complaining Numbers 11:1, BT 100? 30,536,106 God sent “a very great plague” for complaining about the food. Num.11:33, BT 10,000? 30,546,106 God killed those who murmured with a plague. Num.14:35-36, BT 100? 30,546,206 A man who picked up sticks on the Sabbath Num.15:32-36, BT 1 30,546,207 Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (and their families) Num.16:27, BT 12+ 30,546,219 Burned to death for offering incense Num.16:35, 26:10, BT 250 30,546,469 For complaining Num.16:49, BT 14,700 30,561,169 Massacre of the Aradites Num.21:1-3, BT 3000? 30,564,169 For complaining about the lack of food and Water, God sent fiery serpents to bite the people, and many of them died. Num.21:6, BT 100? 30,564,269 God delivers the Bashanites into Moses’ hands and Moses kills everyone “until there was none left alive.” Num.21:34-35, BT 1000? 30,565,269 For “committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab” Num.25:9, BT 24,000 30,589,269 Midianite massacre (32,000 virgins were kept alive) Num.31:1-35, BT 90,000+ 30,679,269 The slaughter of the Anakim, the childen of Esau, and the Horim Deuteronomy 2:21-22 5000? 30,684,269 God hardened the king of Heshbon’s heart so that the Israelites could massacre his people. (included several cities) Dt.2:33-34, BT 3000? 30,687,269 God delievered the king of Bashan so that the Israelites could massacre his people. Dt.3:3-6 60,000? 30,747,269 Massacre of Jericho Joshua 6:21, BT 1000? 30,748,269 God tells Joshua to stoned to death Achan (and his family) for taking the accursed thing. Joshua 7:10-12, 24-26, BT 5+ 30,748,274 God tells Joshua to attack Ai and do what he did to Jericho (kill everyone). Joshua 8:1-25, BT 12,000 30,760,274 God slaughters the Amorites and even chases them “along the way” as they try to escape. Joshua 10:10-11, BT 1000? 30,761,274 Joshua kills 5 kings and hangs their dead bodies on trees Joshua 10:24-26, BT 5 30,761,279 Massacre of 7 cities Joshua 10:28-42, BT 7000? 30,768,279 God delivers the Hazorites. Joshua 11:8-12, BT 1000? 30,769,279 Massacre of the Anakim Joshua 11:20-21, BT 1000? 30,770,279 God delivered Canaanites and Perizzites Judges 1:4, BT 10,000 30,780,279 Ehud delivers a message from God: a knife into the king’s belly Jg.3:15-22, BT 1 30,780,280 God delivered Moabites Jg.3:28-29, BT 10,000 30,790,280 Massacre of the Canaanites Jg.4:15, BT 1000? 30,791,280 God forces Midianite soldiers to kill each other. Jg.7:2-22, 8:10, BT 120,000 30,911,280 God delivered the Ammonites to Jephthah to slaughter. Jg.11:32-33, BT 1000? 30,912,280 The Spirit of the Lord comes on Samson Jg.14:19, BT 30 30,912,310 The Spirit of the Lord comes mightily on Samson Jg.15:14-15, BT 1000 30,913,310 Samson’s God-assisted act of terrorism Jg.16:27-30, BT 3000 30,916,310 “The Lord smote Benjamin” Jg.20:35-37, BT 25,100 30,941,410 More Benjamites Jg.20:44-46 25,000 30,966,410 For looking into the ark of the Lord 1 Sam.6:19, BT 50,070 31,016,480 God delivered Philistines 1 Sam.14:12, BT 20 31,016,500 God forces the Philistine soldiers to kill each other. 1 Sam.14:20, BT 1000? 31,017,500 God orders Saul to kill every Amalekite man, women, and child. 1 Sam.15:2-3, BT 1000? 31,018,500 Samuel (at God’s command) hacks Agag to death 1 Sam.15:32-33, BT 1 31,018,501 God delivers the Philistines. 1 Sam.23:2-5 1000? 31,019,501 “The Lord smote Nabal.” 1 Sam.25:38 1 31,019,502 God delivers the Philistines to David (again). 2 Sam.5:19, 25 1000? 31,020,502 Uzzah for trying to keep the ark from falling 2 Sam.6:6-7, 1 Chr.13:9-10 1 31,020,503 David and Bathsheba’s baby boy 2 Samuel 12:14-18 1 31,020,504 God sent a three-year famine because of something Saul did. 2 Sam.21:1 5000? 31,025,504 Seven sons of Saul hung up before the Lord 2 Sam.21:6-9 7 31,025,511 From plague as punishment for David’s census (men only; probably 200,000 if including women and children) 2 Sam.24:13, 1 Chr.21:7 70,000+ 31,095,511 A prophet for believing another prophet’s lie 1 Kg.13:1-24 1 31,095,512 Baasha killed everyone in the house of Jeroboam “according to the saying of the Lord.” 1 Kings 15:29 1000? 31,096,512 Zimri killed everyone in the house of Baasha “according to the word of the Lord.” 1 Kg.16:11-12 1000? 31,097,512 God delivers the Syrians into the Israelites’ hands 1 Kg.20:28-29 100,000 31,197,512 God makes a wall fall on Syrian soldiers 1 Kg.20:30 27,000 31,224,512 God sent a lion to eat a man for not killing a prophet 1 Kg.20:35-36 1 31,224,513 Ahaziah is killed for talking to the wrong god. 2 Kings 1:2-4, 17, 2 Chr.22:7-9 1 31,224,514 Burned to death by God 2 Kg.1:9-12 102 31,224,616 God sends two bears to kill children for making fun of Elisha’s bald head 2 Kg.2:23-24 42 31,224,658 Trampled to death for disbelieving Elijah 2 Kg.7:17-20 1 31,224,659 God calls for a seven year famine. 2 Kg.8:1 10,000? 31,234,659 Jezebel 2 Kg.9:33-37 1 31,234,660 God sent lions to kill “some” foreigners 2 Kg.17:25-26 3+ 31,234,663 sleeping Assyrian soldiers 2 Kg.19:35, 2 Chr.32:21, Is.37:36 185,000 31,419,663 Saul 1 Chronicles 10:14 1 31,419,664 God delivers Israel into the hands of Judah 2 Chronicles 13:15-17 500,000 31,919,664 Jeroboam 2 Chr.13:20 1 31,919,665 “The Lord smote the Ethiopians.” 2 Chr.14:9-14 1,000,000 32,919,665 God kills Jehoram by making his bowels fall out 2 Chr.21:14-19 1 32,919,666 God delivered the Israelites into the hand of the Chaldeans. 2 Chr.36:16-17 1000? 32,920,666 Ezekiel’s wife Ezekiel 24:15-18 1 32,920,667 Ananias and Sapphira Acts 5:1-10 2 32,920,669 Herod Acts 12:23, BT 1 32,920,670

Note, this is a total of 32,920,670 people. Kind of savage if you think about it. I don't have children but if I did I really don't think I could kill 'em off.

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Hmmm makes me wonder with all the bad stuff going on in the world.

Recently, an 8 year old girl is kidnapped and found 3 days later dead in a suitcase in the bottom of a reservoir in Tracy, Ca.

Why does your God let these things happen to good innocent people, why let kids suffer. what kind of God does that???

I was raised Christian, babtized the whole 9 yards. But as I got older and see these things happening in the world, I do/have/am questioning the "GOD" out there.

Edited by Shalee04

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Yeah, but WASA, that's the OLD Testament! It doesn't count anymore!! ... well, wait... some parts still do, but not all of it. Just the convenient parts.

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Yeah, but WASA, that's the OLD Testament! It doesn't count anymore!! ... well, wait... some parts still do, but not all of it. Just the convenient parts.

I suppose he got therapy or perhaps anger management classes. ;o)

The drastic personality changes between OT and NT makes the more rational folks raise an eyebrow and go hmmmmm....

There is no way you can look at the comparisons of Christ and Horus and not realize that Christianity is a myth that was copied from a prior myth:

Parallels between the lives of Jesus and Horus, an Egyptian God

More detail:


It's an eye opener for those who really believe Christianity is an original myth.

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None of those were God's children. You don't become a child of God until you acknowledge that you are a sinner and ask him to forgive you and make you his child. Most of those instances were unbelievers who chose to reject their creator. Or they were death from past wars, not God's doing. You will be surprised at the number of people who will be in Heaven with God and the number of people who will be in Hell without him. Those numbers seem huge, but if you understand that as of April 2009, the worlds population was 6.77 Billion people. That's just this generation, so the 32 million who died in biblical times is but a mere puny fraction of people that God created. (AND you don't have all your facts straight about that list you gave).

Edited by pattygreen

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. Sorry, I forgot. Christians are the only ones with REAL hearts. :sad:

Many people have 'real' hearts. but that has nothing to do with HOW to get from here to there.

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Hmmm makes me wonder with all the bad stuff going on in the world.

Recently, an 8 year old girl is kidnapped and found 3 days later dead in a suitcase in the bottom of a reservoir in Tracy, Ca.

Why does your God let these things happen to good innocent people, why let kids suffer. what kind of God does that???

I was raised Christian, babtized the whole 9 yards. But as I got older and see these things happening in the world, I do/have/am questioning the "GOD" out there.

God has given man a free will. He did this so that you could choose for yourself whom you will serve. (good or evil) Making a decision in this life whether you would like to live eternally with God, who created you, or to live eternally with Satan, without God, is a choice he wants YOU to make, not him. If he took away mans free will, and made you into his robot instead, would he ever know if you truly loved him or not?

Along with free will comes choices, which brings sin, thus why bad things happen to innocent people. Instead of asking 'what kind of a God lets people suffer?", you should be asking, "what kind of a person does that to a child?" Just because God 'allows' evil to happen so people wont be his puppets, doesn't mean he approves of it. He hates sin!

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Believe me, the person who put that child in a suitcase and dropped it in the Water will not go unpunished. God sees all wrong doing, and is just. Man looks at the things that happen in his lifetime of 80 or 90 years as all the time he has. But God has no time. He is everlasting and eternal. Your life is but a breath to him. All sin will be punished or disciplined in either this life or after death. You don't die and rot in the ground, your personal soul lives forever.

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None of those were God's children. You don't become a child of God until you acknowledge that you are a sinner and ask him to forgive you and make you his child. All those instances were unbelievers who chose to reject their creator. Or they were death from past wars, not God's doing. You will be surprised at the number of people who will be in Heaven with God and the number of people who will be in Hell without him. Those numbers seem huge, but if you understand that as of April 2009, the worlds population was 6.77 Billion people. That's just this generation, so the 32 million who died in biblical times is but a mere puny fraction of people that God created. (AND you don't have all your facts straight about that list you gave).


Do you even read what you write?

All those people died because they rejected God? Even if you take just the first one (and in so doing you are in my opinion taking a huge leap of faith that it was even possible), you are saying that they all died because they ALL rejected God. Everyone on the Earth at the time of Noah rejected God and had to be killed? All the little nephews and nieces of Noah rejected God and had to be killed? All the orphans and widows of they days wars at the time of Noah rejected God and had to be killed? All of the people in the far away lands from Noah rejected God and had to be killed? Really? Do you really believe that?:)

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You think like a human, because that's what you are. God thinks like a spirit being because that's what he is. Life, for God and all mankind is eternal. All life. Believers and unbelievers souls live forever. So, when you say these people died, God sees it as only their physical human life on earth ended, and their spiritual life in eternity still goes on. So even if you see that life is over, in reality, it is NEVER over. God knows this and he explains it to mankind in his words to us, the bible. So, all Noahs little neices and nephews (as far as God is concerned) are not dead. They are living forever in Gods spiritual kingdom in heaven. God doesn't view death the same way we do, for death is only of the physical body, not the spiritual body or the soul.

After rereading my post that you replied to, I realize that I shouldn't have said "all those instances were unbelievers who chose to reject their creator." I should have said,"most of those instances..." sorry. Those who were affected by the sins of the rest of the world had their lifetime on earth shortened because of it. If they were believers in God, it wouldn't matter, for they are with him now and happier for it. That is hard for humans to understand, but God says to be absent from the body is to be present with him, and he says that death is simply the doorway into heaven which is where he is.

Edited by pattygreen

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- I believe in God. A heartless bastard God.

'I don't think God is benevolent because he can't be. He's like the manager of the world and has to fire the folks with families who are good and decent.

I'm tipsy, so forgive ramblings or smite me, what the hell...I dont' care tonight..

I think pg is the stuff of NIGHTMARES. Even for those who are religious DON'T WANT TO READ THIS DRIVEL.

just stop.

By asking a question "is God real" you're either inviting arguments, or you question it yourself.

If you really wanted to talk about how good God is, you'd go to the Religious section.

Your posting it here just breeds antagonism. sp?

So, JUST STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!

God is real to people who believe. you're not going to change anyone's mind on an online forum - either for or against.

all the sarcasm - on BOTH sides of the bible thumpers - is just silly.

Why bother? What do you get out of an argument online? Really? What do you take away from it?

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Yep, Gloucester, you're 100% correct. This whole thread is pretty ridiculous. I agree that Patty just started it so she could stand on her podium and preach. Been there, done that.

There is one thing good that comes of it all though... I am even more committed to my spiritual beliefs than I was last week. For that I am grateful.

Peace out.

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Yeah, but WASA, that's the OLD Testament! It doesn't count anymore!! ... well, wait... some parts still do, but not all of it. Just the convenient parts.

Jesus came to fulfill the law of the old testament, not to abolish it. The laws were made to show mankind what is and isn't acceptable in Gods sight, for without the law man would not know what sin is.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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