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Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

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So glad you're feeling better! My MIL had the shingles and said it was SO painful! Hope this fill does the trick!!!

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Hello Fellow April Bandsters,

April 16th will be my 2 year Bandiversary. Since my initial LapBand appointment in December 2008, I have lost 90 pounds.

Whenever I visit my surgeon, Dr. Wohlgemuth, which isn’t very often, he tells me how successful I have been with the LapBand. I am very happy with the weight loss, and wouldn’t mind losing another 10-12 pounds either.

But honestly, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about having my band removed. I have zero fill right now. The most fill I've ever had was 4cc in an 11cc band. At 4cc’s, I couldn't live with the constant indigestion, reflux, hiccupping, burping, vomiting and food getting stuck.

It was so bad 8 months after having my band placed that my gastro doc had me go back to my LapBand surgeon, who scheduled another surgery just before Christmas to repair what we all thought was a hiatal hernia. My surgeon emptied the entire fill, and once inside, he found a sizable hole in my esophageal tube, so he moved the band up higher and patched the hole. I have no doubt that the hole was caused by the band. I had a horrible Christmas and miserable recovery, as it was like being banded all over again, plus the recovery from the repair.

The following month, January 2010, I went back for a post op and Dr W gave me a 2cc fill. I was great for 2 months, and then back to square one with all the pre-repair symptoms. I went back and had 1/2cc removed in March 2010.

Although there was a little improvement for a few months, by the end of last summer, things had once again progressed to indigestion, reflux, hiccupping, burping, vomiting and food getting stuck.

I toughed it out until last month. On March 11th, two weeks before my birthday, I had my whopping 1.5cc removed. I wanted to be able to eat and enjoy a meal; especially my birthday meal, without running to the toilet every other bite. I want to be able to eat vegetables, fruit and consume all the nutrients I need to stay healthy without having to take a handful of supplements everyday.

During the appointment, I told the doctor several times that although I was thrilled with the weight loss, I was disgusted with the daily battle to eat real food (not sliders), and all of the indigestion, reflux, hiccupping, burping, vomiting and food getting stuck. I am seriously considering having the band removed, but in the meantime, I wanted the entire fill removed.

Dr. W called next door to the hospital X-ray department to set me up for an emergency upper GI. I was in and out of X-ray in less than 45 minuted and back in the doctor's office. He viewed the film before coming back in the exam room, and when he came in he said, "you're really tight, which is weird since you have so little fill"; to which I responded, "My esophagus and stomach are probably inflamed and swollen from all the reflux and vomiting and thus swollen, so just extract the fill". He warned me that with no fill, I'd put on weight, and that if I have the ban removed, I'll probably put back all the weight.

Well, I've been unfilled for 3 weeks and I've actually taken off a pound, even after celebrating my birthday with a nice dinner and cheesecake. I attribute the weight loss to consuming fewer calories. I can now actually eat a meal and be satisfied, as opposed to eating a pre and post surgery type diet, purging, eating more because I'm always famished, and thus losing track of calorie intake.

I'm still having indigestion and reflux, which I'm taking meds to try to heal, but having food stuck and vomiting much less often. I will stick it out for as long as I can, but I am still seriously contemplating the band removal.

I just turned 57. I have to honestly ask myself, do I want to be dealing with all of these symptoms in 10 -13 years? Would I want to have band removal surgery in a decade, close to the age of 70, as opposed to now? What if, as I get older, I become dependent on "others" to care for and provide food for me, and I'm having issues because I not getting LapBand friendly foods?

I’ve ranted enough, but needed to let out my thoughts and feelings. I’d love to hear your input and opinions.

Thanks all!

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So sorry to hear about all the troubles...I don't blame you for contemplating removal. I'd like to ask a few questions for clarity...I'm wondering why the Gastro didn't find the hole in the esophagus, didn't they do an upper GI before the surgery? I'm unclear why he would 'move the band up' (I'm picturing the band on the upper part of the stomach and the hole being above it in the esophagus)? Did your Band Doc know all along that you were having reflux, vomiting, etc. (all signs that you were too tight)? I know people who get to their sweet spot with almost nothing in their band (we all have different anatomy)...I'm wondering why they didn't fill you much more slowly after the complication? You should never have to 'tough it out' and deal with issues like you've been having since last summer (I know you know that being too tight can cause lots of complications). I read that the reflux damage can take up to 9 weeks to heal completely, so I hope you're feeling better soon! You may just be one of those that needs nothing or very little in your band to have restriction...and don't let any breakthrough reflux start again...if it is, you're too tight. Sorry for all the questions, just trying to see what's happening and help you out. I'm sure you're so frustrated with all this...glad that at least your WL is great! ((hugs))

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All of spring break I saw everyone's post showing up in my email. I feel like a big lapband loser. Not sure what to do or how to get losing weight again...

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Hey Everyone, It's the JerseyGirl. Happy Bandaversary. Sorry I haven't been around in a looooong time.

I've been doing pretty well. Been experiencing band problems too. Last summer while in Jersey my band all but closed. When I got home to KS in Sept the Dr. removed 2 ccs. After Christmas I started with the same crap. Vomiting, reflux and coughing. Back to Dr. removed .5. Just went on Thursday. We're heading to Jersey for the summr and I didn't want to have a problem. Low and behold it was tight again. they took out .25. I've gained about 5 lbs so my total is really 132 lbs down. Hope everyone is well.

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Is this typical for all people with the band to experience indigestion, vomiting, etc.....Have not had it done yet but I'm getting concerned about all the problems after 2 years out. If you take out some of the Fluid from the band do you at least get some relief from your symptoms? I do need to loose the weight but also don't want to live a life of misery with the band. Was very excited to do this but now I just don't know.......any comments please

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Hi Everyone- I cannot believe it has been 2 years. I have lost 81lb- down 3-4 dress sizes- have 7.5 cc in my 11cc band. I feel wonderful. I have had very few problems, have only ever vomited 2 times. My Lapband dr thinks I am the poster girl for lapband. I still have 20lb I would like to lose and it is doable in this next yr. This has been such a good experience for me and I talk with people every week about gastric wt loss surgery(I work in a GI office) It has NOT been aways easy but definitely worth it. Happy 2 years everyone. MiMi

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Hi Everyone- I cannot believe it has been 2 years. I have lost 81lb- down 3-4 dress sizes- have 7.5 cc in my 11cc band. I feel wonderful. I have had very few problems, have only ever vomited 2 times. My Lapband dr thinks I am the poster girl for lapband. I still have 20lb I would like to lose and it is doable in this next yr. This has been such a good experience for me and I talk with people every week about gastric wt loss surgery(I work in a GI office) It has NOT been aways easy but definitely worth it. Happy 2 years everyone. MiMi

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Hi all,

Gosh, it's been almost a year since I posted. My surgery was april 16,2009. I am still very pleased with my decision.

I had lost about 70 pounds, but over the past 9 months, I have gained 10 pounds back. My own fault, have eaten I believe too many sweets. They seem to go down alot easier, and easy just to pop in mouth, versus preparing the food.< /p>

I need to get back on track, but still a mind game, and I might ask for some appetite suppressants to get me going, not sure if they will do that or not. Just need some motivation again.

Occasionally, if I do not chew my food long enough, I may experience the stuck feeling and have to throw up. If I slow down and chew well, I do not have any issues.

Glad to see so many are doing well! It seems everyone loses differently, and our bodies except the bands differently! A wish of continued weight loss and maintenance to all!

Tammy Webb

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Fellow Bunny Bandsters!

I have lost nothing! I have been unable to figure out the green zone and after having a barium swallow with my surgeon - we decided to remove all Fluid from the band and start over in a a few months. I had esophageal dilatation and slow motility.

The few months is now over and I have my first post-deflate appointment with my doc next Wednesday. I will not give up. I know part of the problem was my dependence on mushier foods than I should have been eating. He did not want me on Protein Shakes and I stopped drinking them. The transition to solid food is when I regained what I had lost plus a few.

Other than no weight loss (which is after all why we got the band:)) and the starting over, I have NOT been miserable and I do not regret my decision to get the band. I do not believe I have any nutritional deficiencies and I do not take large amounts of supplements. I do take your basic everyday chewable Multivitamin and a Calcium tablet every day.

The only thing I miss is a french fry. I have no restriction and even now, one bite of a french fry and up it comes. I don't know why and I don't really care. I just look at fries with a wishful look and walk away. I am not a purge monster and the thought of vomiting once I have gone beyond full is something I will avoid at all cost.

Please wish me luck as I continue our journey. Unfortunately, someone had to hold down the wrong side of the bell curve while all of my fellow bunny bandsters lost "my" weight for me.


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Ugh had nearly my whole post written and lost it.

Greetings fellow Bunnies! Hope everyone is well.

I've been having issues the last few weeks, I've had some additional weight lose but it's been costly.

I started being able to eat less and less solid foods and have mostly been doing Soups and Protein Drinks. My GERD issues got worse. I even started throwing up at night and then the throwing up started happening during the day.

I called my Dr last week and got scheduled for an unfill he took out 1cc I could feel some relief, Soup I had for lunch move through the band, but I panicked a bit and had him put half back in which resulted in .5cc being taken out. It takes a few days for me to actually tell how things are my symptoms didn't get better in fact last weekend was so bad I almost went to the ER. I got back in yesterday for an additional unfill and he took out all he could, 2.75cc, leaving about 1cc in according to him (my calculations show me having more).

I have to had an upperGI done and a EGD(?) scope to make sure my band hasn't slipped or something. All of this right before vacation.

One of my biggest concerns is if I have to have surgery to correct the band that it won't be covered by insurance.

So how's everyone else?

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Ugh had nearly my whole post written and lost it.

Greetings fellow Bunnies! Hope everyone is well.

I've been having issues the last few weeks, I've had some additional weight lose but it's been costly.

I started being able to eat less and less solid foods and have mostly been doing Soups and Protein drinks. My GERD issues got worse. I even started throwing up at night and then the throwing up started happening during the day.

I called my Dr last week and got scheduled for an unfill he took out 1cc I could feel some relief, Soup I had for lunch move through the band, but I panicked a bit and had him put half back in which resulted in .5cc being taken out. It takes a few days for me to actually tell how things are my symptoms didn't get better in fact last weekend was so bad I almost went to the ER. I got back in yesterday for an additional unfill and he took out all he could, 2.75cc, leaving about 1cc in according to him (my calculations show me having more).

I have to had an upperGI done and a EGD(?) scope to make sure my band hasn't slipped or something. All of this right before vacation.

One of my biggest concerns is if I have to have surgery to correct the band that it won't be covered by insurance.

So how's everyone else?

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JayTee, sorry you've been having a problem. I haven't been on here in forever. I've had the same problem. I'm down to 2.5 in my band.

Have to be really careful what I eat.

Take Care Kiddo

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JayTee, Sorry to hear you are having trouble. I can relate. I have lost 65 pounds in the two years with the band. I am slower than some and equal to others. I have had acid and heart burn problems. The Dr put me on Nexium which helps. I beleive my band has 4.5 cc in it. I am not too tight. I have problems with fluids in the morning. I do not know the remedy. I lose slowly but steady. Any suggestions. Keep up the good work, we are all proud of you.

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JayTee, Sorry to hear you are having trouble. I can relate. I have lost 65 pounds in the two years with the band. I am slower than some and equal to others. I have had acid and heart burn problems. The Dr put me on Nexium which helps. I beleive my band has 4.5 cc in it. I am not too tight. I have problems with fluids in the morning. I do not know the remedy. I lose slowly but steady. Any suggestions. Keep up the good work, we are all proud of you.

Have you tried the warm beverage in the morning thing? That sometimes helps.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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