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Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

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Another updated list. Anyone missing or any wrong dates?

Wed April 1 = mulderfamily4, Sissyh1006, hhjazzyoo1, lls, kaner, knewme, nataliedg8, Mommad, FDBAGPIPER, spirnat31

Thu April 2 = smilan, lingling, healthyme2, kerrischafer1, Poodia

Fri April 3 = super_chilli, tish76, vegas girl, watermelon_1, cajunmomma, TxMomof4

Sat April 4 = doodlebug11, GoddessNar

Mon April 6 = swishbc, StephOnee, shakia90, Mona40, Crimson Tide, scottyjay

Tue April 7 = hopeful41411, mobetter, Trulyleaves, daner1110, kmg365, lindasqd51, marlina, Healthydiva50, CelticAngel, tcbgirl, susanthomas-pate, opalfire9

Wed April 8 = ldeere2005, tstanart, Singer B, BTHIN09

Thu April 9 = txsandy, NYlady, murphy5, gamassagegirl, hopeful60, nurseinem, JWL08, cowboyswife

Fri April 10 = pdburch, JayTee562, jerseygirl518, sdeale0928


Mon April 13 = lachdanon, Elayne, babydoll1

Tue April 14 = Suzdavis, victoria_057

Wed April 15 = hannahj914, sylver28, MrsMitch, jukebox81782, mec267's wife, (sissy's office mate - are you on here yet??)

Thu April 16 = Jenfs5, scoobydoo, rannah12, vayiayia, Allformyson, Abbie-pie, BeefromCalie, contemplating

Fri April 17 = lapbandgirl2009, lulululu, MissChristina, terelbel, Carrie_W

Mon April 20 = sandi1011, Auddie

Tue April 21 = ThinWithin, bellatrickz

Wed April 22 = early, KikstersRT, Babygirl_68, April09Bandster, birdbrainzz, mec267, Lisacacb5

Thu April 23 = PharmaGirl

Fri April 24 = loulou09, hrtgoeson, KMCD, jodimyers, Luckynjun, SHUSHioux

Mon April 27 = boomski, shellynnrn, Shrinkerbell, smiletracy

Tue April 28 = rcher, MSan914, chiffani

Wed April 29 = travelgrl

April hopefuls = Kellster, Band_Groupie, WannaBe1/2TheWoman, valjay, daqui26, mandilou, BethT1027, Swisskaese

Thanks for adding me. I would love to meet any of the other people going on the same day. I will arrive there on Friday morning about 10am and start the process. I am so excited. I have not been out of Louisiana many times and never on a plane. I can't wait

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Is anyone else still wrestling with themselves in the middle of the night? I have only told 2 friends about this, and haven't told any family (other than my husband). I am so scared what their reactions will be. So I have a lot of anxiety over keeping it secret for now at least. I am also thinking - am I doing the right thing? Mostly because I am getting scared. Both that something might go wrong, or that this will be a painful, expensive waste of time. Anyone else?

I have to keep telling myself that I really have tried other routes and failed every time. I do want to get the weight off and be healthy for my kids future, as well as my own. And I want to wear nice clothes, and get shoes that fit again. And be able to walk without huffing and puffing. Would love to hear if anyone else is torturing themselves mentally?

Good Timing! I didn't think so, but...I've suffered with horrible Migraines for about 18 years and finally found a med. that wiped them out last Nov. I've only had a few bad headaches, but no migraines since. The last few nights I didn't sleep as long as usual and this morning I was awoken to...a full blown Migraine. I'm 'supposed' to get my date tomorrow...stress!

Only my DH knows also. I do worry about lying to my 3 teens about this. I hate lying, but I don't want them to worry about an 'elective' surgery. I've decided to tell them I have a hiatal hernia for now and that it's no big deal. I may decide to tell them later, but they're teens and I don't want them Googling 'Lap Band Surgery Complications' (we've all been on that ugly search) and getting scared.

I really don't have any doubts I'm doing the right thing. And I've had surgery before so I'm not too worried (although I've never had any external incisions so I worry a little about those). I don't even worry much that I'll lose at least 75% of the weight, as I've done it so many times. My biggest worry...Keeping it off and failing at permanent WL...again.

Here's hoping we can sleep tonight! We're all in this together! -BG

Edited by Band_Groupie

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Hi Early and Band-Groupie

I am worring...I have my date (04/15/2009) And have done quite a bit of research on my own to "prepare" myself for the changes... But I read this thread today and it really started to make me worry...


I know it is a lifestyle change..I'm just so very worried that I become a failure even with the band's help. All I keep thinking is the my doctor told us at the seminar..."It takes the will power out of it" And I want to stay positive...but then I read things like above...

LOL....I am determind NOT to be a failure!

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hello everyone

i'm getting banded on the 21/04/09 in belgium!! cant wait i'm so excited!! x x

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Hi All my Bunny Bandsters

Just wanted to give a quick update. Finally got the offical approval yesterday pre-op 4/13 start liquid diet 4/13 and surgery on 4/17.. Excited to finally be on the road to losing.. This is the greatest B-day present ever. I will be sharing more news as it comes. :biggrin::thumbup:

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OK, I know this is a support site, so just know I really give out as much support as I have time for, and spend a lot of my time helping newbies...I want to 'pay it forward'...but I've got to say one thing about that post; the 'I'm mad as heck' one that was linked (and no, I'd never reply any of this to the poster). It didn't take me even a week of research here to realize that getting to your sweet spot takes time, sometimes a year or longer (just saw one with 14 fills/unfills), sometimes much faster, some never need a fill. I'm counting on the fact that I won't have much restriction until at least the holidays (and I gave myself 2 years to lose the bulk of my weight)...if it comes earlier I'll be that much happier...it's not that I'm a pessimist, quite the opposite (I set really high goals), but I think you have to have realistic expectations and know what you're getting can and can't do. Even if they hadn't spelled that out in my seminar; would you buy a new car just because the salesman says it's 'good'? If you're doing something this extreme how could you not take a few hours to do some research first? I just get amazed by how many posts there are where people think the restriction will be there right after surgery (and stay). What are fills for then? What is Bandster Hell that's mentioned in 1/2 the posts here? Sure, I'll get frustrated when things aren't moving fast, but I won't blame my doc, or the band. It's all about setting the right expectations. I think this woman realized her errors and is now willing to do the work.

So after all that blithering, what I'm trying to say is posts like that don't bother or worry me, because I've done the research, and I know what to expect...and so do you.

I get fleeting thoughts that restriction is just an Urban LBT Legend and I'll never feel it (kind like the Ouija Board where all your friends felt the 'ghost', but you). If we just polled the Bunnies I wonder how many of us would raise our hands that we've ever worried we'll be the one this won't work for (I know mines up), but we have to be optimistic and know that this is not just in the hands of our band...it's up to us.

Edited by Band_Groupie

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Well I got my surgery time for tomorrow. I have to hop, I mean report in at 7:15 and surgery is at 9:05. I will get online when I get home to post a message.

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Good luck to all of the April 1st bandsters. Check in after surgery and I'll turn the confirmed bandsters bold.

Here's yet another updated list. Anyone missing or any wrong dates?

Wed April 1 = mulderfamily4, Sissyh1006, hhjazzyoo1, lls, kaner, knewme, nataliedg8, Mommad, FDBAGPIPER, spirnat31, Swisskaese, Danielle07

Thu April 2 = smilan, lingling, healthyme2, kerrischafer1, Poodia

Fri April 3 = super_chilli, tish76, vegas girl, watermelon_1, cajunmomma, TxMomof4

Sat April 4 = doodlebug11, GoddessNar

Mon April 6 = swishbc, StephOnee, shakia90, Mona40, Crimson Tide, scottyjay, silverstar79

Tue April 7 = hopeful41411, mobetter, Trulyleaves, daner1110, kmg365, lindasqd51, marlina, Healthydiva50, tcbgirl, susanthomas-pate, opalfire9

Wed April 8 = ldeere2005, tstanart, Singer B, BTHIN09, rdoty, HelloSkinny

Thu April 9 = txsandy, NYlady, murphy5, gamassagegirl, hopeful60, nurseinem, JWL08, cowboyswife, CelticAngel

Fri April 10 = pdburch, JayTee562, jerseygirl518, sdeale0928


Mon April 13 = lachdanon, Elayne, babydoll1

Tue April 14 = Suzdavis, victoria_057

Wed April 15 = hannahj914, sylver28, MrsMitch, jukebox81782, mec267's wife, (sissy's office mate - are you on here yet??)

Thu April 16 = Jenfs5, scoobydoo, rannah12, vayiayia, Allformyson, Abbie-pie, BeefromCalie, contemplating

Fri April 17 = lapbandgirl2009, lulululu, MissChristina, terelbel, Carrie_W

Mon April 20 = sandi1011, Auddie, Carolnpx

Tue April 21 = ThinWithin, bellatrickz, Mand

Wed April 22 = early, KikstersRT, Babygirl_68, April09Bandster, birdbrainzz, mec267, Lisacacb5

Thu April 23 = PharmaGirl, Gavroche2004

Fri April 24 = loulou09, hrtgoeson, KMCD, jodimyers, Luckynjun, SHSUSioux

Mon April 27 = boomski, shellynnrn, Shrinkerbell, smiletracy

Tue April 28 = rcher, MSan914, chiffani

Wed April 29 = travelgrl

April hopefuls = Kellster, Band_Groupie, WannaBe1/2TheWoman, valjay, daqui26, mandilou, BethT1027

Edited by PharmaGirl

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:tongue_smilie:I think I have got the signature and ticker worked out at last.

Thanks for your post, Band_Groupie. I am sure we are all worried that we'll end up being one of the unlucky statistics. My surgeon told me that 92% of his patients are big successes. That's a pretty good number, isn't it? 5% have complications, although most of those are still losing weight, and only 3% 'fail' to loose significantly. He said that they are the ones who try to cheat... of course, I only have his side of that story!

Good luck to the first bandsters of April.


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Hey guys,

My hand is up too. However, I know that it is up to me to do the work to actually lose weight.

Our surgeon was pretty adamant that if you stick to the rules (no drinkable empty calories, 3 small meals with Protein first, exercise, water) and work with him in making sure you're at the "sweet spot" then you will definitely lose weight.

He made us laugh when he told us that he is at the point where if he has someone come in who asks "why aren't I losing weight", his response is "you tell me why you aren't losing weight". Our weight loss is our own responsibility. All the band and the surgeon can do is give us the tool to help us achieve that. For me, I am really hoping that that losing weight and keeping it off is going to be much easier if I don't feel that gnawing starving feeling in my stomach when I go more than a short time without eating - that is all I want from the lap band.

Edited by PharmaGirl

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Hi Everyone

One last post before I have my surgery tomorrow. I too am a bit nervous but also very excited. As the posts state before this one, I think we all have to do our part too - the band is a tool and from the research we've all done we know that it is going to take work on our part and there are far more successful stories than not. I just had a bath with this soap that you have to use the night before and morning of and I tell you....I'd rather had 5 of those awful tasting drinks than bath in this horrible smelling stuff - it is making me gag. I work in a hospital - I smell like one of the doctors in surgery - yuk!!:thumbdown: Well, I am off to bed shortly - I get to sleep in tomorrow (although my nerves will probably have me up early). Surgery is at 11:45 am. This time tomorrow I'll be on my way.

Good luck to all the April 1st bandsters and I'll be in touch tomorrow once I get home.


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Hi, everyone,

First of all, good luck to all you bunnies who are scheduled tomorrow for your surgery! I will be thinking of you and sending prayers your way!

Can you all believe it is APRIL tomorrow!!??:seeya:

OK, now for the weird thing...I went for my pre op exam today and I about fell off the exam table when the doctor said there is NO PRE OP DIET required!:thumbdown: HUH? I have been anticipating weeks on liquids before the surgery and come to find out, she only requires it in "certain patients, depending on how they carry their weight." For me, she said my weight is pretty evenly distributed and not primarily around the middle of my body, so she just requires no gaining of any more until surgery. And if I want to on my own I can do a diet, but not required. I am still surprised at this. I think I will still do the Protein Shakes in the morning and at noon and try to eat like I have the band already if I can.

Could you guys send me a small sample of what you are eating during a day? Maybe I can sort of copy yours? I just don't wanna have a fatty liver. I know my doc knows best, but I haven't heard of anyone else with NO pre op diet. Are there any of you out there?

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Hi, everyone,

First of all, good luck to all you bunnies who are scheduled tomorrow for your surgery! I will be thinking of you and sending prayers your way!

Can you all believe it is APRIL tomorrow!!??:seeya:

OK, now for the weird thing...I went for my pre op exam today and I about fell off the exam table when the doctor said there is NO PRE OP DIET required!:thumbdown: HUH? I have been anticipating weeks on liquids before the surgery and come to find out, she only requires it in "certain patients, depending on how they carry their weight." For me, she said my weight is pretty evenly distributed and not primarily around the middle of my body, so she just requires no gaining of any more until surgery. And if I want to on my own I can do a diet, but not required. I am still surprised at this. I think I will still do the Protein Shakes in the morning and at noon and try to eat like I have the band already if I can.

Could you guys send me a small sample of what you are eating during a day? Maybe I can sort of copy yours? I just don't wanna have a fatty liver. I know my doc knows best, but I haven't heard of anyone else with NO pre op diet. Are there any of you out there?

Hello, Just wanted to let you know what I have survived on for the last 14 days:). In the morning first thing I have had the juice of a fresh lemon, warm h20 and a dash of cyenenne pepper. then I have a Protein Shake with 8 oz of fresh OJ and whey Protein Powder, liquid vitiman, and flax oil. followed by the Protein shakes from costco chocolate low carb and high protein. lots of h20 and Tomato Soup mixed with Water or another shake for dinner time. I also have a treat of the muscle milk banana creme occasionaly. Jello and popsicles sugar free of course are great for the munchies.. best of luck I am going in the morning to start my new chapter of MY LIFE.


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Just checking in! My surgery is tomorrow at 11:00am! Woo hoo! I am very excited (and a little nervous) and very ready to get going!

My two week liquid diet has been much easier than I anticipated. I've had a pretty easy time of it, which is good since I continue for another 2 weeks post-op. :thumbdown:

I'll be praying for all the fellow bunnies having surgery tomorrow and the rest of the gang as your dates sneak closer and closer! Yay April Bunnies!

:seeya: Kaner :seeya:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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