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Date set - special hello to all the Aussies

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As for being hotties - we're all already gorgeous - now we just want the outside to reflect our inside!
AMEN! :eek:

Glad to hear you're all doing so well. Congrats on all the weight loss TamTam and Lili! :smile:

I bought two small cases of Slim Fast this weekend, in prep for when I have to go on the pre-op diet (whenever that will be). Tastes okay -- like a creamy chocolate milk. Don't know how I'll feel about drinking 6 of them a day and nothing else. How did you all manage? I guess we must keep thinking about that light at the end of the tunnel!

Tamara, I had also heard that sometimes that referred shoulder pain comes from acid reflux. Are you having any of that? If so, talk to your surgeon about it. Apparently it is extremely common after banding. That really dismayed me because I have had GERD for 15 years now, and I was hoping that the LB would help get rid of that problem!!

Have a great day everyone! Chins up and look at the sun -- it's shining for all of us!

Cheers! :thumbup:

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Hi girls! Thanks for all your advice about the shoulder pain, but it's all okay again now and feeling fine.

Well, I'm back to the surgeon today, and I think I'm going to ask him to remove the band...

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Sorry... Just couldn't help myself! Nah, all still going really well. 12.5kg now! Woo hoo! Do you have your weigh-in today? Good luck!

T xox

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Hello, ladies! How is everyone doing? I wanted to pop on here and tell Lili -- I'm thinking of you today as Lisa gets banded! What an exciting day for you both! Please stop by when you can and let us know how it went. (((HUGS))) :sad:

And I would love to hear updates from the rest of you. You're all a great encouragement to me!

I just got my date approved yesterday, and I'm very excited now -- 4 weeks from today! :thumbup:

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Hi girls,

CONGRATULATIONS on getting your date Ann!!

Quick update on what is going on with us. Lisa had her surgery on Thursday. I brought my laptop to the hospital so I could keep myself busy while waiting. What do you reckon I did while waiting - I looked up lapbanding surgery on YouTube and found actual footage of the procedure. Looking this up was not the smartest move!! Check it out and you'll see what I mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5ICI9q7nxU&feature=related . It is amazing the way they blow your tummy up with air (tummy looks like a big balloon [or maybe that should be bigger ballon!]) and then proceed to do everything using a camera and these amazing instruments.

After the surgery, Lisa wasn't feeling too crash hot - quite groggy and in some discomfort (she says it more uncomfortable than actually painful). She is very sensitive to drugs and I think they gave her plenty in the OR which explains the grogginess. Anyway, she couldn't have been feeling too bad as she managed to nag every nurse and doctor she saw until they agreed to let her go home once she was drinking (which she was doing pretty much right away and had had a x-ray with barium swallow done). So, she didn't end up staying overnight like they expect most people will do. I tease her that they would have been glad to see the back of her and all her nagging!!

She was much better yesterday. However, I think she overdid things a little yesterday doing crap around the house [when there wasn't even anything that really needed doing!]. Then, last night, she wanted to go and visit some friends and sat and talked for 2-3 hours. So, after all that she ended up having a mini relapse with heaps of gas building up which made sleeping very uncomfortable (for both of us!!). On top of that, she was a bit plugged up from the barium swallow they did after the surgery to check that everything was in the right place so she was stressing about the possibility of what could happen (she's a retired nurse who knows all the terrible things that can go wrong which really is not very helpful).

This morning everything in the intestines started moving so she's feeling much better. We going to go and see a movie (we're thinking Duplicity) in a Gold Class cinema (with the recliners instead of normal chairs) as she'll be able to sit comfortably there.

My weight loss has really slowed. I haven't really stuck to the liquid program the last 3 days. Wednesday was my brother and my nephew's birthday celebrations then Lisa had her op on Thursday. I spent yesterday shopping and in the kitchen preparing liquid foods (high Protein Soups and Jello, etc) for Lisa to eat for the next week. I'll get back on the horse now and get back on track.

Tamara, looks like you're doing great - kg after kg just dropping off you!

Sare and kiwigirl, what's going on with you two?

Edited by PharmaGirl

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Hi, Lili! Great to hear from you. :mellow: I'm glad to hear that Lisa is doing well, despite a little tummy upset yesterday. She sounds like the type who doesn't want to stay down -- always on the go! Me, I'm looking forward to a week of doing nothing. :o

You are a brave woman for watching the surgery on YouTube. Don't think I could do that!! I hope that hasn't scared you off of getting yours done, Lili! Oh, and I hear you about the weight loss slowing. It must be terribly hard to keep on the Optifast for as long as you've been doing it, without going off now and again. My preop diet officially starts on April 30 (one week before May 7 surgery), but I get six Slim Fast shakes a day. I've really grown to like them, actually, and look forward to having them in the morning and sometimes in the evening.

I must confess a funny thing... it is tax time again here in the U.S., which is horribly stressful for me. Thankfully my dear husband prepares them each year, while I pace the room frantically. He was doing them tonight, and I really felt the need for a good stiff drink, I was so wound up. So when I had my evening chocolate Slim Fast, I slipped a shot of coconut rum into it! :( It was fantastic! And did the job quite nicely, I must say. :tt2::frown2: Yes, I know, naughty, naughty! :cool2: But my dh and I got a good laugh over it.

Hope all is continuing well with everyone!


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Hey Ann,

Mmmmm, the idea of coconut rum in with the shake - as good as a shake can get! Sounds absolutely delicious - I'm imagining adding it to a vanilla shake would result in something that tasted like a pina colada. Ohh - my mouth is watering bad. You are wicked for telling me about this as I can't afford to try this stunt with only 1 week to surgery. Well, I guess you'll have to stop soon enough too (ha ha).

No, not brave to watch the video - STUPID is more like it.

Lisa had a couple of really bad nights and a bad day since I last wrote. Gas pain was really bad and very bad nausea. She was badly badly bloated. She felt as though she was having a heart attack. I tried a massage on her stomach last night (clockwise circles) and this morning she has come good. She released heaps of gas and has been sitting on the loo a lot. She dropped 2kg (4lbs) since yesterday and is back to feeling good. Lets hope it stays this way. She sees her doctor on Friday so we'll check that she's within the bounds of what is to be expected for someone in her shoes.

If any of the other girls are out there, please let us know how you're doing.

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Hi, Lili! Only 5 more days for you to go -- you must be very excited! :lol: I'm sorry to hear that Lisa hasn't been feeling well, but my goodness, dropping 4 lbs in one day? That's amazing! I do appreciate you telling me about her woes, because it gives me good warning of what to expect... and how to remedy the problems. I hope it gets better and better for her now that your ship is ready to sail.

I was in a great mood after getting approved, but this last week since the Easter Bunny arrived and then "Aunt Flo" arrived, I've been eating everything that isn't nailed down. I'm feeling like "I'll never eat this again -- I must shove it in now!" Not good. :blink: It makes me less confident in myself. :lol:

Hope you all are doing well!


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Hey Ann,

Thanks for the reply. Lisa relapsed with gas again and had a very tough time of it which culminated in having to see the surgeon on Friday. He gave her a Maxolon shot and she was then able to keep fluids down overnight. The next day she was back to drinking nutritional fluids and she is back to normal today.

Like you, I'm premenstrual and have not done so well on this pre-op diet the last couple of days. Oh well, back on the horse and behaving again now.

Yes, getting excited now - you must be too as your date is not far away either.


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Hi girls!

Yes, I'm still alive! Sorry I've been a bit slack here, but I received and read your private message, Lili and Ann, and have been thinking of you all.

Things have been going less that splendidly for me (put on about a kilo). I know that they say it's normal to stop losing or to gain when moving back to solid food, but it's still a bit depressing.

I had appointments with the dietician and for my first fill the week before last, but we all agreed to leave the fill for now because I was still losing at that stage and hadn't moved onto proper solids. The doc told me to enjoy eating "whatever I liked" - not great words for a chocoholic to hear just days before Easter! And with the kids on holidays, I have been all out of routine, but they go back this Tuesday, so I'll be back on this wagon!

I've struggled a bit remembering to eat slowly, with small mouthfuls, and chew, chew, chew. I am noticing that at meal times I am usually busy fussing over everyone else that I just gulp my own meal down and don't take the time to think about myself. But I've been getting a bit of pain to remind me! All part of the learning process, I suppose.

Also, I still serve up my meal and think, "There's no way that's going to fill me!" but I am still surprised at just how quickly I really do fill up. I went out for a Thai dinner over Easter with my Mum and a good friend, which I was a bit nervous about, but it all went smoothly. I ordered a prawn claypot - one of my alltime favourites, and ate six or seven prawns with a few vege bits and a little bit of vermicelli noodles. Then the others ordered dessert, and I just had a scoop of sorbet. Probably the worst part was my Mum constantly worrying and asking me how I was going! But I know she only did it because she cares.

In other good news, I've been shopping! I've been out buying clothes for Winter (which feels like it's never going to arrive in Brisbane). I've bought lots of bits and pieces, including a pair of jeans - size 20! I thought that was pretty exciting, but after wearing them a couple of times, I think maybe I should have even got a size smaller! I also bought a size SMALL top - from the fat ladies' department, admittedly, but there is an "S" on the tag and that's what I'm focussing on!

On Friday night my hubby came home with a little surprise for me - I thought maybe flowers, but he walked in with a Wii and Wii Fit! It's great! I've been wanting it for a while now, so I'm hoping that will really motivate me to exercise. I've been on it several times over the weekend, and my thighs and calves know all about it!

Well, that's about all my news for now. So pleased for you that you now have a date to look towards, Ann. I had to laugh at the "shove it in" comment - that was me to a T! I had more "Last Suppers" than I can count!

Your turn this week, hey Lili?! Very exciting! I hope it all goes really well for you, and we'll all look forward to hearing how you go. I hope Lisa is feeling much better now, and that she is well enough to look after you this time. ;)

Tamara xox

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Great to hear from you Tamara.

That extra kilo is God's way of getting you back for a nasty April fool's joke! I'm sure She'll take it away again soon. Seriously, there are so many things that can cause a 1kg fluctuation in weight -as the good new yorkers say "forget about it".

I think your doctor sounds great. This is the time to make sure you are properly healed and adequate nutrition is essential for that.

I'm really pleased to hear you say that you fill up quickly (and that's with no fill!). That is soooo what I want from this band. You won't be able to help but loose weight if you're eating smaller portions.

Your hubby sounds like an absolute sweetheart - the Wii and Wii Fit is so much a better surprise than a bunch of flowers. We have the Wii and Wii Fit too - You've inspired me to get it out and wipe off the 2kg of dust that must be built up on it and get back to playing. We also have Wii sports (with the bowling, the tennis, the boxing, etc), which is fun, and also the dance mat (Dancing Stage Hottest Party) which I totally ADORE (but Lisa hates ;)) - it is a super fun workout.

And already shopping for smaller sized clothes - HOLY CRAP! That is quick. Congratulations on getting to "small".

Yes, my turn this Thursday. I'm a bit worried because I know I have an enlarged liver (from a CAT scan I had done) and I did not stick to the pre-op diet too well while Lisa had been ill (but I am back on the program now - have not cheated at all today). I e-mailed the surgeon and warned him. Hopefully, he won't be too upset. I'll keep you posted.

Lisa is doing really well now so, as long as she stays this way, she'll be able to drive me home and look after me (otherwise I'll have to cab it home - or maybe even walk! - the hospital is only about 2km (1mile) from home)


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Hello, ladies! Lili -- only one more day! My goodness, you must be excited! I'm excited for you!! I'm sure your liver will be fine. I'm sorry that Lisa has been having some troubles with all the gas. I hope you don't experience the same. I'll be thinking of you and praying that all goes well. Do check in when you get a chance. Oh, and don't you dare walk home by yourself from the hospital!!!

Tamara, great to hear from you. What a lovely husband you have to give you the Wii & Wii Fit! And congrats on the smaller clothes! Focus on that, not on the slight gain.

Here is a wonderful quote I just read today. It is an ancient Buddhist expression:

"If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking."

I think the band is turning us all in the right direction! :smile: Now, we just have to keep moving forward. However, that still doesn't mean you should walk home from the hospital, Lili! :w00t:

Big hugs to all!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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