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"Lucky Losers" (March 2009 banders)

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Hey Everyone, Im here from N. Georgia ( GO Dawgs).. Im having my surgery Wednesday the 11th. I cant wait, I want to get on with it,lol

Hey Moni,, what part of NY?

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Got banded yesterday! I'm sitting in the airport now, waiting for a10:15pm flight so I can be home at 8am tomorrow am.

My experience: smile.gifI truly was so very very nervous, felt a little selfish, a little ashamed, and a little empowered. I was up early to catch a 5:50 flight - that I almost missed. I was actually ready to just not go through with it, truly going to just give up on the way there. My husband and I had just watched on CNN the drug violence specifically in Tijuana so I was afraid of that too. At the airport, I got held back by security, even later, so I was calm knowing my fate was sealed and this wasn't going to happen, but wouldn't u know they were waiting on me. So I just got on the plane and decided I could just hop a flight right back home from the 1st stop in Pittsburg. My seat assigned was next to this poor, very large lady who I had to really squeze next to, I tried to might light of it to put her at ease. The stuardess, then came by and moved me to another seat. I felt so bad for her. And it made me thing that this is exatly why I'm doing this. So I just decided to stay on and get on the next flight to SanDiego. If at anytime I felt unsafe, I had no qualms just jumping on a plane and going right back home! frown.gif

I was a little frighted but somehow also felt safe crossing the border b/c of all the men with automatic rifles and black scarves and camoflage. But we just drove on past.

I got to the to the hotel, very nice Mariott, got to the OCC the next day, all were as nice as everyone on these boards say they are. I ended up being last - the waiting all day was hard - but it the surgery itself was so quick! Met some lovely women just like me and the funniest 2 sistes from Ohmaha there to get a fill. They really put me at ease. The nurse who saw how nervous I was even massaged my neck and back muscles. :blush:Wow - it was a gesture of empathy and kindess. I learned I weighed 224 down from 236 1wk and 2 days ago, doing the 3 protien shakes per day and all greens. I know its mostly Water.

So this morning, I went back to my hotel - had ordered some chicken broth and I needed it! I hadn't eaten and barely drank all day the day before. I feel good - considering I've eaten absolutely nothing in 2 days except Water and a popsicle. I'm drank coffee b/c I think that's why I had a splitting headache after the surgery.

Sorry for the long post, but can you believe, Dr. Ortiz' mom actually stopped by and hugged all the patients? She was so sweet. And I really liked talking with Dr Ortiz. He is as charasmtatic as everyone says - but he's grounded - oh and wears black calvin klien underwear under his scrubs - for all those out there who want to know! LOL

My incisions really do hurt - it surprises me how sore they are. But only if I move/twist. I need some sort of band around my waist to kind of protect them, I feel like. As I'm typing this, Im holding a pillow against my stomach.

Well thank you again for the support - I'm amazed at just how much I depend on it from everyone on this board who has reached out to me via a reply or wish of good luck. Good karma feels great. thank you!:thumbup:

I just had the broth from some airport chicken Soup and it was AWESOME. I'm also drinking a diet snapple. All ok so far. I don't feel as faint as I thought I would. I feel a little hungry, but then also a little weird in the stomach - sort of like you do just before you get the flu. Just don't want to eat even though you're hungry.

My incisions look great - there are 5. Hopefully, they'll heal nicely. One one the sisters I met said to leave the glue on as long as it wants and that will help. So I plan to do that. I really can't believe I've really done this!

I plan to go to full liquids (soups) on day 4 - I don't want to do just ckn broth and Clear Liquids longer than that. Then I plan to stay on full liquids for 21 days. I've stocked plenty of great Soups - Pacific Coast sells some great ones! And drinkable yogurt. I've got to be careful of all the sodium.

Well, I'll let you know know how it all goes! And good luck to all of you!

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yes I do believe it is in everyone's interest to be on 2 wk preop diet. I did 2 prot. drinks and lean quisine type meal and lost 14 lbs before surgery. It was a good booster. I had surgery Feb. 16 and not regretting one minute. Was sore a couple of days out but now am doing an excercise program and losing about 4 lbs a wk. Hope to shoot for more . If not I am satified

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Got banded yesterday! I'm sitting in the airport now, waiting for a10:15pm flight so I can be home at 8am tomorrow am.

My experience: smile.gifI truly was so very very nervous, felt a little selfish, a little ashamed, and a little empowered. I was up early to catch a 5:50 flight - that I almost missed. I was actually ready to just not go through with it, truly going to just give up on the way there. My husband and I had just watched on CNN the drug violence specifically in Tijuana so I was afraid of that too. At the airport, I got held back by security, even later, so I was calm knowing my fate was sealed and this wasn't going to happen, but wouldn't u know they were waiting on me. So I just got on the plane and decided I could just hop a flight right back home from the 1st stop in Pittsburg. My seat assigned was next to this poor, very large lady who I had to really squeze next to, I tried to might light of it to put her at ease. The stuardess, then came by and moved me to another seat. I felt so bad for her. And it made me thing that this is exatly why I'm doing this. So I just decided to stay on and get on the next flight to SanDiego. If at anytime I felt unsafe, I had no qualms just jumping on a plane and going right back home! frown.gif

I was a little frighted but somehow also felt safe crossing the border b/c of all the men with automatic rifles and black scarves and camoflage. But we just drove on past.

I got to the to the hotel, very nice Mariott, got to the OCC the next day, all were as nice as everyone on these boards say they are. I ended up being last - the waiting all day was hard - but it the surgery itself was so quick! Met some lovely women just like me and the funniest 2 sistes from Ohmaha there to get a fill. They really put me at ease. The nurse who saw how nervous I was even massaged my neck and back muscles. :blush:Wow - it was a gesture of empathy and kindess. I learned I weighed 224 down from 236 1wk and 2 days ago, doing the 3 protien shakes per day and all greens. I know its mostly Water.

So this morning, I went back to my hotel - had ordered some chicken broth and I needed it! I hadn't eaten and barely drank all day the day before. I feel good - considering I've eaten absolutely nothing in 2 days except Water and a popsicle. I'm drank coffee b/c I think that's why I had a splitting headache after the surgery.

Sorry for the long post, but can you believe, Dr. Ortiz' mom actually stopped by and hugged all the patients? She was so sweet. And I really liked talking with Dr Ortiz. He is as charasmtatic as everyone says - but he's grounded - oh and wears black calvin klien underwear under his scrubs - for all those out there who want to know! LOL

My incisions really do hurt - it surprises me how sore they are. But only if I move/twist. I need some sort of band around my waist to kind of protect them, I feel like. As I'm typing this, Im holding a pillow against my stomach.

Well thank you again for the support - I'm amazed at just how much I depend on it from everyone on this board who has reached out to me via a reply or wish of good luck. Good karma feels great. thank you!:thumbup:

I just had the broth from some airport chicken Soup and it was AWESOME. I'm also drinking a diet snapple. All ok so far. I don't feel as faint as I thought I would. I feel a little hungry, but then also a little weird in the stomach - sort of like you do just before you get the flu. Just don't want to eat even though you're hungry.

My incisions look great - there are 5. Hopefully, they'll heal nicely. One one the sisters I met said to leave the glue on as long as it wants and that will help. So I plan to do that. I really can't believe I've really done this!

I plan to go to full liquids (soups) on day 4 - I don't want to do just ckn broth and Clear Liquids longer than that. Then I plan to stay on full liquids for 21 days. I've stocked plenty of great Soups - Pacific Coast sells some great ones! And drinkable yogurt. I've got to be careful of all the sodium.

Well, I'll let you know know how it all goes! And good luck to all of you!

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm happy everything went so well for you! It was probably meant for you to sit next to that lady on the plane.


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Hi everyone. I am so happy to be having this surgery on friday. I am also so so nervous. is anyone else who is having the surgery very soon nervous like me. I feel sick to my stomach all the time and it has even messed up my cycle. really bad I am 11 days late. I am just wondering if I am the only one with this anxiety affecting my body like this.

Lucky Losers!

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Hi everyone! I posted on the other longer March thread before I saw this new one. I am from Maryland and getting banded on 3/20. Began this journey last July, so I am happy to be so close now. I tore my meniscus last Oct and had that repaired in January so that held me up a bit but I am ready. Have been on the preop liquid (with one meal of chicken and veggies) last Friday and feeling better than I did the first 2 days but am hungry today. I come here for support and encouragement as this board really helps me get through the hard days. :mad2:

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yes I do believe it is in everyone's interest to be on 2 wk preop diet. I did 2 prot. drinks and lean quisine type meal and lost 14 lbs before surgery. It was a good booster. I had surgery Feb. 16 and not regretting one minute. Was sore a couple of days out but now am doing an excercise program and losing about 4 lbs a wk. Hope to shoot for more . If not I am satified

4 lbs a week? wow, that's fantastic !!!!

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Hi Lucky Losers!

I was banded on March 10. I really had no qualms about the surgery, other than my potassium had been low. I was on potassium tablets prior to surgery and they checked it the morning of surgery and it was 3.4 (whew!). If it had been 3 or less my surgery would have been canceled. I was anxious to get into surgery, so happy to finally be at this point. The surgical team was awesome. I've had surgery before but they explained everything they were doing. Once in the OR on the table the nurses told me to have a nice nap and when I woke up it would be all over.

Had minimal pain following surgery, rated it at a 2-4. I only had nausea a couple of times, mainly when I tried walking at first and when I was getting ice right after surgery (took too much in too soon). I stayed overnight at the hospital as my surgeon requires an upper GI the next day to make sure everything is in place. In addition, my potassium was again low so I had to have a potassium drip. My upper GI wasn't scheduled until 3:45 and I was NPO from midnight on for that so the day after surgery was a LONG day, but once my study was done, potassium given, blood checked and potassium verified as okay, I was sent home.

I have lost 19 pounds in the last 3 weeks (2 preop diet weeks and 1 week since surgery). I honestly have only been hungry once. Have had trouble getting my Protein and calories in (which they warned me would happen). Some days I've only gotten 500 calories in. Today I think I'll be closer to 900. I'm just not hungry, and that is the oddest feeling in the world! At first I struggled to figure out what I was feeling: surgical pain, gas in stomach for surgery, hunger, fullness? I'm now figuring out it was mainly stomach discomfort/pain from surgery. I'm now knowing when I am full - and it doesn't take long, about 8 ounces of Protein shake and I'm done. My stomach made horrible noises 3-4 days after surgery, but that has improved immensely. It now only happens occasionally.

My incisions are still sore, but bearable. I was on pain medication for 2 days, then switched to Tylenol for 2 days, and nothing since. I was able to sleep on my side immediately after surgery, but found holding a pillow against my stomach helps. In fact, I still do that every night, it just protects the area a bit when I turn and cushions especially the port site. I had shoulder pain for about 1 hour one day, otherwise no gas pain.

My best to all those yet to be banded! I am enjoying reading how everyone is doing!


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I have really enjoyed reading everyone story so i thought I would share my surgery story...

My surgery was friday 3/13/09. It was scheduled for 11:05 and my arrival at 9. I was in the shower friday morning and the phone rang about 8 and asked if i could come early. So I rushed and got out the door. They ended up taking me back to surgery at 10:20. The male nurse told me he was just going to give me some oxygen. I remember that and then I remember waking up in the recovery room. The pain I would say was a 6. And I was very nauseated. they gave me so much anti-nasuea meds that i maxed out. My surgeon came into see me in the 1st recovery room and said that all went well. And that he told all the details to my mom. I was in the 1st recovery for about 2 hours. I then went to the 2nd recovery room and was in there for about 30 mins before they brought my mom back. My mom said that the surgeon came and discussed with her that this surgery was a great thing I had done. He said that my live was looking pretty bad. He already diagnosed me with NASH and he said he could really see it once he saw my liver. All in all the hospital stay was good. I was there from 8.30-4.20. I am guessing i was there a little longer b/c of the nausea. after I got home I was having the worst back pains I have ever had. I called the surgeons office and they thought they were back spasms. I used a heating pad and that helped with the back pain. sleeping was pretty much a just when the pain meds were working type thing the first 2 day. The back pain subsided and I started feeling better.I tried to go to the grocery store Sunday afternoon to get some Jello and juice about 10 mins after being there i realized that was a bad idea. On Sunday evening I was feeling 90% better. Doing dishes and folding some laundry. This morning I was feeling even better and went into work for a few hours. When I got home from work today I decided to do some more laundry. when I reached down in the basket I felt some thing pop under my scar, port site. I called the doc on call and he said he think it may of just been a stitch but they would know for sure when I go in for my post op appt. And if it moved at all they could do a ultasound to know for sure. Other than that minor drama it has gone well and I would do it all over again. I am feeling a little hungry but I just drink 6 oz of juice and that goes away. Thanks for reading my surgery story and I hope to read yours too.

Lucky Losers!

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Today marks 10 days since surgery. I had no shoulder pain (gas pains) until about 4 days after surgery. I had it mostly at the end of the day and it was pretty darn uncomfortable. It felt like a stitch in my side from running and was really painful if I tried to take a deep breath. Only 2 of my incisions really hurt - the port incision and the one above it - mostly because it lies right beneath where my underwire bra sits on it almost all day. I'd like to think I'm a pretty tough cookie when it comes to pain, but I did need tylenol up until about day 7. On day 7, I felt much, much better. No more gas/trapped air from surgery, no more shoulder pain, and I found I could immediately eat much more. I was barely eating 600 calories. I felt hunger for the first time and I'm noticing I can eat quite a bit more and have to stop myself. I feel much better because I'm eating more. I'm very disappointed with my weight loss thus far - only 5lbs in 10 days. I'm telling myself not to get discouraged - I know we all will lose at different paces. My loss may be stalled from my lack of calories and my body reacting to that or all the sodium in the Soups I'm eating.

Regardless, the pain surprised me, the sudden feeling much better on day 7 surprised me, and the lingering pain from port site is more than I thought it would be.

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Hey guys, I'm exactly 2 weeks post op today and for some crazy reason I find myself eating small amounts of food throughtout the day. It's just things like sugar free pudding, 1/2 cup creamy Soup but I'm worried that I could be over doing it. My total calorie intake is about 600 calories, & I make sure I get on the treadmill to burn at least 340 calories. Am I just worring too much? I see my doc on Monday to get upgraded to mushies and I'm nervous because the scale has not moved in 5 days. I was loing like crazy before and now nothing.

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Hey guys, I'm exactly 2 weeks post op today and for some crazy reason I find myself eating small amounts of food throughtout the day. It's just things like sugar free pudding, 1/2 cup creamy Soup but I'm worried that I could be over doing it. My total calorie intake is about 600 calories, & I make sure I get on the treadmill to burn at least 340 calories. Am I just worring too much? I see my doc on Monday to get upgraded to mushies and I'm nervous because the scale has not moved in 5 days. I was loing like crazy before and now nothing.

Moni, I'm in the exact same boat, only I'm not exercising. I've not had the energy at all and felt so weak the first 7 days. Logic tells me we're eating too few calories and our bodies are reacting to that. I also know I'm consuming a lot of sodium in the Soups I'm eating. My scale also has not moved in 5 days and I'm 10 days post-op. I'm interested in hearing about your dr appointment and what he says.

One thing that has helped me is tracking my calorie intake on calorie-count.com. I say that b/c it made me aware of just how much sodium I was taking in which is what I'm trying to tell myself is the problem! Good luck - I'm sorry I can't help you - but I can tell you I'm having the same experience and am also doubting myself!

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I was banded March 12, 2009.

By Dr. Teng in Las Vegas. I did not lose anything on my one week pre-op diet and I am down 16 lbs since the surgery.

I walk daily but for the last day I have been very under the weather so even getting out of bed is a challenge.

My goal is to lose 100 lbs in the next year, I am 6' tall and weighed 289 at the start of all of this. My highest weight was 350 and I lost that on my own down to 200lbs 5 years ago, over the course of those 5 years I put back on 90 lbs so making sure that I keep this off permanently is my goal.

Good luck to everyone !

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it's nice to see that everyone is doing so well. my surgery is in 5 days (march 25th).

the pre-surgery diet is going okay. i'm on Optifast. lost about 7 lbs in 8 days. i'm on my way !!!!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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