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Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

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For once we agree upon something. Amazing!

Yeah, I thought the same thing. I'm waiting for my skin to start peeling away from the bone and for my eyeballs to catch fire. :thumbup:

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You can not legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person recieves without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government can not give to anybody anything the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else gets what they work for, that, my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You can not multiply wealth by dividing it.

quote from The Rev. Adrian Rogers, former president, Southern Baptist Convention

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plain: the voice of reason. It's almost like a dream scenario. :thumbdown: Sorry dude, I feel it is my duty to jump into the fray. Screw Octomom. Her story is old news. But don't worry the cameras will keep you abreast of her antics. In the meantime...

Where were all you buggers who are slamming Obama's plan to revitalize the economy, when George W. was funneling it down a rat hole in Iraq? When George and his cronies were running a fascist government right here in river city, you said nothing. Now you're calling Obama's plans socialist.

How can you possibly justify the things that Bush did? He usurped all the power from Congress and had his merry way with us. He has been threatened by other countries that if he sets foot in them, they will arrest him for war crimes. And you sound proud of the things that he did because he made us safer? I can't believe that we were all such idiots that we thought we were impotent against him and his cronies.

Hell after 8 years, we had forgotten what it was like for a president to communicate with us. To get up and take responsibility. Instead of our past president who would hide out most of the time and only speak with scripts because when he spoke spontaneously, he said something utterly stupid or profane. (Remember for instance, the "shit" remark he made to the British Prime Minister on camera with a live feed?)

And you fault a president who gives a damn about the people of this country? You call that being socialist? You people come up with a friggin' plan that will work better than what he has put forth and I will support it. But I have no illusions that the Republicans, either the middle road or right wing extremists, have a viable plan. If they did, they might have used it over the past 8 years. Nah, they were too busy getting rich and richer.

You listen to too much canned crap on Fox network. Don't you understand how you are being used and manipulated by Rupert Murdoch and his lap dogs?

Broaden your horizons. Don't listen to me. Read a book, watch a newscast with opposing viewpoints. A light bulb might come on. You might learn something.

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BJean, I don't have cable, so FOX is out. I don't listen to pundits. I hate him based on what I see. I hate him because he is bad for this country. I hate him and pray for his failure every single day, because for him to flourish means that socialism also flourishes.

And don't talk about Bush and his scripts. I'm certainly not his fan, but let's talk about Mr. Teleprompter. :thumbdown:

And that's all I'm gonna say about that bastard on this thread. I choose not to go to the political threads because I would probably burst a blood vessel over the Obama lovers who suffer from insufferable Hope-nosis.

You assume those of us who disagree with the great messiah do so because we are uneducated dolts. That couldn't be further from the truth. I work very hard to come up with my own ideas on things rather than jumping on bandwagons. The only sheeple I have seen so far seem to be those who think Obama is the be-all, end-all. He's not. He's a highly unqualified dork who happened to toss around a few buzz words that people latched onto. Let's see how those buzz words will help you when you're struggling to put food on the table. Oh, wait, the messiah will do it for you, with somebody else's money! Yay.

Edit: I thought this was the octomom thread?? lol

Edited by BethFromVA

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It became the political thread when people decided that Octomom's living on the dole related to presidential politics. I didn't bring it up. I only threw in my 2 cents.

Talk about buzz words... you have some corkers.

I feel very sorry for you and others who are scared spitless of President Obama's proposed plans. You have NO hope. You didn't like Bush, you HATE Obama. It's all hopeless, right?

I can't imagine what kind of life you have. It must be depressing as heck to live in your head.

Well I'm a whole lot older than you are and I've seen a lot more politics. And yeah, after living through everything I've seen that has occurred in politics, dirty and good, I have hope. President Obama is the most intelligent and effective (so far) president we've had in my lifetime. But the jury is still out. I may learn that he has sold us down the river just as badly as his predecessor.

But I have hope. I cling to hope. I have to. If I didn't have hope for my country, I would be too depressed to function.

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Btw Beth, I have a small, wee confession. I really wasn't thinking of you when I suggested that if one changed the channel and read an opposing viewpoint one might learn something. Obviously you don't think that shoe fits you because you don't watch Fox and you have many and varied sources for keeping abreast of all things political, eh? Well good for you!

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Where were all you buggers who are slamming Obama's plan to revitalize the economy, when George W. was funneling it down a rat hole in Iraq? When George and his cronies were running a fascist government right here in river city, you said nothing. Now you're calling Obama's plans socialist.

Well, we are moving there rapidly. What else would you call Obama's plans for the government to be able to take over private businesses that they (the government) think could influence the economy? What about the congress passing legislation to be able to take money from private citizens who have broken no laws (AIG bonuses)?

How can you possibly justify the things that Bush did? He usurped all the power from Congress and had his merry way with us.

What? What power specifically did Bush take from congress?

He has been threatened by other countries that if he sets foot in them, they will arrest him for war crimes.

But if that's true, then wouldn't Obama also be guilty of those crimes if he doesn't immediately take steps to completely reverse all of Bush's "crimes"? If Obama doesn't remove all soldiers from Iraq, isn't he guilty of the same crimes? Is he guilty if he sends troops into Afghanistan?

And you fault a president who gives a damn about the people of this country? You call that being socialist?

No, it's admirable to care about the people of this country. It's socialist when the government decides to redistribute wealth based on a monatary figure that some bureaucrat pulled out of his ass.

You people come up with a friggin' plan that will work better than what he has put forth and I will support it. But I have no illusions that the Republicans, either the middle road or right wing extremists, have a viable plan. If they did, they might have used it over the past 8 years. Nah, they were too busy getting rich and richer.

Because it's all about republican vs. democrat, right BJean?

You listen to too much canned crap on Fox network. Don't you understand how you are being used and manipulated by Rupert Murdoch and his lap dogs?

yeah.....I was wondering when that tired old response would find it's way out. "Fox is evil....blahblahblah....."

Broaden your horizons. Don't listen to me. Read a book, watch a newscast with opposing viewpoints. A light bulb might come on. You might learn something.

As with most liberals, you insinuate that anybody that doesn't agree with you is dim. Whatever, man.

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Wow, BJean, why the personal slams on me?? All I did was say how much I detest your messiah. Never once did I point fingers at you as being stupid or misguided or downright ignorant for voting for him -- because you chose him for whatever reason. That is your prerogative, just as it is mine to detest the man and NOT walk in lock-step with every stupid thing he does.

You may feel sorry for me for having no faith in my government, and absolutely NO faith in this POS loser, but wow, but I feel more sorry for you that your liberalism pretty much requires you to show your "tolerant" side in such a way towards those who detest your Jim Jones. I thought you people were the ones who loved and accepted everybody. Eh, guess that was all a crock of shit too. :thumbdown:

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President Obama is the most intelligent and effective (so far) president we've had in my lifetime.

What has he done that's been the most effective of any president in your lifetime?

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Well, we are moving there rapidly. What else would you call Obama's plans for the government to be able to take over private businesses that they (the government) think could influence the economy? What about the congress passing legislation to be able to take money from private citizens who have broken no laws (AIG bonuses)?

I'm guessing like other class haters, she thinks taking from those who are actually the backbone of American jobs is a good thing.

What? What power specifically did Bush take from congress?

If ever there was a group who NEEDS its powers curbed...

But if that's true, then wouldn't Obama also be guilty of those crimes if he doesn't immediately take steps to completely reverse all of Bush's "crimes"? If Obama doesn't remove all soldiers from Iraq, isn't he guilty of the same crimes? Is he guilty if he sends troops into Afghanistan?

Nah, EVERYTHING he does is fantastic and blessed. He can go on Leno and yuk-yuk it up and he's touted as a 'Regular Joe," but if Bush had done it... wowza. These people just can't see their own hypocrisy, which is almost sadder than the fact that this teleprompter-needin' corn pone got onto office.

But instead, he releases terrorist suspects from Gitmo who are now reestablishing themselves here OR in their countries, many whom have been proven to have gone back to what they do best: TERRORISM.

No, it's admirable to care about the people of this country. It's socialist when the government decides to redistribute wealth based on a monatary figure that some bureaucrat pulled out of his ass.[.quote]

C'mon, Plain, now you're just being silly. Redistribute wealth? Pshaw. It's the human thing to do to rip the hard-earned money out of the grubby, greedy hands of those who worked hard for it and give it to slobs and lowlifes who just want to drink a 40 and watch Jerry Springer. Ain't it the American way??

Because it's all about republican vs. democrat, right BJean?

Only for those who don't really have a decent argument...

yeah.....I was wondering when that tired old response would find it's way out. "Fox is evil....blahblahblah....."

It's in their "10 Steps To Being a Complete Hypocrite In Order To Be the Best Left-Winger Ever" bible. I think it comes in at number two or three. BJean? Be a dear and look that one up for us. :thumbdown:

As with most liberals, you insinuate that anybody that doesn't agree with you is dim. Whatever, man.

Yeah, cuz liberalism worked SO well for the 40 years they were in control. All these lib pols seem better at is being total asswipes and muddying the waters, thereby taking people's attention off what's REALLY going on. Gotta give 'em that.

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What has he done that's been the most effective of any president in your lifetime?

Oh, c'mon, plain, you don't REALLY expect any of these people to have an answer to that, do you?

And "most intelligent"?? The moron can't string together five words in a sentence without a teleprompter, for chrissake.

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I'm holding my tongue because I'm not an economics major. Even if I was, I think I'd still hold my tongue.

Obama came into office with a plan to overcome this financial failure of the US, not only based on his research, but of many educated and knowledgable consulants. Maybe it will work, maybe not. Time will tell. To think doing nothing will fix it, is obsurd, that is what Bush was doing.

Obama did not create this mess. I hope (I WANT!) this plan will work. To actually hope he fails is so unAmerican, because failure will mean disaster to so many more Americans and maybe the country.

Do Obama's haters actually think results will be seen immediately? Give the guy a break, he hasn't even been in office 4 months.

What I'm hearing here is Rush Limbaugh talk. He's an idiot and hateful! Why associate with his opinion? :thumbdown:

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Whoo-hoo, gotcha stirred up, did I? Well I know this is going to disappoint you all but I gotta hit the sack.

And Beth I did not insult your intellect. I made a point not to do that.

I'd love to go head to head with you plain, but it's just too darned late.

Answer my questions tonight and do an actual rebuttal of the content of mine that you quoted (beyond the Fox comment) and I'll be happy to give you mine tomorrow.

I'd like for once for one of you to actually explain exactly why Bush's fascism is so much better than Obama's potential socialism.

Or do you really not know about Bush going to Congress and getting them to allow him to have free reign over the decision of when and where to go to war? Do you not know how the White House was run during the Bush administration? Are you unaware of the Cheney group that held the real power?

If ya'll don't watch Fox, what media sources do you ascribe to?

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One more quick hit:

Volcano lady: good post!!

I didn't mention Rush Limbaugh because I hate to think that people really take him seriously. Perhaps you're right and that is the source of all this trash talk. Because it is way too canned, the very thing they seem to accuse me of.

I can't imagine why anyone would continue to defend the Bush administration. You're right, if it isn't a daily dose of Fox, it's probably good ole' Rush. The "new voice" of the Republican party, eh? God help us.

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Obama came into office with a plan to overcome this financial failure of the US, not only based on his research, but of many educated and knowledgable consulants. Maybe it will work, maybe not. Time will tell. To think doing nothing will fix it, is obsurd, that is what Bush was doing.

Well....yes and no. The brilliance of Obama's top economical position (Treasury secretary Geithner) is certainly disputable. And Bush didn't "do nothing"......He freaked out and started this whole bailout bullcrap! Plenty of blame to go around.

Do Obama's haters actually think results will be seen immediately? Give the guy a break, he hasn't even been in office 4 months.

Agree. That's why I questioned BJean's assertation that he has been the most effective of any president in her lifetime.

What I'm hearing here is Rush Limbaugh talk. He's an idiot and hateful! Why associate with his opinion? :thumbdown:

Rush is an idiot and a blowhard. I'm a conservative and I don't like him or listen to his show.

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