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How do Super Moms do it?!?!?

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Hello...I just want to know how everyone who has been banded, has a child, and works full time manages to find time for themselves. I haven't been banded but if I do, I want to give 100% to which includes me actually committing to exercising.

But the trouble is...i don't have time! You see, during the week, my mornings start at 4:30 am...wake up, shower, Iron clothes, pack lunch box, and then get my 19 month old ready for school. I usually get to work around 7 am and if I had a easy day i leave work at around 3pm. If i have a doc appt or need to pick something up from the store, I try to do it right then after work while my son is still in daycare. So I usually get home between 4:30 - 5pm...make dinner, clean up from dinner, that puts me at 6pm. My hubby and I then hang out with our son till his bed time at 7pm. From this point forward, it is our down time and we usually just watch tv. This is probably the time that I should squeeze in some exercise but honestly, by then i am exhausted! I guess I just need to get myself over the hurdle and get used to exercising at 7 pm...even if it is only for 30 minutes.

You know, there is just not enough time for me in the day!

I would love to hear how everyone else manages.

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I dont do more than about 10 hours paid work but I'm a full time student too and have 3 kids so I'm pretty busy.

I dont know, I just make exercise a priority. I dont waste good opportunities, like at the moment I can do heaps of exercise becuase uni hasnt gone back for the year yet. I've been running my daughter to school every day - she rides her bike the 5kms and I run there, do the classroom reading and run back.

I find the more I have to do, the more I get done. When I am working full time, as in full time teaching rounds, where I'm working as a teacher, I get up at 5 am, potter around a bit having a coffee and waking up then head out for a run at about 5.30 for an hour. I make sure lunches, lesson plans etc are done the night before so that all I have to do is shower, get the kids ready for school and go by 7.45.

I've trained my kids to fend for themselves a bit too - like why should I make Breakfast for an 11 and 13 year old, they're perfectly capable. Nor do I put their washing away and about the only thing that gets ironed round here are business shirts and some of my clothes. Nothing else. I dont waste time on stupid stuff like that.

Saturday mornings we all pitch in and go through the house cleaning. It takes about 2 hours. Then its done. I do the bare minimum the rest of the week, and once I finish my degree this year and get a teaching role, we'll have a cleaner and an ironing lady.

If I'm going to exercise at night, then NOTHING on television is more important, I dont stay home to watch telly for anything. I also do stuff like take the kids down to the playground and I use the equipment to do body weight sort of exercises (chin ups, dips, step ups on the benches etc.) alternated with running the perimeter in sprints (its 300 metres) and might even put Eliza on my back and piggy back her round for a harder workout. I have a treadmill at home so if it gets to 9.30 at night I still have no excuse.

Just Do It is a pretty good motto really. And now Im a human dynamo anyway, I'm so fit I just dont get that bone weary tiredness anymore that I used to get - I'd come home and think Ugh, I just cant. Well, I just did and its paid off. Now I have the energy to do it.

Exercise IS my downtime, its relaxing and rejuvenating. Starting by just promising yourself half an hour at 7pm is the way to go. Get the routine going before putting pressure on yourself. And NEVER waste your 2 weekend days!

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I posted something almost identical to this when I was just about to be banded (and Jachut was the one was posted back immediately too and showed me that I can make excuses, or I can find a way, so I found a way!)

My day: I wake up at 6am, make Breakfast and lunches, get ready for work, wake up my almost 3yo, feed him and get him ready for day care, drive 45 mins to work, drop my son off at day, work from 7.30am to 5pm, get home at 6.00pm, cook, feed everyone, clean up, shower my son, then spend 1/2 and hour or so spending time with my family before putting my son to bed at 8.30pm.

And then at 8.30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I hope onto my spin bike for 40 minutes and ride until I'm pouring with sweat. After that, I shower and go spend time with my husband.

On Sunday mornings at 7.00am, I walk for an hour with a friend. On Sunday nights, I cycle again for 40 mins.

My family has plenty of time with me. And while I cycle, my hubby showers so it's not like he's missing out on that much time with me.

And as for finding the energy - I so did not have the energy to get on the bike 3 times a week to start with. But like anything, you initially have to push yourself, and as you get fitter, you will have more energy and more strength to do it. And pretty soon, you not only want to do it, you feel like crud when you don't do it!

ETA: I forgot to add (and was reminded by Jachut's post) that I also get in a lot of 'incidental' exercise besides my 'structured' exercise regime. I carry my 15kg son on my back in a sling everywhere I go now, and can walk for hours with him on my back. I also walk to the shops 15 mins away at lunch everyday. Things like that add up too.

Edited by lellow

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It kind of funny, as I have controlled my food issues - I seem to have more control in my life. I spend 2.5 hours each way commuting so maybe that plays into it. Here are a couple of things that work for me:

1. Plan your meals on the weekend. This saves the multiple trips to the store during the week, because you gave thought to what you need. And the money you waste picking up things you don't really need on that trip. Not to mention the end of the day battles of "Whats for dinner" - which can be a time waster.

2. Make meals that you can cook once and eat twice with. The food network has a show called the Quick Fix. Check it out to get the concept here. This is a huge way to get free time back.

3. Start small- If you can squeeze out 30 mins each weekend day and then add one week day at first. Maybe that night is leftovers and you use the time you would otherwise be in the kitchen!

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Oh, big cookups on the weekend are a MUST. At least 3 nights a week are no cook nights (boys have basketball) because the meal is already done and can come out of the freezer and just get heated.

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Well, when I did work full-time and lived away from home with my then hubby, I would take my little girl to day care an hour early, so I could get my workout in and go to work. Back then I worked 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm (odd shift).

We were stationed down in Southern Cali at that time and I would use the base child-care center. My hubby worked a grave yard shift, so our daughter spent part-time at day-care. We placed her at the base child-care when she was two-months old up to two-years old and then we left military life.

After that, and our daughter was still little, we moved back home and had family available to assist us. And again hubby worked nights and I worked days, so that we used less day-care and both of us had time to work out.

It was really hard though and when our second child came along, 4.5 years after the first child, I gave up on exercising. I was no longer a priority. :-(

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I work out on my lunch hour. Thankfully the gym is only 3 blocks from my office. I go back sometimes after work for a little cardio. I also hike with the family some on weekends. Try to incorporate family with exercise. Play wii or other games that the family can enjoy together. Whatever you have to do just move your butt everyday. Exercise makes all the difference in the world.

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If you can't do it at night do it in the morning. Get up 30 minutes earlier and work out. Or do the ironing and lunch packing the night before and get up 15 minutes earlier. I can always find an excuse after work to not work out but first thing in the morning there is no excuse. Get it finished and out of the way and after a few weeks you will find it to be energizing.

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I'm so glad I found this post with all of your great ideas, I myself am having trouble working full time, being a wife and mother and fitting my exercise routine in. I do make sure I get in my exercise but i'm feeling a little overwhelmed that their is not enough time in the day to do everything. My husband and family are starting to think i'm a little obsessed, but I do not want to give up on my exercise, it makes me feel so great afterwards and on the days I don't I feel awful and get down on myself. I'm glad to hear all your ideas and to know i'm not the only one out there that is experiencing this. I think i'm going to make a goal to myself to drag my butt out of bed earlier in the morning and get at least 30 minutes in prior to the start of my day, that way their is nothing that can "come up" later in the day to derail me. Thanks again :thumbup:

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Oh my Jachut, I am already exhausted after reading your post!

I also just wanted to mention that this post is also open to Super Dads! And I also completely forgot to also account for those who are also going to school. I am glad that I started this post. It really is interesting to hear what everyone's daily lives are like. I will definitely take away some great ideas on how I can adjust my daily schedule. Thanks!

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We can all find reasons why we don't have the time for anything we don't really want to do. But, I bet if it was something fun and exciting, we'd all find the time! LOL

Saying we don't have time is a cop out! Hey, I include myself in here too..........aside from working 10 hrs a day, and taking care of the family, my mother has ovarian cancer and im over there constantly as her care giver. And I do cop out on the exercise from time to time, but I CAN get it in during my lunch hour. I just keep my walking shoes in my desk drawer and go for a 30 min walk..........it clears my head, rejuvenates me, gives me some alone time, and burns those calories. I also ride my bike over to moms across town when weather permits.......

Don't use the "I just don't have the time" excuse. You'll find the time if you really want to.

Good luck to you! We're all on your side here!

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I won't call myself a super mom, but I have found a way to incorporate excersice into my life. I have twin boys and work full time and commute 3. hrs round trip per day.

I found a gym that opens at 5 am. I get up at 4:30, ( I sleep in my gym clothes!) do a few things in the house before heading to the gym. Work out for 40 minutes, shower at the gym, but put sweats on to go home in. Upon arrival at home at 6:05 am, kids are usually just getting up. I feed them, finish packing up their lunch boxes/backpacks. I have a coffee, and then make sure children are dressed. I then get dressed and knowing everyone is all set - leave kids with DH who gets them to school. I walk 1 mile to train.

I also held a 'meeting' with my family - kids and dh, and advised that on the weekend mornings, they would be on their own from 7am - 9 am., as mommy needs to excercise and be healthy. Seems to work fine, all three of them are still in their pjs when I come home - and they get their 'free tv time' then!

We also incorporate hikes, bike rides, sleigh riding, etc. on the weekends to make sure we are getting excercise as a family.

My DH's work schedule is more flexible then mine, but I have told him that if he needs to carve out time on the weekend so that he can go to the gym, just let me know.

I know if I didn't make this time for myself, no one would help me find it!

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I really need to get into a shedule.I work full time and i am going to school. I have a 3 year old and a thirteen month old. The problem is i have keep trying to go for walks every afternnoon (it was 90 yesterday) but my 3 year old gets stopping on has bike and he other is crying in the jogging stroller ,so i feel like i'm not getting a workout when i keep stopping!!!

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I feel maybe a little out of place posting here, because I'm not a mother, so please forgive me if you would have preferred if I stayed out of the fray.

My perspective as a graduate research assistant that works about 8-10 hours a day, most often including weekends with a new husband and a VERY demanding volunteer role that takes up the rest of my spare time, is that I had to sit down and have a frank discussion with my husband.

I'm making 0 assumptions about your relationship, so perhaps this won't be relevant to your situation. I had to sit down with my husband when I made a commitment to regular exercise. I told him very seriously that this was important to me. And in order to successfully commit to exercise I needed XY and Z from him. I find at least my husband is very responsive when I present things that way.

It sounds like you're very tired in the evening (understandable!) but very busy in the morning. If morning is a time when you feel like you're ready to exercise is there a tradeoff you can make with your husband ? For example, "I'll take morning duty Tuesday/Thursday and weekends if you take MWF ?" Or something like that ?

Best of luck ! I hope you get a plan worked out !!

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I have definitely had the 'you're obsessed' conversation with my husband as well. I honestly didn't expect seeing how he used to be an ex-personal trainer and used to hit the gym religiously 4 times a week.

But I guess he saw it as taking time away from him and the family, which tbh, was bollocks. And as far as being obsessed? I don't think I'm obsessed as much as I'm aware of my goals and have psyched myself to exercise regularly now for the rest of my life. That mentality took a LOT of work on my part, and it's what keeps me going.

So when he brought it up, I explained that the lapband wasn't just about losing weight, it was about getting healthy and staying healthy, and exercise was a part of that. And just like going to work or showering or breathing, it's something I just have to do from now on. And because it was hard for me to motivate myself to change my life in this way, what I didn't need was for him to undermine the new habits I was developing.

And you know what? Over time he's adapted. And I think he's also come to accept it. In fact last week when I dropped one night of cycling (was the TOM and was feeling 'off') he kept asking me why I wasn't exercising!

It is hard to get your partner to understand this new commitment to a new life, but it can be done. Their support is important, and sometimes you need to teach them HOW to support you.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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