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Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

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America, in all its wealth and splendor, has grown complacent and certainly soft. GWB was the epitome of this. Who took mor vacation time than W? What POTUS ever went to bed while the sun was still shining? The great question I have is what books will fill the shelves of his library beside THE PET GOAT?

Our great blessing was that W dislodged the killer pretzel or we'd have had Darth Vader Cheney who, if the truth be told, was the puppet master for eight years anyhow.

I really don't believe W was quite as ruthless and cavalier as he is often characterized. :lol: If you look at his roots, his previous experience from college to the White House, he lived a life of privilege. He never ran a successful business, as governor he was actually second in command -- more figurehead than worker. I think W was looking forward to lots of good ole Texas Bar-B-Ques on the White House lawn until those crazies decided to bury 4,000 people in the rubble of American greed on a clear September morning. He wasn't a great leader and certainly not a great speaker though memorable. He and those who surrounded him believed in the principles that secured the keys to the Oval Office: win at all costs, play by no rules, history is written by the victors, the winner and those who helped him deserves the spoils, and what the heck is noblesse oblige anyhow?:tt2:

So this is our game to lose now. We have a majority control in Congress and a progressive in the White House, a man who inherited a legacy fraught with impending disaster and an economy so anemic even billions of dollars cannot stanch the lethal flow. In short order President Obama has recouped and rebuilt our image in the world through honesty, innovation, sincerity, and candor. He may be erudite and even a bit aloof in his delivery of the messages but isn't that a welcome change from the bumbling, fumbling, blather and BS?

Adlai Stevenson was one of the most intelligent men to ever run for POTUS, perhaps too smart. The real trouble was he was opposed by one of America's great and real war hero, Dwight D. Eisenhower. After the second rout in 1956, Adlai was asked if he had lost his faith in the American public; Stevenson paused and thought over the question only to replied, "No. I haven't lost faith in the American public, but as to their taste, Coca-Cola still outsells champagne."

Not much has changed. Although quite a few have migrated to Diet Coke! :scared2::redface::smile::biggrin::tt2::wink2:

Peace out,

Eisenhower wouldn't even be allowed in the republican party today. The John Birchers are rising up again after William F. Buckley dismissed them years ago. And they think Eisenhower was a communist. But they also think flouride in our drinking Water is a communist plot, too.

Rove and Cheney ran the oval office. Only toward the end of his presidency did bush seem to turn more of a deaf ear to cheney. He wouldn't pardon libby. cheney's still fuming, although without a pulse.

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I saw President Obama on The View today and I was very proud to have voted for him.

Oops! I said proud. :eek: The pride police on these boards will be after me. :lol:

When right winger Elizabeth Hassleback asked him about his saying that the stimulus saved X number of jobs she said that term had never been used before and wondered how it could be important. He said: "It's important if you're the person whose job was saved". Big applause. :thumbup:

Yeah, I was proud of him. :rolleyes: He did a great job. I find his humility refreshing, especially in light of bush's inability to come up with even one example of a mistake he made. In 8 years. :huh2: Wow, what arrogance. Whole books have been written about his mistakes.

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I wanted to watch but was too busy. I knew little miss snotty nose would have something up her sleeve to try to zing him with. And I also knew that he would make her look like the idiot she is.

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Btw, I often wondered why Whoopie was often so solicitous of Hasselbeck and her comments. Then I heard recently that she stood up for Mel Gibson, who has been in Whoopie's house and everything (whoo hoo for heaven's sake) and that he's really a "good guy." Looks like Whoopie is actually a Hollywood sell out, not the rebel she pretends to be. How she could defend that bigoted piece of slime is beyond belief.

He'd do anything for fame and fortune - his "The Passion of the Christ" is a shining example of that. What a misguided piece of work he is. No wonder he has to drink to live with himself.

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I wanted to watch but was too busy. I knew little miss snotty nose would have something up her sleeve to try to zing him with. And I also knew that he would make her look like the idiot she is.

Awh, that``s too bad that you misssed him.. It was an awesome interview.. you could have TAPED it on your TVOO??

Its great use of the media venue... he reaches a lot of women using it. Perhaps reached a lot more voters than the TEA PARTIES do....


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Yup, shoulda recorded it but I forgot that it was scheduled. I am glad that he made us proud. He's a real person, very intelligent, but down to earth. What we needed so badly in the White House after people like Bush and Cheney talking down to us.

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Yup, shoulda recorded it but I forgot that it was scheduled. I am glad that he made us proud. He's a real person, very intelligent, but down to earth. What we needed so badly in the White House after people like Bush and Cheney talking down to us.

cheney didn't start talking until after he left the White House. And then it was all Obama bashing, all the time, as if his administration got anything right. At least now that he has other (health) issues, like a lack of pulse to contend with, we can be greatful he has shut up.

with bush's mentality it was impossible to talk down to anyone. Well, maybe a kindergarten student. Mostly we the people were ignored in place of all the wheeling and dealing with the oil industry writing our energy policy, wall street writing the financial regulations and no bid contracts going to cheney's friends to run the wars.

Yes, Obama is a refreshing change. It's great to have brains back in the White House. We don't have to worry about him saying "Awesome speech, your holiness" (to the pope).

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Cheney didn't talk much during his term in office, but when he did it was always assinine. And the gaffes Bush made were doozies. I'll never forget him talking to the British Prime Minister to the side and using the term "shit." Supposedly didn't know the mike was on but I think he just really didn't care whether it was or not. Such class.

And they're talking a Jeb Bush run. I can't believe that he can live down his tenure as governor in Florida, much less run for the presidency. But if big money wants him, they'll make it happen.

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Yup, shoulda recorded it but I forgot that it was scheduled. I am glad that he made us proud. He's a real person, very intelligent, but down to earth. What we needed so badly in the White House after people like Bush and Cheney talking down to us.

You can still see it on YouTube.com. Check it out. It is worth the watch.

Let's get busy cancelling the 22nd Amendment! :smile:OBAMA 2012. :smile:OBAMA 2016.:rolleyes2:

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Obama approval on economy drops to new low in CNN poll


posted at 3:15 pm on July 23, 2010 by Ed Morrissey


So much for Recovery Summer. The entire idea of this new PR campaign was to stimulate recovery in the trending on Barack Obama’s approval ratings, but it’s been as effective at that as Obamanomics has been at reviving the economy. CNN is the latest to notice that the trend continues:

Americans approval of how President Barack Obama is handling the nation’s economy has dropped to its lowest level of his presidency, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey indicates that 42 percent of the public approves of how Obama’s dealing with the economy, down 2 points from March, with 57 percent disapproving of his performance on the economy, up 2 points from March. The survey’s Friday release comes as the president made comments at the White House on what he termed the progress made this week on the economy and job recovery.

This isn’t a big change from their last survey on the question. It’s a four-point swing on a question that has been a problem for Obama since last September, the last time he had a majority approval on the issue. Since then, he’s been significantly underwater.

In fact, the big takeaway is just how little opinion has changed on the economy. While Biden keeps talking up the economy, he’s speaking to empty rooms, figuratively speaking. The number of respondents in CNN polls saying that the economy is either somewhat or very poor has been 78% in every poll since March, and only descended from 83% in February.

Obviously, people aren’t at all convinced that anything has improved, and for good reason. If the administration insists on pushing its Recovery Summer campaign, they risk painting themselves as hopelessly out of touch.

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Obama approval on economy drops to new low in CNN poll


posted at 3:15 pm on July 23, 2010 by Ed Morrissey


So much for Recovery Summer. The entire idea of this new PR campaign was to stimulate recovery in the trending on Barack Obama’s approval ratings, but it’s been as effective at that as Obamanomics has been at reviving the economy. CNN is the latest to notice that the trend continues:

Americans approval of how President Barack Obama is handling the nation’s economy has dropped to its lowest level of his presidency, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey indicates that 42 percent of the public approves of how Obama’s dealing with the economy, down 2 points from March, with 57 percent disapproving of his performance on the economy, up 2 points from March. The survey’s Friday release comes as the president made comments at the White House on what he termed the progress made this week on the economy and job recovery.

This isn’t a big change from their last survey on the question. It’s a four-point swing on a question that has been a problem for Obama since last September, the last time he had a majority approval on the issue. Since then, he’s been significantly underwater.

In fact, the big takeaway is just how little opinion has changed on the economy. While Biden keeps talking up the economy, he’s speaking to empty rooms, figuratively speaking. The number of respondents in CNN polls saying that the economy is either somewhat or very poor has been 78% in every poll since March, and only descended from 83% in February.

Obviously, people aren’t at all convinced that anything has improved, and for good reason. If the administration insists on pushing its Recovery Summer campaign, they risk painting themselves as hopelessly out of touch.

I don't care about his poll numbers as much as I care about the fact that he is addressing the tough problems:

1) he stopped the economy from crashing with the successful stimulus program

2) he passed healthcare to address insurance abuse and cover the uninsured

3) he got financial regulation passed

4) he got $20 billion from BP for those affected by the oil spill

5) his auto industry bailout is a big success and they are paying back the money and hiring thousands of workers.

6) We've had 5-6 months of positive job growth

7) The GNP is up

These are the things I care about and the things that are helping the country. These are the statistics that are meaningful to me. These things are moving our country in a positive direction.

And what is the republican response to all this? Vote no on everything, including the unemployment extension for those hurting. But there is one thing they want to vote yes on, let me think for a millisecond. Oh, yes.


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Yup, shoulda recorded it but I forgot that it was scheduled. I am glad that he made us proud. He's a real person, very intelligent, but down to earth. What we needed so badly in the White House after people like Bush and Cheney talking down to us.

Theres nothing to worry about when it comes to our next pres. The reps are doing exactly what they did during the 08 elections, scaring, editing tapes to make dems look bad! It didnt work in 08 and wont work in 2012. The dems could possibly lose this Nov but I still highly doubt it. Ive said it in the past, the loudest(most obnoxious) are the ones who are desperate and have to resort to these tactics. People wont forget how Bush ruined this country(one could argue he ruined the world because "as the US goes the world goes")! By the time the next pres. election rolls around Obamas plans will be working better to the point the reps. wont be able to deny theyre working. We'll more than likely be out of the money pit known as Iraq(for the most part) and should have a more clear Idea about Afghanistan. Besides it sounds like the reps are regrooming Stupid Sara to be the next rep candidate! I heard she had breast enhancement so she doesnt have to write on her hand anymore, she can now say sentences made up of more than 3 words!

All yo have to do is remember the past. Clinton left office with no deficit. I remember times being pretty good then and I knew nothing about politics then. Then Bush comes in, Starts the ruination of this country, gets us into 2 wars then wins 2nd election by playing off peoples emotions! When we finally get him out of office we're left with the worst economic disaster since before WWII. Now Obams comes into office and in spite of all thec difficulties he's facing things are looking up. The economy, the stock market, car sales, home sales, job growth. Is it happeneng as fast as we would like? No, but it didnt happen overnight, it took 8 grueling years to ruin this country we cant expect it to happen in the 2 years he's been in so far. Dems will be fine!

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Will B I just read your full post above that Cleo's quoted and I'm sorry I'd missed it earlier. Greatness, dude!!

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Loserbob, I'd like to believe that you're right. But Americans seem to believe the last crazy "news" flash. Republicans are fully aware of that and take advantage of it in every election. Sensationalizing, lying and misrepresentating the facts are their credo for winning elections. It usually seems to work for them. And then the voters wonder what happened and why they fell for it when they're dealing with the aftermath. If it weren't for Sarah Palin, there's a good chance John McCain would have been elected.

But perhaps we are finally seeing the pattern, finally seeing that the Republican political machine is not to be trusted. But sometimes their wickedness can't be identified until too late, as in the Swift Boat fiasco where they enlisted the signatures of actual former military officers to bring down John Kerry in the last moments of the campaign. Who would have thought that would be possible? A group of military men bringing down a bona fide war hero?

Republicans will stop at nothing to regain the power they have lost. NOTHING. So hang onto your hats. The next presidential election will probably be obscene.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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