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Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

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I got a question.

The teabaggers are supposed to be an independant group that will vote for people who want to change from incumbants to fresh blood and reign in spending. Now if that is true, and there are some Dems that say that and want the spending to stop as well, why is it I don't see any teabaggers supporting a democrat?

That's because dems aren't JUST spenders, they are also crazy kooks who think it's okay to murder babies in the womb and they think it's just peachy to let homosexuals form marriages, and they feel that it's okay to redistribute the wealth around. "Share and Share alike!" There is more than JUST one reason to not vote democrat!

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Nobody can say what prompted the teabagger protest right after Obama came in office.

Nobody can explain away the negative and racial signs held at teabagger events.

Nobody can say they supported an out of control budget when Bush was in office, now having a cow because Obama puts some meat on the table.

Nobody can explain that every time we hear about someone getting insulted by a rethuglican, it happens to be Obama who gets insulted.

Nobody can explain why the rethuglicans, before Obama even started his agenda, the rethuglicans were saying no to anything he wanted.

Nobody can explain this palatable hatred they feel that Obama is the anti-crist, which is straight looneyville, yet he is a christian.

Nobody can explain that craziness going on in SC with a rethuglican calling Obama and another candidate towelheads just because they have relatives that are Muslim.

No rethuglican, and fake independant liars, can explain these things.

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But I thought they were independant? I thought they were looking for good candidates regardless of party? Your response indicates they are rethuglican and not independant thinkers. LIARS!! Liars about their agenda and the proof is in the news every week and all over the You tube with video of how much of liars they are.

Normal people don't pretend that they don't see racial signs at tea bagger parties.

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You still don't get it do you? :thumbup: Just these three areas that came under bush need CONTINUED funding today and everyday. The funding didn't stop when Pres. Obama got elected.

And YOU just don't get it! All the programs that Obama is enacting now will need the funding for generations to come,as well. Since he already KNOWS that Bush's programs are going to require continued spending, you'd think he'd STOP! But, NO, he just keeps on SPENDING> And they will be still paying for his sprees when he's gone in 3 years!

What programs that Obama is enacting now? Healthcare is paid for. The stimulus, as I showed, has not contributed to the deficit to nearly the degree that bush's programs have, and why should Pres. Obama have his hands tied because of bush's failed policies?

And please don't cut and paste some conservative list. What big spending is he doing? He has to continue the spending on bush's policies, we've been over that. He has to fund SS, medicare and medicaid and defense. Those are the big ticket items that take up the majority of the federal budget. So, exactly what are all these VERY COSTLY (not some little dumb ass programs from some list you find) NEW -and the keyword here is NEW programs has Pres. Obama started?


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That's because dems aren't JUST spenders, they are also crazy kooks who think it's okay to murder babies in the womb and they think it's just peachy to let homosexuals form marriages, and they feel that it's okay to redistribute the wealth around. "Share and Share alike!" There is more than JUST one reason to not vote democrat!

And when your federal taxes were collected under bush and then distributed to the wealthy - wasn't that spreading the wealth around? I can see how you could be confused. :thumbup:

The democrats believe a woman and her doctor are in the best position to make a decision about her body, not the government, and that if marriage confers benefits to a married man and women then a gay couple should have the same right to have those marriage benefits.

Nothing crazy or kooky about either one of these.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Pattygreen - you often say that you have no control over other's behavior and that everyone is a sinner and that each person has their own moral code that you, again, have no control over.

Then you say the reason to vote for republicans is that they are more moral and are anti-abortion and anti-gay rights.

So, I guess it is your belief that the republicans can force people to be more moral by enacting laws against those things?

If abortion were illegal, would you not have one because it is illegal or because it's immoral to you? Because it's immoral to you. So if it's immoral to someone, how can having it be legal change that? If each person is responsible for his/her moral conduct?

If someone is gay, do you think they will stop being gay because the law says they can't marry?

So how does voting for a republican because they are anti-abortion and anti-gay change anything for people about getting jobs, getting a mortgage, putting your kids through college, etc..? The things that matter the most to the majority of americans?

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"they are also crazy kooks who think it's okay to murder babies in the womb and they think it's just peachy to let homosexuals form marriages, and they feel that it's okay to redistribute the wealth around"


Well at least we don't drink strychnine and dance with snakes.......

....we don't wear our sheets

....we don't expect people to pay for health care with a chicken

....we don't think god's going to drop a pyramid on Greenland

---we don't marry our sister

---we don't bomb abortion clinics and kill doctors because we're against killing

must I go on?????

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"they are also crazy kooks who think it's okay to murder babies in the womb and they think it's just peachy to let homosexuals form marriages, and they feel that it's okay to redistribute the wealth around"


Well at least we don't drink strychnine and dance with snakes.......

....we don't wear our sheets

....we don't expect people to pay for health care with a chicken

....we don't think god's going to drop a pyramid on Greenland

---we don't marry our sister

---we don't bomb abortion clinics and kill doctors because we're against killing

must I go on?????

We don't believe the world is only 10,000 years old

We don't believe that Adam & Eve rode dinosaurs, either.

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And they don't believe the American Indians deserve to have their land taken away because they didn't have a paper title to it.

And they don't believe the sun is shrinking.

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That's because dems aren't JUST spenders, they are also crazy kooks who think it's okay to murder babies in the womb and they think it's just peachy to let homosexuals form marriages, and they feel that it's okay to redistribute the wealth around. "Share and Share alike!" There is more than JUST one reason to not vote democrat!

Here we go again, "crazy kooks" that (murder babies). A FETUS that has not gone full term and been delivered alive is NOT a Baby! Worrying about Homosexuals be they gay or lesbians getting married.....at least they don`t pro-create and bring another generation of hate monger bigoted inbred fools into this world with their prejudiced half baked ideas. Oh, and about wealth redistribution, I`m glad that pattygreen still takes up the case for Joe the (NON) Plumber, who never made $50,000. a year in his entire life yet worried about "his" wealth being taken away from him. One thing the Dems and Liberals CAN`T take away from him is his brains.....nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Typical Teabagger.......been soaking in that teacup so long, what little brain cells he had to begin win (which wasn`t much) has in deed shrunken! Give my regards to Lieberman and his pathological liar friend Blumenthal. Maybe Joe will loan him one of his dresses.

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Democrats definitely don't:

Call our American president a terrorist without cause, alien,foreign. Ignorant.

See Putin from our house. Retard.

Don't mock children of the president on radio nationwide. Pychotic.

Don't call people babies killers. Misguided.

Don't call ourselves independant when we know we are not. LIAR. Be proud to be a douchbag rethug.

Don't play the race card every chance we get. SC rethug party.

Dump the best candidate(palatable to even some demos) we have of running for president. Charlie Christ.

We don't vote against a bill then be hypocritical and accept the benefits of it like we did vote for it. Boner.

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Nobody can say what prompted the teabagger protest right after Obama came in office.

Health Care reform that most people were opposed to.

Nobody can explain away the negative and racial signs held at teabagger events.

1 or 2 jack asses in every crowd.

Nobody can say they supported an out of control budget when Bush was in office, now having a cow because Obama puts some meat on the table.

Most people don't object to spending for defense. We thought we were getting back at those with WMD for 9/11. And, the budget was not as near out of control as Obama has pushed it in one years time!

Nobody can explain that every time we hear about someone getting insulted by a rethuglican, it happens to be Obama who gets insulted.

He's in Charge. He's the man.

Nobody can explain why the rethuglicans, before Obama even started his agenda, the rethuglicans were saying no to anything he wanted.

He was very clear BEFORE he was even elected on what he wanted. Socialism. People voted for him because he was black and wanted to be part of history.:thumbup:(stupid reason to vote for such an inexperienced person)

Nobody can explain this palatable hatred they feel that Obama is the anti-crist, which is straight looneyville, yet he is a christian.

Anti Christ means against Christ. Many of his policies are against what Christ would approve of. Hence, the anti-Christ nick name. It's not hatred, BTW, it's his policies, they stink.

Nobody can explain that craziness going on in SC with a rethuglican calling Obama and another candidate towelheads just because they have relatives that are Muslim.

Just like when liberals called Bush a Nazi. You know, name calling. It's childish, but it even happens here, usually directed at me.

No rethuglican, and fake independant liars, can explain these things.

Maybe a 'rethuglican' can't, but I just did.

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350px-U.S._Federal_Spending_-_FY_2007.png magnify-clip.png

Fiscal Year 2009 U.S. Federal Spending - Cash or Budget Basis.

350px-U.S._Federal_Receipts_-_FY_2007.png magnify-clip.png

Fiscal Year 2009 U.S. Federal Receipts.

Just look at the small amount corporate income taxes make up as a part of our total receipts.

Also, look at where the money is spent - all those programs are mandated - social security, medicare, medicaid and other mandated programs.

So what brave teabagger is going to step up and say he'll cut those programs? I want to hear them say HOW they are going to do it. Come on now, be brave - if you want to cut spending, you can see from the chart where to do it.

So step right up to the microphone you teabagging phonies and declare that you will reduce social security, medicare and medicaid by 50%. Say it loud and say it often. Tell people that's what needs to be done to reduce our spending.

And then let's sit back and see if they get elected.

We all know the answer to that. None of them are brave enough to say any of that. Phonies & hypocrites - all of them.:thumbup:

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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Pattygreen - you often say that you have no control over other's behavior and that everyone is a sinner and that each person has their own moral code that you, again, have no control over.

Then you say the reason to vote for republicans is that they are more moral and are anti-abortion and anti-gay rights.

So, I guess it is your belief that the republicans can force people to be more moral by enacting laws against those things?

No, no one can force anything. Here's a an example that I can share from my own family. My daughter has grown up in a home with very happily married parents who do not even mention divorce as an option to problems in marriage. Love is a decision we make. We taught her that she should be very sure of who she is going to marry because marriage is meant to be for life. (exceptions are made for unfaithfulness) She grew up with this example. Most all of her family members, aunts, uncles, grandparents (over 60 years married), etc. are life time married people. This is very good, for God hates divorce. Her boyfriend of 4 years, OTOH, came from divorced parents and family members that have all been divorced once or twice. He is afraid to make the marriage committment because he fears that divorce is inevitable once you get married and he loves my daughter and doesn't want to lose her. See how allowing divorce can screw up a kid? When society makes laws that are immoral, people get hurt by them.

Parents make rules for their children for their own protection. Would you agree? God does also. The moral rules he sets for us as a standard of living are for our own good. They protect us and others form hurt, harm, heartbreak, etc.

Just because society doesn't always follow the moral laws, doesn't mean we should not make them.

If abortion were illegal, would you not have one because it is illegal or because it's immoral to you?

Because it's immoral to you. So if it's immoral to someone, how can having it be legal change that? If each person is responsible for his/her moral conduct?

Should we then make stealing legal? because it's immoral, too.

If someone is gay, do you think they will stop being gay because the law says they can't marry?

If someone does drugs, do you think they will stop doing drugs because the law says they can't? No. So, should we make drugs legal? Just because some will not follow the moral laws, doesn't mean we should not make them.

So how does voting for a republican because they are anti-abortion and anti-gay change anything for people about getting jobs, getting a mortgage, putting your kids through college, etc..? The things that matter the most to the majority of americans?

Because the morals of a human being says EVERYTHING about their character. A person who doesn't care about the life in a womb will not care about anyones life but their own. A person who will cheat on their wife, will decieve their constituients. The person who would lie about serving in the war will lie to everyone else and not bat an eyelash, and then can never be trusted. Morals mean everything. They are your character.

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Originally Posted by Cleo's Mom viewpost.gif

Pattygreen - you often say that you have no control over other's behavior and that everyone is a sinner and that each person has their own moral code that you, again, have no control over.

Then you say the reason to vote for republicans is that they are more moral and are anti-abortion and anti-gay rights.

So, I guess it is your belief that the republicans can force people to be more moral by enacting laws against those things?

No, no one can force anything. Here's a an example that I can share from my own family. My daughter has grown up in a home with very happily married parents who do not even mention divorce as an option to problems in marriage. Love is a decision we make. We taught her that she should be very sure of who she is going to marry because marriage is meant to be for life. (exceptions are made for unfaithfulness) She grew up with this example. Most all of her family members, aunts, uncles, grandparents (over 60 years married), etc. are life time married people. This is very good, for God hates divorce. Her boyfriend of 4 years, OTOH, came from divorced parents and family members that have all been divorced once or twice. He is afraid to make the marriage committment because he fears that divorce is inevitable once you get married and he loves my daughter and doesn't want to lose her. See how allowing divorce can screw up a kid? When society makes laws that are immoral, people get hurt by them.

I agree that divorce screws up kids, but I don't think it should be illegal. Marriage is recognized by the state and it can be dissolved. I believe abuse in a marriage, along with infidelity, is a reason for divorce.

Parents make rules for their children for their own protection. Would you agree? God does also. The moral rules he sets for us as a standard of living are for our own good. They protect us and others form hurt, harm, heartbreak, etc.

Just because society doesn't always follow the moral laws, doesn't mean we should not make them.

If abortion were illegal, would you not have one because it is illegal or because it's immoral to you?

Because it's immoral to you. So if it's immoral to someone, how can having it be legal change that? If each person is responsible for his/her moral conduct?

Should we then make stealing legal? because it's immoral, too.

People who have a moral sense don't steal, lie, or murder only because there are laws against those things. They don't do them because they're wrong.

You want to legislate morality not because you think it will change one's morals (it won't) but for the punishment end of it. That's what I have been saying on all my posts. That's what you are interested in. Not the behavior, but the punishment.

If someone is gay, do you think they will stop being gay because the law says they can't marry?

If someone does drugs, do you think they will stop doing drugs because the law says they can't? No. So, should we make drugs legal? Just because some will not follow the moral laws, doesn't mean we should not make them.

The laws are meant to punish, not deter. As I have said before, that's what it's about for you.

So how does voting for a republican because they are anti-abortion and anti-gay change anything for people about getting jobs, getting a mortgage, putting your kids through college, etc..? The things that matter the most to the majority of americans?

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