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Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

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Cleo`s Mom, Thank you for your support as well. Its pretty transparent that Patty has no problem throwing provocative bombs around at will, but when one is tossed back at her, ouch. I`m going to cry and report you cause you not only insulted my position but made me look stupid as well....oops, I did it again. I guess I truly am....Beyond Redemption! Boo Hoo, funny, the only person to report me to the (moderator) after many post has been PG. I guess her (love, forgiveness, and tolerance) is reserved for the blessed ones of her particular stripe! I`m being singled out and discriminated against because I refuse to believe in the "Tooth Fairy" and her Book of Fairytales. Funny, I still enjoy watching re-runs of Bullwinkle & Rocky though.

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Cleo`s Mom, Thank you for your support as well. Its pretty transparent that Patty has no problem throwing provocative bombs around at will, but when one is tossed back at her, ouch. I`m going to cry and report you cause you not only insulted my position but made me look stupid as well....oops, I did it again. I guess I truly am....Beyond Redemption! Boo Hoo, funny, the only person to report me to the (moderator) after many post has been PG. I guess her (love, forgiveness, and tolerance) is reserved for the blessed ones of her particular stripe! I`m being singled out and discriminated against because I refuse to believe in the "Tooth Fairy" and her Book of Fairytales. Funny, I still enjoy watching re-runs of Bullwinkle & Rocky though.

Phil, That's because I'm the only one you seem to call names. But, don't fret. I have already forgiven you. (even though you haven't asked for it) I will not infringe on your need to call me names and belittle my faith. You have my word that I will not report you for it. You will simply have to be the first person since I have been talking on LBT that I will have to push the "ignore this person" button on. Bye. Insult away!

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Phil, That's because I'm the only one you seem to call names. But, don't fret. I have already forgiven you. (even though you haven't asked for it) I will not infringe on your need to call me names and belittle my faith. You have my word that I will not report you for it. You will simply have to be the first person since I have been talking on LBT that I will have to push the "ignore this person" button on. Bye. Insult away!

Thank You and Bless you for your "Forgiveness". I promise to attempt better control my demons and avoid Satan`s influence in the future. I might even switch watching Keith Obermann and that Lesbian, Rachel Maddow on MSNBC and start watching Fox News Network instead and get the real truth. Can I still watch Comedy Central and John Stewart & Stephen Colbert?

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from dailykos:


Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 08:11:46 PM PDT

Yes, he is. And they know that he is. And that's why they're so scared.

It's been 14 months. Just 14 months since Barack Obama stepped into the Oval Office, only to be greeted by the biggest s***storm in 80 years and a country on the verge of complete collapse, on every front you could think of.

In 14 torturing months, with extraordinary weight of expectations and history on his shoulders, facing the most vicious opposition and more death threats than any president ever, Barack Obama brought this country back from the abyss:

  1. He saved the economy.

  1. In a few months he'll end the war in Iraq.

  1. He actually has a plan and strategy in Afghanistan.

  1. America is finally joining the world fighting climate change and aspiring for energy independence.

  1. He single-handedly restored America's place and reputation in the world.

And now there's this little thing called health care reform. FDR couldn't make it happen. Harry Truman couldn't make it happen. JFK couldn't make it happen. LBJ couldn't make it happen. Richard Nixon couldn't make it happen. Jimmy Carter couldn't make it happen. Bill Clinton couldn't make it happen.

Barack Hussein Obama did it. Yes, he was right, we can. This skinny multiracial man who grew up without a father, who searched for identity and family and community all his life, who worked his ass off to excel in the best schools, who rejected lucrative offers from top law firms and instead went to help poor black kids in Chicago - A man who had no business becoming the president of The United States - This man just gave America decades worth of progress.

14 months into his presidency, Barack Obama is already one of the greatest president ever, and somewhere in the sky Martin Luther King must be smiling. That audacity of hope thing, is not such a bad idea.

I'm pretty sure this guy isn't sorry he voted for Obama and neither am I.

Edited by Cleo's Mom

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You know patty, anger and resentment and distrust isn't just reserved for Republicans. There are Democrats who are just as angry and distrusting. Because they put up with 8 years of the Bush administration selling 'we the people" down the river. He took away many of the freedoms we hold dear.

He took us into a war that put us in enormous debt. He subsidized some of the most profitable corporations in the world. He cut spending on programs that regular Americans expect from their government - programs that made this country great. His presidency cost the country and individual Americans dearly. And he did most of it behind the scenes without regular Americans' knowledge. And the stuff he did out in the open was rigged. Just like the anti-health care change movement has been.

And Republicans today have the unmitigated gall to accuse the majority in congress of "ramming" this bill through? After the Democrats gave in to Republicans in so many ways on the health care bill. What fools!

Republicans need to be taken out back and given a good whipping. They need to sit in the corner and think about their behavior. They need to repent and work for the people - not just for themselves. They need to stop talking trash and bashing anyone who disagrees with them. They need to argue merits and philosophy in the debates instead of the childish name-calling and fear mongering they've become famous for.

The Republicans and right wing extremists need to step back and see themselves for what they've become. And maybe public flogging isn't too off base. Or short of that, maybe the left wing progressives need to stand up to the creeps and push back when they push us in a fight.

This is definitely an empowering moment - even if the media continues to fuel the fire.

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You know patty, anger and resentment and distrust isn't just reserved for Republicans. There are Democrats who are just as angry and distrusting. Because they put up with 8 years of the Bush administration selling 'we the people" down the river. He took away many of the freedoms we hold dear.

He took us into a war that put us in enormous debt. He subsidized some of the most profitable corporations in the world. He cut spending on programs that regular Americans expect from their government - programs that made this country great. His presidency cost the country and individual Americans dearly. And he did most of it behind the scenes without regular Americans' knowledge. And the stuff he did out in the open was rigged. Just like the anti-health care change movement has been.

And Republicans today have the unmitigated gall to accuse the majority in congress of "ramming" this bill through? After the Democrats gave in to Republicans in so many ways on the health care bill. What fools!

Republicans need to be taken out back and given a good whipping. They need to sit in the corner and think about their behavior. They need to repent and work for the people - not just for themselves. They need to stop talking trash and bashing anyone who disagrees with them. They need to argue merits and philosophy in the debates instead of the childish name-calling and fear mongering they've become famous for.

The Republicans and right wing extremists need to step back and see themselves for what they've become. And maybe public flogging isn't too off base. Or short of that, maybe the left wing progressives need to stand up to the creeps and push back when they push us in a fight.

This is definitely an empowering moment - even if the media continues to fuel the fire.

I wonder how many of our beloved Republican "friends" such as John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, Alexander Lamar,and a host of other Right Wing politicians, oh, lets not forget Jim DeMint, rammed down our throat through "reconciliation" the Tax Cuts for the Rich with a simple up and down vote that passed with a 51 vote majority in the Senate. No cry of fowl then without a 60 vote mandate! Where was the chant then by the Democrats , lets start over with a (clean piece of paper). Health Care Reform was going to be Obamas "Waterloo". Go back to your rat hole Mr DeMint. Now that your eating huge slices of (Crow Pie) with your Southern Sweet Tea, you can now refocus on your true love, God, Gays, Guns, and Fetus worship!

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Being able to actually rant and rave is what makes this forum fun.

But getting personal really is more like the right wingers than the left. But we can get riled enough to say things that are off-base too. It's always been amazing to me what the Rush Limbaughs, Ann Coulters and Glenn Becks can say and get away with. If we responded in kind, they would lock and load and start firing.

Take Rachael Maddow for instance. She gets her point across but doesn't get personal or spew lies. She sticks with the issues and points out the fallacies. And so far, I haven't seen her bawl and stamp her feet, call anyone names. We should take debate lessons from her.

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phil: "I wonder how many of our beloved Republican "friends" such as John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, Alexander Lamar,and a host of other Right Wing politicians, oh, lets not forget Jim DeMint, rammed down our throat through "reconciliation" the Tax Cuts for the Rich with a simple up and down vote that passed with a 51 vote majority in the Senate. No cry of fowl then without a 60 vote mandate! Where was the chant then by the Democrats , lets start over with a (clean piece of paper). Health Care Reform was going to be Obamas "Waterloo". Go back to your rat hole Mr DeMint. Now that your eating huge slices of (Crow Pie) with your Southern Sweet Tea, you can now refocus on your true love, God, Gays, Guns, and Fetus worship!"

Much better, phil. Good points! If more of us hammered back with language more like theirs, maybe we would make some inroads with the nutheads that listen to that group. Nah, it would probably only put us on their level which is lower than low.

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It amazes me that everyone thinks they are going to end up with free healthcare now that this has happened...I overheard some people talking in the check out line at the store the other day about how when this health care bill passes, they are going to get free healthcare...I just had to shake my head...I wanted to say that, No, you're not going to get free healthcare...as a matter of fact, if you have healthcare, now you're going to have to pay a 40% tax on your premiums in order to pay for all the illegal aliens and welfare people to have free healthcare.

And if you don't have healthcare because you simply don't need/want it, you'll be fined by the govt for not having it. And watch how many people get laid off because the govt is going to mandate that employers offer their workers healthcare, or they get fined $2000 per employee...Oh yeah, and don't forget the educational issues that were hidden in this bill..now it is illegal for you to get student loans through any other lender, except for the federal govt....

Every poll out there shows that a majority of the people in this country are NOT in favor of this bill, so how can the Dems say they are representing the people by passing this monstrosity? Its amazing...

I only hope there is a True Conservative that runs in 2012. If there is a true conservative out there who runs, they will win because the American people are tired of this crap.

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It amazes me that everyone thinks they are going to end up with free healthcare now that this has happened...I overheard some people talking in the check out line at the store the other day about how when this health care bill passes, they are going to get free healthcare..For those who make between $29,327 and $88,200 for a family of 4 there will be subsidies through the new state insurance exchanges. Reduced, but not free. Medicaid will be expanded for the poor, though.I just had to shake my head...I wanted to say that, No, you're not going to get free healthcare...as a matter of fact, if you have healthcare, now you're going to have to pay a 40% tax on your premiumsOnly the cadillac plans that cost more than $10,200 for singles or $27,500 for families ($11,850 for singles and $30,950 for families for high risk professions, like firefighters) will have a tax levied on the insurer. in order to pay for all the illegal aliens and welfare people to have free healthcare. Illegal aliens are not covered in this bill and people on welfare are covered by medicaid, not this cadillac tax.

And if you don't have healthcare because you simply don't need/want it, you'll be fined by the govt for not having it.This plan only works if all people are in it. You can't just add sick and older people. You need to increase the risk pool. And everyone needs healthcare because you never know when an illness or accident will strike. And watch how many people get laid off because the govt is going to mandate that employers offer their workers healthcare, or they get fined $2000 per employee...Oh yeah, and don't forget the educational issues that were hidden in this bill..now it is illegal for you to get student loans through any other lender, except for the federal govt....If you want to stand with the lenders that costs $60 billion to administer these private loans with federal subsidies, that is your right. I applaud a plan that eliminates the $60 billion and red tape and allows students to get direct loans.

Every poll out there shows that a majority of the people in this country are NOT in favor of this bill, so how can the Dems say they are representing the people by passing this monstrosity? Its amazing...When you present the truth to the american people about each aspect of this bill - piece by piece, they support it. But the right wing has done an excellent job of lying about this and demonizing this bill. They have been the mouthpieces (I can think of a different word- rhymes with doors) of the insurance industry.

I only hope there is a True Conservative that runs in 2012. If there is a true conservative out there who runs, they will win because the American people are tired of this crap.

As I said in a previous post, I welcome them running on a platform of repealing this and going back to the status quo where insurance companies reign supreme, deny coverage, drop people from the rolls and rake in obscene profits. Oh, and let's not forget their tax cuts for the rich and war at any cost. And there you have it - the republican agenda.

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It amazes me that everyone thinks they are going to end up with free healthcare now that this has happened...I overheard some people talking in the check out line at the store the other day about how when this health care bill passes, they are going to get free healthcare...I just had to shake my head...I wanted to say that, No, you're not going to get free healthcare...as a matter of fact, if you have healthcare, now you're going to have to pay a 40% tax on your premiums in order to pay for all the illegal aliens and welfare people to have free healthcare.

And if you don't have healthcare because you simply don't need/want it, you'll be fined by the govt for not having it. And watch how many people get laid off because the govt is going to mandate that employers offer their workers healthcare, or they get fined $2000 per employee...Oh yeah, and don't forget the educational issues that were hidden in this bill..now it is illegal for you to get student loans through any other lender, except for the federal govt....

Every poll out there shows that a majority of the people in this country are NOT in favor of this bill, so how can the Dems say they are representing the people by passing this monstrosity? Its amazing...

I only hope there is a True Conservative that runs in 2012. If there is a true conservative out there who runs, they will win because the American people are tired of this crap.

Brilliant! For those that either Don`t Want or Don`t Need Health Insurance, you should not be forced to purchase it! What a beautiful American Libertarian concept! WRONG! Just who do you think is (now) picking up the "TAB" for all the uninsured that show up daily at Hospital ER? Both citizens, documented aliens with legal status or undocumented illegals that just jumped off a boat from Cuba or Haiti or walked across the border from Mexico or Canada, ALL their medical expenses are now being picked up by the US Federal Government and paid for through Federal Income Tax Dollars through Medicaid! You conservative right wing teabagger`s must realize that one way or the other, someone other then the uninsured poor must eventually pay the bill. Like the ad years ago for FRAM Oil and Air Filters stated, "You can pay me now or pay me later". Eventually, Healthcare for everyone has to be paid for. You can stick your head in the sand an wish the problem away, its not going away! We already have the "Single Payer" option with Medicare and Medicaid....why do Republicans keep framing the issue that Democrats are attempting to reinvent the wheel? Social Security and Medicare are here and not going away, the Doomsday predictors claimed when those laws passed the world would end too. Same when civil rights laws were passed and both slavery was abolished and women gained the right to vote! The only reason the right wing conservative Republicans have dug their heals in and have become total obstructionists is due to their Greed. They don`t mind corporate welfare and Bank Bailouts to Wall Street but Social Programs to help the common good of what`s left of middle class Americans and the remainder of the lucky (working poor), forgetaboutit!

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jre1964: "I only hope there is a True Conservative that runs in 2012. If there is a true conservative out there who runs, they will win because the American people are tired of this crap."

Too bad there are so many ill-informed Americans today who are stressed that this bill passed the House! And you're wrong.

The reason we have the congress and president we have today is because Americans were sick to death of the Republican-Conservative shennanigans of the past 8 years!! Now stand back and let the people who are willing to fix what is wrong with America do their jobs!

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Just had to add a BIG OL AMEN grl !

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Greed the root of all evil...........I am a firm beliver

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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