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In one year I....

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Okay my fellow VV's. This Sunday the month of Feb begins which is the month of our bandiversary. I think it would be interesting, fun, a good reality check for all of us to post on our bandiversary what you have achieved, or your thoughts, or your goals.

My bandiversary is on the 21st, so expect a posting from me on that day. Until then, I am really interested in how you are feeling one year later, and I look forward to reading your posts.

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Fun idea! It'll so fascinating to read about everyone's one year journey. I hope some of the people who have been missing will come back and tell their story too. Hopefully we will get a lot of posts, just like we did when everyone first had their surgery experience.

We have the same bandiversary Tap! I'll be posting that day too :rolleyes:

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Great idea. Today is my anniversary, I had been thinking about all kinds of great ways to Celebrate (a massage, a hike, etc.), instead and somewhat ironically, I spent it in the ER of the hospital I had the surgery in getting an emergency unfill. After a few days of misery, fainting from dehydration, I got 1 cc removed and feel human again. That said, today several of the nurses taking care of me were asking about the surgery because they were considering it and I said over and over again "It was the best thing I did."

As I look back at this year, I am amazed. I down about a 100 pounds (it was 106 this morning, but now that I am hydrated again I am sure it is not quite as much). But more importantly, I feel healthy, and I am not always thinking about my weight ...I don't worry if I sit in a chair will it hold me, or avoid mirrors. I feel like this is/was really the first step in a larger journey toward health. For this next year, I want to find an exercise I like ... was somewhat derailed this year by an ankle injury, so when I am looking back next Feb I hope to have found an activitiy that I truly like, not just something that I tolerate.

Interestingly, the surgery and resulting changes have also helped me realize the lack of balance in my life ... I have always been work, work, work, and while sucessful, I am now more committed to making sure work is balanced with personal time. It will be a tough battle, but I think that what I learned from this experience is why put off for tomorrow what you can do today? I had wanted to address my weight for a long, long time, and now that I have, I wish I would have done it years ago. I guess I am looking at other things in my life the same way ... who knows maybe I'll even try online dating.

Look forward to reading others stories.


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Thanks for your post Cynthia,

I am sorry to hear that you were in ER, but you definitely are an inspiration with your attitude and positive changes! Your weight loss is great, but your new found recognition for balance in your life is ultimately what will help you succeed in this and everything else.


I hope to read some more postings from other VVs on their bandiversary....come out come out wherever you are!!!

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Love this thread! Dying to hear from everyone when it's their bandiversary. Mine isn't until the 18th but I'm already looking back on all of the changes in my life.

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Hi all, well my bandiversary will be on Valentines day.. yes my Valentine was with Dr Bock, and he gave me the best gift, the wonderful tool Lapband! ..I lost my weight without fills..and at 10 months I was down to 25 BMI and 135#..I got a little afraid of all the goodies at Christmas and paniced..but he put in 1/2 cc .. I now know I could have done it without the fill. I have been asked to speak on my journey at the next orientation on 2-13-09 and I am really looking forward to hopefully inspire the next group to get this great lifesaving tool.. it got me off all diabetes and bloodpressure meds..and I am happy in my skin..I look and feel so much younger and happy,,not bad for a 68 yr. young "widow woman"..I will be celebrating at the ocean with a wonderful gentleman who came into my life last June. something I never would have had when I was wallowing in my "poor me" pity party.. I am able to volunteer working with my local foodbank and give back to the community..life is good! Carol-WA

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Hello my beloved V V's!!

Today is my Bandiversary and I couldn't be more grateful, blessed, elated, fulfilled and proud. I've lost 81 pounds and am still in shock over my new found health and vigor for life. This last year has been a journey like no other. As I think back on this day last year, I was terrified heading into the operating room, yet committed to making the life changes necessary to make the band work for me. There have many up's and down's, including some nasty PB episodes that nearly put me over the edge, but the NSV's certainly outweigh (no pun intended) any bad episodes. I am free from the prison of food. I no longer obsess about food, use it as an emotional crutch or surrender to its temptations. I understand what satiation and moderation mean and can enjoy the balance of healthy food along with endulgances...and not feel guilty!! I have discovered what true self worth means and for the first time in my life can say 'I love myself". This self love has made my marriage stronger, my frienships more meaningful and my life generally more abundant. When faced with challenges, I don't use food as an escape, I face them head on. For the first time in my life I didn't have the New Year's resolution of losing weight! I enjoy getting my picture taken. I have more pairs of jeans than I did when I was a kid. I shop at Macy's. I'm going to Maui in two weeks and am excited that I won't have to constantly be self concious. I feel like I look 10 years younger. My blood pressure and cholesterol are NORMAL. But most importantly..and this is the biggest gift of all...I have been given the green light to get pregnant and my hubby and I are hopeful that this is the year we become parents!! Yes...I am blessed. Thank you VV's for being the true source of support, love, and encouragement. There is so much power in friendship and I will forever be connected to all of you....especially Rhapsody...my sister from another mister!! Thank you for letting me share my thoughts on this very special day. I'm not going anywhere and can't wait to hear from everyone else. I'm also posting a couple of recent pics.

Lots of love,





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Amy sister! (((warm hugs)))

It's SO good to hear from you, and what a wonderful, positive post! You life has really changed, you deserve to be so proud of yourself. I'm proud of you! And your pictures! Omg girl, you look like a model! You are so beautiful. Congratz on everything and your new life. Who would have known a year ago, when we were all scared about having surgery, that we would have come this far in just one year? You've not only changed your weight, but also found a new life. Many congratz!

You have a terrific time in Maui! Please post some pictures here if you can, ok? I wanna see you on a sunny beach, looking hot in a bathing suit! :present: I do hope you will be adding a new addition to your family soon - that is so exciting. You've got to keep us informed on that! I wish you the very best, and I'll keep you in my prayers. I wanna know about my new niece or nephew! :heart:

Take good care sweetie, and please keep in touch! It was so wonderful to hear from you. My bandiversary isn't until the end of the month, but I'll be posting my story too.

Warm hugs and lots of love my sister from another mister! We sure did a lot of swimming this past year, haven't we? :bananalama:

Lori :cheers2:

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Wow! I love all your stories and you all look great. My husband was just banded 2 weeks ago after backing out last year and I am sooo proud of him.

Today is actually my bandversary!!! I don't regret it for one moment. Although, ironically I havent had a fill since October and this week I have been ravenous.Obviously I am due for a fill.

I love our NSV. I put on clothes without looking behind me in the mirror and it is not a three hour ordeal. It took me five years to wear my wedding bands again and they are now loose. I don't think twice about walking by someone in a tight aisle.I have extra room in my seat at the movies. I've been told I look many years younger.I live a healthier active lifestyle for myself and can keep up with my children. I am so much happier and it is reflected in my work, home life and my relationship with my husband.I don't think about food every minute of the day.I eat healthy foods and even indulge once in a while, but still maintaining full control. I love feeling satiety and fullness. Two things I never experienced before.(only feeling stuffed to feel full)

I never regret my decision for one minute and can't believe the person I have become is actually me. It is still catching up mentally.Thank you all for your encouraging stories.Be well

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My bandiversary isn't until the 25th, but I can already tell you, I haven't lost crap for over two months.

My band reacts to stress in a bad way, to the point of if somebody even tells me something upsetting right before I eat, I can't eat.

Due to a big arguement with a friend back in October that lasted a week when I was finally at my sweet spot and doing very well, it caused my band to close up and cause me severe issues.

I had to have half my entire fill taken out in November and nothing has been the same since. So, I'm just going to say that my weightloss is between 60-62 lbs. I continue to work out and watch what I eat, and I'm getting fills put back in every month, but only getting .4 each time, so I still have one more to even get to the place I was when I was at my sweet spot before.

My body has actually enjoyed this break, simply because my skin has caught up with the weightloss and I feel much firmer now. But, my goal was to be down 80 lbs by my one year mark and I failed at that.

But, on the good side, in the past I easily would have gained 10 lbs a month without the restriction, so I feel successful in that aspect.

I do know that when I come on here, I get back on track, and that it energizes me to get in the gym.

Some happy changes:

1. I can jog on the treadmill now!

2. My hips don't dig into the car door when I'm driving

3. I can fit comfortably into a movie seat

4. I don't feel like I take up the whole bed at night with my husband.

5. I can run up and down stairs

6. My wedding dress practically falls off me

7. I can wear my wedding band WITh my wedding ring now. Before I couldn't put the two together cuz it was too tight.

8. Men actually hold doors open for me now

9. When I take a bath my butt doesn't touch the sides of the tub, lol.

10. There is tons of space between my belly and a booth at a restaurant!

So, lots to celebrate!

My present is, a cruise in April. LOL.

Edited by coolcrystal

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Hi All

Well its a year today. Did I think I would lose 90lbs in a year, not on your life, but due to the band I have.SORT OF.

I actually have an empty band at the moment due to an emergency unfill in January.I have put on 10lbs in that time due to bad choices of food and knowing I could eat bread after 11mths.

DO I feel I've failed No but I'm disappionted I'm not at my ultimate goal in the 1st year.

Once I start getting fills again I know I can lose the last 15lbs.

I have also discovered that

1, I can;t wear my wedding and engagement bands they're too big.

2, I actually have a boney bum and can get uncomfortable sitting in the tub.LOL

3, I've lost 6 dress sizes 22 down to an 8. YIPEE!!!

4, I've lost My son or daughter or my 2 little ones in weight When I pick them up its a nice reminder of what I carried around with me all the time.

5,Sex is so much easier and more fun!

6,My teenage daughter borrows MY clothes.

7, My husband was inspired to get lapband after seeing my results.

8,I feel GOOD!

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Well here goes, one year living with this wonderful band. My weight has gone from 310# to 186.4#. I have gone from size 3 & 4 X's to size 16 pants and medium tops. I can walk, swim, breathe, fit in the bathtub, fit in chairs, not use an extension belt on the airplane, off all blood pressure meds, oxygen use cut in half, cross my legs, fit in my car to drive, not think about food all the time, the list goes on and on. Each day my life is better lived this way. I celebrated 50 yrs wed to DH in Sept. We took a cruise to Australia and New Zealand in Jan. an I was able to not gain any weight. I am healthier than I have been in 30 years. Sometimes I get to see the miracle of my own life and this year has been one of those times. Thanks to each one of you that have helped along the way. Audrey

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Copied over from my post in the "Men's Room"

One year

Can't believe it but it has been one year today since I got banded. Why didn't I do this sooner ? I am down 93 pounds, and pardon my confidence, but look and feel great. I am, at 41 years old, arguably in the best shape of my life. I will never be "thin" but I could care less - as long as I am healthy and feel as good as I do. The band is amazing. I continue to lose weight without really thinking about it. I do my part with the exercise and am highly motivated in doing so. Ok enough gloating. Down 2 more pounds this week....

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I'm going to post this entry I wrote for my blog. Enjoy!

I’m finally getting around to writing my review of this last year. My anniversary, or bandiversary as some like to call it was last Sunday, almost a week ago. I have had a lot of thoughts about writing this, but for some reason haven’t felt ready to write it. I think in part because it’s such a personal thing for me, and such a huge thing, that it’s hard to put into words what a difference this year has made in my life. How can words do any justice to how grateful I am and how different I feel? However, I have to try, because I want to share this.

One year ago I was so scared. I was having a life-changing surgery. Firstly I was scared of dying in surgery. I cried and told my husband that if “something happened” I was sorry and that I never meant for that to happen. Thankfully the surgery went off without a hitch. Secondly, I was scared of not succeeding. I was scared of not being able to stick to the new lifestyle and scared of failing.

I started keeping a blog mainly to see for myself any progress I was making. I wanted to share it with my family and very close friends to begin with, but nobody else for a while. As I started really seeing success and seeing that success continue I felt more and more confident and increasingly strong. Before too long I was ready to share my blog publicly. I was (and still am) amazed at the response I get from those who read. I’ve had so many kind and supportive comments as well as people who find my journey inspiring for their own lives. I had never anticipated that and I’m thrilled that my struggles have in any way been able to benefit others.

Now, a year later, I’m 103 pounds lighter. All within 12 months, I’ve seen my weight be in the 300s, 200s and now the top of the 100s. How cool is that? I’ve gone from wearing a 30/32 to almost being able to wear a size 14. I’m more comfortable in a 16 still, but things are a little loose. I’m so happy with my looks right now. I don’t mind having my picture taken and being seen by people I haven’t seen in a while. It’s actually really fun!

I have become a strong and dare I say, athletic person, which is a surprise to me. I have become a runner, even running 6 miles at my longest distance so far. This is incredible to me. I’m working out some hip problems right now, but even today I was able to run 2 miles on the treadmill without it being a huge deal. This is amazing! I will continue to pursue this running journey, because it is so empowering.

I have regained so much of the confidence and exuberance that had been buried underneath all that weight for so many years. I no longer dread going to social gatherings, or running into people. I’m just so happy with where I am.

Doing things is easier, period. Kneeling on the floor, getting in and out of the car, shopping, walking, standing, bending, all of it is so much easier without that extra 100 pounds weighing me down.

I have a little ways left before I’m finished with the weight-loss part of this remaking of myself. I know I can do it and I’m not scared that I am not going to be able to keep the weight off. I have used this Lapband as a tool, not a magic fix. I have worked hard, using the tool to make the work easier, but I have worked very hard. Because of that, I know that I will continue to work hard and take my health and the state of my fitness seriously. It’s not something that will take care of itself. It will be something I have to be vigilant about for the rest of my life, which thanks to this journey will be healthier and longer. I am so blessed. I am so thankful.

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In one year I.....


1. 60 pounds (253 to 193) and went from size 22 to a loose 16

2. All the pain I had in my knees when exercising

3. Most (not all) of my self loathing thoughts

4. Over half of the clothes in my closet (not lost, just donated!)

5. My "skinny backup closet" - all of those clothes fit! Now, if I get any smaller, I don't have any clothes to "shrink into" already hiding at the bottom of my closet

6. My ability to hide from the camera - I love having my picture taken now (one year shots coming as soon as my aunt can come and take them)


1. My sense of self back

2. Better Self Esteem

3. Pride in my appearance

4. The ability to run on the treadmill and participate in a spinning class without feeling like the fattest and slowest in the room.

5. The ability to get dressed in 5 minutes because EVERYTHING in my closet either fits or is slightly too big

6. A tremendous amount of confidence

7. My smile and dimples back


1. I truly am addicted to chocolate (it is the reason I haven't lost more). it is my biggest comfort food. And...it slips right through a band, no matter how tight it is.

2. No matter how much weight I lose, I still hate my inner thighs and my stomach...oh well, we can't all be perfect!

3. I can sign up for and train for both a duathlon (run, bike, run total 26 miles in Sept) and triathlon (swim, bike, run in August) because I have gained the confidence to know I will finish!

An amazing year. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Even though my weight loss has been slow, slower than most here on this site, I am happy. Very happy.

As for the upcoming year, I am moving to Denver this summer for a new job, and I can't wait to start again - where people will meet the "new, fit, happy" me without knowing the "slow, fat, unhappy" me of the last few years. Hopefully, I can lose another 20-30 pounds before I move in August and truly "start over"... as the person I always wanted to be, but never really believed I could be.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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