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Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

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Put aside what the rag mags say -- all you have to do is LISTEN TO THIS FREAK, not anybody's spin on what they THINK she said!

She must have gasped, "Where's my son," somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 times while the 911 operator is trying to get information from her! For crying out loud, HELP 911 help YOU!

And what were the kids (this one being the 5-year-old) doing outside UNSUPERVISED for OVER AN HOUR??

She doesn't WORK, doesn't CLEAN, so WTF else does she have to do?? The oldest one is seven, so was HE watching the others outside? Were they in the front yard (one would guess)?

She is an inept breeder, pure and simple. She is THE most selfish, THE most incompetent, THE most delusional, THE most idiotic person I think I have ever seen come down the pike, and that's saying a LOT.

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I do not have any doubt whatsoever that she was distraught over her son missing. Nor am I surprised at her joy upon seeing him safe.

I had a neighbor when my DD was small, and her son come to my house to see the baby--I ask if his Mom knew, and he calmly told me "yeah she watched me cross the street" so I let him stay. Before long, cops were knocking on my door to see if I had seen Chad! His Mom and I both wanted to hug and strangle the child. Her biggest upset following it was that they ask her what he was wearing, and she could not answer the question.

She knew pretty much what the girls were wearing, because she did their hair, and tried to match, but she said she could not tell them what he was wearing, besides jeans. She had 6 kids. He was missing for less than an hour, and she had a teenager, and a pre teen to help her watch --- and no one saw Chad cross the street.

From that day forward, I always made a mental note what my kids were wearing. And each year when the library did the fingerprint/picture documentation, I took the kids.

I realize they can and do slip away from sight sometimes, but everyone should agree that the more you have the harder it is to keep track of each of them, as well as how each one is dressed....how tall, how much they weigh, etc.

For these kids to have been outside for an hour with no supervision is reprehensible. Unlike Patty's kids, these are ALL young kids, there are no older ones to watch over.

The dynamics of this family just boggles my mind. It is hard and very frustrating sometimes with one infant at a time, especially if they are colicky or not feeling well. You walk, you rock, you bounce, you sway...you try the swing, you try the bouncer, you sing, you cry along with them.....you try ANYTHING! Now if you are doing this with one infant what is happening to the other 7? If your newborn baby was THAT upset or apparantly hurting, could YOU allow the neighbor to try to comfort the baby? I couldn't. The odds of her having more than one doing this at a time are immense.

The preemies resistance to infection is compromised--that is a well proven, medically documented fact.

They are going to have not one or 2 older siblings bringing in germs from school----but 6-------to 8 highly suseptible infants and eventually toddlers.

Today my granddaughter is at the dentist. She has went to the dentist with my DD and I from birth. She was probably 9 months old the first time he sat her on my lap and looked in her mouth. By the time she was 18 months she sat still for an exam, and cleaning, and does so every 6 months now. When is this Mom going to have time to schedule 14 kids to see a dentist regularly? And I would be willing to guess who pays for them to be seen. Hopefully one parent will eventually have some sort of insurance.

These seem like silly questions in the overall view of things, but this is daily life with a child....or at least should be. These are the things that boggle my mind. To listen to her talk and smile serenely, it comes across like she thinks these 8 babies will room in the big master bedroom with her, and they will lay quietly in their beds each day until someone comes along to deal with them, and she can sit in the middle of a big, messy, cluttered room, and fend off older kids, in the name of playing with them, and spending time with them.

I agree that the clip yesterday was likely the autistic child. OK.....but is he going away when the 8 come home? If not, then he is a danger, and steps need to be taken to protect them all. Him included.

Personally, from the years spent in a Day Care setting, it is pretty easy after a while to tell which parents are involved with their kids in their off time and which are not. Some kids begin babbling the second a parent shows up, and the parent listens---not visiting with me, or who ever else was in the room....they were happy to see and hear their child.

Others shushed the child, and visited....and you could see from the child, they were used to it.

That is how the clips of this woman strike me, and this is simply my own personal take on the situation. You may all disagree, and that is your right, but how I view it, is my opinion.

These kids are wild because Mom being there in the middle of them is a rarity. As much of a rarity as the cameras. They don't listen to her, because she is not who they are used to listening to. I would like to see how the kids behave in a similar interview with Mom not around, but Grandma in the chair. I would bet my socks, that they behave much better---she is who they are used to listening to.

How do I KNOW this? I don't....it is just how I see things--my opinion....nothing more.

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But she doesn't have to. She will have more money in less than a year than most can make in 20 years working. She'll have a home and all the people she needs to help her care for them. She will publish a book, sell her delivery videos, have tv interviews, and the list will go on and on. Thanks to people like all of you who thrive on her mistakes.

Thrive on her mistakes? I feel sorry for her - she's obviously in over her head and can't admit it. What kind of example is she setting for her children that she continues to insist that she can handle this all alone? She does not accept bonafide offers of help because it would require her to keep the media away from her children - that's a really good example to set.

Good thing, cause she needs all of you to swoon over her business in order to pay for their upbringing. If there was a tv show about her, you'd all be the first to tune in.

Not a frickin' chance...I don't watch any of the shows featuring her - the only place I get my news about Octodummy is from this site. I care FAR more about the babies than anything SHE has to say.

She's gonna be rich. Maybe this was God's way of providing for her.

I seriously doubt that the benevolent and loving God that I know would be happy about her trying to make money off of her innocent children.

They did not ASK to be brought into this world - she, of her own FREE WILL (a wonderful gift from God) chose to circumvent HIS set-up of this situation. She was unable to have children naturally (without help from IVF) - who's to say that was NOT God's will because he, in his infinite wisdom KNEW what kind of irresponsible, selfish, overwhelmed, unintelligent mother she would be?


The above statement was in no way intended as a dig against those who undergo IVF or other treatments because they truly want children. Infertility is a horrible situation when you want and would love to have children, however I believe Nadya was NOT prepared for her first group of children, and is NOT prepared to take care of her second group of children.


I have VERY LITTLE sympathy for her and her predicament, because she chose, of her OWN FREE WILL to bring about this situation. She should have seen her first precious children as the Gift that they are and endeavored to take the best possible care of those children.

They are HER responsibility, and since it is patently obvious she was NOT taking sufficient care of her current children (home in foreclosure, etc) it was no less than criminal for her to continue to pursue more children.

I chose NOT to have more children when it was obvious to me that I was struggling with the one child that I had. I was unable to provide a home for him without help; I also had to accept assistance at first to help feed and clothe him. I accepted that assistance, but then put myself through school and a rigorous training program in order to find a job that would allow me to take care of myself and my son.

I had help - and she will NEED help. Her plan to continue her education is a good one - she will need to generate a really good income in order to take care of her large family and NOT continue to be a burden on the taxpayers.

If she truly wants to make a good life for her children, she needs to stop seeking celebrity (the love of the "world") and focus on HER CHILDREN. I personally would be doing everything humanly possible to make a home for my children (all of them) and lining up support to help with their care - NOT seeking celebrity, publicity, or how to sell my story to the highest bidder!:)

Edited by EbonyRose

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Did she come out and say that? That she was seeking to be a celebrity? I never heard her say that. I thought she turned down the help because she didn't want strings attached to any help anyone gives her.

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Respectfully, PattyGreen,

Her actions speak so loudly I can't hear a word she says...

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If I were her, I would be seeking the highest bidder for everything, because she needs to pay for help and their expenses throughout their lives. I believe this is what she is doing. Smart mom, I mean move.

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Did she come out and say that? That she was seeking to be a celebrity? I never heard her say that. I thought she turned down the help because she didn't want strings attached to any help anyone gives her.

she should get off her webcam then and stop her daily posts on radar-online. she turned down help (angel nurses) because they had strings.....that she quit whoring herself out & keep the media at bay.....NOT her.

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I'm not even going to sit here and justify why *I BELIEVE* OctoLips is crazy. Just knowing that the vast majority agrees with me is more than enough...

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If I were her, I would be seeking the highest bidder for everything, because she needs to pay for help and their expenses throughout their lives. I believe this is what she is doing. Smart mom, I mean move.

Oh great let's put the kids on the bidding block.

Stupidity at its worse.

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she should get off her webcam then and stop her daily posts on radar-online. she turned down help (angel nurses) because they had strings.....that she quit whoring herself out & keep the media at bay.....NOT her.

So true...there is no difference between her whoring and a street walker. All for the love of money. And no matter how people try to spin it, it is just wrong on so many levels to sell the children's story and images.

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she should get off her webcam then and stop her daily posts on radar-online. she turned down help (angel nurses) because they had strings.....that she quit whoring herself out & keep the media at bay.....NOT her.

Exactly MY point - accept help and stop with the constant reports and media mentions. Concentrate on the children - that should be her ONLY priority.

Oh great let's put the kids on the bidding block.

Stupidity at its worse.

I totally agree - stupidity at its worst!:)

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I confess I did not watch the 911 video. But if she truly said she was going to kill heself over and over, it is very hard to believe that the woman isn't crazy.

What type of person threatens to kill herself when she is distressed? Do you know anyone who says that openly and so often? Seriously, do you have a friend who says that? What would you do if your friend or family member said that?

There are lots of ways to convince a 911 operator that you are desperate and afraid and distressed because your child is missing - threatening to kill yourself is not normal in that situation. If you threaten to kill yourself more often than not, people take it seriously. They seek psychiatric help for you.

It seems that the woman needs to be committed, evaluated and treated. Obviously there are many lives at stake here; hers and her babies.

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So true...there is no difference between her whoring and a street walker. All for the love of money. And no matter how people try to spin it, it is just wrong on so many levels to sell the children's story and images.

Movie stars sell their kids first photos, and noone seems to have a problem with it. A person sold a potato chip with Marys image on it. If it can make you a buck, they do it.

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You're wrong! There has been a lot of criticism of movie stars selling their kids in that way. And just because you CAN make a buck, or someone else does it, doesn't make it correct to do it if it is unethical or detrimental to those who are being used.

The public argument the stars make for allowing their children to be photographed and exposing them to all kinds of media coverage is that the paparazzi is going to get pictures anyway, so why not profit from it.

People can shelter their children from things that can hurt them in the long run and there are a lot of famous people who do not choose to use their children to make a few bucks. (Definition of a few bucks is relative, of course.)

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You're wrong! There has been a lot of criticism of movie stars selling their kids in that way. And just because you CAN make a buck, or someone else does it, doesn't make it correct to do it if it is unethical or detrimental to those who are being used.

The public argument the stars make for allowing their children to be photographed and exposing them to all kinds of media coverage is that the paparazzi is going to get pictures anyway, so why not profit from it.

People can shelter their children from things that can hurt them in the long run and there are a lot of famous people who do not choose to use their children to make a few bucks. (Definition of a few bucks is relative, of course.)

There is a HUGE difference between when stars do it and what THIS pimp is doing: The few stars I knew of that sold pictures to the highest bidder did so to give the money to charity. THIS loser is trying to USE her children in order to make a living, essentially giving them a "job" in order to support her. :cursing:

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