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Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

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Oh... my... GAWD... I'm listening to it now.

The woman is a blithering idiot. I just got done hearing her say she was gonna kill herself like 20 times in a row in front of her other kids. Primo. :confused:

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If I had a missing child, I probably would be hyperventilating, but I would also pull myself together enough to give basic information to the 911 operator. She hadn't even seen the kids for an hour while they were playing in the front yard. She has six kids, some with LDs, and she is clearly overwhelmed.

And the part where she's saying over and over she's going to kill herself in front of her children is unbelievable. No wonder her daughter said in a recent interview that her mom was going to be under a lot of stress when the babies come home.

It was odd that the child, in the second 911 call, said his mom and dad were at a party. It makes me wonder if they call the grandparents mom and dad or if he was just confused because the operator asked for his mom or dad. The 911 call came when Nayda was in the hospital, and I'm sure she wasn't feeling like any parties.

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Just as a trivial tidbit.....On Redeye last week, Dr. Drew Pinski (sp?) was one of the guests (He's the guy that does "Celebrity Rehab" and "Sober House" on VH1). He said that he and his wife did IVF and got triplets. He went on to say that the docs strongly recommended that he and wife only attempt to deliver 2 of the embryos because of the necessary parenting demands. Dr. Drew and wife ended up having all 3......but he said it was almost impossible to do with 2 full time adults in the house.

He said (in all seriousness) that if the state allows all 14 kids to live in the house with only octomom, then he predicted it would result in the death of a child. That really struck me, because it's such a strongly worded statement.

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Just as a trivial tidbit.....On Redeye last week, Dr. Drew Pinski

He said (in all seriousness) that if the state allows all 14 kids to live in the house with only octomom, then he predicted it would result in the death of a child. That really struck me, because it's such a strongly worded statement.

What is he, a prophet? HOW can he predict such a thing?

I've had a child get out of my sight before and had to call the police. I was panicky, but not hysterical. I've heard of others getting crazy when they lost their kids for a moment.

NO, I'm not comparing myself to her. I just like to point out that it could happen to anyone.

I listened to her 911 call and what I found crazy was the dispatcher who NEVER once in the whole 6 minute call said, "don't worry, we're sending someone to help you find him RIGHT now." I know what it feels like to lose a child for an hour and how she was panicking was just how it is! I heard her tears of relief when she saw her son walking home to her. That dispatcher could have calmed her immediately when she was saying 'help me' if she said "We will. We'll be right there!" But she didn't, ever.

People love to look for every item they can poke at. If they put a redial on their own lives, or their own neighbors or friends or familys lives, there would be things there they could pick on, I'm sure. Just remember, there are 2 sides to every story and you are getting the medias shots they want you to see. What you don't see is the good moments she may have with her kids.

Edited by pattygreen

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This is such a sad story...if she's having trouble keeping track of her children when there are only 6 of them, how is she going to handle it when there are 14 of them?

The fact that she stated over and over again in front of her children that she was going to kill herself is reprehensible. I can understand being overwhelmed - I've been there - but I have NEVER threatened to kill myself - and would NEVER say such a thing within earshot of any of my children.

Why, oh why did they allow this woman to undergo IVF in the first place? It does not seem to me, with everything we've heard about her, that she is fit to parent so many children. Her reasons for having children were ill-advised at best, and now that there are 14 children to have to deal with, she is clearly not going to be able to handle it.

Yeah, I know - some might say that no one is ever truly prepared for a child, but my goodness! I was a single parent - not by choice - and if I hadn't had my family to help me out, I would NOT have made it. My mother was there to help me, my niece-in-law babysat while I worked, and my grandmother was a fount of wisdom and experience that I tapped on a regular basis. This is what I needed, and with just one child who was perfectly healthy and had no learning or behavioral issues.

I do not see anything that Nadya has shown the world that makes her capable of even minimally parenting 14 children. She is not parenting the 6 that she has!

I sincerely hope that CPS does not send the preemies home with her - they will not be safe there.

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That's what has struck me, Plain. Regardless of the mother's needs, the children have to be put first. It's evident that these children are in a chaotic environment without the adult supervision necessary for this size family (and I just don't mean warm bodies). Adding eight newborn preemies with potential medical issues, is a disaster waiting to happen.

I don't hate the mother. I pity her situation because I truly believe she has emotional/physiological issues, but I completely hold the doctor to blame for this sad situation. That man has no ethical standards to speak of.

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The Today Show just had Dr. Phil on. They played the 911 clip. He said he's spent more time with her off-air than on and that she still hasn't grasped the enormity of what taking care of all these kids will take. He listed just how many feedings for the newborns-60 something, will need to be done each day. He said IF she does get a house for herself and all the kids that there should be a huge picture window and every agency should be lined up on the front yard watching what's happening.

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What is he, a prophet? HOW can he predict such a thing?

Many people "predict" by taking the odds and "guessing" the outcome. It's not a far stretch to say that an unstable, emotional basket case mother will cause direct harm, or be responsible through negligence, to one of 14 kids.

I've had a child get out of my sight before and had to call the police. I was panicky, but not hysterical. I've heard of others getting crazy when they lost their kids for a moment.

NO, I'm not comparing myself to her. I just like to point out that it could happen to anyone.

Anyone? Anyone can lose one of her SIX kids? And then call 911 and threaten to kill themselves in front of the other FIVE?

Sorry...no. Not buying that.

I listened to her 911 call and what I found crazy was the dispatcher who NEVER once in the whole 6 minute call said, "don't worry, we're sending someone to help you find him RIGHT now."

What I heard was an hysterical woman who was threatening suicide and rambling incoherently about a missing child. The 911 operator isn't there to say, "Don't worry" they are there to assess. It's not easy to do that when someone is hysterical and the information coming out is jumbled and sporatic.

I know what it feels like to lose a child for an hour and how she was panicking was just how it is! I heard her tears of relief when she saw her son walking home to her. That dispatcher could have calmed her immediately when she was saying 'help me' if she said "We will. We'll be right there!" But she didn't, ever.

I don't know what it's like to lose a child. I'm a single mom and I have ONE. I'm not knocking those who have more, but for me, personally, I didn't have the resources to have more and so I didn't. The more you have, the more you increase your odds of losing one. It's a shame to do that to a child because you WANTED another child. Parents who have more kids than they can handle are SELFISH.

People love to look for every item they can poke at.

Sometimes, there are injustices big enough to cause an uproar. I'm a laid back person and generally don't give a crap what folks do. But, children and animals are my main vice. Don't mess with kids or you'll piss the F out of me. I don't think that falls under any category of "every item to poke at."

If they put a redial on their own lives, or their own neighbors or friends or familys lives, there would be things there they could pick on, I'm sure.

HUH? Redial on my life or my neighbors life....? Isn't that what folks are doing in Octomom's case? Communities are hearing about this and saying - WTF??? Why does it have to be my house or the people next door to me. Why can't I care about those 14 children in CA who are going to have a horrible life - who already DO have a horrible life.

Just remember, there are 2 sides to every story and you are getting the medias shots they want you to see.

I'm listening to her speak...her stupid little nods, her own justifications.

Top that with the Wackadoodle 911 call and I don't need any more information.

I don't read tabloids, and I take what's online or TV w/a grain of salt. Don't tell me there are 2 sides...she's shown her 2nd side...and 3rd...and 4th - She's a nut-job. Plain and simple and she's messing with the kids.

What you don't see is the good moments she may have with her kids.

OH...well, then. That makes it all okay. She'll be happy for a little bit with the kids. Why didn't anyone just say so? The kids, while standing in line for her affection, will have "good moments" to look forward to.

Between interviews, at least....

Or, getting her nails done.

Or, getting her lips injected.

Or, getting her Masters.

Or, visiting her frozen eggs.< /p>

Or, getting more IVF.

Or, crying and trying to kill herself.

Or, fighting with her own mother.

Or, working....HA HA HA....forgot - she doesn't work.

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The Today Show just had Dr. Phil on. They played the 911 clip. He said he's spent more time with her off-air than on and that she still hasn't grasped the enormity of what taking care of all these kids will take. He listed just how many feedings for the newborns-60 something, will need to be done each day. He said IF she does get a house for herself and all the kids that there should be a huge picture window and every agency should be lined up on the front yard watching what's happening.

boy he's getting a LOT of mileage off of her isn't he.??? the view yesterday / today show "today". if he's her "advocate", she best get a reality check because he doens't have much faith in her capabilities...

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if he's her "advocate", she best get a reality check because he doens't have much faith in her capabilities...

This morning he was playing advocate for the kids-only.

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This morning he was playing advocate for the kids-only.

good point - he is.

she's using radar-online to be hers....or at least her outlet to explain herself , daily....

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The Today Show just had Dr. Phil on. They played the 911 clip. He said he's spent more time with her off-air than on and that she still hasn't grasped the enormity of what taking care of all these kids will take. He listed just how many feedings for the newborns-60 something, will need to be done each day. He said IF she does get a house for herself and all the kids that there should be a huge picture window and every agency should be lined up on the front yard watching what's happening.

I watched it, too. They didn't play the whole 911 call (6 minutes), JUST the portion where she was saying "I'm going to kill myself" and they palyed it over and over and over. In her defense, when you are distraut, you say things you shouldn't. She wasn't thinking about her reaction to her other kids when she was saying that, because when you are in a situation of panic, like losing your child, you lose all sense of control. You don't think straight. What I heard was a mother who was distraut over her lost child and a dispatcher who NEVER told her "We'll send someone to help you find him right away!" Even after 6 minutes of her pleading for help! This is what I mean, The media ONLY portrays what they think the public will want to see or hear. What about her cries of relief when she saw her son walking towards her and her sobbing that he was safe? Phil didn't let his audience hear that part of the call. Why not? Because her panic and saying 'I'm going to kill myself' was a better clip to put on the air, for that would really make the public see her in a worse way.

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[quote name=Gloucester;116397}

Or' date=' getting her nails done.

Tell me, why can't she get her nails done?

People with more kids than her do their nails. So what.

Or, getting her lips injected.

She had that done a while ago. when she could afford to do it. So what.

Or, getting her Masters.

Lots of people go to school on line or while they raise their kids. So what.

Or, visiting her frozen eggs.< /p>

She isn't having anymore kids. As a matter of fact, she said she only wanted one more (7) not eight more. (14)

Or, getting more IVF.

ditto of frozen eggs response.

Or, crying and trying to kill herself.

She was crying, but she didn't try to kill herself. She said "I'm gonna kill myself" while she was in a distraut, panicky situation and not thinking straight.

Or, fighting with her own mother.

Almost everyone has a fight with their mother. So what.

Or, working....HA HA HA....forgot - she doesn't work.

But she doesn't have to. She will have more money in less than a year than most can make in 20 years working. She'll have a home and all the people she needs to help her care for them. She will publish a book, sell her delivery videos, have tv interviews, and the list will go on and on. Thanks to people like all of you who thrive on her mistakes. Good thing, cause she needs all of you to swoon over her business in order to pay for their upbringing. If there was a tv show about her, you'd all be the first to tune in. She's gonna be rich. Maybe this was God's way of providing for her. He knew the wickedness of mankind and knew they would desire to cast that first stone at her (dispite their own sins) and he used what he knew of mankind to provide a way for her to care for them.lol.:)

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