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Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

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I am not a big fan of more government rules, policies, and laws. Government is already Big, but in this matter, I am all for it.

I never want to hear a story like this in the future and if government can create a policy to help diminish the chanes of this occuring again, then bring on the Law and consequences that go with it!

These babies deserve so much more!

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Amen, and I say again, Amen...it's just too bad when government has to legislate common sense. Both for the prospective "mother" (in quotes because I don't consider Octodummy a real mother) and for any other "doctor" that would consider using the shotgun approach for implanting embryos.

I pray it passes and then spreads to other states. Who's to say there isn't another idiot practitioner out there doing the same thing but that hasn't had the light of reason aimed at them yet?

Maybe the spectre of national legislation will encourage some of the clinics to change their policies pro-actively...

Edited by EbonyRose

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I am not a big fan of more government rules, policies, and laws. Government is already Big, but in this matter, I am all for it.

I never want to hear a story like this in the future and if government can create a policy to help diminish the chanes of this occuring again, then bring on the Law and consequences that go with it!

These babies deserve so much more!

I'm also for this bill and I really hope it passes. I would even go a step further that prospective parents have to show they can properly care for the children they intend to bring into this world.

So, If Mommie wants to be Mommie again after six kids, and these kids are on public assistance then Mr. Doctor can't perform another pregnancy.

If bad luck happens later and they go on PA - that's another story. Anyway, I'm sure all of you get what I'm saying.

Also, If I had to endure a psychiatric evaluation to get the Lap-Band then this procedure should also require that. Not for insurance but just each individual Dr. requiring it.

ETA: I am only referring to In-Vitro or Artificial Insemination... not natural pregnancies or births. This can't be as controlled, and is almost impossible.

Edited by LilMissDiva

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OK...what the hell kind of screening process does this "baby factory" clinic have? It seems to me that I jumped through many more hoops to get my lap band than this woman did to be implanted. And I do know this....my band will get much better care in it's lifetime than those poor children will.


i actually pulled my IVF paperwork as this thread has gone on - medical/pshychological/financial/home screening/fingerprint/dmv reports...were all collected on both myself & DH. policy = 2 embroys implanted - ONLY, that's it - thanks for playing no more, no bribing ..nada.

this clinic was irresponsible at BEST.

so was on the treadmill at the gym today & dr phil was on the view. could on read the dialogue but he made his opinion very clear:

* having kids to fill a void (as did octothing) makes the child have a job of fullfilling "mom's" needs - kids don't belong having a JOB

* she was wrong to have been implanted w/one embryo let alone 6 knowing the possible results, without having the capability to care for the 6 she already had

* he has been contacted by CPS in the state of CA

if someone has more info on this post - again , i could only read the dialogue & left while the interview was still in process.

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Yeah, what is up with us banders having to have a pysch eval, yet octo-mom has a medical procedure with no pysch eval. And her procedure effects her and her babies.

There is something seriously wrong with that!

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* he has been contacted by CPS in the state of CA


Wow, really? Dr. Phil was contacted by CPS, the plot thickens.

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What is all that clutter behind octo-mom in this video? Her son is giving her a smack down on this video. That is where, I would have excused myself from the interview to deal with my child.

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

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What is all that clutter behind octo-mom in this video? Her son is giving her a smack down on this video. That is where, I would have excused myself from the interview to deal with my child.

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

She clearly does not have control of her life or her children. I was on the fence about what to do with the babies, but after hearing her speak candidly, and seeing the behavior of her children, she has no earthly idea of how to handle kids under the circumstances she's facing.

I know someone with two kids that act that way, and it's a nightmare to be around them. In fact, a waitress in a restaurant told her sister (this was a stranger) that it's okay to spank children. OMG..the sister (aunt) would have loved to have swatted their bottoms. The kids were running around the restaurant, making a racket, disturbing others, but the mom was completely oblivious. These kids also hit their mom, just like octo's kid was doing in the video. Two kids like that is khaos, 14 kids without proper parenting is a disaster waiting to happen, and what I mean is those children will be in physical danger.

At this point, I feel like the best thing for the preemies is to put them in good loving homes where they'll get the attention and care they'll need, especially given their too early start in life. The other six kids' homelife will be monitored, I hope, and octo is going to need counseling for her delusional behavior.

The doctor...I would hope he loses his license to practice "medicine". Bad enough to do this humongous implant for an infertile couple, but for a single mom with six kids that she cannot provide for in the first place is criminal.

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I too hope the bill passes. I believe the point of regulation is going to have to lie with the Dr.'s. I mean the differences between Dr.'s and what they require seems to be even more vastly different than what we read on here regarding band Dr.'s.

Seriously, Lu's Dr. required their driving record....as well as the things I would have expected to be legally required, such as a psych exam, and an ability to show that you can provide for a child this Dr. is going to try to help you get. Where as Octo's Dr. obviously did not require anything except your ability to pay him.

While I do understand that more laws are not something we really want, this seems to be something that is going to have to be regulated. Also what methods can be used. I read or heard him saying he uses a special method for implanting...which has brought better results. Is the method safe or is it part of what brought on the 8 as opposed to 1-2 kids?

Yep something needs done. Before every welfare Mom out there, decides they too want to be on TV!!!

The CNN video is just sad and depressing. She is a grown woman having issues fighting the child off, a newborn will not have a chance. And I feel I am an average person....if this woman was in my town, and I volunteered to help, and was busy fighting off a toddler who was hitting, biting and pulling my hair, I am not sure I would go back. Witnessing the harm come to those babies would be terrible!

She has no parenting ability. The time to teach him "gentle" was when he was an infant himself! But she had no time to teach him, she was off working to get the money to be implanted again. Which is the same story with all of the kids, they never have been #1. That is incredibly sad.

When he hit the first time, she should have calmly ask the camera man for a minute to take care of her son. She should have turned his face to hers so they were eye to eye and told him NO! in no uncertain terms, and put him in a time out, even if that time out had to be physically enforced by a bear hug....if he cannot control himself, she needs to control him. Because a room full of infants cannot defend themselves.

And as for the Radar guy---------a birthday party full of 5 year olds, yes would be loud....but things breaking????? Where are the adults??? My kids were normal---they fought, things got broke on occasion, but they were NOT allowed to smack me, or one another without consequences! They did not get turned loose upstairs to play like they were at a birthday party and yell and break things. GIMME A BREAK!!

I would like to see her be reasonable, and accept some classes on parenting, and plan to allow for help, even if that means letting the babies be raised outside the home. She speaks of help, but does not say where it will come from.

PattyGreen, has said she would help, and I am sure there are many like her who would....but she seems to shun the offered help like she is waiting for bigger better terms. I hope for the sake of those 8 newborns, and the existing 6 who for all intents and purposes are still babies too----that there are lots of Pattygreens out there who when she finishes primping for the camera are there to help those kids. They deserve a warm hug and a lap to be rocked on....all 14 of them, even the little wild child who was smacking her around!!!


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I believe the child who was smacking octo-mom around is the autistic child.

Autistic children have a difficult time with over stimulating environments. Throw in t.v. cameras and interviewers and 8 newborn babies and this child will be having more issues.

Why put any of your children through this stress and especially an autistic child. Not fair to the kids.

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I believe the child who was smacking octo-mom around is the autistic child. .

i had wondered if the child smacking her was her autistic child - as he behaved as such.

just crushing, i said before - the more she pimps herself out; the more fodder she's feeding to those who agree like me that she's not fit to handle these 8 preemies coming to her home & the other 6 she currently has.

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Kat - I *heart* you...you make such good sense, and temper your tough love with compassion. I agree that she needs parenting classes - perhaps a mentor relationship with another parent with multiple kids would help her.

She needs to stop seeking the limelight and put her children first. I don't know how she expects to handle 8 additional children when she's having trouble with her autistic child (if indeed that is the child that was on her lap) and with caring sufficiently for her other children.

It's been reported that the other children are already showing signs of being jealous of the new babies, and she can't watch all of them 24 / 7. All it would take was a moment or two of inattentiveness, and the next news story would be about one of her older children smothering one or more of the babies. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, and I pray it does not happen, but without her taking on some help, I just don't see how she'll care for all of them.

They deserve better - the babies and her existing children. Perhaps when they are all older and more independent, they would be able to better accept each other and be more help to her, but right now, they need the freedom to be children.

The paparazzi stalk stars like crazy - can you imagine how difficult life will be for these children? It makes me shudder to think of it...

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That doc better get his liscence pulled before he kills someone !

People say " oh its on the women too" BUT ya gotta think here are women ( Not octodummy )that are Desperate to have kids .

This doc says "HEY Lets put in 100 embroys you WILL FOR SURE get a baby then . what the hell do you think these people are gong to say ? Not to mention the doc is the doc .

The think he know's what he's doing . I dont blame the other "normal" women I blame the doc.


That's a really good point. I wonder how many embryos he would personally consider "too many" to be implanted?

You can bet that planned parenthood and the ACLU will probably fight this tooth and nail.

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The first is a wildly frantic 911 call made by OctoMom back in October of last year, when she thought one of her kids was missing. At one point Suleman repeats over and over that she's going to kill herself -- in front of her other children. Five patrol units ended up rushing to her house -- but it turns out the five-year-old had simply followed his grandma around the block.

In the second, one of her kids called 911 and hung up. When the 911 operator called back, her six-year-old answered the phone and told the operator he was there with a babysitter -- and said "my mom and dad went to like, a party." Turns out this call was made on January 23 of this year -- when Octo was in the hospital about to have her litter.


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