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Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

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Actually the point I was making was that people like her who make poor choices (like purposely having more childen than she can afford) get awarded with government assistance while others who need it just can't quite get it. It's bullshit. It's bullshit how many people I see abuse the system every single day. I couldn't care less if she decided to have 300 children if she could afford them. But this dumb bitch would continue spawning if she could do it on her own because that is another effing tax deduction. There are so many out there like her. Why get a job when you can have a little sex and pop out a brand new welfare baby 9 months later. Don't worry the government will take care of it. You can have all the money you want. Go get your nails done. Go buy your designer clothes. You get your MAC makeup. So yeah, I am bitter and I am pissed. People very low (but not low enough) on the rate of pay totem pole get screwed. Hell at that time I did not even want any extras. I wanted to be able to feed my family and put a roof over their heads.

And glad you believe she will be a loving Mom to her 14 kids. It already shows how much she cared about the 6 she had when she went to even add one more that she could not afford.

And besides don't you have 3452345 of your own children that you claim to be homeschoolingthat should be getting your attention instead of you posting long ass tirades on here all damn day long.

Sorry mods I can't effing deal with her today. I've said my piece and utilizing the block button now.

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Love your post BabyGirl. You speak the truth. It irks the crap out of me to struggle to pay for my one child, while they can just keep popping them out like puppies and get more government money.

Edited by *slim*
Make sure everyone knows I was agreeing with babygirl, not ....

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Maybe they can get Octopussy to get some financial counseling while she's out buying makeup at MAC...

I don't buy makeup at MAC and I work and support my OWN children! :lunch:

It just amazes me that she seems to have no sense of propriety...when will the student loan company, the IRS and the rest of the people sending her tons of money to lavish on HERSELF wake up?

I agree that the babies need help and I hope the donations to HER dry up and go away forthwith. The ONLY money that should be sent in that direction should be earmarked for the babies, and NOT for her!

She is just ignorant - borderline mentally ill, a bad planner and I have NO hope that she will be a good mother...she already sets a bad example and will continue to do so because she not TRYING to get any better. :w00t:

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Damn. What if I throw an almost 6 year old in there? Can I get a little free money? Oh wait, I forgot. When I lost my job 3 years ago, DH made $500 too much for us to qualify for WIC. So even though we almost lost our home and our car we could not even get any food assistance. The WIC went to the lady with 5 kids who got to buy the good Peanut Butter at 11pm at night, screaming kids hanging out of the cart that also contained beer and cigarettes she was paying cash for. And her nails all Octomom styled. Nah, I am not still bitter about it.

Years ago I actually had a woman in a BMW tell me I didn't know how to work the system. She was receiving foodstamps and I needed them and couldn't get them.

it's not they you wouldn't accept help from the gov., but that you couldn't get the help that you are upset about.

Yes I was angry when I couldn't get help! When I pay taxes. I almost died in "89" had emergency surgery. Lost my job because of it. I was told to sell my car and live off of that money. I had 3 small children and no help from my ex. Now how in the heck was I supposed to be able to job hunt, take my children to the Dr. or go to the store? My value on my car? $ 35.00 over the state allotment at that time. They no longer use your vehicles as counting towards your income.

Which is good for my kids. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to get FS. They work hard but still fall short after all bills are paid.

But I am sorry Patty that I fall short. Unlike you who are so perfect and don't think anyone but you are allowed to have an opinion. Especially if it doesn't match your thinking!

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Now that it is not working out how she planned because only 1 in 57,452* feels sympathy toward her, she is playing stupid.

*I base my statistic solely on the number of Lapband Talk members as of 5:33am.

Hehe, love it! :lunch:

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Actually the point I was making was that people like her who make poor choices (like purposely having more childen than she can afford) get awarded with government assistance while others who need it just can't quite get it. It's bullshit. It's bullshit how many people I see abuse the system every single day. I couldn't care less if she decided to have 300 children if she could afford them. But this dumb bitch would continue spawning if she could do it on her own because that is another effing tax deduction. There are so many out there like her. Why get a job when you can have a little sex and pop out a brand new welfare baby 9 months later. Don't worry the government will take care of it. You can have all the money you want. Go get your nails done. Go buy your designer clothes. You get your MAC makeup. So yeah, I am bitter and I am pissed. People very low (but not low enough) on the rate of pay totem pole get screwed. Hell at that time I did not even want any extras. I wanted to be able to feed my family and put a roof over their heads.

And glad you believe she will be a loving Mom to her 14 kids. It already shows how much she cared about the 6 she had when she went to even add one more that she could not afford.

And besides don't you have 3452345 of your own children that you claim to be homeschoolingthat should be getting your attention instead of you posting long ass tirades on here all damn day long.

Sorry mods I can't effing deal with her today. I've said my piece and utilizing the block button now.

EXCELLENT, babygrl!! That is the point. Those who TRULY need can't get it, but the more selfish and narcissistic you are, the more you get. :lunch:

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Maybe they can get Octopussy to get some financial counseling while she's out buying makeup at MAC...

I don't buy makeup at MAC and I work and support my OWN children! :lunch:

It just amazes me that she seems to have no sense of propriety...when will the student loan company, the IRS and the rest of the people sending her tons of money to lavish on HERSELF wake up?

I agree that the babies need help and I hope the donations to HER dry up and go away forthwith. The ONLY money that should be sent in that direction should be earmarked for the babies, and NOT for her!

She is just ignorant - borderline mentally ill, a bad planner and I have NO hope that she will be a good mother...she already sets a bad example and will continue to do so because she not TRYING to get any better. :w00t:

She's buying designer makeup??? Are you SERIOUS!?

What a POS ho.

The ONLY thing I would be satisfied with is if those children were adopted out to people who would love and care for them and be responsible parents. This alleycat will never be responsible. She abuses EVERYbody who helps her -- her mother, the system...

She is a waste of oxygen, pure and simple.

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Apparently in this country you have to be a blithering idiot, a complete narcissist, or wholly irresponsible and then people come to your rescue via bailouts and other help, thereby assuring that people don't learn a damn thing,

Yah, you got that right.

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Everyone forgets that she didn't plan to have 8 babies, she planned to have 1 more (7, not 14). And even though I don't feel that planning to have 7 children is a big deal, I understand why most do, since they seem to find it difficult to have just 2 or 3 kids. I believe the anger comes in when she didn't have a means of support except the help of her mom and the food stamps. BUT, she was planning to finish school and after another year of her mom's help, she would have been fine with 7(so she thought) kids to support. I saw her on Dr. Phil yesterday, and she was sincerely sorry for everyones anger at her. She doesn't want anyone to be mad at her. If she could do it without the support of Angels, she would. There were people in the audience who wished her well. Honestly, sometimes I feel you people just like to harp on about her for the sake of harping. Someone here said they would have taken foodstamps and WIC if they were eligible for it, so it's not they you wouldn't accept help from the gov., but that you couldn't get the help that you are upset about. I believe she will be a loving mom to her kids and be fine.

She shouldn't have planned to have ANY of those children since she was not working and was receiving benefits. This wasn't an "oopsie," this was planned. All except the "how the hell am I going to support them" part.

The fact that her kids act out so badly shows that there is no guidance whatsoever.

These children aren't about her loving them, it's about her creating them because SHE needs love so badly. Another narcissistic trait, to be sure. Those looking to have a void filled aren't thinking about reciprocating anything, they are ONLY looking to have their needs met. Having 7 or 14 children in this manner doesn't say how much love she has to give, it says that SHE needs something from THEM.

The very fact that even her mother talked about how she had this unnatural need to have children even when she was younger speaks volumes about her instability and overwhelming need to be loved by somebody else -- even though I believe her parents loved and spoiled her into the rotten person she is today. They even said so in one of their interviews.

I know some don't want to look at the entirity of all of this; and if they wish to live in a bubble, that is their problem. However, the rest of us seem to have a grip on reality and what all of this really means, and frankly, that is all that matters.

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She shouldn't have planned to have ANY of those children since she was not working and was receiving benefits. This wasn't an "oopsie," this was planned. All except the "how the hell am I going to support them" part.

The fact that her kids act out so badly shows that there is no guidance whatsoever.

These children aren't about her loving them, it's about her creating them because SHE needs love so badly. Another narcissistic trait, to be sure. Those looking to have a void filled aren't thinking about reciprocating anything, they are ONLY looking to have their needs met. Having 7 or 14 children in this manner doesn't say how much love she has to give, it says that SHE needs something from THEM.

The very fact that even her mother talked about how she had this unnatural need to have children even when she was younger speaks volumes about her instability and overwhelming need to be loved by somebody else -- even though I believe her parents loved and spoiled her into the rotten person she is today. They even said so in one of their interviews.

I know some don't want to look at the entirity of all of this; and if they wish to live in a bubble, that is their problem. However, the rest of us seem to have a grip on reality and what all of this really means, and frankly, that is all that matters.

Dr. Phil mentioned on his show that some children are born with a job and your post indicates that these children, the octotwat's kiddies have theirs, they are to be her ego gratification and her route to wealth and attention that she feels that she so sadly feels is lacking in her own life. Of course her current crop of children will be feeling the stress of being eclipsed by their younger sibs and envious - this will be a natural enough feeling and they will be candidates for the shrink's couch. Dr. Phil may expect a new crop of invitees on his show in a few years, eh? The insanity sure will continue. I don't hold a lot of hope for this situation.

Octotwat has engineered it all through her own hubris. We shouldn't be required to approve of this. The stories of hardship which the other mums have posted here are saddening and it is easy to harbour bitter feelings towards Octotwat, a woman (in this lousy economy) whom seems determined to get something for nothing.

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And besides don't you have 3452345 of your own children that you claim to be homeschoolingthat should be getting your attention instead of you posting long ass tirades on here all damn day long..

**snaps**, i have often wondered the same thing - but the ignore feature i have found allows for cogent dialogue to "actually" take place:tongue:

has she agreed to get spayed yet?

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None of you, (except beth maybe) have no problem with your new president taking your money to fund all kinds of ridiculous things in this country. You aren't outraged with a president who will spend us and borrow us into a humongous inferno debt, and our great, great grandchildren as well, but to give her family of 6 some food stamps was tooooo much for you. Unbelievable! No one seems to care that we will all have to work to pay for the healthcare of everyone else who won't, but to begrudge her some government foodstamps is ok. Her collecting federal funds to pay for the babies medical care is just what Obama wants to do in the near future. (have all of us pay for those who can't) So she's accepting medical care from tax payer money before Obama's plan is even here. Big deal. If we can give millions to study pigs, we can give them to her 8. She wasn't like those who have baby after baby with no plan to support them. Her plan was to have 7 kids and have a degree from college in 1 year, then to support them herself. That was her plan. Her plan got messed up when she ended up having 8 babies instead of 1 more. You've never heard of the term 'mercy'? How about 'forgiveness'? She admitted that she messed up when she saw that instead of 1 more baby she was having 8 more. There is nothing wrong with a woman wanting 7 children and having a plan to support them that she is working on. I personally would have waited until I was done with college and had a good job before I got pregnant again. Not everyone does the right thing all the time in life.

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babygrl, you post here just as much as I do. Don't you have anything else to do? What have I ever done to you? It is obvious that some don't like me because I am a christian and am not ashamed to speak about God when I post, but that was uncalled for.

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But I am sorry Patty that I fall short. Unlike you who are so perfect and don't think anyone but you are allowed to have an opinion. Especially if it doesn't match your thinking!

Where do you get this from? I have never felt that I am the only one who is allowed to have an opinion and I have never claimed to be perfect either. Don't presume to know what I think about myself.

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Patty: Yes, I am outraged about how things are going now. You got that part right.

Where we absolutely part ways pertains to her "plans." She should have planned to already be OUT of school and planned on having a job before choosing to saddle herself and her parents and, worse, the taxpayers with her "plan."

Nobody has the right to do it bass-ackwards like she did and saddle others with her problem. I don't care WHAT her "plan" was, it was stupid and self-centered.

I planned on being a supermodel too, but that didn't pan out. :lunch:

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