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Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

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Who has never taken a dime from ANY form of assistance?

I haven't.

Who has never spent money on something they wanted instead of something they needed.

You really simplify this. She has 14 kids, NO home, about to lose the home she was gifted by the generosity of her parents, and instead of helping to pay the mortgage, she got new lips, nose, and eyes. You're comparing apples to oranges.

Who has never lived with their parents after they turned 18 and should have been supporting themselves.

Again, you simplify it. I have not, but what we're talking about here is a situation she CREATED which forced her to move back in with mom and dad and, ultimately, bankrupt THEM as well.

Who has never put things on hold and/or had to depend on someone else to help them till they finish their education.

She can't have it all. Once she chose to have 14 kids, she lost the ability to "put things on hold" and depend on others so that she could go to school. The way she lives, it's all about her... what SHE wants, how SHE wants it. The kids and everybody else in her path be damned.

Which one of you have never made a stupid choice or decision in life?

We ALL make dumb decisions; however, her dumb decisions are negatively affecting 14 innocent children, and NOW her parents. Not to mention the taxpayers who don't have any responsibility to her.

Who has never accepted charity?

I haven't. Doesn't mean I haven't given it.

Who has never done something that turned out to be far more complicating then you thought it would be?

The dumbest of the dumb would know that what she was doing was way too complicated. If she can't think things through any better than this, then again, I say remove the children and try to give them half a chance. They won't get it with her.

All I'm saying is... Who among you should cast the first stone at her? (I"m sure Beth will say she will be glad to do it)

Based on the death threats and furor leveled at her, I think I'd be pretty far down the line. :tt2:

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I have never compared myself to her. I stated that I had a daughter who lives with me who has a child and pays a reduced rent to me, and if she saved enough money, I wouldn't care how she chose to spend it even if it was on PSurgery. How does that NOT relate to the topic here? This woman had a child or two and saved up some money and chose to have PS. SO WHAT??!! Did she think..."Oh no, 6 years from now, I might have 12 more kids then I do right now, and I should save this money I saved for my PS." No! Get off the plastic surgery thing. It's not even relevent.

I beg to differ Pattygreen, you have compared your situation of raising your ten children to that of Octo-mom. You have insinuated throughout this thread that because you raised 10 children and had no stress that Octo-mom will be okay.

You brought up the PS. And anything related to Octo-mom is discussed on this thread. And there have been news story that just maybe, Octo-mom had PS, while not being able to support her children. Thus, PS is very much relevant to this thread.

Your hostility is not very Godly. I am beginning to wonder if you are a "Troll" trying to cause trouble. Or maybe your an agent of the Devil???

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Me me me me me me me me me me mememememe me me me me me me.

I know of one other woman on another board who ALSO thinks she is all religious, and EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. she involves herself in turns into a me me me thread just like in this poster's case.

I have yet to find a thread PG is involved in that doesn't turn into it being all about her.

So now we know two things: She can't enter a thread without tossing out her skewed religious rules for others (not necessarily rules she follows herself cuz, hey, "God doesn't remember her sins"), and she is so self-centered that every single thread she is in becomes about her.

Patty, you really need to get over yourself.

You are pitiful to me, because you don't even know how pathetically jealous you come across as being. How sad. Reread your post and REALLY listen to yourself. You sound like a fifth grader on the playground when another child seems to be getting more attention than you are. (and this isn't the first time I've had to deal with you about this.) Stop whining and grow up!

If you want some attention, Beth, just take an opposing view from the rest of those that you follow and agree with on everything. Better yet, do what you are sooooo good at, and call them names. That should get you some ME time.

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Wow... jealous!? :tt2: Um, not even close.

You see, this thread is not about me and it most certainly is not about YOU. However, every post you vomit yourself all over becomes about you. Talk about pathetic.

I'm trying to locate anything that can determine when she had her plastic surgery. I see a pic of her when she is holding one child and pregnant with another. I saw pics of her in a playground with at least two or three of her children when she looked normal. No doubt she 1) had plastic surgery before she lost the house, thereby putting the home of her children in jeopardy, or 2) had plastic surgery after she lost her home and after she moved in with her mother, thereby foisting herself on her parents and, because she wasn't working, forcing the parents to take up the financial slack and affecting their ability to keep the home.

The selfishness of this insane woman keeps taking others down like the Titanic.

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I never make comments that go against against what God stands for. I called you rude , not because you gave your opinion, but because YOU WERE RUDE!!!!! You commented that I had a wrong connection to God, and that was RUDE to me. Period! AND what would you know about God and His principals?! Point out a half truth that I posted that had to do with God's principals. I dare you. Because I will stand strong on what I say about God.

Oh Pattygreen going off the deep end with Ungodly like accusations. Presuming that people on this thread don't have a personal relationship with our God.

Stating half truths about someone does go against God. You know God expects honesty. And if you really want to go deep into religion and go into God and His Principles, then you know that gossiping about thy neighbor, such as this thread goes against His Principles.

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I beg to differ Pattygreen, you have compared your situation of raising your ten children to that of Octo-mom. You have insinuated throughout this thread that because you raised 10 children and had no stress that Octo-mom will be okay.

So what? Did I insinuate that THROUGHOUT this thread? I don't think so. I didn't say she would have no stress, I said." Believe it or not, some people don't experience stress. "Don't put words in my mouth.

You brought up the PS. And anything related to Octo-mom is discussed on this thread. And there have been news story that just maybe, Octo-mom had PS, while not being able to support her children. Thus, PS is very much relevant to this thread.

Reread the posts before mine, I did NOT bring up the PS. I just commented on it AFTER others tore her to threads about it and I tried to make you see that she didn't have all those kids when she had the PS, so you were trashing her unduly.

Your hostility is not very Godly. I am beginning to wonder if you are a "Troll" trying to cause trouble. Or maybe your an agent of the Devil???

Who says I am hostile? Are you reading my threads with a tone of anger in your head? You think that i am ungodly, and I think that you are meanspirited. There, we are even. Answer me this...How am I trying to cause trouble? Did you want everyone who posts here to agree with you on all your opinions?

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Oh Pattygreen going off the deep end with Ungodly like accusations. Presuming that people on this thread don't have a personal relationship with our God.

Stating half truths about someone does go against God. You know God expects honesty. And if you really want to go deep into religion and go into God and His Principles, then you know that gossiping about thy neighbor, such as this thread goes against His Principles.

First off, I hate religion and don't ever want to go deep into it. I might add that I am the only one here who will defend her against some of these accusations. You know in this country, people are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. You people have jumped right over the jury and have gone straight to the judge in her case. You have condemned her and thrown away the key. What ever happened to grace and mercy and forgiveness?

BTW, Don't avoid my challenge. SHOW me where I stated a half truth concerning God and his principals. You can't can you? I'll take that apology now.

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Grace, mercy, and forgiveness won't raise those children.

And people have a right to their opinions. What you are talking about are legalities, not personal opinion.

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Who says I am hostile? I suppose when people type in caps, which infers yelling that I wound consider it hostile.

Are you reading my threads with a tone of anger in your head? You think that i am ungodly, and I think that you are meanspirited. There, we are even. Answer me this...How am I trying to cause trouble? Did you want everyone who posts here to agree with you on all your opinions?

Actually everyone on this thread except for you and Trell do agree with me.

Originally Posted by TQUAD64 viewpost.gif

I beg to differ Pattygreen, you have compared your situation of raising your ten children to that of Octo-mom. You have insinuated throughout this thread that because you raised 10 children and had no stress that Octo-mom will be okay.

So what? Did I insinuate that THROUGHOUT this thread? I don't think so. I didn't say she would have no stress, I said." Believe it or not, some people don't experience stress. "Don't put words in my mouth. All I stated was that you had no stress and Octo-mom will be okay. Re-read my comment.

You brought up the PS. And anything related to Octo-mom is discussed on this thread. And there have been news story that just maybe, Octo-mom had PS, while not being able to support her children. Thus, PS is very much relevant to this thread.

Reread the posts before mine, I did NOT bring up the PS. I just commented on it AFTER others tore her to threads about it and I tried to make you see that she didn't have all those kids when she had the PS, so you were trashing her unduly. By commenting on PS you brought it up. I merely commented on it as well.

Having PS while being unable to support 1 or 2 kids is selfish. The only thing you are making me see is what an Ungodly person you are.

Your hostility is not very Godly. I am beginning to wonder if you are a "Troll" trying to cause trouble. Or maybe your an agent of the Devil???

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First off, I hate religion and don't ever want to go deep into it. I might add that I am the only one here who will defend her against some of these accusations. You know in this country, people are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. You people have jumped right over the jury and have gone straight to the judge in her case. You have condemned her and thrown away the key. What ever happened to grace and mercy and forgiveness?

BTW, Don't avoid my challenge. SHOW me where I stated a half truth concerning God and his principals. You can't can you? I'll take that apology now.

The half truth you stated about Octo-mom was that she was a nurse. That was not true, but yet you stated it. Telling lies and half truths goes against God's Principles. Additionally, gossiping on this thread also goes against His Principles. Your love of God is Deceitful, thus one has to wonder either your a Troll or the devil is working through you.

I have a great appreciation of the judicial system as I work in it every day. I suspect that Octo-mom will be held to answer for her actions in Dependency Court. I suspect that CPS is conducting an investigation based on allegations reported in the media.

Dependency actions do not have juries, but are heard by judges, so we shall just have to wait and see what happens next.

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Everyone needs to keep in mind the LBT rules , Even though this is the Rant and Raves section the rules do still apply .

1. Everyone has a right to speak regardless of their perspective.

2. While we believe in free speech, keep in mind that this right is not absolute. Dissent is an essential part of any discussion where people are encouraged to express varying opinions; however, it is equally important to maintain both decorum and topicality as related to LapBandTalk.com’s mission.

4. Members will treat each other with courtesy and respect, especially when they disagree. We understand that bright, intelligent and educated people may not always agree, but personal attacks in the form of insults, abusive language or other means of obvious harassment will not be tolerated.

7. Please take the really personal discussions to PM or e-mail.

If you have a problem with another member take it off the board .


This was posted by the moderator and I am trying to follow the rules. If you want to personally address Trell, send me an private email.

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Everyone needs to keep in mind the LBT rules , Even though this is the Rant and Raves section the rules do still apply .

1. Everyone has a right to speak regardless of their perspective.

2. While we believe in free speech, keep in mind that this right is not absolute. Dissent is an essential part of any discussion where people are encouraged to express varying opinions; however, it is equally important to maintain both decorum and topicality as related to LapBandTalk.com’s mission.

4. Members will treat each other with courtesy and respect, especially when they disagree. We understand that bright, intelligent and educated people may not always agree, but personal attacks in the form of insults, abusive language or other means of obvious harassment will not be tolerated.

7. Please take the really personal discussions to PM or e-mail.

If you have a problem with another member take it off the board .


This was posted by the moderator and I am trying to follow the rules. If you want to personally address Trell, send me an private email.

I don't think anyone was takling to you.

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I think I can take credit for bringing up plastic surgery! :tt2: AND you can bet your sweet ass it's relevant!! SOOOO, poor psycho octopussy is losing her house, boohoo. Look what she wants to purchase.

OctoMom's Million Dollar Crib!? - TMZ.com

Of course TMZ is not the most legitimate news source but it's still wild.


I can't believe nobody has brought up Gloria Allred throwing her grubby little fingers in the mix!!!

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I think I can take credit for bringing up plastic surgery! :tt2: AND you can bet your sweet ass it's relevant!! SOOOO, poor psycho octopussy is losing her house, boohoo. Look what she wants to purchase.

OctoMom's Million Dollar Crib!? - TMZ.com

Of course TMZ is not the most legitimate news source but it's still wild.


I can't believe nobody has brought up Gloria Allred throwing her grubby little fingers in the mix!!!

Amazing house. Not sure about the pool. That would scare me with so many young kids, gated or not.

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I think I can take credit for bringing up plastic surgery! :tt2: AND you can bet your sweet ass it's relevant!! SOOOO, poor psycho octopussy is losing her house, boohoo. Look what she wants to purchase.

OctoMom's Million Dollar Crib!? - TMZ.com

Of course TMZ is not the most legitimate news source but it's still wild.


I can't believe nobody has brought up Gloria Allred throwing her grubby little fingers in the mix!!!

Oh, lordy, NOT Gloria Allred?! :thumbup: What is SHE doing in this story?

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