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Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

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THANK you!!! It's that entitlement gene that is getting further and further ingrained in our society -- "I WANT IT NOW SO I'M GONNA GET IT NOW."

There is a HUGE difference between somebody falling on legitimately hard times and another person CREATING them because she's selfish.

Bravo!!! Exactly right!!!!! Some people have that feeling of entitlement, and that leads to doing what ever they want without regard to "can I afford it"? I would love to know what percentage of those on welfare COULD work to support themselves, but choose to be on welfare to be a stay home mom, or so they can remain living in a certain area, or just because they are lazy? What percent, because they are uneducated or live in an area where rent/real estate prices are high could work but would not earn as much as they do on welfare, choose to be on welfare and raise a family anyway. Our neighborhood is near a government subsidized apartment complex, and most of the cars that are parked in their lots are nicer than my old 99' mini-van!!!!:thumbup:

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Actually Pattygreen, your threads on this topic espouse God. God this God that.

So what!

It makes me wonder how far to the right do you stand and can you see past the wrongness of Octo-mamma's actions without saying God in the same sentence.

Yes, I can. I can see that she should not have had any children without being married or having the means to support them. Have I ever said that she did a good thing here?

I'm telling you, someone is drinking the wholly water!

I don't believe that any Water is holy. Only God is holy.

And again, Patty, with all do respect, your ten kids did not all come at once. Come talk to us when you have 8 preemies with health care issues. Come tell us how you and your husband raised 8 preemie babies with your 6 other kids.

You are right, they didn't all come at once, but I was disputing the cost of raising a large family, and it's nowhere near the astronomical figures quoted here.

My daughter who lives with me came home from the hospital after delivering a 2 lb. baby boy. He was there for 2 months. He is now 3. When he left the hospital, he was a normal weight and it was like taking home a normal baby from the hospital. When she gets her 8 babies home, they will no longer be premature.

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Why is everyone so incensed? C'mon peeps, let's get off the judgmental soap box.

Everyone keeps saying it's my tax dollars, etc. Yes, but they aren't going to raise your tax dollars today to pay for her kids. It's also your tax dollars funding the highways, why don't you get equally incensed if that highway is in a part of town you never visit? I think "tax dollars" argument is way too weak in this case.

The 6 children she has now seem to be better cared for than many children in smaller, nuclear families. Adding 8 more to the mix will undoubtedly make it more difficult but it wasn't her goal to have 8 more children, she just couldn't bring herself to selectively "abort" the other fetuses.

Anyway, I doubt any of us on this board is going to be personally taking care of those children and furthermore, most of us will not see a single cent increase in our taxes as a direct result of those children.


How would you like it if someone asked you why are you taking a bite out of that cheesecake when it's clear you've already had way too much to eat? Now you're going to cause us to have to pay more taxes to support your fat ass when you no longer can work because you're too damned fat to be ambulatory. Look what you're doing to our health insurance costs--because of fat asses like you, the premiums just keep going up and up and up.[/quote

Donna, I like you.

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Like I've said before, there's enough 'crazy' to go around here and many to blame. Just as there are so many bad consequences in the fallout from the outcome of this; money, parenting time, emotional consequences, kids suffering, her parents suffering, etc. Whoever said the real issue here is the fact that choices were consciously made (by several people) and now others have to ‘pay’ the consequences (not just financial) for those choices…and that’s what’s just wrong.

I have no doubt that this woman will get a windfall from something and will be financially secure. That doesn't negate the fact that her 'plan' for financial security (which she outlined in the interview), even with only having the '7th child' she wanted, doesn't hold up to my 7th graders math skills (and she has a college degree?). 60K max after her Masters can't possibly fulfill her 'plan' (again even with just 7 kids) of not accepting any more government help, soon getting her own bigger home, paying back 50K (+ the next 1 1/2 years more of loans) in student loans, paying for childcare so she can work full time (as a counselor, which can't be at home), and meeting the need of all her children herself, even the disabled ones. And even a kindergartener can tell you that the second half of her plan isn’t possible, while being away from home for full time work, being the only parent, and yet being "there" to meet all the needs of 7 kids (let’s pretend), 3 disabled (and again, pretending it was only 1 more, maybe the 7th). Saying I love them unconditionally, therefore I'm responsible/not selfish doesn't make it true (I went back a re-read the transcripts and she really doesn't answer many of the questions at all). I believe she loves them, but that doesn't make her responsible or not selfish.

One of the things I've ingrained in my kids is "Life is about our choices and results or consequences"...I encourage my kids to take chances in life, but responsible ones where they think through the possible consequences and are prepared to handle those consequences themselves, then they make the choice...we all get consequences sometimes (that’s life), but we shouldn’t take a chance/make a choice if we can’t handle the consequences ourselves, or if it has the possibility of greatly negatively impacting someone else. I don't expect others to ‘pay’ for my poor choices (and I'm not just talking about money). I get crazy mad when people don't take responsibility for their own choices (it's my 'right' to inflict my consequences on others?) and the chances that they took (I'm also angry at those who have walked away from their homes/mortgages, and I’m equally mad at the person who’s poor choice took an emotional toll on an innocent person-Grandparents raising their grandchildren when it's not their choice). Again, even with a windfall the choices that were made here and the chances that were taken will continue to have consequences (maybe not financial ones) on many others, not the least of which are the children (money can’t buy the time of a mother’s attention).

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Bravo!!! Exactly right!!!!! Some people have that feeling of entitlement, and that leads to doing what ever they want without regard to "can I afford it"? I would love to know what percentage of those on welfare COULD work to support themselves, but choose to be on welfare to be a stay home mom, or so they can remain living in a certain area, or just because they are lazy? What percent, because they are uneducated or live in an area where rent/real estate prices are high could work but would not earn as much as they do on welfare, choose to be on welfare and raise a family anyway. Our neighborhood is near a government subsidized apartment complex, and most of the cars that are parked in their lots are nicer than my old 99' mini-van!!!!:thumbup:

You can thank President Roosevelt for that. I once accepted a welfare check for 1 1/2 years. I think back to that time (28 yrs ago) and know that if I didn't have welfare back then, I would not have died. I would have gotten a job while I was pregnant and/or moved back home with mom and dad.

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You are right, they didn't all come at once, but I was disputing the cost of raising a large family, and it's nowhere near the astronomical figures quoted here.

My daughter who lives with me came home from the hospital after delivering a 2 lb. baby boy. He was there for 2 months. He is now 3. When he left the hospital, he was a normal weight and it was like taking home a normal baby from the hospital. When she gets her 8 babies home, they will no longer be premature.

Those 8 babies, your grandson, and my granddaughter who was a preemie will ALWAYS have health issues and additional health risks BECAUSE they were preemies!

My granddaughter was a 4 pounder, and come home in days--BUT she is still at a higher risk for RSV, and many other issues due to her prematurity.

And when your grandson was in the hospital for 2 months, did your DD have insurance coverage? Did she go to the hospital regularly to hold and nurture him?

If this mom does that, her other children will be ignored. YOU may think it is ok for them to suffer for a couple of years because Mommy is selfish, I do not.


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You are right, they didn't all come at once, but I was disputing the cost of raising a large family, and it's nowhere near the astronomical figures quoted here.

Since you haven't had babies in many years, nor did you have EIGHT of them at once with six others that are 7 years old and younger, you have no idea what the cost is these days.

Daycare ALONE (something you claim you didn't have to pay because you were a stay-at-home-mom) is probably going to run more than a lot of people make in a year. She won't have the luxury of staying home if she truly goes out to get schooling or get a job. She WILL have daycare expenses. That is, if that stupid state of Californication doesn't pick up the tab for THAT too... :thumbup:

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I, too, have no doubt that she will get a windfall of money from this ordeal, therefore, none of you need to worry that it will come out of your pocket. She will get all the help she is going to need because even though she made some very wrong choices in her life, there are still many people (myself included) who feel that helping her with all the children is the right thing to do (for the childrens sake). I am glad that she will be a loving mother towards her children and will do her best to care for them all. (even if it is with other peoples help)

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I, too, have no doubt that she will get a windfall of money from this ordeal, therefore, none of you need to worry that it will come out of your pocket. She will get all the help she is going to need because even though she made some very wrong choices in her life, there are still many people (myself included) who feel that helping her with all the children is the right thing to do (for the childrens sake). I am glad that she will be a loving mother towards her children and will do her best to care for them all. (even if it is with other peoples help)

No, the best thing for the childrens' sake is to find them good homes and adopt them out to people who aren't nuts.

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Since you haven't had babies in many years, nor did you have EIGHT of them at once with six others that are 7 years old and younger, you have no idea what the cost is these days.

Yes, I do. Only 3 of my 10 children are out of my house on their own, the other 7 plus one more grandson still live at home with me. (My total household is 10)

Daycare ALONE (something you claim you didn't have to pay because you were a stay-at-home-mom) is probably going to run more than a lot of people make in a year. She won't have the luxury of staying home if she truly goes out to get schooling or get a job. She WILL have daycare expenses. That is, if that stupid state of Californication doesn't pick up the tab for THAT too... :thumbup:

She, too, can work from her home if she chooses. That's what I did. But don't worry, she wont have to. She will be a millionaire when everyone is done butting into her business with their 2 cents.

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No, the best thing for the childrens' sake is to find them good homes and adopt them out to people who aren't nuts.

Do you have any children? If you do, I hope noone ever decides to take them from you simply because they formed an opinion of you and came up with the idea that you were nuts.

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Everyone is talking about the how much she cares for these kids. She was on Dateline the other night and they were filming inside her house - which was gross! Not just messy with kids stuff, as will happen when you have kids but dirty. If this is how she keeps her house when she KNOWS the TV crew is on its way - what kind of mess is it the rest of time!

As for plans of TV shows and book deals. I plan on leading the charge against whatever networks and publishers sign this woman. Yes, its partially her abuse of a system that needs to be reworked that bothers me, but its the also the fact that she put her wants over the needs of her 6 children. I also think the doctors license should be revoked.

And don't even get me started on her back trauma.

Think about this for a moment, this woman had no issues problems, etc racking up easily 1,000,000 worth of medical bills - their estimate not mine. And yet how many people come into this room every day and cry because they want to change their lives with WLS and can't afford it. Why are her choices more important then an obese persons?

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Only 3 of my 10 children are out of my house on their own, the other 7 plus one more grandson still live at home with me. (My total household is 10)

That's interesting... especially considering you said:

My children are 27,24,23,22,21,19,18,17,15 &13. The 24,22 & 21 year olds I didn't deliver myself, just raised.

So... assuming the three OLDEST are gone, that would mean that you have kids aged 23, two 22's, two 21's, and 19 that are adults -- and one of these kids has had a baby -- all still living at home. Why is it that they can't make it on their own. :thumbup:

Edited by BethFromVA

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Do you have any children? If you do, I hope noone ever decides to take them from you simply because they formed an opinion of you and came up with the idea that you were nuts.

Yes, I do, and I raised mine. I paid for mine. I supported mine and was there without dumping MY responsibility on my family.

Nor was I nuts. This woman undoubtedly has a screw loose. Thirty seconds into her interview showed me that.

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She will be a millionaire when everyone is done butting into her business with their 2 cents.

1) She put her business out there.

2) Once she does something like this and the people are paying for it, it BECOMES our business.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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