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Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

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Green, I love it when you post! LOL!

I heard on the news last night that she's spending 45 minutes holding each of her new babies. That's about 6 hrs a day. So. What about her other 6? There is just not enough time in the day for 14 children under the age of 7!!!! Kids that young need a lot of time and attention. Different if they're all different ages and some are older. I don't know how Jon & Kate do it and there's TWO of them and "ONLY" 8!!

Heck, I have a hard time sometimes! I've got a DD who'll be 3 this spring. A DH who's a fireman and gone for a 72hr shift each week (and that doesn't include fire season when he can be gone for weeks on end!). I have NO help so it's just me and DD when he's gone. Right now she's sick, not been sleeping well and I'm TIRED!!! I'm not complaining (much!:smile:). I signed up for this when we brought her home from the hospital at 2 days old. BUT just looking at my situation, where I have a husband part of the week and am "single" (so to speak) part of the week, I just can't see how she is going to manage this esp as a single mom.

What about when the kids are sick? The older ones are going to be bringing all kinds of bugs home from school and those preemies are going to catch everything! What happens when SHE's sick and can hardly think, let alone function? I just don't see it!

Speaking of DD, she's actually hungry! Better go feed her before she changes her mind! LOL!

Have a great day everyone!

Wow! You are pretty judgemental. Just because you may not be able to do it, doesn't mean she won't be able to. I can't stand it when people put everybody in the same category. I had 10 children, and found it a breeze. I gave them all unconditional love and attention. As a family, we helped each other. My sister-in-law used to say I was crazy because she only had 2 boys and she was going out of her mind. Everyone is different. Believe it or not, some people never get stressed out. I'm that way. I don't even know what stress feels like. God gives each of us the ability to cope with our own situations. (She expressed her belief in God in her interview last night on dateline.)

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Did anyone see the interview tonight? She's crazier than I realized!

I recorded on tivo last night and I cannot wait to watch it tonight when I get home from work. I bet is is shocking:scared2: and she is irritating:cursing: .

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Did anyone see the interview tonight? She's crazier than I realized![/qu

I don't think she is crazy. She had 6 children and wanted another one. I have 7 children, and took in 3 more that I didn't deliver. While I believe that she was irresponsible to choose to have so many children without a father in the picture, I respect her decision not to abort the other 6 (so she thought) after she found out they were alive and well inside her. She wanted 1 more child, but had all her embryos put in because the chances of them all taking was very slim. (her words) She may be financially unable to do it all on her own right now, but I give her alot of credit for working towards her goals of going to school so she could better her situation for herself and the children later. What's wrong with that? Alot of people are single and have children. Alot of people don't have enough income to pay for everything themselves. Alot of people use foodstamps. Alot of people live at home with their parents for a while till they can get to a point where they can do it on their own. Alot of people have student loans. Isn't it her right to live in America and have it her way. She has a right to want a large family, just like any of us have a right to decide how many children we will have. If you complain about having to help her with your tax dollars, then you need to complain about EVERY person you help with your tax dollars. When I first was having children, I was eligible for WIC. (for those who don't know, WIC provides formula, milk and nutricious foods for women who are pregnant and children up to age 5) At one time, I was eligible for energy assistance, and for 2 winters in a row, had some help paying for oil to heat my home. I was also on welfare at age 19 (for 1 1/2 years) when I got pregnant with my first child. I was grateful to have that help back then. It has been 26 years since then, and I thank God that I have become much more financially able, but my point is, we've all been there to some extent or other. She, too, when she graduates school in 1 year will be able to support her children. She seemed to me to be a very loving mom to her kids. She will give them what they need most. A mothers love. Money isn't everything. They may not have the 'best' of things, but they will have a mom who loves them. I hope she succeeds and shows you all up.

Oh good lord!! :smile:

Look, I want a Ferrari, but I don't make the public or my parents pay for it!

She's selfish and insane. She said she wanted a big family because she was an only child and got no love and attention. Now SHE has created a situation where she has a litter of kids and will not be able to give any ONE of them proper attention.

To create a situation that you can't even take care of is selfish. To expect the taxpayer to pay for your selfish wants is selfish! To expect her PARENTS to take up the slack for her selfish wants is SELFISH!! With six children, there was NO reason to put herself in this situation, even for ONE more. How dare she!! If she was in a situation where she could AFFORD them and take care of them, then I say good for her. But she CAN'T. I will NEVER support people who make selfish choices that then places a burden on others.

She's not the Duggar family, where there is a loving COUPLE who have chosen to have children -- and THEY take care of them! They don't rely on assistance, they don't play the system, they did it the RIGHT way, allowing God to choose. This woman played God (being that you believe in God, I'm sure you will agree that maybe there was a REASON God did not allow her to get pregnant the traditional way and instead usurped HIS will and played god herself), and she is SELFISH. Nothing good can come of this!

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Wow! You are pretty judgemental.

Coming from YOU, that's the epitome of the pot/kettle scenario. :smile:

Then why didn't she trust God to "open her womb"? Apparently God didn't want her to have children; otherwise, doctors playing god would not have had to intervene.

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Oh good lord!! :smile:

Look, I want a Ferrari, but I don't make the public or my parents pay for it!

She's selfish and insane. She said she wanted a big family because she was an only child and got no love and attention. Now SHE has created a situation where she has a litter of kids and will not be able to give any ONE of them proper attention.

To create a situation that you can't even take care of is selfish. To expect the taxpayer to pay for your selfish wants is selfish! To expect her PARENTS to take up the slack for her selfish wants is SELFISH!! With six children, there was NO reason to put herself in this situation, even for ONE more. How dare she!! If she was in a situation where she could AFFORD them and take care of them, then I say good for her. But she CAN'T. I will NEVER support people who make selfish choices that then places a burden on others.

She's not the Duggar family, where there is a loving COUPLE who have chosen to have children -- and THEY take care of them! They don't rely on assistance, they don't play the system, they did it the RIGHT way, allowing God to choose. This woman played God (being that you believe in God, I'm sure you will agree that maybe there was a REASON God did not allow her to get pregnant the traditional way and instead usurped HIS will and played god herself), and she is SELFISH. Nothing good can come of this!

Amen Sister!!!!

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Patty, what kind of job outside the home did you have that allowed you alone, no husbands income to count, to raise 10 children in a proper manner, and still allow you time with each child every day?

How do you choose which child or children to tuck into bed each night? Lottery system?

When my DH and I joined forces we had 3 kids combined his 2, my one. They were each less than a year apart. His son is oldest, and then my DD a year younger, then his DD a year younger than her. With them all being so close age wise, they all went to bed at the same bedtime, and with only 3 there were times it was hard to listen to all they had to say, and to get them to settle in with just one book. We made an effort for years to head to bed at 8:30, and try to be done by 9......and again, that was with 3 kids. When they got older and we moved to "chapter" books, we would let them all snuggle on one bed and read our chapter then off they went to their beds--------there is no bed big enough for her to even do that!

She plans to make millions right out of college? To pay to feed, clothe, school, and simply raise that many children, plus hire outside help is not going to be possible on income earned straight out of college. And yes I think she will need permanant outside help.....how is she going to fit in work, housekeeping, cooking meals, doing laundry for a family of 15 all by herself?

Ask any working mom of a standard sized family how hard it is, then multiply the work.

Yes we resent the welfare, the foodstamps, the disability for being speech delayed! Perhaps if she spent some time speaking with the child each day the delay would not be an issue.....but no, instead she is incubating a litter of innocent babies, who will also fall through the cracks if something is not done.

The sap who agreed to father this brood, has a rude awakening coming to him I believe. She wants more with him is what I got from the interview!

Selfish is the only way to describe what she has done to these little children.

Patty when you had 7---you then CHOSE to add 3 more. WHEN you could apparantly afford to help them become responsible citizens. She knew she was already living hand to mouth on student loans which are meant to educate YOU not raise a HUGE family!!! Does she really think in this economy that those loans are not going to be a bit harder to come by? And if she is 50K in debt now......add that to the impossibility of paying her way directly out of college.

It seems quite simple that we as a tax paying group will always support selfish people like this. I can see no way in the world she can do so in a proper manner.

Children are expensive!!! It goes beyond the diapers and formula which she said the diapers had already been provided---that is HELP whether she wants to acknowledge it or not! There is the never ending birthday parties kids are invited to, and the "right" tenny shoes! No they do not NEED these things, but wouldn't that figure in to her wanting a better childhood experience for her kids than she had?

You can argue all you want, IMHO it was a selfish, and mentally unstable decision on her part, and a foolish one on a Dr, who should answer for this.


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I hope she succeeds and shows you all up.

i sure hope she does - because the victims of her selfishness are her kids. and yes it's selfish & indulgent what she has done. government assistance is for a leg up, not a hand out....and you do not get rewarded for having more kids by getting more assistance. that is what is not fair to the tax payers, not the need public assistance - but the abuse of it.

as for IVF, i wish i had the opportunity to donate my embryos to science - it's where they belong for future study of diseases etc. in MO. instead DH and i donated them, this lady very well could have done the same - but no she is greedy & delusional all wrapped up together.

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patty, do you really think she will be able to go to go to college with 14 kids? College is hard enough without kids. This situation wouldn't bother me so much if she had some resources and support for these kids. It seems she has no one to really help her. The children are the ones that will suffer because of her selfishness. It also bothers me that these children don't have a father. I found it funny when she said in the interview that they did have a father, he was just not involved with them! What's the difference?! It is not fair to bring children into this world and chosing for them to not have a father.

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hope she succeeds and shows you all up.

Hell, she's failing NOW. No way she can get herself out of this mess she's created. And the only ones who suffer for her utter selfishness are the kids.

Heck, even the older ones NOW don't look forward to all these babies.

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The scary thing is, I haven't heard her say she's done. :smile:

Well, I think she did say on the interview last night that she was finished, but I think it's only because there aren't any embryos left and she is broke. I also find it disturbing that she said she is going to raise her kids on student loans. How in the world can she do that? I receive student loans and they are barely enough to cover tuition and books, let along pay for 14 kids!!

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Well, I think she did say on the interview last night that she was finished, but I think it's only because there aren't any embryos left and she is broke. I also find it disturbing that she said she is going to raise her kids on student loans. How in the world can she do that? I receive student loans and they are barely enough to cover tuition and books, let along pay for 14 kids!!

Unless she is getting them and not going to school... which is fraud.

I was making tonight's dinner while the show was on, so I certainly was missing some stuff. The only other thing we have to worry about is her getting pregnant again the regular way. :crying:

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Sorry if this has already been linked, but here's your chance to donate $$'s to Nadia. I notice that there's no mention on the website of the six young children at home.


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Wow! You are pretty judgemental. Just because you may not be able to do it, doesn't mean she won't be able to. I can't stand it when people put everybody in the same category. I had 10 children, and found it a breeze. I gave them all unconditional love and attention. As a family, we helped each other. My sister-in-law used to say I was crazy because she only had 2 boys and she was going out of her mind. Everyone is different. Believe it or not, some people never get stressed out. I'm that way. I don't even know what stress feels like. God gives each of us the ability to cope with our own situations. (She expressed her belief in God in her interview last night on dateline.)

Judgmental no, realistic yes. Realistically she will not able to raise 8 premie babies on her own. And I am not even talking about the 6 kids she has at home. She does not have the financial resources or the physical capability to raise the 8 premies on her own.

Glad to hear you thought it was a breeze to raise 10 children. But Pattygreen you did not give birth to all ten kids at once. You did not have 10 premies to raise at once.

You pose a very weak argument when you compare your circumstances with the mom who she gave birth to 8 premies. And throwing God in the mix as though this woman has a devine right to reproduce without the consequence of providing is just ridiculous.

As someone who lives in California, I am pissed off that my tax dollars are being utilized to provide food stamps and other government support services to this woman. And the reason why I am ticked, is because she could not afford to provide for the 6 kids she has at home and now she has 8 more.

I wanted to have a large family too, but I could not afford to do so, so I did not. There are a lot of things in life that I would like to have, but I cannot afford them.

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