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WHy didn't anyone tell me....????

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I feel for you. This has been a journey, some good and some bad. I was banded Oct 31, 2008. I have lost 34 lbs. The first 20 was the first month. Then I stalled for a month.

I started going to the gym. I lost 10 lbs in 2 week after that. Now I have stalled again. I think we really have to figure out what works for us. I get stuck occationally but it moves through quick. I know when this happens, its because I got in a hurry. I chew my food until its liquified. Sometimes I even add katchup or barbque sauce to my chicken to make it more moist. I take REALLY small bites. My problem is the evening after my kids are in bed. I want to snack. Its usually something starchy not sweet. I know we have to do our part to get this band, what its was designed to do. It is not always easy. I really wish you luck. I think its a good idea to write everything down and take it to the nutritionist and let her see what is going on. I am a impatient person. I want to see the scale move daily. My doctor told me I would lose 70% of the weight I need to. I needed to lose 100 lbs. I think people who get to goal, have figured how to get the band to work for them. I also think it takes more than a year.


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I understand about the gym, I have not been myself. I NEED to go. I am concerned that there is a possibility that you actually aren't eating enough or even that your band it too tight.

Oh, and with me, dangit I love Cereal, but it doesn't satisfy me. I stay hungry when I eat it.

cc, in defense of poor under evaluated cereal... I eat it and it does satisfy me. I think the problem might be the types that are eaten? I'm not sure, but I'll tell you this - I eat mostly shredded wheat. I do eat Special K, but with the crunchies (fruit & yogurt) or the Pralines... It satisfies me too, for a few hours even.

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cc, in defense of poor under evaluated cereal... I eat it and it does satisfy me. I think the problem might be the types that are eaten? I'm not sure, but I'll tell you this - I eat mostly shredded wheat. I do eat Special K, but with the crunchies (fruit & yogurt) or the Pralines... It satisfies me too, for a few hours even.

Oh, it is definitely because it is special K (I eat the original). If I liked the even healthier stuff, it would probably satisfy me more.

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Never have had a PB. Ever. Never vomited, never gagged, never gotten stuck.

I DO get that "full feeling", not just tightness in my chest. I have to eat slowly though to get it. If I inhale my food, I end up too full and miserable, having blown through it completely.

I have yet to find any food I physically cannot eat. I have 6.5 cc in a 10 cc band. I personally must control what goes into my mouth. I have not eaten bread since my surgery and probably never will again. I'd like to make the same commitment regarding chips. I mourn those a little more. Potatoes too.

Every time I eat chips, potatoes or any kind of sweets, I stall my weight loss completely even though I am eating way less. I am fat. I have an insulin intolerance due to that fact, as do MOST obese people. This causes a hyper reaction to any food that either is sugar already or turns to sugar after ingestion. Insulin promotes the formation and retention of fat. This is why so many doctors stress to eat high Protein. Controlling surges of insulin release into the blood stream is vital to weight loss in the obese.

I thoroughly believe you will get out of this journey what you put into it. There are exceptions, but the vast majority who come here complaining of not losing since surgery know very well that it is because they are not doing what they are supposed to, because they hoped the band itself would be enough and because they are resistant to give up their drug of choice and change their own behavior. The mantra seems to be "If I could do that, I would not have needed the band!". I always wonder if they told their nutritionist and psychiatric evaluator that prior to surgery. Its pretty well documented by good surgeons that the band itself will not help you until YOU help you.

The truth for most people is that until they are ready to change what they are or are not doing, their results are not going to be what they hoped. Cutting portions is not always enough. For people with metabolic syndrome, which most fat people have, its WHAT you eat as much as how much you eat. Controlling insulin surges leads to weight loss. Is it an illness and not a character flaw? I absolutely believe that it is. But until they find the cause and the cure, we have to do it ourselves the really hard way. We have to change, resist, retrain, refocus. Sorry about our luck. Being sorry about our luck doesn't change that reality.

Exercise actually has beneficial effects on chronic fatigue. Make yourself take a walk. It doesn't have to be "gym rat" level. Just get outside and move some, stroll, enjoy your life and your surroundings. Tell yourself its not even for exercise, that its just for mental health and pleasure. You may find your spirits and energy level lift.

So far my band has been exactly what they said it would be. A tool. And when I do my part, it does its part. My experience has been positive and I encourage you to get a slight unfill, change your food choices, make yourself start walking small distances and become the dream you hoped for when you embarked on this journey. I wish you the best of luck.

Edited by gentylwind

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As with ANY weight loss program, exercise and diet are the 2 main keys for significant and sustainable weight loss, aside from our mental ability. It boils down to "motivation" and how big your want to is. Our wonderful bands are to be used as a "tool" only. Our part is to recognize whether we are not restricted enough, too restricted or have good restriction, plan our meals to eat smaller portions consisting of lower calories, higher Protein, lower carbs and a sufficient amount of Fiber to keep our bowels moving, drinking the daily amount of H2O, getting on a regular workout plan (ideally something you enjoy). These are just a few things we must do to keep ourselves accountable. It's not easy, but worth the work.

When you discipline yourself to do what is hard, you gain access to a realm of results that are denied everyone else. The willingness to do what is difficult is like having a key to a special private treasure room.

Good luck in your weight loss endeavor.

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When you discipline yourself to do what is hard, you gain access to a realm of results that are denied everyone else. The willingness to do what is difficult is like having a key to a special private treasure room.

Yes. This.

Its a club. Anyone can join. Most people want in. But it does have entry requirements that many are unable to make themselves do. The band is not one of those entry requirements. The band just makes doing those entry requirements a little bit easier, when it is utilized. You don't lose weight from the band any more than you lose weight from buying a treadmill. It takes regular, consistent, proper use.

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First of all, hello to everyone! This is my first post and I'm sure I will be posting alot more in the future. I was banded on 1/9/09, and I have already lost 18lbs., and that is just from eating less. I have always eaten pretty healthy, I just tended to over-do it. I too do not exercise except for running around and playing with my son. I was not required to do any kind of pre-op diet by my insurance, so the weight loss started after my surgery. I have not had a fill yet; still have an empty band. I agree with some of what jeepgirl said. It does sound like you might not be chewing well enough and/or eating too fast. It sounds like you are having the same exact things happen that my friend did, and that was the culprit for her. As soon as she started counting 40 chews each bite, and taking one bite every 2 minutes, all of her problems disappeared. Have you tried that? I wish you luck and hope I don't have that problem after my first fill. My doctor said he might wait to fill my band though since I'm doing so good without anything in it :cursing:

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First of all, hello to everyone! This is my first post and I'm sure I will be posting alot more in the future. I was banded on 1/9/09, and I have already lost 18lbs., and that is just from eating less. I have always eaten pretty healthy, I just tended to over-do it. I too do not exercise except for running around and playing with my son. I was not required to do any kind of pre-op diet by my insurance, so the weight loss started after my surgery. I have not had a fill yet; still have an empty band. I agree with some of what jeepgirl said. It does sound like you might not be chewing well enough and/or eating too fast. It sounds like you are having the same exact things happen that my friend did, and that was the culprit for her. As soon as she started counting 40 chews each bite, and taking one bite every 2 minutes, all of her problems disappeared. Have you tried that? I wish you luck and hope I don't have that problem after my first fill. My doctor said he might wait to fill my band though since I'm doing so good without anything in it :bored:

Thanks for this! And I will try this! You guys don't know how badly i WANT to be at fault. I want to fgure out if it is me and something I am doing wrong. I just can't imagine that I am not losing anything.

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PB'ing is "Productive Burp" what you just ate comes back up like a vomit only it does not have that nasty sour vomit smell or taste. I did it for the first time Sunday because I ate a pkg'd. dry meatball and it refused to go down and gave me fits for almost 30 minutes. I was praying that it would come up and it did. I was still gross as it felt like chewed food with slime. Sorry to be so graphic. Just chew your food up really really good.

what is pb ing?

I am getting banded in 2days.


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Hello NOPJB:

I am sorry you are going through this. We all have the expectation that we are going to lose weight with the Band. Afterall, why go through at least 6-months (on average) of insurance and doctor requirements. Not to mention preparing our bodies for the surgery and aftercare.

Truly, we do have the right to expect the Band, this tool to work. However, the key word is tool. It is only one factor of so many factors that help you gain control. Exercise, healthy food choices, and aftercare are major factors that determine how well our Band will work for us.

No judgment here Nopjb, just some suggestions;

1. Meet with your doctor to discuss the lack of weight loss

2. Find a local support group

3. Start exercising, even if it is a DVD at home or a walk around the block

Best regards!

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First off I have struggled to lose weight with the band. I have had it for almost 2 1/2 yrs and am still not at my goal. This is not the bands fault. I figured out if you drink with your meal you can eat more, which I used that fact on more than 1 occasion. I ate because it tasted good, not because I was hungry. For that same reason I kept eating when I was feeling full. I ate too fast and didn't eat foods that would stay in my stomach the longest. I would give excuses for not exercising. All me, not the band. When I finally decided I wanted to change, it started to work. Sometimes I think were ready for weight loss, just not ready for the energy it takes to do it. My doctor never made any promises to me, he said I would get out of it what I was willing to put in to it. The fantasy that you will never be hungry, you will lose weight without exercise, and you can eat whatever you want is a great one. If any doctors sold you on this, I have a bridge I would like to sell you.lol. When you read posts from people that are very happy with the band I can gaurentee the biggest part of their life they have changed is exercise. When I was younger I would spend 2-4hrs a day in the gym, but now I spend an hour or maybe less 5X's a week and have gotton the same results. You don't have to be a fanatic, you just have to do something more than you already do. Remember no matter who we are 3500 calories = a pound. If you eat more than you burn your going to gain. If less your going to lose. Write in a journal, you would be surprised at how calories add up in sips, tastes, and bites. Good Luck to all of you that are having a hard time. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I think I have been through it all.

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Well..it's been 7 months since my surgery and I have lost NO POUNDS! Nothing, nada. I was banded on june 30th, 2008 in Buffalo, ny. Now, let me say this before I start, I do NOT excercise, or very little anyway. Go ahead and judge me if you want, but I lack energy all the time. I have trouble sleeping (not related to lapband) and am drained all the time.

Now that I have said that, I should still be losing. I am filled almost 6 cc's on a 10 cc band. I can barely get stuff down and PB all the time. I am eating 30% of what I used to eat..so why am I not losing SOMETHING?

Here is what NOBODY tells you before you have th surgery and I feel a little lied to. Haven't we all been told that we will eat normally but just "feel full faster"?? Well, that's what I was told over and over and over again. THAT's A LIE! You DON"T feel full...you feel like something is stuck in your chest and that's how you lose weight! You're supposed to walk away from the table with the "stuck" feeling and work through it for the next couple hours until you can eat again. My last visit for a fill, the NP actually told that to me. It all made sense b/c I either drink a tbsp of liquid to get it "unstuck" or it ends up coming up on it's own, and then I can eat. If I wait until I'm "full" i can eat way too much.

If I could go back and reverse this I would b/c that's not what I signed up for. That stuck feeling makes me feel anxious and like I can't breathe...

Anyone else understand this?

And please, no haters...thanks

Like you, I've not exercised a bit. And full faster? Luckily no one told me that as for me there is no such thing as feeling full- I eat so frequent it's a never ending meal.

Thank you for your post as many are in your shoes. Hype and other opinions aren't fact and those researching the band should go directly to the source for information and doctors and forums are a great resource as well.

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I can sympathize, I lost like 12 pounds on the liquid diet I was restricted to for the first 2 weeks after surgery, then NOTHING for weeks. So, I looked at what I was eating, sure it wasn't alot but I was having things like shakes when I was in a hurry because if I tried to eat food without liquids it got stuck! So I started counting calories, writing down everything I eat and I started exercising more (I had been going to the gym maybe 2 times a week). I exercise 4 to 6 days a week and keeping my daily calories at 1200/day and carbs below 100gm/day. I have lost 20 more pounds and have so much energy that I am going stir crazy due to a snow/ice storm here in Oklahoma! Don't give up, it is a great tool. Maybe you need to talk to your doctor or the nutritionist from his office. I am not judging you, I know this is hard. I still have days when I just want to eat whatever but the band does help me to remember that is not what I really want anymore. I wish you the best and hope you start seeing results soon!

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gosh this post really made me depressed. i am being banded in 2 weeks and now i wonder if i am making a mistake. i just can't imagine going through all this and not losing one pound.:bored:

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