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Calling All MARCH '09 Bandsters - We need a name!

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I haven't been on this web site in almost a month... honestly... because I am ashamed of myself. I researched bariatric surgery for nearly 10 years before I finally had all my kids (5 beautiful red-heads) and the military insurance (Tricare) would cover the lapband instead of only the RNY, which I thought was too invasive for me.....but now... ugh...I had my lap-band on 26 March. It is an 11cc band (that's larger than most). I was 252 and I am honestly scared to death to step on a scale to see if I have lost anything. I know I am eating less than I was before, but I read books about people eating 1/4cup yogurt for Breakfast, 1 soft egg for lunch, a Protein Shake for a snack and a light dinner, maybe 3 oz of shrimp and 2 BITES of sweet potatoe... and I am JEALOUS of these people... I want to feel full after eating almost nothing... but I honestly eat almost anything.

I am scared.

I bought a couple books with low carb/high Protein recipes in it and so far - they are pretty good. It ain't Gramma's chicken casserole, but it's good food. One book, Before and After, has been very helpful. The author had RNY 6 years ago, so some of the info (the no sugar and dumping info) doesn't apply, but the rest has been at least helpful enough that I don't feel completely alone.

I eat too much. My surgeon is in the states (I live in Italy) teaching US doctors how to do the surgery - so I can't have my follow-up with him till at least 1 May. I will beg him to fill the band as much as possible... I didn't go into this surgery lightly and I desperately want it to work.

I try to stick to 85 (at least)grams of protein a day and no more than 25 grams of carbs. I drink constantly (except around meals) and track what I eat most days... but the fat jeans still fit well... :rolleyes2:

Don't be too hard on yourself, you are still in the healing phase and have NO RESTRICTION yet....everyone heals differently, but I am still wearing pretty much all the same clothes as before too. Our bodies need time to recover from the surgery.

Right now I fix my dinner on a baby plate, and I usually eat everything on my plate, granted this is WAY LESS food then I was eating before, but it sure ain't a 1/4 c of yogurt either...I am weighing and measuring most of my food (notice I said MOST) but still I'm eating almost a serving (amazing how small 1 serving really is compared to how I use to eat).

I know it's hard to be patient and you have invested alot of you time in finding a solution but try to remember this is a process and not a magic band. You keep doing your part and the band will do it's. Go easy with your fills, from what I've learned from others your stomach needs time to adjust to the pressure of the band from each fill, if you get too much at once you may have some issues, and if your Dr is not available that would not be a good thing.

Just remember, we all understand what it is you are going thru and anytime you need someone we will be here for you.

Try to shake off your doubts and worries and relax a little, your going to get there!!

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Big Momma Shrinking~ You are so motivating. I love your posts to other. You are doing awesome, IMHO.

I think everyone has been busy exercising this weekend! haha. It's been very quiet on all the threads I read. I had an ok weekend hanging out with my 5 year old son. Went to a school picnic with LOADS of no no foods. I had 2 chips, an ounce of hummus (which I made), some fruit salad and one bite of hamburger. I was super proud of myself. Today I took my son to the movies. The new rated G, EARTH movie scared the Shi! out of him. It's all about the "cycle of life". I realized that although I was in the Peace Corps and saw animals eating animals... that he has never seen or understood it all. They showed a baby elephant getting attacked by a lion. We had to leave. He was in tears. (and he's a pretty tough kid). I didn't touch the popcorn (scared to death to get that stuck). I ate a Protein Bar and a Water. I am so hungry now though. This is my first weekend since my surgery that my husband was on call for 3 days straight (he's a physician) and I had my son alone. It wasn't as bad as I imagined. Last night I even ordered him pizza, as we were exhausted... ordered a small cheese. But still tipped my old pizza guy $5, who knew me well for many years, LOL! He said, we've missed you... and then he noticed that I had lost weight. That's pretty funny when your pizza man notices your weight loss! Confession: I ate half a piece of pizza.

My next fill (#3) is Thursday. I can't wait! I am hoping to be closer to my sweet spot. I feel my will power slipping. Didn't exercise since Friday either. Tomorrow is a new day!

Hope everyone is ok.

peas out~ Laura

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Has anyone else tried being on a high-protein, low-carb diet? Are stateside doctor's recommending it? If so, what do they reccomend for the daily count of Protein and carbs? I was trying to stay at 25 grams or less of carbs a day - and it's just not possible for me. I made this up - no input from my doctor (he's not in town) - just wondered what other March bandsters are doing for their diet/sanity.

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I am doing higher protein/ lower carb but only because I will feel like crap if I dont because I cannot eat that much food. I try to always eat my Protein first and fit in a little carbs. I do not count my carbs but I do keep track of my food on dailyplate.com.

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Thank you sooo much, that is so very kind of you. I have to be honest sometimes I feel like I'm invisable on here so i truely appreciate that. You are doing GREAT....How is your restricion coming along? I know you are about to get your 3rd (I get my 1st fill this Fri).

I honestly think I have some restricion with the band alone, it's really hard to say for sure since I don't know what restrition honestly feels like, but I eat small amounts, rarely snack in between and eat at least 3-4hrs apart.

Rachaele1....in my personal opinion high protien/low carb is the best meal plan for a healthy lifestyle. I think our bodies want natural foods that aren't ladden with chemicals and additives (that doesn't mean that's what our minds want though!!) I know it's hard to get off the carb train, but you will thank yourself once you do. Like Jennibells I'm not really "counting" but just trying to be very aware of what I put in my mouth. During my Pro-op phase I told the Dr I was planning to follow more of a "SouthBeach" menu, she said that combining that with my band should give great results. You just have to remember it's LEAN protien....not eat all the meat/fat/cheese you want. I've never been an Atkins-girl, but that carb count sounds more like an "induction phase" # to me, I would add back what u need to still have some energy and feel good, just try your best to make it healthier carbs (whole grain, freash foods).

Good luck and happy shrinking!!!

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Hello everyone! I was banded 3-19-09 and will have my first fill @ the 6 week mark which is next week! :unsure:

I also like the March Melters 2009. Lastly, I must be an idiot, but I can't seem to get the ticker on my profile or put a real picture of me on the profile. Any help would be appreciated!

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Hello everyone! I was banded 3-19-09 and will have my first fill @ the 6 week mark which is next week! :drool:

I also like the March Melters 2009. Lastly, I must be an idiot, but I can't seem to get the ticker on my profile or put a real picture of me on the profile. Any help would be appreciated!

I'm a March 19th-er too. I had my first fill last week.

Go to your User CP and find "edit avitar" to change your picture. Click on anyone's ticker and it will take you to the website you need, to create your own. Good luck.

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Thank you sooo much, that is so very kind of you. I have to be honest sometimes I feel like I'm invisable on here so i truely appreciate that. You are doing GREAT....How is your restricion coming along? I know you are about to get your 3rd (I get my 1st fill this Fri).

I honestly think I have some restricion with the band alone, it's really hard to say for sure since I don't know what restrition honestly feels like, but I eat small amounts, rarely snack in between and eat at least 3-4hrs apart.

Rachaele1....in my personal opinion high protien/low carb is the best meal plan for a healthy lifestyle. I think our bodies want natural foods that aren't ladden with chemicals and additives (that doesn't mean that's what our minds want though!!) I know it's hard to get off the carb train, but you will thank yourself once you do. Like Jennibells I'm not really "counting" but just trying to be very aware of what I put in my mouth. During my Pro-op phase I told the Dr I was planning to follow more of a "SouthBeach" menu, she said that combining that with my band should give great results. You just have to remember it's LEAN protien....not eat all the meat/fat/cheese you want. I've never been an Atkins-girl, but that carb count sounds more like an "induction phase" # to me, I would add back what u need to still have some energy and feel good, just try your best to make it healthier carbs (whole grain, freash foods).

Good luck and happy shrinking!!!

BMIS~ What is your first name? I keep wanting to call you a shorter name but don't want to call you "Big Momma". : ) It sounds like you DO have some restriction! See, I was the opposite, although I ate what I was supposed to (choices/quantity and calories) I was constantly hungry before my fills. I existed on will power alone. Now that I have had two fills, I CAN tell some difference. It is not where it needs to be and I hope this next one is THE ONE. I have such fear of screwing my band up that it keeps me from overdoing it. I wonder how much he will put in Thurs? I have 4cc so far. Will let all of you know.

My son has strep throat... fever 103-104 x 2 days... and wants NOTHING to eat. I am having to try and force fluids. He didn't even want his usual applejuice. Refuses gatorade and will only have Water or sprite. He even refused Häagen-Dazs vanilla icecream! That is always my tester to see if he is really sick. What kid refuses that?! I haven't had a good night sleep in 5 days. (Hubby was on call fri/sat/sun) and then a sickie with fever. I haven't been able to exercise either. He can't go to school tom. either... so one more day. He HAS to go Thurs, because I don't think I can take him to my fill!!! I have no family in this state. It's tough.

I just heard from my older sister, who is 48 and lives in NC. She just got approval for her roux-en-y! They have scheduled her for June 2. I am so happy for her. Although this whole WLS thing was originally HER idea, because I had an exemption with my insurance and had to pay cash... mine went VERY easy and fast. Meanwhile she was jumping through hoops and doing the waiting game. I think I added insult to injury as I was losing and she wasn't. It didn't matter that I told her she will FLY past me with weight loss. I mentioned it before, but I also have a lot of guilt. Because of my "band hell" the first 6 weeks, it really convinced her that the band was NOT for her. She does not have the support system I have. She is single, just got laid off and is living with my folks, had to foreclose on her house & unsure of the future. Thank God she was able to Cobra her insurance and give them one last jab with getting the surgery after they laid her off after YEARS of loyalty! I just pray that she does ok. The complications of roux-en-y scare me to death. But, I agree with her, that I don't know if she could handle the amount of work the band requires. I think she has had so much in her life that didn't work out... that the thought of failing at just one more thing was just too much.

LOL... I went to the grocery store this afternoon and the manager said "we don't see you much anymore"! That's pretty funny when the grocery store misses you! I've been mainly using fresh produce stands and my own vegetable garden and then stocking up on Protein stuff every two weeks. No need for fresh bread and baked goods!

I fired my internist today. Since my surgery on March 2, I have been calling to get an appointment to see him. They keep telling me no openings for 3 weeks! My surgeon told me I could probably go off my BP med and to see my dr. My internist told his nurse to tell me to stop it on my own and then come in for BP check in a month! I have been feeling a bit dizzy some days and just wanted to have him see me and check some labs. They said they were too booked! My surgeon referred me to an internist that sees a lot of bariatric and WLS patients, and they got me in immediately! It's the next town south... in Jupiter Beach. But it's ok.. that's where I go for fills and f/u. The doc here is such an A$$! I am a nurse practitioner and worked for the same hospital he does, and my husband works there was well as an MD. Forget professional courtesy! No courtesy whatsoever! Good riddance!

Ok guys... more soon! Keep on keeping on... and being strong! : )

peas out~ Laura

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Thanks for writing back! :ohmy: I've been reading posts about the band for over a year now, but finally posted for the first time yesterday. How did your fill go? I've read some pretty horrible stories about not being able to find the port, but I'm obviously hoping that doesn't happen. Hope your doing well & thanks again for the ticker information.

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Thanks for writing back! :ohmy: I've been reading posts about the band for over a year now, but finally posted for the first time yesterday. How did your fill go? I've read some pretty horrible stories about not being able to find the port, but I'm obviously hoping that doesn't happen. Hope your doing well & thanks again for the ticker information.

My fill went fine...no problems at all. It didn't hurt either. While I immediately had some restriction with the fill, I think it really kicked in last night (a week later). I've read that other people sometimes experience that. Not complaining. Still able to eat, but not much.

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I can relate to most of you. I too only lost 3 lbs the last month before my fill. I had my first fill yeterday 1 1/2 cc in a 10 cc band and don't feel any restriction yet. I lost 30 lbs on Atkins before surgery and 13 lbs since the surgery for a total of 43 lbs. My dr. only wants meeating a cup of food three times a day and drinking a lot except during meals and no eating in between meals. I get frustrated too sometimes with how slow it is going, but I am down 2 clothes sizes and riding my bike or walking or doing the Wii Fit everyday. I also try to look at the big picture and stay focused as my family is very supportive and that helps too. I wish all my March bander buddies the best of luck on their journey and will keep all of you n my thoughts and prayers! You go girls!

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I had my first fill on Monday. They put in 4 ccs in a 10 cc band. I thought that it seemed like a lot, but they said the Realize Band is different (whatever...). I still don't feel much restriction, but it looks like my plateau is over (with the loss of 2 more lbs.). I have been stalled for the last two weeks. I was banded on March 12th, and have lost 18 pounds since then. Anyone else stall out like that?


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:tongue: My first fill is tomorrow....Man I hope it helps...I know I have been eating more than I should....I am struggling to keep my 15 lbs. off....I'm soooo hopeful that I get some restriction but I know that odds r that I probably won't...My doc only does small fills like 1cc or so.......I just can't wait to get some benefits from this surgery.... Hey did I mention that I can't wait....I hope it doesn't hurt and if it does I'm gonna punch em in the eye(not)......Wish me luck peeps.......:unsure::)

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Pezo.....u sooo funny LOL

Got my 1st fill on Friday....didn't hurt one bit (and my port has been pretty tender since surgery too). I now have 4cc in my Realize band feel pretty good still eating small amounts and staying pretty satisfied.

I hope you get some relief with your fill....and even if it's not everything you have been dreaming of just keep telling yourself this is a process....I didn't get fat overnight, I'm not gonna get thin overnight either (but God I sure wish I would!!!)

Check in and let us know how the feel goes!

Peas....How's the littleone feeling better by now I hope! I'm happy to hear you are talking control where your health issues are concerned, hooray for you, I wouldn't put up with a Dr that isnt' giving me the support I need either, I think more people should follow your lead!!

I'm happy to hear so many of us are doing so well...Good luch to everyone on another successful week!!!


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Hello Everyone:

I am so shocked that everyone is able to eat before the fill, I do not get my fill until 5/12, but I can barley eat like I already have some restriction, sometimes it is frustrating because I can eat a tiny bit and fill like I need to throw up and when I do I just be gagging no food coming up just a lot of saliva.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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