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Hi everyone,

My name is Laurie and I am a morbidly obese woman! :blush:

The insurance I now have covers weight loss surgery and I am going to use my insurance for myself for a change instead of my children! I am about 200 lbs overweight.

I've done the research. I went to the info seminar at the hospital here where they'll do the surgery. Hopefully someone will be able to reassure me that I've made the right decision. This is a new procedure for this hospital, the bariatric center hasn't been open even a year. The surgeon who does the procedure is very experienced in laparoscopic surgery but has only done 17 lapband procedures, the lady at the seminar wasn't sure how many he had done in residency. Should this be a concern? Its on my list of surgeon questions.

Are there different types of Lapbands? I've heard of the Lapband AP that requires sutures to secure it in place, preventing slippage. Are there others?

I know everyone on here has strong feelings about their surgeons but do the surgeons do the fills or is it the physicians assistant/nurses that do the actual fills?

Also, which would be considered more important, the surgeon doing the lapband procedure or the staff that does the support afterwards?

It will be a relief to finally get the whole thing started.

One big question... was anyone a smoker before their surgery? How long before the surgery did you quit?

Edited by laurie39

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My doctor, was a newbie for bariatric banding. She had done less than 30. I was okay with it, because I really like her. She is a strong knowledgable woman!

There also an experienced doctor with her and there was a proctor from LapBand in the surgery room as well.

I have never smoked.

Aftercare is important too and my doctor only performs the fills, not their assistants.

There are different size Lapbands and there are different bands, such as the Realize band.

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Well, I started day two of my 13 week doctor supervised eating plan. I go back in a month for another round of visits with the nutritionist, the physical therapist and the psychologist. I hadn't weighed myself is months and was guessimating my weight when I used the chart to figure my bmi. I was one pound heavier than I said.

This center requires that I lose 10% of my excess weight prior to surgery, I have to quit smoking at least 30 days beforehand and give up Diet Coke. I was guessing I had to lose about 20 lbs but she said 18 would do. I can do that in 13 weeks. Smoking will take some work but I will do it. Diet Coke, I am cutting back and will eventually switch over to Water. I'm afraid to go cold turkey on that stuff, I get Migraines so I need to ween myself off. The PT had me walk for 6 minutes, not bad. He said I was in good enough shape that I would be able to start an exercise program with no problems. I'm starting with walking, 20-30 minutes 2x a week and building up from there. It's not a marathon but baby steps. I'm looking into getting the Wii Fit, which will thrill the crap out of my kids because then they get the CONSOLE and its not even Christmas! lol! I told my 12 year old that he had to do the exercise with me.

The eating plan the nutritionist gave me was a point based system. I can eat anything I want but can have 22-26 points per day. Each point is 75 calories. So calorie input per day is 1600-2000. Yesterday I had 24 points. The Center also gave me a book of point conversions for all of the local restaurants. I can still do McD's with the kids but instead of a Big Mac or Quarter Pounder I get the Bacon Ranch salad with Grilled chicken. That's not to say I can't have a Big Mac, I just have to plan for it. She also said that I need to work on eating slower, chewing my food well and not drinking liquids with my food. I know from reading on here that that is to get me prepared for post surgery.

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Congratulations on beginning the lap band road!!

I too was a MAJOR diet pepsi drinker. When I say major, we're talking 3-5 a day for over 20 years..EVERYDAY! I literally drank almost no Water..bad I know. During my pre-op diet (3 day fast) I had the WORST headache and nausea I've ever had in my life, so much so that I almost went to the ER. My brain kicked in and I called my doctor's office after hours number. My Doc called me back and went through the symptoms and thought I was having caffeine withdrawal. He told me to drink a diet pepsi (not just any caffeine, the caffeine my body was used to) and see how I felt in an hour. Seeing as how I had been throwing up and with a Migraine for over 17 hours I thought he was insane. NOPE, EVERYTHING went away within 2 hours:w00t:

It was not easy, and honestly, that was one of the main reasons I considered not having this surgery (yes, I loved it that much).

Well, I am now nearly 3 weeks post-op and I have had ZERO cravings for it..NOTHING, nada. It is very surprising how your taste and cravings change, and this one is just amazing everyone who knows me. Just get past the initial withdrawal and you'll be fine.

I also craved pizza and garlic bread like EVERY SINGLE MINUTE the first 5 days post-op. Seriously, even got myself to sleep dreaming about it. Now, I wouldn't eat it if it were calorie free and on my desk...my body absolutely has no desire for it.

Just wanted to give you my experience, keep us updated on your progress, and again, CONGRATULATIONS!!

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good luck-it is a hard road-me personally i had mine done in Tijuana as a self pay and im one of those people that many on here dont particularly care for-i didnt do yrs of reasearch-i did about 2 weeks worth-called the doc in mexico on a tuesday and was scheduled for surgery on friday-lol. no time to reconsider etc....

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Day 3...completely and totally sucked!!! To eat I had 3 oatmeal creme pies and a bacon ranch salad from mcd's. Now for the downer, I was terminated today. COBRA insurance will cost me $1600 per month for me and my 3 kids. If my ex puts the kids on his insurance mine will be $600. I walked out with 2 checks totaling $1700 for my last week worked and all of my accrued vacation time. I have worked there for the last 10 years and now I'm wondering what I do now. With the money today, my bonus check next week and my fed tax refund, I could make it for 3 months but my kids have to have insurance. I've got 2 kids on ADD meds, one with cerebral palsy...them not having insurance isn't an option. Do I let the lapband surgery go for now? I will still do the eating plan and the exercise. If I do the same insurance through cobra the coverage should remain the same. But what if I can't afford the payments 6 months from now or insurance from another employer doesn't cover bariatric surgery, will I be paying out of pocket for all of it? So many questions...well crap!!! I guess tomorrow I start all over. If I get a job at the hospital I would have access to the fitness center, that's a thought!! Everyone have a good night!

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Hi again Laurie,

SO sorry to hear about the loss of your job, that just plain sucks. Luckily, since you work in the health care sector (it sounds like you do anyway) you will be more likely to find a job in this economy than most others. My advice is somewhat odd, but this is what I would do.

In my way of thinking, whenever one door is closed another opens. I personally would have the lap-band procedure and here is my reasoning

1) You will likely continue your old eating habits without the surgery. And if you are out of work for a long period of time, then what better motivation than to have time to work out and it will also lift your spirits. I cannot tell you how my energy and outlook have changed so positively since my surgery.

2) If you have insurance that covers it now, then do it. You may get other insurance that doesn't cover it and then it could be months or years for you to be able to get it.

3) The aftercare is very affordable (at least in my area, where fills are $15).

4) If there were an emergency, and you didn't have insurance, then you could still go to the emergency room for care (not a planned choice mind you, only in emergency situations)

5) You are WORTH IT! Don't let everything else in your life, no matter how major or minor, get you off the path of good health and weight loss. These things will happen whether you have the surgery or not, whether you have insurance or not. Your kids need you for life, start by giving yourself the gift of good health to be there for them long term, not just the next couple years!

Anyway, those are my thoughts, you know your situation better than I do. Good luck on whatever you decide and let us know!!:)

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I had a sister with CP, I understand your need for insurance. With you currently unemployed would you quailfy for state healthcare? I am in Missouri and al kids quailify if the parents are without employment or don't have an insurance plan available at work. I also know that when I attended the seminar at my clinc they said MO Medicaid would pay for the surgery. Maybe you could get on state insurance while you are on unemloyment. This is a hard time to be unemployed and I am so sorry that it happened to you in the middle of your band journey.

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It must depend on what state you live in, because bariatric surgery IS covered in CO. I heard the administrators talking about it several times and met 2 people in my group that had theirs with Medicaid. It seems since it's a federal program it would be covered in all states. Just my .02

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It's been a while since I've posted an update. I went for my 1st of 3 visits to the nutritionist before my lapband surgery. I am down 8 1/2 lbs. I've decided to go ahead with the surgery instead of waiting. I've also found another job that I don't like. Its as a cashier for a national discount chain. I'm not used to standing all day long. I've sat on my butt for 10 years and standing, turning and twisting to sack stuff is hard on my lower back. The physical therapist gave me some stretching exercises to do and they've helped a little but I really don't like this job. I told my ex husband that what I want is to be a stay at home mom. If I can maintain my health insurance until my surgery I can drop it afterwards, the fills cost $150 each and that is more do-able than $600 a month.

As for the stay at home mom thing, I will only be able to do that if he moves back in here...That's up in the air at the moment. He has a list of "demands" before he decides for sure. Until then I can't really make any plans. I will still qualify for COBRA insurance because the new job doesn't have full benefits. Anyway, this is my update. Everyone have a wonderful day!

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Hi Laurie,

Thanks for the update!! I'm sorry you have a job you hate, but on the bright side, at least it's a job :biggrin:

I actually have 2 jobs-one I sit down all day and the other I'm on my feet all day. I actually like being on my feet more than sitting, and with your choice to go for the surgery

(:)) that's just what you need.

I'm SO glad you decided to go through with the surgery, I don't think you'll regret it for a minute.

As far as your ex-husband is concerned, wow, that's a toughie. I've always based my decisions (marital decisions anyway) on love and respect, and someone that has "demands" on me as to whether he will be there or not, is not an option for me. NOW, if it were a decision based strictly on finances, and if I NEEDED this person to do what I REALLY wanted to do, I would make the sacrifice (short term). I know that may sound totally heartless, but let me tell you. If I were in your shoes, and wanted the surgery and wanted to be a stay-at-home-mom, and I could have all those things by meeting someone's "demands", I would do it in a heartbeat. Then when I got on my feet, and took care of everything I wanted to take care of, I would re-evaluate my position. But that's just me.

I was fortunate enough to be a SAHM, and LOVED IT!!! It was the ABSOLUTE best thing I could've done for my kids, and I am SO thankful I was there with them during their early childhood. I didn't miss a step, a field trip, healthy dinner, trip to the park..NOTHING. I was there for it all!!

Now that they are "grown" (11 & 7) I have the freedom to focus on ME. I went back to work at a job I LOVE and got my surgery. If I could look back at what I've done and accomplished, and if I had your circumstances, I would do it again, no question. It's not an easy job, honestly there's nothing harder in the world, but it makes a huge difference.

I hope you find a job you like better soon, and congratulations on going ahead with your surgery! Keep us updated!

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It wasn't really a list of "demands", it turned out to be a list of concerns. They were valid. One of his concerns was that I was just wanting him to move in so that he could pay the bills and not wanting something more. He was also concerned about the sleeping arrangements.

I told him straight up that the only reason I wanted him to move back in was so that I could be a stay at home mom. It would be a long-term temporary thing. Meaning that it would be a couple of years before my daughter goes to school full-time. I would still work part-time for now but the ultimate goal is for me to be home full-time.

We do have a respect for each other and we are better friends now than when we were married. Just because its what I want doesn't mean that I'm doing it for any other reason than to be with my kids.

I told him that we could rearrange my bedroom so that another full-size bed would fit and neither of us would have to sleep on the couch. I only have 2 bedrooms and the boys have one, my daughter sleeps with me.

My sister is worried that I can't afford to have the lapband surgery done. We are talking $1800 for 3 months of insurance plus another $500 for the max out of pocket expenses. For some I know this isn't that big of deal but to a single mom of 3, that's a lot of money. I know I won't regret having the surgery.

My ex won't think its fair that he has to work to support his family while I sit at home and do nothing (his thinking). The bills that I am expecting him to pay are bills that he'd be paying anyway if he had his own place.


Edited by laurie39
wasn't finished yet

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Hi again Laurie, well it sounds like you have everything figured out! If it were me, and you get along with your ex and this is the best financial move for you I would do it!

As far as the expense, YES it is expensive. For a single mom or anyone really. I justify it a couple of ways, but the biggest reason for me is this...you cannot put a price on good health, and ultimately increasing the amount of time you are on this planet and with your family. I don't know anyone who could argue with that. Another thing I took into consideration is how much money I saved (even this early in my journey) on fast foods & restaurants. Literally, the amount is substantial. So far, I've saved myself and my family EASILY over $500, probably closer to $750, and that's just in the last 2 months.

Ultimately it is something you are going to have to decide for yourself and your family. I can tell you that my entire family is healthier and happier and I definitely am too.

I hope you feel good about whatever decision you make and wish you and yours the best!!!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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