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Wow Brubear, congrats on the third pregnancy. I hope this one is smooth sailing for you, godo luck, keep us posted :thumbup:

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i weighed myself today and discovered I have gained 15 kilos (33pounds) :mad2:

I have 5 weeks to go and apparantly this si when the wieghts starts to be packed on...how can I get through 5 weeks and remain the same weight mmmmmm:unsure:

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Good luck to you as well, brubear. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope you make it a little further along this time with the shots. My sister also had all of hers early as well, there is never a really solid reason, it just kinda happens.

I packed the baby portion of the hospital bag last night. I chose a couple of outfits and a few other things to bring along. I actually opened the one packet of diapers I had just to peek at them, lol. I showed my husband and he wanted a demonstration on how to use them. He said it looks easy enough . . . so I have high hopes that he will be assisting with a lot of diapering, lol.

I can't wait . . . I think these last few weeks are going to crawwwllll by slow as molasses. I just wish I knew when it was going to happen. I am becoming impatient to see my babies face, and hands, and toes, and everything else, lol.

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We had a lot of newborn diapers, sooo tiny, and I was afraid he wouldn't fit in them (since gyno said he was a BIG BABY). Since he ended up being so tiny, he's been in premie diapers (wow, now those really ARE tiny). He is finally wearing newborn diapers... still looks better in premie clothes tho.

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I still remember the first nappy (diaper) I put on my son, Ithought he would break, seems like a lifetime ago, I am so excited to be going through this again, excited and scared.

I bought an electronic baby swing yesterday. I figured having a 3 year old aswell as a newborn will be hard and I may need it.

Hows the breastfeeding going Fairyfacade? I found feeding very hard with my first as I was so obese and had massive boobs :blush:. I had to stop at about 3 months..I am hoping it will be easier this time around :thumbup:

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BFing ended up not working out for me, not sure why.. My milk never came in, he never was able to get a good latch I guess.

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I am really worried about breast feeding as well. I tried with my son but it was unpopular at that point in time. I got mastitis and was really sick for a few days with a high fever and I was encouraged to discontinue feeding him.

I am really going to give it my all to breast feed successfully. Colostrom is easily expressed now so I am hoping it is a positive sign. I need to buy a breast pump but I was thinking about waiting a little bit first just in case. The better ones are $250+ and if for some reason BF'ing doesnt work out . . . that money could be used for formula rather than an expensive, unused machine buried in a closet.

I am hoping that my initial problems with BF'ing were related more to being young, naieve and easily persuaded to discontinue.

Before my son was born, I just thought you just put "baby A" up to "tab B1" or "tab B2" and it all kinda happened automatically. It really wasn't easy and I actually needed a lot of help. I also never had nipples that really protrude all that much so perhaps that was part of the problem.

CherryBlue, we are due around the same time . . . we should keep in touch to see how it is going with this aspect of motherhood.

Laura, I am sorry you ran into difficulties with latching/milk coming in. I know it can be frustrating.

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Speaking of tiny diapers . . .

My sister, who was due on June 5th, had her baby on April 23rd. He was all of 2 pounds 13 ounces at the time . . . so definitely a little guy. I was there for the c-section and saw him in the special care nursery soon after. His diaper looked like a napkin it was so tiny. I remember when I held him right after delivery, he weighed so little I could have been holding an empty hand towel. He was absolutely adorable but also petrifying being so small, especially in that miniscule diaper.

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The short of the BFing with me.. I had colostrum the last few months of pregnancy.. in the hospital I said he is BFing so they weren't feeding him, but I have flat nipples, so the hospital provided pumps.. told me to pump before feeding.. so I did.. still was quite an ordeal, he would latch fine, but I don't know if anything was coming out. So 2 days home from the hospital we went to doc, his jaundice was climbing pretty steady and he had lost too much weight--so he wasn't getting anything from me.. so they told me to put him on formula for the time being.. I did, and used a manual pump (only planned to pump occasionally, so had this ahead of time.. not good for when I needed to pump all day every day!!). Milk never came in big like it's suppose to..so I bought a $200 electric pump (still a piece of crap.. mom says the pumps just don't get as much out as a baby would.. I dunno). Anyway, was only ever able to pump 1oz combined at a time, and I would mix it with formula. Tried nursing on and off for 2 weeks while pumping, it was such a headache, my milk was on a steady decline and he had been so use to bottles he didn't care to 'work' for food anymore.. so I gave it all up completely about a week ago. It was disappointing, I planned to BF for the first 3 months.

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The short of the BFing with me.. I had colostrum the last few months of pregnancy.. in the hospital I said he is BFing so they weren't feeding him, but I have flat nipples, so the hospital provided pumps.. told me to pump before feeding.. so I did.. still was quite an ordeal, he would latch fine, but I don't know if anything was coming out. So 2 days home from the hospital we went to doc, his jaundice was climbing pretty steady and he had lost too much weight--so he wasn't getting anything from me.. so they told me to put him on formula for the time being.. I did, and used a manual pump (only planned to pump occasionally, so had this ahead of time.. not good for when I needed to pump all day every day!!). Milk never came in big like it's suppose to..so I bought a $200 electric pump (still a piece of crap.. mom says the pumps just don't get as much out as a baby would.. I dunno). Anyway, was only ever able to pump 1oz combined at a time, and I would mix it with formula. Tried nursing on and off for 2 weeks while pumping, it was such a headache, my milk was on a steady decline and he had been so use to bottles he didn't care to 'work' for food anymore.. so I gave it all up completely about a week ago. It was disappointing, I planned to BF for the first 3 months.

I can understand your dispointment as I stopped breastfeeding my son early too. But I remember my mum telling me that formula would not kill him and at the time I thought I was the worst mum in the world (I had post natal depression). BUt when I gave him formula and he actually liked it, I realised that I had placed so much pressure on myself and formula was actually ok :rolleyes: DING!!

Why do we do it to ourselves. He thrived after he went on formula and now looking back, it was the best decision I could have made at the time.

I will try this pregnancy, hopefully with more luck as my breats are smaller and I am in a better "head space" but my experieince from last time tells me that whatever I decide will be fine :thumbup:

Hope all is well with your beautiful bubby Carson:thumbup:

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I am really worried about breast feeding as well. I tried with my son but it was unpopular at that point in time. I got mastitis and was really sick for a few days with a high fever and I was encouraged to discontinue feeding him.

I am really going to give it my all to breast feed successfully. Colostrom is easily expressed now so I am hoping it is a positive sign. I need to buy a breast pump but I was thinking about waiting a little bit first just in case. The better ones are $250+ and if for some reason BF'ing doesnt work out . . . that money could be used for formula rather than an expensive, unused machine buried in a closet.

I am hoping that my initial problems with BF'ing were related more to being young, naieve and easily persuaded to discontinue.

Before my son was born, I just thought you just put "baby A" up to "tab B1" or "tab B2" and it all kinda happened automatically. It really wasn't easy and I actually needed a lot of help. I also never had nipples that really protrude all that much so perhaps that was part of the problem.

CherryBlue, we are due around the same time . . . we should keep in touch to see how it is going with this aspect of motherhood.

Laura, I am sorry you ran into difficulties with latching/milk coming in. I know it can be frustrating.

How old is your son Heather? My son Nelson turns 3 in July, a month after this one is born. We have decided to call him Calvin after Calvin and Hobbes (hubbys idea) :tt2::rolleyes::w00t:

I am 35 weeks today, yippee, can't wait, yes woudl love to keep in touch...can't wait to get back onto the weight loss, feeling very fat today :thumbup:

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We also bought a breast pump this weekend, it was definitely one of my sillier moments, it was so confusing! I bought the Evenflo Dual Electric one, it was about $80 at Babies R Us and was one of the highest rated ones for that price range/ease of use. I admit, all of the baby tasks have been fine with me, except breastfeeding. I struggled for a few months when I was first pregnant because I felt that my reluctance to breastfeed meant a lack of maternal instinct. All the horror stories about how difficult and draining it can be, how painful, etc just kinda made me a bit slow to warm up to the idea. Awful as it may sound, I like my breasts and relate a big part of my enjoyable "bedroom life" to them. Yes, I know God intended them for something else entirely, but having to actually realize that would be their primary function kinda took the allure out of them.

I never considered not doing it, because I believe in the research that shows it's benefits to mother and baby, but only lately have I become ok with the fact that I will be sharing a part of my body with baby for such a long time after birth. I'm hoping to do at least 6 months.

Not much else going on this week, I'm almost 7 and half months along...crazy! We will hopefully be finishing up the nursery this weekend and running some errands to get house ready for it's newest member.

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Good luck :tt1:

I guess I could mention the pump brands I used. The manual pump was Medella.. it was alright, but after several days of a lot of use, the plastic parts stretched out or something so the suction was lightened (not good).

The $200 electric one I got was Lansinoh dual electric.. It was alright, it says how to do both at once (balance one cup in the crook of your arm while holding the other)- I never could maneuver this, maybe due to the size of my breasts..so I pumped 1 at a time and boxed the 2nd one. Like I said, still wasn't impressed with it :)

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PUH-LEEZ tell me I am not overreacting. I just switched doctors. For the past 7 months of my care, my single-doc practice has been good, but not great. I've gone to the same guy for 6 yrs, but lately my doc has been constantly late to appointments, and then he rushes thru them. It makes sense, if you are 25 min late to see your 9 am appt, then your 9:30 one is also waiting. I mean, he's ALWAYS in a delivery lately or at the hospital checking on someone. It seems odd that this was never the case for the past 6 yrs of regular treatments/pap smears/appointments, but lately all of my preg appts are delayed. He also has been bad about returning phone calls/messages and last week called me on the phone and talked for several minutes about anemia, treatment, etc. I finally interrupted him and said I had no idea what was going on...he had thought he called another patient & was talking to me about her care, very nice.

So basically, he's been slipping in quality. I just saw him on the 11th, appt goes fine, other than being 45 min behind schedule. I get home that night to find a letter from him to all his "expecting moms" stating that he's sold his practice, a new doc will be taking over soon, and that as a result of a loyalty clause, he can only deliver at 1 hospital now. Of course, it's not OUR hospital...it's 30 miles away, older, run-down, etc. Not to mention, we've already pre-checked in, taken baby classes, and toured our gorgeous, state of the art, new hospital where he usually delivers. Not only did he say nothing during the exam, but this was all effective April 1, and he sends a letter in the 2nd week of May?!? I called and was hoping to be told that his patients who were already nearing delivery or whatnot would be allowed to still deliver at their hospital of choice, but no. He said flat out that he can't. I was so upset. I live in a big city, I should not have to drive 30 miles to a hospital for delivery, that's something I would be fine with if i lived in the sticks or a small town, but sheesh.

So I am gonna meet my new doc on June 1st...I just am still so frustrated and sad about this whole thing.:eek: What would you have done? The only other update I have is that I get these flash tummy aches past 2 days. They don't feel like gas or indigestion or menstrual cramps, but they hurt like crazy and last an hour or two...any ideas?

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CherryBlue, my son is now 17 . . . so there is a bit of an age difference :0).

Laura, I am thinking about holding off on buying a pump until after delivery so I can gauge how things are going . . . your thoughts?

ejmdiva, I would switch too after all that. How frustrating, but it is probably better to happen now then 2 months from now if it has to happen. I really like my OB doctor but sometimes I wait for over an hour to see her. It seems liek a lot of my friends are going through the same thing as well . . . a lot of waiting. It wasn't that way with yearly paps, but I think they might just schedule those differently.

How's everyone feeling? I found that if I sit for too long, or if I am sleeping, it is getting realllllyyyy hard to change positions. I am definitely getting a lot of sciatic pain and I can't hardly stand to sit on my dining room chairs anymore, they are just too hard.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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