pattygreen 5 Posted January 19, 2009 Did you hear about the plane that landed on the Hudson River a few days ago? I don't know about you, but it is refreshing to see a news story with a wonderful outcome for a change. That's the kind of news I like to hear! The pilot was tremendous! He truely knew how to think and respond quickly. All 155 people survived. I think God had other plans for those onboard!:huh2: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherO 7 Posted January 19, 2009 It was such an interesting and inspiring story, thanks for bringing it up. I fly frequently on business, sometimes domestic and sometimes international. Everytime I hear that your "cushion can be used in a flotation device" or "what to do in the event of a Water landing," I always felt skeptical. Why??? . . . because I have never heard of a Water landing where people actually lived to tell the tale. I always though that if we crash landed in the sea, the last thing I would be thinking about would be my floating cushion. I agree that God must have had other plans. It is just amazing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
green 6 Posted January 19, 2009 It is too bad that God did not have other plans for all those people who have perished in other aircraft disasters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
green 6 Posted January 19, 2009 My understanding of the situation is that God had little to do with this. It was a question of luck: bad luck that the birds were there in the first place, good luck that the pilot who was flying this plane was so well prepared that he could handle an emergency. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherO 7 Posted January 19, 2009 Well whether it is divine intervention or blind luck whether good or bad, I am still happy that there was a positive outcome for those people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
green 6 Posted January 19, 2009 Me, too. I just don't believe that it was divine intervention. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
V-Queen 0 Posted January 19, 2009 Yup its's just so great that all those people lived and the pilot did a great job..Its so great that my news told me .Its sooo great that cable tv showed me.... Its sooo great that the radio told me as well....And its sooo great that the barrage of shove it down your throat media told me ALL WEEK because we had a slow news week. Instead of informing people of things that truly OH I dunno..a 6 year old being raped 10 to 20 times a day for 20 dollar's in your own back yard because she's one of the 17,500 children trafficked into the United States every YEAR for the sex trade. GEE I wonder what plans God has for her??? I wonder what plans god has for her life while THEY got to go home and recieve hugs and kisses for the the trauma THEY just went through...:cursing:Give me a break its not a miracle...thats what the pilot was TRAINED to planes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pattygreen 5 Posted January 19, 2009 I'm looking forward to hearing from the pilots and copilots own mouths about what they went through, and their thoughts.They got a special invitation to the inaugural for Obama. (did I spell that right?) I'm a homeschooloing mom, so I tend to get uptight about spelling and proper grammar) They asked the media to leave them alone during it because they can't speak about it anyway as yet. (the media are such hounds sometimes). Do you think there will be a movie? If there were, it would be short. Unless they go deeper into the lives of some of them on board, like the pilots life. I'd go see it. Idon't live to far from the Hudson. I've been on it and crossed it and I've visited NY many times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pattygreen 5 Posted January 19, 2009 V-Queen, Wow! Are you alright? I'm sorry, but reading your post just floored me for a moment. I can understand how you might feel that the news media may have played it out longer than you wanted them to but you have to admit, there isn't enough good news being reported lately. Why shouldn't the good news of the survival of those on the jet get plenty of coverage? I don't hear anyone complaining about all the coverage of the first African American president, because it's good news. Those people made it through something that in all likelihood should have caused them to perish. That's something to celebrate! I thank God that the pilot was trained to land planes in trouble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pattygreen 5 Posted January 19, 2009 My understanding of the situation is that God had little to do with this. It was a question of luck: bad luck that the birds were there in the first place, good luck that the pilot who was flying this plane was so well prepared that he could handle an emergency. Personally, I don't believe in luck.:scared2: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pattygreen 5 Posted January 20, 2009 V-queen, after rereading your post, I would like to ask you why you are so angry at God? He isn't the one who thought of and then brought to fuition the idea of children sex trade. MAN did that. You should be upset with MAN and his choices to do wrong. I believe that God has his hand on everything that happens here. I think that he directly intervened with the planes landing simply because there were many on the plane who confessed to having cried out to God for His help, so I believe He heard their prayers. Sometimes things happen in life that are not fair or just. (Like child trade for sex) Most of the time it is because of mans sin. Whenever anyone sins, they and everyone around suffers the consequences. There will never be an end to it until God returns to earth to restore it to himself and binds Satan in Hell forever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gingerbug 3 Posted January 20, 2009 It IS awesome and I would thank the pilot for being so calm under pressure and for saving all those people. He did not loose his cool and pulled it off. It si amazing. I heard that one of the people on the plane commented that they had had fender benders that were worse. That being said, I dont think god was the one flying that plane. It was the pilot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
V-Queen 0 Posted January 20, 2009 Since you have decided to ASSume (you know what they say about people who ASSume right??) that because a questioning statement about who and what God has plans for was placed on a forum that the Lord Jesus Christ is not MY savior and that some how from all the way in CT you can exact any sort of knowlege about my strenghth of Faith and what relationship I have with the Father....?? Maybe if YOU were a truly rightous women of faith instead of attacking their faith belief. Maybe you would be more concerned with truly serving serving the lord instead of spouting dribble about a plane that landed safely (I NEVER said that it wasn't awsome or that it wasn't GREAT....) or that NO ONE was complaining about coverage of Barak Obama..what country are you living in??? But then I would have to ASSume that your the type of person that believe's what the media tells you..and that wouldn't be nice would it?? So maybe you could get off your Jesus soapbox that OOHH so often turns people off and away from accepting Jesus and makes fellow Homeschooler's like yourself and I (Yes, I homeschool as well)), seen as Jesus Freaks and social outcasts......And you mistake "anger" at God with frustration with dribble..... .You should try to EDUCATE yourself ...on the true blessings of God and what YOU can do so your no longer a sheep of the media.....or PRAY for the Freedom for everyone currently a vicim, or LEARN at , ADOVOCATE to legislators about concerns for your state at , or SERVE by introducing tough subject's to your church Priest,Pastor or Sunday School... Just don't ASSume that your a rightous women of faith because you can spout off that God will return and bind Satan in Hell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherO 7 Posted January 20, 2009 Did somebody pee in someones wheaties this morning??? The first few posts seemed fairly mundane. At least I didn't see any serious attempts at religious attacks or bible-thumping involved. Some people believe in luck, some people believe in God . . . that seems fine to me. I am not a christian but it doesn't bother me that others are, or are not, for that matter. Tragedy was avoided for whatever reason . . . I am still happy for those people involved, especially since I am a frequent flyer. I know this is the rants and raves section . . . but I didn't realize it was "let's stone pattygreen day" for being a christian. Perhaps there is more history here than just this post that is making people feel so strongly . . . or maybe I am just missing something altogether? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chocolate_snaps 3 Posted January 20, 2009 As a New Yorker, I am just so happy that we dont have another ground zero. We've had too many planes fall from the sky in these parts. My apt overlooks the Mighty Mighty Hudson, I dont think I would have dealt well had there been yet another catastropy in my front yard. Even though I cant watch the coverage of the Miracle (911 PTSD wont allow it) I am glad that there is some good news being reported. For what its worth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites