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biggest loser - '09

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Excellent point, but... arrrrgggghhhhh! :mad2:

but look at it. those are the only 2 we've not bitched about = tara & mike

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I know I am going to soooooooo regret this but the truth is we are probably all guilty of descriptive names. I for one hate being referred to as "that redhead" or "fat redhead" or any other descriptive term but we do it. I do it and I'm willing to bet so does everyone else at one time or another. It doesn't make it right it makes us human

Yes, Saundra, I'm just as guilty of calling people names that are not their given names. My DH gets called a lot of names when I get upset as I'm sure he's called me names (which he'd better not call to my face). :mad2: I'm not trying to justify it, cause it is wrong, but I'm haven't gotten my "halo" yet.

I'm sure if we all go through our "closet", we can find some skeletons of name calling.

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but look at it. those are the only 2 we've not bitched about = tara & mike

Oh, I know you're right. Those whiny men just annoy me. :mad2:

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Bob should have sent the Whinging Cousins back to Jillian -- but you know he cannot stand to let go of any member of his Flock. Brother Bob's ability to brainwash his team every season is truly frightening.

I think Jillian and I would mesh a lot better than Bob and I. Take responsibility for your actions, damnit.

In regards to the blue team strategy: let's see, Mandi was the only competition in the ball sit, Mandi brought y'all back into contention in the challenge (if the editing wasn't TOO misleading), and yet "It's Mandi's time to go." WTF?

If you look at it not as blue vs black, but rather as Bob's original team vs Jillian's original team, then perhaps it makes sense. Throw all the weigh-ins, get rid of all the ex-Jillian people, and go into the singles competition with enough Bob-bleheads to take out Tara and the other remaining Jillian folks.

Maybe Brown Ripple Dad IS the mastermind game player after all...or Bob is pulling the strings behind the scenes.

(edit: if you don't like my posts, don't read them; if you think I can't walk the walk, check my pictures. If you just don't like me, it's your loss.)

Edited by Manatee

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ok, i just do not understand last night! why did the sisters want to vote out each other with the black team's vote? why didnt they try to vote out shar pei dad (sorry - dont like it, put me on ignore)... the tie breaker could have voted him out as well ...

ugh ... sooo tired of seeing him and his ripple...

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The black team would have been the tie breaker and they had already said they would send sister Aubrey home, they saw her as the biggest threat to them and Kristian had immunity. So in order to keep that from happening mansy didn't let it go to a tie, she felt her sister Aubrey needed to be there more than she did

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That's a good question, losingjusme. I think the older sister, Mandi, knew the best they could do was a tie, giving the black team the vote, and she was so concerned that her sister would be kicked out, she fell on the sword for her.

I didn't watch the show from the beginning, so I could be wrong, but it seems the black team would have kept the old black team members (Mandi & Aubry) and gone for an original blue team member's ouster. (nevermind..I just read Saundra's post ahead of mine, and see that I'm off base)

As far as Jillian, if she would have flipped out on me like that, we would have come to blows. Did the woman swallow a lemon or something? I've never seen someone with such a sour expression all the time. Bob, on the other hand, would cause me to hurl with all of his boo hooing. I don't need a hand-holder, but I won't accept being talked down to either, and that's the attitude I see from Jillian.

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Feel free to put me on ignore. I will not change my opinion of him nor his 'team'.

Life is not all rainbows and butterflies, and I don't believe in coddling the incompetent.

Well said!

I am not suggesting that you "coddle the imcompetent" but his name is Ron, or brown dad, but name calling is childish and unnecessary and takes away from the legitamacy of your observations of Rons' weaknesses. I agree that he is a weak link. I also think that he falls into making excuses for himself and plays the "poor me card". I cannot believe the blue team did not vote him off, as he is the main reason they lose every single challenge. But I will still not lower myself, or contribute to the genereal degredation of a group of people who have weight issues, of which, you and I belong, with mean-spirited name calling on a public forum. Call him whatever you want in your own home, or in a private conversation, but in public, it is not a positve thing. Believe me, I get that life is not all Unicorns and Rainbows and am the first person to expect personal responsibility in people. I also recognize however, when unnecessary meaness is not productive and only serves to make someone feel better about themselves by tearing someone else down and that, in the long run, is harmful to everyone.

Why don't you just go somewhere over the rainbow where everyone is nice? Bless your heart.

Ripple dad is disgusting and I have the right to express my opinion wherever and whenever I please. He's the dumb ass that put his nasty ass on national TV. FYI, I've never looked like Ripple dad and never will. Most fat people don't look like Ripple dad. He's a disgusting anamoly. Additionally, he's a bastard and the purple team are equally stupid and disgusting!

ok i might get a bit slammed, but here i go. so WHAT if they ate & drank? the reality of it is there is no balance in everyday life on the ranch. temptation is not under their nose 24/7 - like the rest of us who have to make decent choices many more times in a day than they do. a reason why i think some do gain back a few lbs. when they go back home.

i'm glad they showed their night on the town. every now and then, i'll eat a higher calorie meal, have an extra glass of wine - i just try to balance that out w/more time in the gym or treadmill. it's not realistic to think those "choices" are out of the question & jillian needed a chill a bit, and state her peace then kick their ass in the gym. she went a bit overboard in MO.

I agree!

Last night's show was a major turn off. Filipe dropped off my fav list. He acted like a total ass. Ripple dad and the purple team acted shamefully. With Mandi gone, I can now hate the entire blue team. If Filipe and Sione now go over to their side, that will complete my mosted hated team perfectly.

In case I haven't said this enough, last night's show was a total turn off.

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This cannot be real. I believe it's a gimmick from the producers. This has been the strangest season. I'm beginning to not believe anything on this show.

Well, I'm not sure its that much of a gimmick - but there are a few questionable things. I'm still not quite sure how Yellow sister gained, but being that she was extremely stressed it was possible. Now, that being said - I'm not all that depressed she's gone.

LOVE how he said it was "time for Mandi to go." Good grief. :thumbup:

And whassup with Bob enabling the wussy cousins?? Those two are irritating me now. Filipe's little tantrum at Jillian for not training him -- yet all he's done since he switched teams is talk about how she's not Bob, she's not training him, not connecting with him, not this, not that... C'mon, whiner, this isn't about HER, it's about YOU! She's already thin. She doesn't need you, you need her. Make the best of it, ya crybaby!! :crying:

Mmm'kay? Yeah that was the first thing I thought. I felt my eyeballs roll to the top of my head. Wow - how does he get away with that garbage? They very clearly keep shooting themselves in the foot keeping ripple dad around.

ITA about the cousins. As of tonight I am no longer rooting for them. I'm all about put up and shut up. I know for a fact because I'm going through it personally right now...

I am appalled at all of the hypocrites on this site who are calling Ron "ripple dad" and "shar-pei" etc... He is not my favorite contestant either, but I suspect that those of you who are calling him those names would not pass a shirt-off test very favorably either! He is clearly a person who has struggled his entire life with his weight. There is an obvious genetic component and and a lot of pain for him both physically, and emotionally. Attack him for his actions, not his appearance. I thought everyone here on this site was supportive of weight loss attempts, not be the ones pointing fingers and tearing down.
I am not suggesting that you "coddle the imcompetent" but his name is Ron, or brown dad, but name calling is childish and unnecessary and takes away from the legitamacy of your observations of Rons' weaknesses. I agree that he is a weak link. I also think that he falls into making excuses for himself and plays the "poor me card". I cannot believe the blue team did not vote him off, as he is the main reason they lose every single challenge. But I will still not lower myself, or contribute to the genereal degredation of a group of people who have weight issues, of which, you and I belong, with mean-spirited name calling on a public forum. Call him whatever you want in your own home, or in a private conversation, but in public, it is not a positve thing. Believe me, I get that life is not all Unicorns and Rainbows and am the first person to expect personal responsibility in people. I also recognize however, when unnecessary meaness is not productive and only serves to make someone feel better about themselves by tearing someone else down and that, in the long run, is harmful to everyone.

Great, feel better?

Moving right along...

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Are you really PG with a name change?

That's one famous halo, I'll say... :thumbup::lol::crying:

FYI, I've never looked like Ripple dad and never will. Most fat people don't look like Ripple dad. He's a disgusting anamoly. Additionally, he's a bastard and the purple team are equally stupid and disgusting!

Wow you all are really on it!! :lol::lol::lol:

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I am not suggesting that you "coddle the imcompetent" but his name is Ron, or brown dad, but name calling is childish and unnecessary and takes away from the legitamacy of your observations of Rons' weaknesses.

But it's not against the rules of the forum so please don't tell other people not to do it. Everyone makes their choices as to how to talk about reality shows and some people chose to give people snarky nicknames.

So he made WLS look like a joke.

Naw, he made himself look like a joke.

it's not realistic to think those "choices" are out of the question & jillian needed a chill a bit, and state her peace then kick their ass in the gym. she went a bit overboard in MO.

You sound like Susan Powter! And you are both right. The idea that certain foods are off-limits forever and that's how you keep weight off is the exact kind of thinking that contributes to yo-yo dieting.

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Feel free to put me on ignore. I will not change my opinion of him nor his 'team'.

Life is not all rainbows and butterflies, and I don't believe in coddling the incompetent.

Well said.

Filipe is just a whiner now in my book.

Yep. I wanted to smack him. It really showed something that Jillian just let him go. I'd have been screaming right back at the little brat.

Oh, and when he said, "I just had to put her in her place." OMFG - I was PISSED. What place? HE ended up looking like a big f'ing baby.

I'm still pissed.

Can't stand slacker Ron. When he said it was time for Mandi to go, I was yellin' at the tv!! I was like, "WHAT?? WHO put your team behind in the challenge?? RON did! Mandi was the one trying to catch up for HIS slacking!"

Beth - you and I need to watch it together! I was screaming, too. It's Mandi's time? WTF? I hate Ron.

but look at it. those are the only 2 we've not bitched about = tara & mike

Yes! I'm 100% behind Tara, 95% behind Mike... :confused:

Why don't you just go somewhere over the rainbow where everyone is nice? Bless your heart.

Love you, Donna!!!!!

LMAO @ Donna!!! "Additionally, he's a bastard".... lolololololol

:w00t: I was laughing, too.

I'll say whatever the F* I want to say about a fat old whiny jerk who's skin hangs on him like a sharpei dog, who has an opportunity of a lifetime and only loses a few pounds each week.

Who the hell are YOU to come on here and start lecturing on manners and what's right and wrong. If it's not against LBT rules, then piss off and leave me alone.

Notice I'm not calling the decent humans on the show any names. And, the blue guys lost all my votes on this week's show because they acted like big ole babies.

Everyone on that show started off on equal footing with me. Since then they've made choices that I don't respect, and therefore, I'm not going to talk about them with respect.

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The idea that certain foods are off-limits forever and that's how you keep weight off is the exact kind of thinking that contributes to yo-yo dieting.

ITA, and I personally deal with this idea every day. I'm trying to learn to balance that. Small portions once in awhile = okay. Big sloppy plates all day long = not okay.

IMO, they were both wrong.

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I'll say whatever the F* I want to say about a fat old whiny jerk who's skin hangs on him like a sharpei dog, who has an opportunity of a lifetime and only loses a few pounds each week.

IMO, he got TWO opportunities of a lifetime: the surgery and the show. And if the effort he's putting forth on the show is any indicator, no wonder he failed after his gastric bypass.

His heart really isn't in this. For HIM to say that it's anybody's time to go (other than his own) just pisses me off to no end.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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