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biggest loser - '09

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After last night - I think more is staged than I had originally thought - if anyone has it TIVOed, check the clock by the bed when Kristen brings her Breakfast in bed - I swear it said 12 something. and I KNOW they get up early and workout. So it just seemed really phony to me. Maybe it was just another commercial, this time for the stinkin mattress.

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I think she should have kept Sione, if only to play the game. Sione and Filipe would have had her's and Tara's back until the finals, and the 4 of them could have gone all the way.

I did think about that myself, but only for a few minutes. She made the right choice, no doubt. The cousins when it came down to it would only hold allegiance to themselves. The second Tara fell below the yellow line, she would be history.

As Jillian put it, they are all in game mode now. So, as far as the game goes, Sione and Filipe are Tara's biggest threats. I think they believe Tara is their biggest threat too. I think they would have voted Tara off, because its now about the game.


I was proud of Kristin, you go girl. She was thinking smart.

She did, so by not eating all those terrible carbs she almost assured herself not falling below the yellow line. If anyone has ever done the “No Carb” thing, you know first hand. Going from eating healthy, good carbs to stuffing your face with 4000 calories of sugar and cupcakes – it’s going to show up.

Knowing this then leads me to believe that Tara didn’t throw the weigh in at all. Those cupcakes reared their ugly head.

Can you believe how much the ate? Wow, that was a lot of calories. I was thinking about eating that pretzel, and thinking how that would have made a bandster PB. lol.

Haha!! I was thinking the same thing! I even said that I would not have a chance at winning the Golden Ticket. It would take me too long just to eat one cupcake, so it just wouldn’t even be worth the extra calories.

Ron and Mike, oh they are getting a little vicious.

Okay, Ron is so sickening! Why are people allowing him to take the reigns? One person even mentioned it, I believe it was Sione. He told Kristen to her face basically that she is allowing that man to manipulate the game. Then Kristen gets on screen and says… Oh no! If Ron sees me walking with these three he’ll get mad at me… WTH ever! So what???????

I think Helen looks good, she would have been just fine going home, they don't see her as a big threat, but let me tell you, I think she is.

She is definitely a huge threat. She is very manipulative in her own way. I just think that Ron’s is so pronounced, hers isn’t noticed as much. Something about her just doesn’t sit well with me. She’s extremely selfish. I believe she’ll show her true colors with Tara and Laura soon. She’s already shown them with Ron, what makes green think she won’t stab them in the back too when push comes to shove?

I noticed that. I wonder about something though: eating doesn't equal calories KEPT down. Just ask any bulimic. I know that I would have run from that temptation to the bathroom and removed as much as possible.

Yes, and that is why bulimics aren’t as noticeable as anorexics. Bulimics can get away with their eating disorder because they look normal. The only way you would find out is if you caught them purging.

Yes, thats funny she brought her bfast in bed. I didn't hear Lori (sp) complain about it.....she loved it! She even told her to "adjust her bed to be a little softer" ofcourse, Kristen offered to do it, Lori jumped right on that one. She liked all that power, even though she complained in the end about having it, I know she really liked it. Tara loved it too. Tara knew she was safe with her partner having that golden ticket. It would have been bad though if she would have fallen below the yellow line. She did good this week with her weightloss.

Don’t take this scene for more than it really was, which was a shameless plug for the sleep Number Bed. Tsk! tsk!

It made me think about Kristen too, she might be the contestant knowone is too worried about and then win the entire thing. She really wants that 250K. She is going to do anything to win it too. She has already broke the record on BL. Who knows what else she is capable of. The other contestants better watch out for her, 'cause I think she in it to win.

Kristen is definitely a major threat to win it all. She had an enormous amount of weight to lose and still has a good issue. The second she gets below that yellow line they better give her the axe.

I also am wondering if Tara persuaded her to vote off Sione, and the show just didn't show it. I'm sure there is a lot we don't see behind close doors. Tara knows that Sione is her biggest competition with the challenges. But she usually ends up beating him, its always pretty close.

No one knows what is said in the middle of the night when they are tucked into bed… It might have been something they discussed long before the golden ticket. Like on week 4 (just an example) when Sione went against Tara (as they always seemed to do). Tara could have said to Laura… the first chance we get, blue team is history.

And Ron was right about one thing, he is the contestant that just won't go home! He has been below the yellow line 6 times and still hanging on. I guess because everyone knows he is not a threat. He just rubs me the wrong way. Not sure why but he just does. I guess I don't like all his commands on who it is to go home. I don't like the fact he likes to control everything. Gets on my nerves. I also don't think he tries too hard in the competition. He always just goes so slow, and always saying this or that is the problem. Get over it already. If you have bad knees why the heck did you even come? You know there is a lot of competition on the BL from past seasons. You know he knew that, so why did he even join if he wasn't going to try very hard. And he just has the attitude like "oh well, i can't do it so why try". He could have let his two sons go on the show together and he stayed home, not sure why they didn't do it that way.

Ron makes me physically ill. Enough said.

And here I thought I’d never have to see his stomach ever again. Yet every week they still like to show it with the side by side comparisons.


After last night - I think more is staged than I had originally thought - if anyone has it TIVOed, check the clock by the bed when Kristen brings her breakfast in bed - I swear it said 12 something. and I KNOW they get up early and workout. So it just seemed really phony to me. Maybe it was just another commercial, this time for the stinkin mattress.

Ha! You beat me to it!

It was sad to see some of the past contestants on Oprah who have gained a lot of it back.

Question: When did that air? Maybe I can find it somewhere…

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i cant' let anything fester - i would not have waited 2hrs on the treadmill. i would have tapped ms thing on the shoulder and said it's my turn.......but those boys created the drama for her (jillian) not to give a shit about training them when they first had their crying session out in the courtyard.

whaaaaa i miss bob - cry baby men are a big turn off.

Same here and agree.

^I think Ron has a big heart and wants to do what's best for his son, even if it means "playing the game" and being manipulative.

So which part of the "big heart" said "for those of you who supported me, thank you, for those of you who tried to vote me off - I hope you die!"

I noticed that. I wonder about something though: eating doesn't equal calories KEPT down. Just ask any bulimic. I know that I would have run from that temptation to the bathroom and removed as much as possible.


if it were me w/the golden ticket & kristen fell below the yellow line - i would have ax'd her......such a suck up.

I would have axed her just because I couldn't stand her from day 1. Don't know why, but she just always rubbed me the wrong way. I always did like her mom though and was sad to see her leave; wish she'd have stayed instead.


liked him for the same reasons - was thoughtful in giving the free groceries to aubrie, he seemed just into losing weight & i still think he does; but dad is a huge influence.....and not sure such a hot one these days. my opinion of both has changed.

While I can't stand Don Ron, that never rubbed off on his son. Mike's mom clearly must have had some influence.

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Question: When did that air? Maybe I can find it somewhere

I can't remember. I think maybe around September or whenever this season started.

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I can't remember. I think maybe around September or whenever this season started.


Ah.. maybe I can find it on YouTube then. Thanks!

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So which part of the "big heart" said "for those of you who supported me, thank you, for those of you who tried to vote me off - I hope you die!"

Obviously I said that before this week's episode. I'm shocked he'd say that, it came across extremely rude and callous and just downright mean. I don't think very highly of him right now.

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That's fair jmegirl. I just saw that right from the beginning, he was very cold and heartless when he felt anyone or anything could potentially threaten him or his son. Everyone on campus was always so nice and helpful to him when he was having all his "knee issues" and all of that meant nothing to him at all because he was quick to just cut people out when it suited his needs. He's a taker and he doesn't have an ounce in him to give.

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As much as I don't like Ron, I like him more than Filipe.

And, even though he said that, he smiled after and Helen joked back, "That's why we wanted you gone."

I think it was a joke and he was trying to lighten the mood. He was hurt, and felt betrayed, and really no matter if he's a manipulator, he was still part of a pact w/the cousins and they betrayed that.

As far as the game part goes...ALL of them have been long enough for exercise to be a habit...all of them KNOW in their minds what they need. It's the final stretch and they are close to $250,000. Who wouldn't be in game mode at that point? Even a sweet guy like Mike.

In the beginning they're all thinking "I'm just here to lose weight. I'm not going to win..." all kinds of self-defeating thoughts, because they don't think they can win it.

Now, it's close and they think they can have a chance. Heck yeah they're in game mode.

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I don't think $250,000 is enough. It should be $1M. Tara was in it to win from day one and she's never let up. Go Tara!

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After last night - I think more is staged than I had originally thought - if anyone has it TIVOed, check the clock by the bed when Kristen brings her breakfast in bed - I swear it said 12 something. and I KNOW they get up early and workout. So it just seemed really phony to me. Maybe it was just another commercial, this time for the stinkin mattress.

LOL - i need to go look, laura did look refreshed & perky when she woke up. no crust in the eyes, hair looking good ..LOL

speaking of laura - i don't think anyone sees her as a threat; but she's been coming on strong lately w/her numbers and tara/helen, have less to lose than her. she might be a sleeper.

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Agreed re: Tara.

I do think the prize is too low. Look at Survivor - that's a lot of money.

I guess the ULTIMATE prize is weight loss, and longer life. :sad:

But, the money is nice.

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LOL - i need to go look, laura did look refreshed & perky when she woke up. no crust in the eyes, hair looking good ..LOL

speaking of laura - i don't think anyone sees her as a threat; but she's been coming on strong lately w/her numbers and tara/helen, have less to lose than her. she might be a sleeper.

I agree...I still hope Tara wins it, but she is a little manic about it whereas Laura is kinda happy-go-lucky.

I still don't like the crying she did in the beginning, but maybe she saw the light.

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As much as I don't like Ron, I like him more than Filipe.

I think it was a joke and he was trying to lighten the mood. He was hurt, and felt betrayed, and really no matter if he's a manipulator, he was still part of a pact w/the cousins and they betrayed that.


What about right before when Felippe fell below and Ron betrayed the cousins by telling everyone it was Felipes turn to go home....I agree its total game mode now but I don't want to hear Ron talk about being stabbed when it was him that broke the pact.

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I can hear it a little more, as long as the focus is off Tara. :sad: Let all them bicker, bitch and moan...and Tara is just sailing through!

In my personal life I can handle a manipulator over a whiner. Bottom line, I make my own choices so having someone pull my strings doesn't effect my psyche as much as hearing a grown man whine and blow up. And what really steamed me was when Filipe said he had to "put her in her place."

That kind of talk really gets me boiling inside.

And, as Mac has said, they can twist the show for dramatics, but if it's not being said, they can't show it or twist it.

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Agreed re: Tara.

I do think the prize is too low. Look at Survivor - that's a lot of money.

I guess the ULTIMATE prize is weight loss, and longer life. :)

But, the money is nice.

I think the overall production cost for survior might be lower. i mean I know they fly them to remote islands which I'm sure is costly, but once they drop them off. The overhead is virtually zero, no room and board and no food. Where as TBL they rent that ranch, they have to pay filiming cost in CA which as astronomical and all the staff they are mandated to have on hand, physical therapist, emt's, and whoever else is there beihind the scenes. So maybe the prize is lower beacause the cost to produce is so much higher. I don't know, just a thought.

And BTW Tara is a machine...I look at her and how she pushes herself and I wonder "where does she get that kind of drive and motivation from?" she truely is very motivating,, just watching her beat men in challenge after challenge warms the cockels of my heart!:)

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