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Advice needed for a pre op!

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I have finally decided that enough is enough and at a BMI of 39 its now or never. I just need some reassurance from anyone out there that this is the best thing they ever did and they don't regret it, I can handle the bad news too I just want some realistic views on this procedure and how much it costs out of pocket with top health cover (full hospital etc) and is there anyone out there who does the procedure on Ezyclaim as my insurance will fully cover it then. Anyway thats not the biggest issue, I'm getting this done no matter what the cost but just cant seem to get any kind of cost info approx or otherwise. I would have an appointment today only that every single clinic is shut for xmas. Is it really worth it when it can get "undone" with the same old bad habits? Is it just a good kick start or is it really a long term solution? and what is the whole pre op diet thing about.....if I could go 2 weeks on liquids with my huge stomach capacity I wouldn't need the op!!! HELP! I am not scared of pain or any of that I'm scared that like every other diet aid - I will make it fail through bad habits and emotional over eating!

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First calm down take a deep breathe. Second , I can sit here and tell you it was the best thing I ever did all day long , but YOU Have to know this is the best thing YOU ever did. You have to be ready , you have to know you can do this.

No one can give you that but you .

I see you are in Australia , im not sure if i can be much help I had mine done in the US and US it cost me $12,000 .

The best thing to do is make an appt, See if the doc you chose takes your insurance.

Is it really a long term solution? YES It is .

Is it the best thing i ever did for myself YES it is .

I am a little over a yr banded and im down 114 pds and 11 pds from goal. My BMI was around 40 i think when i started.

Feel free to email me anytime. Or check out myblogg ( In my signature line ) it might help you with some inof on the basics of surgery .

Good luck you can do it !


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I just emailed you !


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Hi Shaggs,

I am also pre-op, and am having my surgery in Adelaide on the 4th of Feb (yay!) at Calvery Wakefield Hospital in the city.

I didn't really research costs with surgeons - I went with one that was recommended by a couple of people I know with bands, and who supports people in remote locations (like myself) so cost wasn't the biggest thing for me.

My total out of pocket cost for the operation is about $2665. That is $2999 for the surgeons fee (less the rebate, so around $1904), $361 for the anaesthetist and $400 for the excess on my health cover (I have full hospital and extras with $400 excess).

I also paid around $450 all up (after medicare rebates) for pre-surgery appointments.

I hope that gives you some kind of idea of costs in Aus.

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Oh, another thing - any good surgeon will have a whole pre-op team... Mine included the bariatric GP, exercise physiologist, dietician and psychiatrist.

And the care doesn't stop there - they are available to me when ever I need. Like I said, I am in a remote location so I have all their mobile numbers and can call if needed. They are there at my disposal, and for you who struggles with emotional eating, then the psychologist may really be of help to you.

Also, with the pre-op liquid diet - I almost cried when I found out I had to do it. Not cos I am worried about sticking to it, but because I HATE Optifast, which is what my surgeon wants me to use, it has made me vomit before when I tried it to lose weight previously. But after talking to the dietician, she gave me some great tips to get through it and the psychologist really put it into perspective - its only for two weeks and then I never have to do it again!

My surgeon has also had me on a strict "three meals a day while sitting at a table, 10,000 steps a day, minimal alcohol program" (not diet - I am still allowed to eat what I please, he is just trying to get me to learn to listen to my body - when it is full etc) and it has been a real eye opener for me. Especially as I was a massive drinker before, it wouldnt be unusual for me to put away more than a bottle of scotch in a session!

If you really want it, you'll be able to do it. And if you choose a good surgeon and support team, you'll have all the support you need.

Good luck.

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Hi and thank you SOOOO much for your excellent informative reply! Good luck for the 4th Feb (thats my birthday so that may be a good omen!) You must be so excited! Your costing info was excellent and I agree, cost is nothing compared to knowing you have the best care you can get but I have no one to recommend me although I have heard some doctors names mentioned around the place. What does the cost mean anyway compared to the benefits? And how easy is it to eat $2000 worth of food? Think of the money we'll be saving!!!!!! Loved the bit about the drinking too, I was worried about that because maybe 3 or 4 days out of 7 i drink at least 10 drinks and could easily down a bottle of scotch in a binge session (and then some!) ahhh thats the joy of compensating for happiness with alcohol! So it will be interesting to see how that goes although food is my drug alcohol is just a secondary thing for me and I can go without if necessary. the Optislim freaks me right out, more than anything else that will be a killer!!!!! So how long was it for you from the time you had your first appointment to surgery?

I look forward to hearing from you, thank you so much for getting in touch, greatly appreciated!


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Hi Shannon,

No probs! I'm glad the info helped and put your mind at ease about a few things.

With alcohol, I still occasionally have a few glasses of red here and there - I wouldn't be able to maintain any weightloss if I had to give up wine - its my hobby, I love collecting it! And my dietician has reassured me that having a couple of drinks now and then won't do me any harm (in fact, she said there is some evidence to support that it helps with weight loss... Good enough for me!)

I had my first appointment, with the bariatric GP, on the 21st of September '08. I had my apppointments with the psychologist, physiologist and dietician at the start of November and then appt with the surgeon on the 15th of November. I live six hours drive from Adelaide, hence my appts being spread out over such a long period - had to get the time off work!

I could have had my surgery a lot sooner - in fact I could have been banded already had I wanted to. I had to plan a time that was good with work (mining industry job means we have a skeleton crew at the moment - feel sorry for those who'll be doing my job while I'm out!) and also a time that my partner could come with me so that he could drive back after the op.

I will be staying two nights in hospital - the Wednesday night after the surgery and the Thursday night. I've had a laproscopic operation before and I'm really hoping it is a lot less painful this time, but we'll see! I'll let you know how it goes.

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I have only just joined the site and this thread seemed relevant... so bare with me!

I am being banded on the 7th Jan (3 sleeps!!) in Melbourne. My out of pocket expenses will be $3490 and I wont have to pay for any other appointments EVER (unless Medicare is scrapped,but I wont go there!). The only other cost I've had to pay was $100 for my initial consultation with the surgeon and I received about $40 back from Medicare.

I started the Optifast program on Boxing day and I have lost about 4kg. I havent been 100% on track with it as I feel sick if I dont have anything other than the shakes. I generally have a peice of toast in the morning and the shake an hour later, a shake for lunch and then some fruit or yoghurt an hour later. dinner I have the vegies and then the shake. Having said all that, I was naughty on New Years Eve having a couple of drinks and nibbles - such a bad time of year to be fasting!!! I've tuned into a social hermit to avoid the temptations.

Three sleeps to go and I'm not so much nervous as pre-occupied the thought of the surgery. What to take to the hospital etc.

Would love to hear from anyone with any pre/post op advice.

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Hi Shaggs

I was banded on the 17/12. I had my initial appt with the surgeon on the 21/11 and started my pre op diet then. My surgeon was happy for me to do the Tony Ferguson shakes. I had done them before and didnt have an problem. I lost 6.9 kgs by surgery date although I am sure that 1 kg of that was from the pre-surgery clean out lol.

I know that all clinics are different but this is how mine worked:

Initial appt: - covered by medicare

I then had to do some fasting tests. 1 blood test (approx 6 vials), an ecg to check my heart, a barium swallow and an internal ultrasound. I think I paid about $260 for the swallow and ultrasound (before medicare rebate). The blood test and ecg were covered by medicare.

I go through Circle of Care and the fees are $6900 before medicare / health fund rebates. I think the total out of pocket is about $4700. This is for 12 months of care which includes the surgery, surgery assistant, anesthetic, 6 band fills, 6 appts with the dietician, 3 appts with the psychologist, 2 appts with the physiotherapist and 4 follow up appts with the surgeon as well as all the phone support I need. All the above is a guess because I dont have my folder with me.

I am not sure what your surgeon will recommend but most people will have to do a 2 week liquid diet post surgery, a 2 week puree diet after that before eating normal foods again. I am currently towards the end of my first week of puree.

I was in hospital overnight. I had my surgery at 6:30 at night and left hospital at 11:30 the next morning. I was very fortunate to feel quite good. I was on liquid panamax for a week and found that 20mls 3 times a day was enough pain relief for me. I did have some stronger medication if I needed it.

I started doing some gentle walking the next day and have walked every day since then. 2 weeks after surgery I started using my wii fit (which I love) and am doing 30 min a day on that as well as a 20 min walk.

As far as I am concerned it is the best decision I have made. If I was dieting I would have lost my will power by now and be back to my normal ways. I am really motivated to keep going. The thing about the band is that it is there for life. I know that it can be taken out but it is not recommended. Once I hit my goal weight I plan to slowly take the Fluid out and see if I can maintain my weight loss without Fluid. If I start to stray I can always then have the fluid put back in which is much cheaper than having it removed and then put back in. The tighter the band the quicker you feel full. So if you do stray you wont be able to do it in the same quantities you do now.

It sounds like you are ready to do this and there is plenty of people who have been before you.

There is plenty of support on this website and I would be happy to support and cheer you on :cool2:

Leah - Good luck with your surgery on the 4th of Feb :thumbup:

Megsy - Only 2 sleeps to go!! How exciting - Good luck :mellow: I took pj's, slippers, a book and toiletries to hosptial if that gives you any idea.

Enough waffling :)

Feel free to ask any other questions.

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Thank you Emmsie, that was an awesome and thorough response! We have the same to lose also although my BMI is 40 so I'm a little shorter than you but its great to see you're doing so well under similar physical circumstances to mine. I have a few appointments set up now but one of them will take about 5 months until it will actually be done and the place I really want to go with won't be open until next week! I have a booking with one I'm not actually sure I'll even go with but they will do it begining of March. Obviously this is a popular time of year to be done - new years resolutions and all!

Please keep us informed of how you're doing - its great to hear everyone's stories no matter how trivial the details may be - its just so great to know you're in the same boat as so many people out there!

Thanx again, and good luck!


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Thanks for the advice Emmsie! Will probably take my Ipod with me to hospital to alleviate any boredom that might set in. I have my Water soluble Vitamins and Water soluble panadol, so I am ready to go!!!

My friend is having a HUGE 40th party in early April - I wonder how much weight I would have dropped by then? I hope shopping for something to wear is a better experience than it is now. Anyway, I think I'm jumping the gun a bit.........lets just get through Wednesday.

Will let you know how it all pans out.............


Megs :)

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Hi, I do not regret one bit being banded. Apart from loosing weight my objective was to have a better lifestyle, reduce the devastating effects of diabetes medication and regain confidence.

I did all that except I was mis-managed. CoC- excellant surgeon however liked to 'train' people so like most private hospitals has several operating theatres operating with trainees being supervised at the one time.Perhaps it is the ego! Great concept- dietician, psychologist, nutitional based specialist.

13 days after surgery I had an infection, hospitalised twice for intensive antibiotics, wound finally healed 7 weeks after surgery then broke down one month later resulting in the port being removed. The band was then removed one month later by another practice as the tubing had been stitched in a 'pit full of pus'. Supervision of a trainee at removal of the port perhaps as I never got an answer what was found at that operation when this trainee saw me post-op.

Ask your surgeon if he is focused on you and only you at your operation, check then with the hospital how many operating theatres/teams have been allocated to this surgeon, ask what their practice is once you become their stated 1% complication as I have felt I became a problem and I had been shunned from their glamour support.

I am hoping I will be able to be re-banded within 6 months of this wound healing- perhaps August/September.


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I am all done!! Got home this morning and so far, I am feeling ok. A bit uncomfortable, but that is to be expected.

Doctor said it went really well and I have been drinking fluids today without any problems - although I have to say I am sick of drinking Water already!!!

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Hi Megsy,

Congrats on your succesful surgery, great to hear you are feeling ok.

I am from Melbourne and looking at surgey, can I ask who you are going through? Yours looks to be about $1000 less than where I was looking and as you can imagine that would make a big difference! :-)

Good luck with getting all the Water down!



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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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