pattycake929 0 Posted January 2, 2009 Hi all, I was banded in Oct. of 2006. Initially I lost around 70 pds. I started out at 356 and am down to 290. I really need a kick start to get back to weight loss mode. Can anyone help? I have so much trouble with sweets. I also have trouble with getting stuck and throwing up about 3 times a week. Words of wisdom anyone? Patty:unsure: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AmIDoneYet 0 Posted January 2, 2009 Sweets have always been my downfall but I found a few ways around it. My biggest success was with "knox blocks". Its basically a mixture of Jello and knox gellatin. I mixed 1 box on Knox (all the packets in the box and dont buy the generic) and 3 boxes of any flavor sugar free jello. This made a gummy-bear like substance that you could pick up with your fingers and doesnt have to be kept cold. It gave you the feeling of chewing and didnt give me any band issues. If youre throwing up a lot maybe youre too tight - it was always better to lose slow and easy than be tight and miserable! But welcome back on the wagon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites