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Amazing experience!!

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I have to share my surgery experience, it was more then I would have ever expected!! I was banded on Saturday the 27th by Dr. Alberto Aceves in Mexicali. The original thought of having surgery in Mexico scared the he11 out of me!! But the more I read about possible complications with the band AND me being a self pay, I decided a little more research may be needed. When I started to research Dr. Aceves, the worst thing I found was someone complaining about the smell of the cleaning solution! WHAT are you kidding me!!! The facility turned out to be extremley modern and very clean. I had the luxury of driving down to check out the facilities before deciding. I actually had a date set with a Doctor here in CA at more then twice the price and was only going to be in the facility a few hours after surgery.With Dr. Aceves the cost included transportation from and to the airport (if needed, I drove) pre-op testing, a hotel the night before surgery (not a dive either), surgery and two additional nights in the hospital. That first night after surgery I was so thankful to be there. To not have the anxiety of being kicked back home so soon. Since I drove myself I was given the option of going home after one night and I did. All of this wasn't even the best part. The customer service was AMAZING!!! My husband equated it to being on a cruise that happened to have a surgery room, hehe. All of the staff was amazing!! The morning of surgery I was freaking out because I'd never been under before. The anesthesioligist, surgical nurses, surgery assistants, internist, everybody came in to introduce themselves and were sooo friendly! It relieved most of my anxiety, even before the happy pill!! haha I was in and out before I knew it and back to my private room where my husband was waiting for me. Everytime someone came to talk to me it just left me and my husband amazed at how friendly and personal they all were. You never really associate customer service with medical procedures, I felt like I was a real person to them, not just another body to be thrown on the table. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I just had to share!!!:)

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These questions may seem silly but after you return to the states will your insurance cover the fills. Is it easy to find a doctor that will take you since their office did not do the initial banding. Do they speak english where you were banded? Right now I am trying to seek insurance approval but if denied I know this is a possible option. If you don't mind sharing what was the entire expense for the trip and procedure.

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These questions may seem silly but after you return to the states will your insurance cover the fills. Is it easy to find a doctor that will take you since their office did not do the initial banding. Do they speak english where you were banded? Right now I am trying to seek insurance approval but if denied I know this is a possible option. If you don't mind sharing what was the entire expense for the trip and procedure.

No question is silly!:) Actually, I have Kaiser and frankly just assume that they will not cover my fills. From what I've read on here most people who are banded in MX find a local Dr. that will take on those patients. I will be going down to Dr. Aceves for any fills. I live about 3 1/2 hours from him and the only cost is $75, the cost of the fluoroscope. They do all their fills under x-ray, seems safer to me. (IMO) Everybody spoke English, some more broken then others but definitely able to communicate.

My insurance wouldn't even consider me as I had a BMI of 38 with no co-morbitities and I wasn't about to intentionally gain more wait to jump through more hoops.

As for cost, it was $7000 and included everything I mentioned in the first post. You are responsible for airfare if needed but my husband and I just drove.

Hope this helps! Anything else? Let me know!!! Good luck with your insurance.:)

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Also, you have to pay for your last hoorah meal the night before surgery. My husband and I ate at the hotel restaurant and it was excellent! Came to about $50 with tip for 2 full meals with 4 beers. (Boy am I gonna miss those, :crying:haha)

As an added FYI, the Doc in CA was going to charge me $17,000 and only included one year of fills. After that they were $180, no mention of fills under x-ray either.

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Thanks for the info, it was very helpful. I am looking at all options. I currently have a BMI of 38 but I do have co-morbidities (diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol). I spoke with the insurance company and they seemed very hopeful. I actually thought you would have paid more, $7000. seems quite reasonable and I am glad you had such a good experience. I could justify a one time visit vacation/surgery but the fills would be hard, since I am located in NJ. I will find out about ins. approval in May. I will be finished with my 6 month doctor supervised weight loss visits then. Right now I want to be educated with all options. Thanks again.

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I have to share my surgery experience, it was more then I would have ever expected!! I was banded on Saturday the 27th by Dr. Alberto Aceves in Mexicali. The original thought of having surgery in Mexico scared the he11 out of me!! But the more I read about possible complications with the band AND me being a self pay, I decided a little more research may be needed. When I started to research Dr. Aceves, the worst thing I found was someone complaining about the smell of the cleaning solution! WHAT are you kidding me!!! The facility turned out to be extremley modern and very clean. I had the luxury of driving down to check out the facilities before deciding. I actually had a date set with a Doctor here in CA at more then twice the price and was only going to be in the facility a few hours after surgery.With Dr. Aceves the cost included transportation from and to the airport (if needed, I drove) pre-op testing, a hotel the night before surgery (not a dive either), surgery and two additional nights in the hospital. That first night after surgery I was so thankful to be there. To not have the anxiety of being kicked back home so soon. Since I drove myself I was given the option of going home after one night and I did. All of this wasn't even the best part. The customer service was AMAZING!!! My husband equated it to being on a cruise that happened to have a surgery room, hehe. All of the staff was amazing!! The morning of surgery I was freaking out because I'd never been under before. The anesthesioligist, surgical nurses, surgery assistants, internist, everybody came in to introduce themselves and were sooo friendly! It relieved most of my anxiety, even before the happy pill!! haha I was in and out before I knew it and back to my private room where my husband was waiting for me. Everytime someone came to talk to me it just left me and my husband amazed at how friendly and personal they all were. You never really associate customer service with medical procedures, I felt like I was a real person to them, not just another body to be thrown on the table. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I just had to share!!!:wink2:

Very good! I'm thrilled you had a good experience. Mexican medical care is a world of difference from US medical care, eh? ;o)

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I have to share my surgery experience, it was more then I would have ever expected!! I was banded on Saturday the 27th by Dr. Alberto Aceves in Mexicali. The original thought of having surgery in Mexico scared the he11 out of me!! But the more I read about possible complications with the band AND me being a self pay, I decided a little more research may be needed. When I started to research Dr. Aceves, the worst thing I found was someone complaining about the smell of the cleaning solution! WHAT are you kidding me!!! The facility turned out to be extremley modern and very clean. I had the luxury of driving down to check out the facilities before deciding. I actually had a date set with a Doctor here in CA at more then twice the price and was only going to be in the facility a few hours after surgery.With Dr. Aceves the cost included transportation from and to the airport (if needed, I drove) pre-op testing, a hotel the night before surgery (not a dive either), surgery and two additional nights in the hospital. That first night after surgery I was so thankful to be there. To not have the anxiety of being kicked back home so soon. Since I drove myself I was given the option of going home after one night and I did. All of this wasn't even the best part. The customer service was AMAZING!!! My husband equated it to being on a cruise that happened to have a surgery room, hehe. All of the staff was amazing!! The morning of surgery I was freaking out because I'd never been under before. The anesthesioligist, surgical nurses, surgery assistants, internist, everybody came in to introduce themselves and were sooo friendly! It relieved most of my anxiety, even before the happy pill!! haha I was in and out before I knew it and back to my private room where my husband was waiting for me. Everytime someone came to talk to me it just left me and my husband amazed at how friendly and personal they all were. You never really associate customer service with medical procedures, I felt like I was a real person to them, not just another body to be thrown on the table. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I just had to share!!!:laugh:

Well congratulations Onehotmama, I guess you were one of the lucky ones. Maybe if you would have dug a little deeper you would have found more than just a smelly hospital. Cases quoted (all Wasa’s own words):“My own doc (Aceves) had a patient who had bypass and less than 24 hours after surgery his wife decided to sneak in Mickey D's for him to eat (sure, sneaked in burgers, please!). Well, he ripped out staples, got a leak, and an infection. The doc took him back to OR and fixed it. Didn't even charge the patient for the additional surgery or hospital days. She was running around posting on message boards what a horrible doc my doc is because her husband got an infection”The above quote was written in an effort to absolve Aceves of any fault or responsibility. We are expected to believe Aceves took the patient back in the OR after the patient ate burgers less than 24 hours after gastric bypass surgery and did not charge him?? That’s a guilty conscience, not burgers! If Aceves didn’t charge him either he was hiding something or did it to shut him up and keep him from spreading his tale. So Aceves lost on that one and left Wasa to clean up after him. Even the most moronic, idiotic and stupid person would NEVER give her husband IN THE HOSPITAL AFTER BYPASS , burgers! Please Wasa, just accept the fact that your precious doctor Aceves is not GOD, for crying out loud! Are all his patients’ complications their fault?? Do any of his patients ever have a complication simply because it was meant to happen? If that is the case I am concerned about Aceves pre-op evaluation of his patients and thorough preparation and education of his patients before surgery as well as his ability in the operating room. Then there is this little tidbit: “there was a patient that had surgery, she was told not go take tub baths or go swimming for "X" number of weeks. Four days after having surgery she went swimming in a public pool and one of her incisions became infected. She went posting to everyone telling them she got an infection and blamed her doc. She didn't tell the rest of the story until later and turns out, she went swimming in a public pool where people urinate in the pool.”Again, it was THE PATIENT’S fault, right? Wrong, that patient never went in any pool, just like the first patient never had any burger, Wasa came through with another little tale about how a patient got infected and the other had a leak to absolve Aceves of any responsibility. I mean please Wasa, just how stupid do you think we are?And then there is this one about one of many Aceves fatalities: “it was not an infection that happened but heart failure. Ever meet a person that has a LONG heart history and without weight loss they will have more heart problems and more heart attacks? How many heart attacks can a person have?”My God! More and more heart attacks??? “How many heart attacks can a person have”??? What?!?!?!!?! Is that how you clean up after Aceves, Wasa??? What a terrible job! You couldn’t come up with anything better??The patient had an infection and died, period. Again was it Aceves fault? Who knows, maybe it was maybe it wasn’t. The point is this: does he really need Wasa to clean up after him every time one of his patients has complications or dies?? Or does Wasa have a different purpose when trying to save doctor Aceves reputation?? Ever notice how there are no doctors good enough for Wasa and her infinite wealth of medical knowledge for a 1000 mile radius of Aceves? None in Arizona, none in California and certainly none in Tijuana. She works on commission. If she sends no patients to doctor Aceves, Aceves does not give her a paycheck. For more info on this go here: Lap Band Surgery in Mexico - Choosing a Surgeon check out the first comment.See, the thing is she is good. She trolls around and yes, she posts bits and pieces of advice (she practically lives here), dog piles a few doctors, rants on a bit here and there while making time, yes making time, waiting for a newbie to come by and then she jumps into action and nicely sends him or her on her way to doctor Aceves. Cha-ching! Just ask any Newbie and you’ll see that 9 out of 10 times Wasa has PM’d them telling them about Saint Aceves and why they should go to him. This forum, for all you Wasa cheerleaders, has become Wasa’s main source of patients, i.e. INCOME.One question: Why hasn’t doctor Aceves gotten certification for plastic surgery? I hear he is a well trained (but not certified) plastic surgeon? C’mon Wasa talk him into it, imagine all the cash you can make by sending him patients for plastics!! I know you can, from what I’ve read he seems to do whatever you tell him to, so isn’t it time for you to start typing wonders about doctor Aceves and his skills in plastics? Oh and remember, complications in plastics can be hard to clean up after, so start making up your stories to save his butt! There are very good surgeons in California, Arizona and Tijuana. Unfortunately some have been dog piled by Wasa and her greed in her efforts to make money from/with Aceves. There is really nothing wrong in sending patients a doctor’s way and earning money. The problem is Wasa lies. She represents the opposite of what she is: a weight loss surgery salesperson with a slick tongue. Ever since she lost her band she sells the bejeezus out of the gastric sleeve, she’s probably scoring a higher commission out of the sleeve. And please Wasa, can you remind us why you lost your band? Slippage, erosion, infection??? What was it?? Just don’t answer with the ridiculous statement that “it was a hassle” or that you “didn’t like it anymore”. Because if those were the reasons then Aceves has questionable ethics. No reputable surgeon is willing to submit anyone (not even you) to a sleeve surgery with all it’s risks unless the band was infected, eroded or had slipped. Unless of course you and Aceves changed strategy and decided the lap band sale cycle was done and it was time for you to start selling sleeves. Do tell, why?Give us all a break and come clean, you are a bariatric surgery sales person, yes. The one with the best disguise.

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I have to share my surgery experience, it was more then I would have ever expected!! I was banded on Saturday the 27th by Dr. Alberto Aceves in Mexicali. The original thought of having surgery in Mexico scared the he11 out of me!! But the more I read about possible complications with the band AND me being a self pay, I decided a little more research may be needed. When I started to research Dr. Aceves, the worst thing I found was someone complaining about the smell of the cleaning solution! WHAT are you kidding me!!! The facility turned out to be extremley modern and very clean. I had the luxury of driving down to check out the facilities before deciding. I actually had a date set with a Doctor here in CA at more then twice the price and was only going to be in the facility a few hours after surgery.With Dr. Aceves the cost included transportation from and to the airport (if needed, I drove) pre-op testing, a hotel the night before surgery (not a dive either), surgery and two additional nights in the hospital. That first night after surgery I was so thankful to be there. To not have the anxiety of being kicked back home so soon. Since I drove myself I was given the option of going home after one night and I did. All of this wasn't even the best part. The customer service was AMAZING!!! My husband equated it to being on a cruise that happened to have a surgery room, hehe. All of the staff was amazing!! The morning of surgery I was freaking out because I'd never been under before. The anesthesioligist, surgical nurses, surgery assistants, internist, everybody came in to introduce themselves and were sooo friendly! It relieved most of my anxiety, even before the happy pill!! haha I was in and out before I knew it and back to my private room where my husband was waiting for me. Everytime someone came to talk to me it just left me and my husband amazed at how friendly and personal they all were. You never really associate customer service with medical procedures, I felt like I was a real person to them, not just another body to be thrown on the table. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I just had to share!!!:laugh:

Well congratulations Onehotmama, I guess you were one of the lucky ones. Maybe if you would have dug a little deeper you would have found more than just a smelly hospital. Cases quoted (all Wasa’s own words):

“My own doc (Aceves) had a patient who had bypass and less than 24 hours after surgery his wife decided to sneak in Mickey D's for him to eat (sure, sneaked in burgers, please!). Well, he ripped out staples, got a leak, and an infection. The doc took him back to OR and fixed it. Didn't even charge the patient for the additional surgery or hospital days. She was running around posting on message boards what a horrible doc my doc is because her husband got an infection”

The above quote was written in an effort to absolve Aceves of any fault or responsibility. We are expected to believe Aceves took the patient back in the OR after the patient ate burgers less than 24 hours after gastric bypass surgery and did not charge him?? That’s a guilty conscience, not burgers! If Aceves didn’t charge him either he was hiding something or did it to shut him up and keep him from spreading his tale. So Aceves lost on that one and left Wasa to clean up after him. Even the most moronic, idiotic and stupid person would NEVER give her husband IN THE HOSPITAL AFTER BYPASS , burgers!

Please Wasa, just accept the fact that your precious doctor Aceves is not GOD, for crying out loud! Are all his patients’ complications their fault?? Do any of his patients ever have a complication simply because it was meant to happen? If that is the case I am concerned about Aceves pre-op evaluation of his patients and thorough preparation and education of his patients before surgery as well as his ability in the operating room.

Then there is this little tidbit:

“There was a patient that had surgery, she was told not go take tub baths or go swimming for "X" number of weeks. Four days after having surgery she went swimming in a public pool and one of her incisions became infected. She went posting to everyone telling them she got an infection and blamed her doc. She didn't tell the rest of the story until later and turns out, she went swimming in a public pool where people urinate in the pool.”

Again, it was THE PATIENT’S fault, right? Wrong, that patient never went in any pool, just like the first patient never had any burger, Wasa came through with another little tale about how a patient got infected and the other had a leak to absolve Aceves of any responsibility. I mean please Wasa, just how stupid do you think we are?

And then there is this one about one of many Aceves fatalities:

“it was not an infection that happened but heart failure. Ever meet a person that has a LONG heart history and without weight loss they will have more heart problems and more heart attacks? How many heart attacks can a person have?”

My God! More and more heart attacks??? “How many heart attacks can a person have”??? What?!?!?!!?! Is that how you clean up after Aceves, Wasa??? What a terrible job! You couldn’t come up with anything better??

The patient had an infection and died, period. Again was it Aceves fault? Who knows, maybe it was maybe it wasn’t. The point is this: does he really need Wasa to clean up after him every time one of his patients has complications or dies?? Or does Wasa have a different purpose when trying to save doctor Aceves reputation??

Ever notice how there are no doctors good enough for Wasa and her infinite wealth of medical knowledge for a 1000 mile radius of Aceves? None in Arizona, none in California and certainly none in Tijuana. She works on commission. If she sends no patients to doctor Aceves, Aceves does not give her a paycheck.

For more info on this go here: Lap Band Surgery in Mexico - Choosing a Surgeon check out the first comment.

See, the thing is she is good. She trolls around and yes, she posts bits and pieces of advice (she practically lives here), dog piles a few doctors, rants on a bit here and there while making time, yes making time, waiting for a newbie to come by and then she jumps into action and nicely sends him or her on her way to doctor Aceves. Cha-ching!

Just ask any Newbie and you’ll see that 9 out of 10 times Wasa has PM’d them telling them about Saint Aceves and why they should go to him. This forum, for all you Wasa cheerleaders, has become Wasa’s main source of patients, i.e. INCOME.

One question: Why hasn’t doctor Aceves gotten certification for plastic surgery? I hear he is a well trained (but not certified) plastic surgeon? C’mon Wasa talk him into it, imagine all the cash you can make by sending him patients for plastics!! I know you can, from what I’ve read he seems to do whatever you tell him to, so isn’t it time for you to start typing wonders about doctor Aceves and his skills in plastics? Oh and remember, complications in plastics can be hard to clean up after, so start making up your stories to save his butt!

There are very good surgeons in California, Arizona and Tijuana. Unfortunately some have been dog piled by Wasa and her greed in her efforts to make money from/with Aceves. There is really nothing wrong in sending patients a doctor’s way and earning money. The problem is Wasa lies. She represents the opposite of what she is: a weight loss surgery salesperson with a slick tongue.

Ever since she lost her band she sells the bejeezus out of the gastric sleeve, she’s probably scoring a higher commission out of the sleeve. And please Wasa, can you remind us why you lost your band? Slippage, erosion, infection??? What was it?? Just don’t answer with the ridiculous statement that “it was a hassle” or that you “didn’t like it anymore”. Because if those were the reasons then Aceves has questionable ethics. No reputable surgeon is willing to submit anyone (not even you) to a sleeve surgery with all it’s risks unless the band was infected, eroded or had slipped. Unless of course you and Aceves changed strategy and decided the lap band sale cycle was done and it was time for you to start selling sleeves.

Do tell, why?

Give us all a break and come clean, you are a bariatric surgery sales person, yes. And the one with the best disguise.

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Well congratulations Onehotmama, I guess you were one of the lucky ones. Maybe if you would have dug a little deeper you would have found more than just a smelly hospital. Cases quoted (all Wasa’s own words):

“My own doc (Aceves) had a patient who had bypass and less than 24 hours after surgery his wife decided to sneak in Mickey D's for him to eat (sure, sneaked in burgers, please!). Well, he ripped out staples, got a leak, and an infection. The doc took him back to OR and fixed it. Didn't even charge the patient for the additional surgery or hospital days. She was running around posting on message boards what a horrible doc my doc is because her husband got an infection”

The above quote was written in an effort to absolve Aceves of any fault or responsibility. We are expected to believe Aceves took the patient back in the OR after the patient ate burgers less than 24 hours after gastric bypass surgery and did not charge him?? That’s a guilty conscience, not burgers! If Aceves didn’t charge him either he was hiding something or did it to shut him up and keep him from spreading his tale. So Aceves lost on that one and left Wasa to clean up after him. Even the most moronic, idiotic and stupid person would NEVER give her husband IN THE HOSPITAL AFTER BYPASS , burgers!

Please Wasa, just accept the fact that your precious doctor Aceves is not GOD, for crying out loud! Are all his patients’ complications their fault?? Do any of his patients ever have a complication simply because it was meant to happen? If that is the case I am concerned about Aceves pre-op evaluation of his patients and thorough preparation and education of his patients before surgery as well as his ability in the operating room.

Then there is this little tidbit:

“There was a patient that had surgery, she was told not go take tub baths or go swimming for "X" number of weeks. Four days after having surgery she went swimming in a public pool and one of her incisions became infected. She went posting to everyone telling them she got an infection and blamed her doc. She didn't tell the rest of the story until later and turns out, she went swimming in a public pool where people urinate in the pool.”

Again, it was THE PATIENT’S fault, right? Wrong, that patient never went in any pool, just like the first patient never had any burger, Wasa came through with another little tale about how a patient got infected and the other had a leak to absolve Aceves of any responsibility. I mean please Wasa, just how stupid do you think we are?

And then there is this one about one of many Aceves fatalities:

“it was not an infection that happened but heart failure. Ever meet a person that has a LONG heart history and without weight loss they will have more heart problems and more heart attacks? How many heart attacks can a person have?”

My God! More and more heart attacks??? “How many heart attacks can a person have”??? What?!?!?!!?! Is that how you clean up after Aceves, Wasa??? What a terrible job! You couldn’t come up with anything better??

The patient had an infection and died, period. Again was it Aceves fault? Who knows, maybe it was maybe it wasn’t. The point is this: does he really need Wasa to clean up after him every time one of his patients has complications or dies?? Or does Wasa have a different purpose when trying to save doctor Aceves reputation??

Ever notice how there are no doctors good enough for Wasa and her infinite wealth of medical knowledge for a 1000 mile radius of Aceves? None in Arizona, none in California and certainly none in Tijuana. She works on commission. If she sends no patients to doctor Aceves, Aceves does not give her a paycheck.

For more info on this go here: Lap Band Surgery in Mexico - Choosing a Surgeon check out the first comment.

See, the thing is she is good. She trolls around and yes, she posts bits and pieces of advice (she practically lives here), dog piles a few doctors, rants on a bit here and there while making time, yes making time, waiting for a newbie to come by and then she jumps into action and nicely sends him or her on her way to doctor Aceves. Cha-ching!

Just ask any Newbie and you’ll see that 9 out of 10 times Wasa has PM’d them telling them about Saint Aceves and why they should go to him. This forum, for all you Wasa cheerleaders, has become Wasa’s main source of patients, i.e. INCOME.

One question: Why hasn’t doctor Aceves gotten certification for plastic surgery? I hear he is a well trained (but not certified) plastic surgeon? C’mon Wasa talk him into it, imagine all the cash you can make by sending him patients for plastics!! I know you can, from what I’ve read he seems to do whatever you tell him to, so isn’t it time for you to start typing wonders about doctor Aceves and his skills in plastics? Oh and remember, complications in plastics can be hard to clean up after, so start making up your stories to save his butt!

There are very good surgeons in California, Arizona and Tijuana. Unfortunately some have been dog piled by Wasa and her greed in her efforts to make money from/with Aceves. There is really nothing wrong in sending patients a doctor’s way and earning money. The problem is Wasa lies. She represents the opposite of what she is: a weight loss surgery salesperson with a slick tongue.

Ever since she lost her band she sells the bejeezus out of the gastric sleeve, she’s probably scoring a higher commission out of the sleeve. And please Wasa, can you remind us why you lost your band? Slippage, erosion, infection??? What was it?? Just don’t answer with the ridiculous statement that “it was a hassle” or that you “didn’t like it anymore”. Because if those were the reasons then Aceves has questionable ethics. No reputable surgeon is willing to submit anyone (not even you) to a sleeve surgery with all it’s risks unless the band was infected, eroded or had slipped. Unless of course you and Aceves changed strategy and decided the lap band sale cycle was done and it was time for you to start selling sleeves.

Do tell, why?

Give us all a break and come clean, you are a bariatric surgery sales person, yes. And the one with the best disguise.

Any special reason you came up with yet another ID to post this nonsense? Any reason you don't have the guts to use your usual ID? You've done this before, haven't you? How many IDs do you have now? Just on LBT alone?

The lady that died... not quite as you explain it. Your version differs from the family of the person. Dr. Aceves was fixing a poor surgical outcome from another surgeon. You have insisted that you are right and the family, who was actually there, was wrong.

The person with an infection from swimming... wasn't my doc's patient. It was someone else and it was an example of how not all infections are the fault of the doctor. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. That's why most post op instructions suggest showers, not tub baths. No swimming, etc. Care to try again?

You can put your cash register sound effects away, just like every other time you have made these silly claims under a variety of IDs I have refuted what you claim. Instead of peeing in the thread of someone who is happy with her experience, why don't you get out there and so something productive instead of the same sorry line of crap. I'm surprised you don't copy and paste instead of rewriting your fantasies time and time again.

Dr. Aceves doesn't want to do plastics. He wanted to at one time (in medical school) and changed his mind and wanted to do GI surgery. Your point?

His "many" fatalities? SkinnyPlease (that is your other ID, one of them) is a load and you know it. You just got done trashing Ortiz and now you are starting on Aceves... again. Why do you spend so much time trashing the good doctors and pushing the bad?

You know what the difference is between you and me? I don't just make claims without backing them up. When I refer to a person that had a bad surgical outcome I bring them over here to tell their own story. I don't just make up a load of crap and spew it around pretending that I have a clue such as you. If the only way you can change the poor surgical outcomes of your doctor is to redirect and lie about another, you have some serious issues. Perhaps you should have chosen a doctor with some amount of skill.

Instead of just telling everyone how wonderful your doctor is (under your other IDs) why not do as I do and show people how to do their own research so they don't have to depend on coordinators posing as patients lying to people? I show people how to do their own research and verify information for themselves vs. depending on people like you.

If you were being honest instead of throwing out accusations you can't begin to defend other than feetie stomping and pouting you wouldn't need to change your ID more often than you change your underdrawers.

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zi"TROL"eira, I don't know what the he11 crawled up your a$$ and made you so bitter!! I was passing on MY experience to others. Who are you to question MY experiences? Sounds like you have a personal pissing contest with Wasa. Who, by the way, never contacted me. I did my own research thank you very much. For you to claim that the patients don't make mistakes and don't make stupid choices. My God! Just read some of these posts!!! "My band let me eat 2 pieces of pizza", "I'm 2 days post-op and was able to drink soda and have a full meal". After reading this board I don't put the hamburger story past anybody!! Anyway, just had to respond because your little ranting on MY happy thread pissed me off!!

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Any special reason you came up with yet another ID to post this nonsense? Any reason you don't have the guts to use your usual ID? You've done this before, haven't you? How many IDs do you have now? Just on LBT alone? The lady that died...

His "many" fatalities? SkinnyPlease (that is your other ID, one of them)...... quote]

Sorry Wasa, "skinnyplease" here. That is not me. I thought you said Alex is your buddy? Why don't you ask him to check the ID's to see if they are coming from the same person? You said he has the software to detect that.

I did know about that death of Aceves too, but hadn't heard about the McDonalds excuse. I will say that I can't believe that a good surgeon would allow his patients to eat a full meal complete with beer the night before surgery. I think most surgeons instruct their patients to eat light or stay on their liquid Protein right up until surgery.

I love the way when someone posts something that disagrees with your opinion, you accuse them of "yet another ID". How do we know that the person posting the “Amazing experience” isn’t YOU with a multiple ID. EVERYONE has anonymity on the internet. Live with it!

That's why people should NOT base their decision on which surgeon to use by merely reading this or any board. Too much, "He the greatest surgeon since sliced bread" or "He is the worst surgeon with the worst reputation". No specifics or way to prove anything.

Now you're accusing me of making money trolling. You’re confusing me with YOU! Show me just ONE post from me recommending ANY doctor by name. What?.. you can't find one? hmmmmm

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Actually, I was told not to have any alcohol at dinner but I CHOSE to anyway. I know bad me, but I didn't think my f*cking story was going to be dissected by obnoxious downers with no life!!!! Who the he11 are you to question me and my actions? Like I said this was my experience and would I recommend Dr. Aceves to others? Absolutely!!! So my suggestion would be for you to get over yourselves and allow this to be a support board again.

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Actually, I was told not to have any alcohol at dinner but I CHOSE to anyway. I know bad me, but I didn't think my f*cking story was going to be dissected by obnoxious downers with no life!!!! Who the he11 are you to question me and my actions? Like I said this was my experience and would I recommend Dr. Aceves to others? Absolutely!!! So my suggestion would be for you to get over yourselves and allow this to be a support board again.

I did not mean to question you. I know that's probably how I came off to you and I owe you an apology. I meant to question Wasa NOT you. You shouldn't have had the beer and the big meal, but that was your choice. If Aceves instructed you not to then ...you bad!

If you had a good experience, that's great and you have every right to post here. However, I'm sick and tired of Wasa accusing EVERYONE that doesn't agree with her of making money when that is exactly what she is here for! I also was accused of being the author of the other post, which I was not.

My point is that no one here knows who ANYBODY really is, so proceed with caution. You may not really be Wasa using another ID, but nobody really knows for sure just as you don’t know who I really am either!

I wish you all the best and a skinny new year!

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If anyone has a problem with another particular poster on this thread take it off the board. If you have a issue with an individual take it off the board .



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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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