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2nd Band Still No Weight Loss

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Hey guys, looking for some support to see if anyone has gone thru a similar journey like mine. I was 280 lbs. b4 surgery once it was determined that my 1st Lap Band slipped I was 200lbs. and surprisingly felt great. My doctor recommended to remove all my fills to let my stomach heal b4 performing the New Lap Band AP procedure. I was un filled for 3 months and put on like 20 pounds! I was eating everything in site that I haven't ate in 4 years of my 1st band. My weight on my 2nd band surgery was 235. I was fine with it because I knew with my new improved band I will loose the weight 1-2-3! Well that was back in March of 2008. Today is what Dec. 29, 2008. I am at 11.5cc's of a fill! According to my doctor I have an AP-L Lap Band which holds 14 cc's of saline. And I weigh today 243 pounds:angry_smile:! Yes I went UP! New year will be here in 2 days and I thought by now, I would been down at LEAST 15 pounds. I do not stick to any excercise plan though, I am lazy, too tired & now TOO FAT! Don't feel like moving anymore! Going on Jan. 8, 2009 for my 10th fill! I do feel restriction sometimes but not full enough! This wkend ate very little food but a lot of junk! That's what passes! IDK what to do! Got on my treadmill to walk that's all I could do, for 25 mins. And was exhausted! I am 32 and a failure:confused:! Anyone care to join me or advise on what to do anymore :crying:

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I'm pretty new at this....but my surgeon explained to me that I need to think of the band as a "tool" not the "solution"! It sounds like you've been through a lot and I too would be frustrated in your situation, but perhaps you should try to change your line of thinking! Try to think positively and remember, even though it's not the beginning for you....you can start a new beginning for yourself! I hope you have a support system at home too!

Good luck!

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:crying: thanks! I am a pessimitic! what ever you call it! Bad things always happen to me! Just so frustrated with everything when I see people losing and with a 2nd band instead of losing I GAINED an additonal 10 lbs.

Just wonder if in the Lap Band World I am the only one struggling :frown:

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I do not stick to any excercise plan though, I am lazy, too tired & now TOO FAT! Don't feel like moving anymore!

Going on Jan. 8, 2009 for my 10th fill! I do feel restriction sometimes but not full enough! This wkend ate very little food but a lot of junk! That's what passes!

IDK what to do! Got on my treadmill to walk that's all I could do, for 25 mins.

I think your answers are there in your initial post.

Exercise is important and you have to build yourself up. If walking for 25 minutes is all you can do at this point, then you need to work your way up to doing better by regular exercise. Even if you only started with 25 minutes 3 times a week, by next week you would find it easier . . . before long you can go longer and faster. It is never easy to start from scratch but it gets easier over time and you get more energy.

You are going for your 10th fill, but why do you need another fill? You say that all that passes is junk food - then you are too tight. You will always feel hungry quickly on slider foods, that will never change. If you can't eat Proteins or veggies or fruits or other healthy foods, then you have bypassed your sweet spot.

If you really want to make this work, you need to make exercise a part of your life (and it doesn't have to be 2 hours a day of intensity, you can start simple and just do it regularly). You need to eat healthy foods and Proteins. Cut out the junk food, you can't lose if that is a staple of your diet.

Many people are going on the 5 day pouch test diet to get back into weight loss mode and the banding lifestyle. You might find that this is a good way to recommit and get started again with the new year upon us. Good luck.

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I know and you and the doctors tell me the same. TO start exercising. But it's so hard right now being this big! I have worked out for 2 weeks straight get on the scale and nothing not even a pound lost! I could eat Proteins actually could eat everything except bread, like sandwiches. I just don't feel full! This wken I don't knwo wasn't feeling well but I liked the not hungry feeling even though I was under the weather. But today back on the hunger! My doctor keeps telling me to be patient, I tell him in 4 months or so I'll make my 1 year mark and instead of losing I have gained! IDK so far it seems I'm the only one failing with a SECOND band!

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I am sorry to hear of your struggle, and I am sure you are discouraged! Have you tired counseling to help you with the need to feed? It's probably head hunger which feels very much like real hunger. Even if you could eat a lot of food you should be measuring your food and making sure you are not eating more then you should be. The band really is just a tool to remind you to not eat more then you should. Are you getting in 60-90 gms of Protein per day? I find when I slack off on the Protein I get hungry. Also, I agree that if you can only get down slider foods you may be to tight.

Only you can control what you put in your mouth. You can do this, I know you can. Find out what the 5 day pouch test is and do it. Get proactive and take care of yourself, because no one else will. Everyone here care about you and we want you to be successful but you have to want it for yourself. It's never to late to get back on track.

Keep in touch, I'll be praying that God gives you the strength you need to defeat this.

Now go seize the day!

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I know and you and the doctors tell me the same. TO start exercising. But it's so hard right now being this big!!

I weigh 100 pounds more (at least) than you and I can exercise. Respectfully that's just an excuse! I'm 53 (54 in Feb) and was as out of shape as they come. You just have to get off your self-described lazy tushie and move it! :frown:

It won't make you lose weight though...you have to watch what you eat and take in less cals than you lose.

So I agree with what Heather O says.

The band will just help; you have to do the work. It's you who reaches for the food....whether it's "junk" or healthy.

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I have a friend who hasn't been having a whole lot of sucess with her band, but I don't think she's using it to its' full potential. Sounds like you're having a similar problem.

It's just a tool---it's not going to do the work for you. Like right now....I feel "snacky" But I have to really say to myself, Am I truly hungry? And I have to then make that decision NOT to snack on junk. It's all a mind game for me! :crying:

And as far as exercise---I was 261 when I started this and I could exercise. I started just walking a few blocks and gradually increased the distance. I also have rheumatoid arthritis, so my joints hurt all the time. Now 33 pounds down, I'm just about jogging!!:frown:

But honestly-----even losing 5 or 10 pounds gives you such a big boost, it'll keep you going! You just have to get your mind in that mindset that you're going to take control of this!!

I know you can do it!!!!

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I hate to say it but I think your biggest problem may be a lack of commitment. I weigh a whoppin' 287 lbs. and I exercise for 1 hour everyday. I do machines, stationary bike, treadmill, etc. If I can do it, then you who weighs 50 lbs. less than I do can surely do it. You've got to make a new commitment to yourself because the band is not going to make the weight just fall off. I only lose about 1-2 lbs a week but I figure as long as the number on the scale is getting smaller, I'm doing great. Snap out of it, get out there and exercise and start eating right. Do you go to a nutritionist or dietitian? If not, you may want to find one in your area who can help you get back on track with your eating. Sounds like the ball is in your court and you need to take a shot!

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Don't give up, Massey. Try slowing down more when

eating and chew chew chew.maybe that will help.

Stay away from junk food you will gain. Please don't

throw in the towel, we are here for you. Caring Friend


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I know and you and the doctors tell me the same. TO start exercising. But it's so hard right now being this big! I have worked out for 2 weeks straight get on the scale and nothing not even a pound lost! I could eat Proteins actually could eat everything except bread, like sandwiches. I just don't feel full! This wken I don't knwo wasn't feeling well but I liked the not hungry feeling even though I was under the weather. But today back on the hunger! My doctor keeps telling me to be patient, I tell him in 4 months or so I'll make my 1 year mark and instead of losing I have gained! IDK so far it seems I'm the only one failing with a SECOND band!

Have you considered that you might have a carb addiction? If I eat carbs like chips, crackers, Cookies, potatoes, Cereal, snack cakes or anything similar, I am hungry in less than an hour and I have no energy at all. It could be the carbs affecting your blood sugar that might be making this so difficult for you. If this might be the problem, the best way to overcome it is to cut out the carbs/processed sugars completely for two weeks and see how you are feeling aterwards . . . it might just make all the difference in the world.

The 5 day pouch test is a great way to get back on track . . . here is a link if you would like to check it out:

Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test

I highly recommend it.

Why don't you try one thing at a time? Commit for yourself that you will do one thing to help yourself on your journey for two weeks . . . and then add in a new piece so that it is not so overwhelming. They could be things like the following:

1) I will not eat junk food. Either it is a Protein, veggie, fruit, dairy, or whole grain food.

2) I will not snack between meals. (but scheduling a snack into your day at a time that you know you will be hungry is fine if it is healthy).

3) I will eat my lean Proteins first, veggies second and everything else last.

4) I will chart every bite of my calories and proteins either online on thedailyplate, fitday or any other site or even with a pen and paper to see what I am taking in.

5) I will exercise for at least 20 minutes every day, even if it is only walking.

6) If I become very hungry between meals or I am eating more than one cup at a sitting - I will eat non-starchy vegetables as filler.

You can do this and we are all here for you. We are all in the same boat and trying to find our way through to the other side. The band is there for you to make it easier, and you have to ask yourself . . . is your second band failing you or are you failing your second band . . . . by not putting forth the effort to make it work.

Now it is up to you to hold up your end, get the weight off and be the best and healthiest that you can be. I think if you follow these steps, you could be looking a whole lot different and feeling like a new person by the time summer comes around.

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Hello Guys!

Thanks for the support:thumbup:! It helps! Makes me feel not alone in this big Lap Band world. I apologize for not getting back sooner, I am in the midst of preparing dinner for 2 kiddies and husband who just walked in the door:whatchutalkingabout. MY life is very busy barely have anytime for me. This morning went to bed at midnight and couldn't sleep as usual. When the alarm rang @ 6:30am, I couldn't budge! Felt exhauted! No energy! In my early 30's but feel like 70:sad:. I appreciate the advice, I will look up the 5 day band challenge, and see if it works. I do feel hungry when I eat light though and get light headed if I go for long periods without any food. I know I am a carb addict! I don't know how to control it. This is so hard! Today for example, had my 2 cups of coffee w/ fat free 1/2 & 1/2. Between 9am to 10:30am. By 12pm I was so hungry, had my instant oatmeal. MY boss took the office gals to lunchas a holiday gift. I ordered the bass in a Italian sauce, it was Very good! We shared appetizers and then we got a slice of Italian cheesecake! :), my stomach felt full. I scraped the top layer because I am weak and couldn't say no. But stopped and pushed the plate away. That was @ 1pm now preparing dinner ealry @ 5:30 and feel full like a balloon! I don't think I'll eat dinner tonight. But I already have a carb plan if I get hungry, tortillas and salsa! See already sabatoging myself. I haven't seen a nutritionist because I know already what to get and what not to eat. It's all about choices. And even did weight watchers a month ago and quit. Same story! I know I have to put more effort in working out. Just feel pooped all the time and at times sad:blushing:. Sorry needed to vent! But thank you all again for taking your time and reading and writing back. :)

I will check back later, and I will look up the 5 day band challenege, Thank you Heather:thumbup:

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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