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Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

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My dentist does ortho...but isn't an orthodontist. Today met a lady who gets her thyroid treated by her family doc yet she isn't an endocronologist. The list can go on and on.

What any potential patient for any procedure wants is good care. They are ultimately responsible for doing the research and interviews to determine which doctor is best for them.

Any doctor you can find good and bad about....someone isn't going to like something and sometimes good doctors take on hard/difficult cases that another less inexperienced doctor wouldn't because of the risk. But the doctor treats the patient but something goes wrong, as the doc and patient knew could happen.

But that doesn't mean he's a bad doctor.

Met a few attorneys like that....wouldn't take cases unless they knew they could win. That is a far cry from arguing the law and setting standards.

I don't know anything about some of the doctors mentioned out of the country, I only know Dr. Huacuz ( I know several here in the states). That was my choice. He couldn't have done a better job and I am better off having chose him.

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My dentist does ortho...but isn't an orthodontist. Today met a lady who gets her thyroid treated by her family doc yet she isn't an endocronologist. The list can go on and on.

What any potential patient for any procedure wants is good care. They are ultimately responsible for doing the research and interviews to determine which doctor is best for them.

Any doctor you can find good and bad about....someone isn't going to like something and sometimes good doctors take on hard/difficult cases that another less inexperienced doctor wouldn't because of the risk. But the doctor treats the patient but something goes wrong, as the doc and patient knew could happen.

Yet... this is the man you are defending and suggesting others go to for medical care. Do you see the same problem as I?

But that doesn't mean he's a bad doctor.

Met a few attorneys like that....wouldn't take cases unless they knew they could win. That is a far cry from arguing the law and setting standards.

I don't know anything about some of the doctors mentioned out of the country, I only know Dr. Huacuz ( I know several here in the states). That was my choice. He couldn't have done a better job and I am better off having chose him.

And a family practitioner can do some pediatrics too but when it gets to a point you send the patient to the person that can do the job necessary.

Plastic surgery is a very specific field of its own with a lot of education necessary and certification. My doc is fully trained in plastics but he doesn't do it and the reason he doesn't is because he isn't certified.

It's an issue of ethics.

Huacuz has such a long list of horrors in his past. It's just unbelievable what he has done to people and then the way he couldn't be honest about it if his life depended on it. He does not take responsibility for his own errors, he blames others, lies about it, tries to cover it up, claims ZERO complications after infections, leaks, deaths, bands placed incorrectly... he claimed he was a FACS surgeon and when the truth came out on OH the FACS was removed from his profile and he was chastised by the College of Surgeons for making claims that were totally inaccurate.

His staff chase around after their patients giving out personal medical info on the boards and it isn't even accurate information. While Huacuz does not have to follow HIPAA laws, his US staff do or they risk a lawsuit. When he almost killed Adrienne he offered her husband $3K if they would not tell what he did on the boards. She came over here and told her story, she's a long time poster on OH.

We've caught him red handed posing as his own patient on various boards telling everyone how good looking he is and what a great surgeon he is. We made fun of him for months after he screwed up on MexicanBandsters and forgot he was supposed to be posting as a patient.

He fully admits his relationship with Betancourt and Betancourt wasn't the surgeon, Huacuz was and he still blames Betancourt for poor surgical outcomes, infections, filthy clinic, the works. (Molding Clinic, for one example) He acknowledges that the clinic was a filthy place of horror yet he went back daily to operate on even more people in that filthy rat hole.

On MexicanBandsters he claimed it wasn't his fault that people had infections and such because Andres Betancourt would not permit him to check on his patients immediately after surgery. ??? Does that make sense to you? Who is the surgeon in those cases? If he wasn't permitted a clean facility to work from and if he wasn't permitted to follow his own patients immediately after surgery, why did he keep going back day after day doing the same thing all over again?

About a year ago he put on a seminar in Florida and flat out told people he had never had a complication. NO doctor has no complications, it's impossible. Doctors do not control everything that can potentially happen to a patient. After all his infections, bands placed wrong, deaths, leaks... he claims no complications. How do you expect anyone to respect the man when he couldn't tell the truth if is life depended on it? He banded his own coordinator (now works for Betancourt) and she eroded. Isn't that a complication? His other coordinator that he did a breast job for had a horrible infection, isn't that a complication?

I received a PM from someone who just talked to Huacuz in the last few weeks. She asked about his complications with Adrienne, his leak patient. Now, when Catzintj told the story she said she called Huacuz and he told her that Adrienne took a pill HE gave her and that caused the leak the day after surgery. He told the person that PMed me the other day that she was fine, she went home after her surgery, ate something she shouldn't have, came back to TJ and he fixed the leak. Then he went on to claim that Adrienne pulled out her own drains (they are stitched into place) and that is why she became septic and almost died. You'd think he's just pick a lie and stick to it. Even his own coordinators have posted (two of them) when her leak happened (the day after surgery) yet when asked about it he comes up with new lies to cover what he has done.

I wouldn't send my worst enemy to him let alone someone for breast implants. Call me silly, I'd only want to go to a plastic surgeon actually certified in plastics. You know, someone formally trained?

Yet you... you suggest this man is a good surgeon and others should go to him. Shame on you.

Edited by WASaBubbleButt

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I think that everyone has complications. Some minor and some majior. I also feel that hear say is not a good enough excuss to bad mouth someone. If YOU had the surgery and almost died, then you would be able to talk about your experience. I had a great time, the surgery was without complications. I think that he was very nice, and professional. That was my opinion. That is my story!

And if the plastic surgieon is that same was as Dr. H. then yes I will use him. I went had surgery, and returned home two days later I was back at work.

Tara P.

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NO doctor has no complications, it's impossible. Doctors do not control everything that can potentially happen to a patient. After all his infections, bands placed wrong, deaths, leaks... he claims no complications. How do you expect anyone to respect the man when he couldn't tell the truth if is life depended on it? He banded his own coordinator (now works for Betancourt) and she eroded. Isn't that a complication? His other coordinator that he did a breast job for had a horrible infection, isn't that a complication?

I have to second what WASa is saying here... I had my band surgery with Huacuz... and I have a leak. Ok, so he didn't poke a hole in my band, it's the POS band that is broken; however, ALL doctors have SOME problems, no matter how good they are. This should not be something that is hidden.

All I can say is do your homework. You decide based on whatever. But I must say if it's PRICE you're basing your decision on, please reconsider that; regardless of the doc.

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My husband and I were banded by Dr. Huacuz in 11/2008. My friend was also banded, over a failed bypass she had 3 years ago.

I think when you decide to go to Mexico for a major surgery, that you need to think a long time about it. It is a very intense experience all crammed into 2-3 days. Not to mention, having to travel to get there. The whole experience is emotionally and physically exhausting.

I was a little uncomfortable with the idea that Dr. Huacuz was doing all three of our surgeries the day we arrived, and then found out that he had another band to place before us. By the time we landed in San Diego, were picked up and taken to the clinic, it was 1:00. Then the surgeries began. 4 surgeries, starting at 1:00, with one being a band over a bypass and a longer surgery? We were not all done until after 10:00 at night.

That night, My friend had a reaction the the anestesia, her blood pressure dropped and she did very poorly. Dr. Huacuz suggested she stay an extra day, and we did. The Dr. however kept saying, shes anemic and that this was causing the problems. He was also saying she was sensitive and "a baby." I dont think that he was taking the situation as seriously as it had been. For alost 2 weeks after the surgery she was pale, weak and sick. She even contacted a local doctor and was told that being anemic would not have caused all of the complications she was having.

Since returning home my friend and I have gone through one dissapointment after another. I have not spoken to the Dr. since returning home. Many posts on here boast about him calling and checking on the patient, or giving them his personal cell number. We got neither.

My incisions sites and scars that were left are terrible. The same for my husband and friend. My cousin, who was banded by a different doctor in mexico in 8/08, has healed beautifully and the incisions are barely noticable.

Just when i started to feel better about the whole thing and think that i had been overreacting, I went in for my first local fill. I went to a USA fill center provider who was WONDERFUL. However, my port was turned and it took her almost an hour to get into the port. At one point she told me i would have to fly to Atlanta to have a floroscopy done because that was the closest person she knew of. I knew my port was turned from the beginning. The Dr. told me and showed me when he gave me a fill after surgery. Looking back, should I have asked him to fix it that weekend? I didnt know what to do, I was new to all of this. Finally my fill Dr. found the port and was able to give me a little fill, and I'm actually too full. BUT IM TERRIFIED TO GO BACK, because what if it takes another hour to get in there and again im faced with dissapointment? Not to mention having to spend the money for the appointment.

My husband has done very well since his surgery. Dr. Huacuz put 1 cc in his band the day after surgery, and he has lost 48 pounds in 2 months. I think that any doctor can place a few bands well, and every doctor has complications. But with 2 out of 3 of us not being happy with our results? Not good odds to me.

I'm not saying I don't think Dr. Huacuz was nice and adequate, but if you were to ask me if I would go to him again if I had the chance to do it over, then NO. Im not sure he is the best choice, or the most qualified. I think hes a nice guy, and a cheap choice for surgery. But now, i think all three of us would have paid more money to go to a different doctor.

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pamaloo -

i read your story (well written) and i feel badly for you. dr. huacuz is one of the mexican docs i have heard so many bad things about. he scares me - along with a few others.

i've been doing research for about two months. my bff and i are going later this month to mexico for our bands.

i wish you a quick recovery and a success story in the end. 8-)

best wishes,


Edited by crickpoodle

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My husband and I were banded by Dr. Huacuz in 11/2008. My friend was also banded, over a failed bypass she had 3 years ago.

I think when you decide to go to Mexico for a major surgery, that you need to think a long time about it. It is a very intense experience all crammed into 2-3 days. Not to mention, having to travel to get there. The whole experience is emotionally and physically exhausting.

I was a little uncomfortable with the idea that Dr. Huacuz was doing all three of our surgeries the day we arrived, and then found out that he had another band to place before us. By the time we landed in San Diego, were picked up and taken to the clinic, it was 1:00. Then the surgeries began. 4 surgeries, starting at 1:00, with one being a band over a bypass and a longer surgery? We were not all done until after 10:00 at night.

That night, My friend had a reaction the the anestesia, her blood pressure dropped and she did very poorly. Dr. Huacuz suggested she stay an extra day, and we did. The Dr. however kept saying, shes anemic and that this was causing the problems. He was also saying she was sensitive and "a baby." I dont think that he was taking the situation as seriously as it had been. For alost 2 weeks after the surgery she was pale, weak and sick. She even contacted a local doctor and was told that being anemic would not have caused all of the complications she was having.

Since returning home my friend and I have gone through one dissapointment after another. I have not spoken to the Dr. since returning home. Many posts on here boast about him calling and checking on the patient, or giving them his personal cell number. We got neither.

My incisions sites and scars that were left are terrible. The same for my husband and friend. My cousin, who was banded by a different doctor in mexico in 8/08, has healed beautifully and the incisions are barely noticable.

Just when i started to feel better about the whole thing and think that i had been overreacting, I went in for my first local fill. I went to a USA fill center provider who was WONDERFUL. However, my port was turned and it took her almost an hour to get into the port. At one point she told me i would have to fly to Atlanta to have a floroscopy done because that was the closest person she knew of. I knew my port was turned from the beginning. The Dr. told me and showed me when he gave me a fill after surgery. Looking back, should I have asked him to fix it that weekend? I didnt know what to do, I was new to all of this. Finally my fill Dr. found the port and was able to give me a little fill, and I'm actually too full. BUT IM TERRIFIED TO GO BACK, because what if it takes another hour to get in there and again im faced with dissapointment? Not to mention having to spend the money for the appointment.

My husband has done very well since his surgery. Dr. Huacuz put 1 cc in his band the day after surgery, and he has lost 48 pounds in 2 months. I think that any doctor can place a few bands well, and every doctor has complications. But with 2 out of 3 of us not being happy with our results? Not good odds to me.

I'm not saying I don't think Dr. Huacuz was nice and adequate, but if you were to ask me if I would go to him again if I had the chance to do it over, then NO. Im not sure he is the best choice, or the most qualified. I think hes a nice guy, and a cheap choice for surgery. But now, i think all three of us would have paid more money to go to a different doctor.

I sincerely thank you for story. If I may ask for others doing their research, why did you choose Dr. Huacuz?

And why did it take 9 hours to do your surgeries?

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I'm not exactly sure, I know my friend took a while because of the banding over her bypass, but honestly the nurse gave us something to "make us relax" and it knocked me out. I just remember waking up in recovery and looking at my watch around 10:00 so honestly he might have been done around 9.

We chose Dr. Huacuz for 2 reasons.

1. He was seriously cheaper for my friend with the band over bypass, he charged her about 4,000 less than others were quoting.

2. He has a wonderful lady working with him that arranges groups trips. She was warm and kind, talked to us often pre-op on the phone and we were very excited to have her with us during the procedure. This lady had been a patient of his a year or 2 ago, and we really were convinced by her to use his clinic. She set up everything, our flights, transportation to TJ, and took us into town the day after surgery to look around and buy souveneirs.

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yes i know him

my father went there for gastric sleeve surgery and never came home

i lost my father too this man who doesn't know what he is doing

a friend just had the exact same surgery and is doing amazing !

daniel huacuz is not a doctor nor does he have any machines in case of an emergency!!!!

he did not do the procedure correctly he has absolutely no clue as to what he is doing !!1

my dads stomach was swollen after the operation and they kept on telling my mother it is from anesthesia.

my mom had to watch her husband die in front of her and couldn't help him. PLEASE DO NOT GO TO THIS MAN I UNDERSTAND SOME PPL POSDT MESG ON HERE STATING THAT IT WAS SUCCESSFUL BUT PLEASE DONT PUT YOUR LIFE IN HIS HANDS . my father was an amazing man with a 21yr old daughter , 18year old son and his soul mate his wife who has been with him for 29 years. i miss my father with all my heart i beg you do not DO NOT trust him with your life!!!!!!!![/b]

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I am very sorry for your lost, how long ago did all of this happen.

yes i know him

my father went there for gastric sleeve surgery and never came home

i lost my father too this man who doesn't know what he is doing

a friend just had the exact same surgery and is doing amazing !

daniel huacuz is not a doctor nor does he have any machines in case of an emergency!!!!

he did not do the procedure correctly he has absolutely no clue as to what he is doing !!1

my dads stomach was swollen after the operation and they kept on telling my mother it is from anesthesia.

my mom had to watch her husband die in front of her and couldn't help him. PLEASE DO NOT GO TO THIS MAN I UNDERSTAND SOME PPL POSDT MESG ON HERE STATING THAT IT WAS SUCCESSFUL BUT PLEASE DONT PUT YOUR LIFE IN HIS HANDS . my father was an amazing man with a 21yr old daughter , 18year old son and his soul mate his wife who has been with him for 29 years. i miss my father with all my heart i beg you do not DO NOT trust him with your life!!!!!!!![/b]

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This doctor sounds like a complete butcher and imbecile, very scary...

Who the hell would want to risk using him with his track record for wls never mind plastics. :mad2:

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This doctor sounds like a complete butcher and imbecile, very scary...

Who the hell would want to risk using him with his track record for wls never mind plastics. :mad2:

I hear he has also increased what he requires for a deposit. So many people choose a doctor, pay the deposit and THEN do serious research. He raised his deposit from $500 to $1,000 so people will feel locked into going to him as they can't usually afford to lose $1K.

ALL THE MORE REASON TO PAY SURGERY DEPOSITS WITH A CREDIT CARD! At least you can fight to get it back. Better yet, don't pay deposits until the last minute.

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I hear he has also increased what he requires for a deposit. So many people choose a doctor, pay the deposit and THEN do serious research. He raised his deposit from $500 to $1,000 so people will feel locked into going to him as they can't usually afford to lose $1K.

ALL THE MORE REASON TO PAY SURGERY DEPOSITS WITH A CREDIT CARD! At least you can fight to get it back. Better yet, don't pay deposits until the last minute.


That's not true as far as the deposit. It's still $500. And, they took a personal check from me, and didn't deposit it until two weeks after my surgery.

As to everyone else and the bad experience you all have had...my heart goes out to you all and Im sorry you had a negative experience during a time that should have been nothing but positive and life changing..

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About the deposit-

many other surgeons/clinics require a 1,000 dollar deposit. Dr. Huacuz only required $500....but in keeping with the industry, I do believe the deposit has or will shortly increase to $1000 as well.

When you schedule a procedure, Dr. Huacuz isn't the only one involved. He ensures all other healthcare professionals are ready- like cardio, labs, radiology, anesthesiologist, etc. You don't pay them, he does out of what you pay him. So not showing has consequences for alot of people.

Juan Carlos Fuentes requires 50% deposit (yes, half)

Luis Suarez requires $500

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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