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299.5~My Journey

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I'm glad to hear your surgery went well and that you are starting to feell better. Try and take it easy take advantage of this time off and get some rest. Give yourself time to heal.

Thanks so much! I am trying to relax and jus enjoy the rest I am always so on the go! But I am healing well and I know my body appreciates the rest! I am still shocked at the lack of pain and the feeling of fullness. :eek:Its the weirdest thing!

What flavor powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury shakes are you drinking? I had them all van, choc and straw. I actually liked the van and choc better. I actually still have some I drink it when I go in for a fill since I'm on liquids for a couple days after. Have you tried the chicken flavor. It isn't too bad if you mix it with chicken broth instead of Water. Only problem is that you have to have luke warm broth which is a bother.

I got a large chocolate and unflavored and then samples of the others I will try them an see. I do like the chocolate though! Thanks for the tip about the chicken broth:thumbup:

Do you know what band you received. Was it Lapband or Realize?

The lapband I am not sure what the size

Keep us posted on how you are doing.

Will do, will do! Thanks for checking in on me :)

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All is going well very well in fact. The port pain from yesterday has basically stopped:thumbup:I went to the movies yesterday and I went to get my hair done today. I am really suprised at the way I feel. One shake took me 2 hours to finish and I had 1 cup of Trader Joe's Cremay Tomato Soup and I was stuffed!!!! I normally can eat the whole box as a side dish to a large turkey sandwich! :lol:

My home scale has be down 10 pounds it is off from the Dr's scale so on the 16th I plan to take it with me to my follow up so I can see what the difference is between the two. Either way I am losing weight and not a bit upset about it.

I took off the whole week butI can see why people can go back to work in 3 days I really feel up to it but my boss said nobody would be looking for me so just stay home :lol:

Besides tomorrow is already Thursday! This week flew by! I already planned a girl night out for Friday to see He's Just Not That Into You!

Ohh the ex called :sleep: we spoke and texted a few times then I told him (via voicemail) that this seems like we was getting into a grey area and I am not in a grey area about what he did so I am asking him to stop calling and texting and email from time to time is fine b/c I dont hate him but he just can't be the kind of man I want and need...honesty is a basic requirement so thanks. Of course he called back to say he knows I am not changing my mind he just wanted to check in on me. Righhhhtttt :)


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Hey, I'm still alive!! I made it through surgery with little fuss, had some painful gas for the first couple of days, but now I am 95% back to normal! I do tire a little easier (maybe because I am eating like 400 calories a day?? :)), but I am working on getting that Protein and Water in! I might be brave enough to weigh myself tomorrow, since my postop is not for another week...

Take care!


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Hey, I'm still alive!! I made it through surgery with little fuss, had some painful gas for the first couple of days, but now I am 95% back to normal! I do tire a little easier (maybe because I am eating like 400 calories a day?? :thumbup:), but I am working on getting that Protein and Water in! I might be brave enough to weigh myself tomorrow, since my postop is not for another week...

Take care!


YEAHHHHHHHH KRIS!!!! So glad you checked in!!!:thumbup::thumbup: Glad you are doing well!!! I know I keep a journal and I am in awe too I still have not felt hunger and its been a week. I weighed in this morning and it says 15.1 pounds down!!!:tongue2: My post op in on the 16th and I want to see what their scale says b.c my home scale is actually 5-7 pounds heavier than the Dr's! I think I am going to take my home scale with me lol

Again glad you are doing well!! Please keep checking in Twin!:biggrin:

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HUMMMMM yesterday's post is missing AGAIN maybe it the computer Cookies or something??? A/w forgot to add the seminar talked about hormones and how after surgery they go a lil haywire so that explains the breakouts and facial hair growth:eek: also she talked about taste buds changing hence the reason I been gagging on the shakes and hating the multiv. I oredered some small multv pills hope the come soon! A/w headed to the gym!:thumbup:

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So glad today is a holiday :thumbup: but you know how I do so I made Drs appointment and I have to teach tonight:rolleyes: This is my 2 week follow up its been a lil over 2 weeks but making it for today was better than taking a day off. My commute is bad but I found another bus that is faster took off maybe 20 minutes.:cursing: A/w I am meeting with my wls Dr and my primary care want her to know I am doing well last time my blood presure was high and she wanted me to follow up.

Ohhh these slider foods! :crying: So yesterday I bought a pound of chicken salad and 2 croissants and had the wholeee thing! Granted I that for the day (after church) but I want that 1 cup action back! I am going to see if my Dr will give me a fill or some diet pills like others get during bandster hell. Two weeks is a longgg time:blushing: I really didnt want to be one of those people who falls into the trap of eating out etc after surgery but I am being more forgiving of myself this time around. I have heard this period whatever you lose is gravy b/c there is no fill so I am going to keep the workout going and count calories better. I actually went back to the gym and did 30 mins on the eliptical:thumbup:

I'll check in after my appts.

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Well I am feeling well. I am not being a 100% on the rules this week was tough b/c I am PMSing and cravings are hitting me hard and I went out and its hard when you go out!!! Friday I went out with friends from my old job and had a good time. I had a mojito nursed it all night and I had crab dip with 5 or so thin slices of toasted bread. I also had a quesadilla 1/4 of one we all shared. I ordered a crab cake it wasn't that great though so I had 1/2 of it and some sweet potato fries. I was stuffffeddd like it was all sitting in the upper part of my belly. I guess it was a lot of stuff but it was over like 2.5 hours but still when I came home I had to take an anti nausea pill b/c I felt like I was going to vomit!!! Not good. On Saturday I woke up at like 4:45am my normal time for getting ready for work and I was UP UP! I skipped the gym and the scale was up like 5 pounds I was upset but I said you know what its been a week of foolishness so time to stop playing. I am PMSing so I usually gain/ retain Water so I said let go back to counting points so I know what I am taking in! I am still journaling but I been lax on writing the calories for everything. A/w I stayed in bed until after 1pm went to the mall to pick something up and I did park far away and walked around a bit went to LB I bought two sweaters. The 22/24s were loose so I tried the 18/20 in one and it fit well so I got it. I also tried on my 22 Ashley Stewart jeans and they fit the belly was a little tight though but in Dec. they wouldn’t close so I am happy about that. A/w I am so not feeling exercise but I am making a plan to use the treadmill tonight. PMS makes me tired but its mind over matter I could still do it if I committed to it so this week will be a fresh start.

Chruch was great the message was "Not Without A Struggle" and the highlight was God never said life would be easy but He promised to always be there. She also spoke about the importance of giving to others when you feel at your lowest I've been trying to do that. So that was great confirmation.

I forgot to add I weighed in this morning and was back down to 282.6 I guess it was the salt or whatever I sighed with relief but that was a good eye opener!

Hope everyone is well!

Edited by LastOptionAtty

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WEIRDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I felt my port today!!! :thumbup: I was sitting a chair leaning over and I kinda felt a dull pain nothing bad just made me shift a bit so as I was driving home the area felt a lil weird so when I came home I started pushing and feeling around and I FELT IT!!! I feel a lil Frankenstien-ish lol

Aside from that I ordered some new Multivitamins gel caps I am sooo :smile: sick of the chewables! I have to take them 3 times a day I'll take it! Aside fromt that I used the treadmill for 30 mins yesterday and today!:cursing:

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Hey All!!! Thanks for the messages! :cursing: All is well for the most part I am up about 4 pounds after my TOM but I have been eating way more. I am not starving just pacing out meals and Snacks but I can eat more before I feel satisfied. Everything is going down well I've had turkey sandwiches on multigrain bread from work for the most part and Breakfast is usually Cereal or a protien shake. I have had a few "stuck" :bored:episodes and a few "slime" incidents:scared2: nothing horrible but I am glad for lapbandtalk it helped to prep me:thumbup: I have such a busy life I have eaten out more than a few times and really my goal was to just lose a few pounds (6) between now and the fill which now my goal is to at least get back to 281 at least at best 275 which could work if I focus and really workout the next week my body tends to drop weight after my TOM so we will see.

I am going away for the J-O-B and it will be a nice get-away the hotel has a gym I hope that helps me get back in the groove. I have used my home treadmill more but I am still really tired after I get home from work and just not that into hitting the gym or the treadmill. Not the model patient but I am not stressing myself until my first fill which is the 13th. :)

Aside from that I am observing Lent and it has really been an eye-opening experience. I am learning (or relearning) that God needs to be my source and I need to lean on Him when I am feeling weak, lonely, tired, unsure. That's so important in all that we do. Church is great I am loving my new Pastor and it really feels like "home" and I havent felt that way in a church in a long time.:)

What else... I am really feeling so many changes around me friendships some have faded away maybe never to return as they were and finally I am taking time to connect with people who value me and I am putting into those realtionships more and learning true friend will support you and look out for you and most of all make you feel cared for.

Ahhh well I went to bed at 8:45 so now I am wide awake :lol:

I tried to fight it but lost. I have a busy weekend but will make time for the gym:thumbup: Hope you all are well!! :)

Edited by LastOptionAtty

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Hey Ladies!

I am away on travel and its a 2 hour time difference so its only 7:30 here I was up at 5am so I went to the gym!:mellow: I did 60 mins on the treadmill.:cool2: I am using this time to get back into my workout groove. I know I am up and I just want to get back to where I was on my last Dr's visit my goal was to lose 4-6 pounds but without restriction its really hard!:tt2: But then again dont we all know that that's why we opted fo lap band to provide us with a tool. I havent made good choices I have had fast food b/c I am so busy and havent really cooked like I use to. But its a new day and a new month and my first fill will be next week and I am really hoping for that post surgery feeling it was sooooo sweet!:laugh: Well I am moving forward and looking forward to good things. I have been in a funk between the breakup and I had a falling out with 2 friends and I was minimizing the affect that was having on me and my mood so I am working on that and moving forward in that way too. More updates on that later! Have a good day!

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Its been a busy sorority weekend! Looks of food and cake! :crying: I woke up and rejoined Weight watchers today. I forgot to add I had my first fill on Weds. it was quick and easy and I could tell right away it wasnt good I was able to drink the cup of Water fairy quickly and without a problem. The Dr. warned me that it will take a few fills to get it right so be patient. I am thinking WW will help me with some structure and weekly accountability. No gym this weekend too busy with events but I plan to se the treadmill tonight at 7pm and 2 more workouts this week. Weds spin and Thursday dance class. Hope everyone else is well!:laugh:

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Well I can feel the effects of the 2nd fill. I don't fee hungry and I have to chew a lot and even then I get stuck. I had scrammbled eggs and that felt like it was stuck ;) I may be eating too fast I dunno. I had a good salad yesterday the chicken went down fine but the mixed greens and strawberries felt like it was stuck. It was annoying but not very painful. I was able to eat 1/4 in the cafe and I had te rest for dinner and it went down better at home for some reason. I did step aerobics yeterday and I will use the treadmill at home today.

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:biggrin:Well what a week! Things are going well work wise but I am still not feeling like working out not in the least bit! I didn't join that other gym yet b/c of the money but I just got a raise and entire grade :thumbup::crying::lol: over 13k more a year God is good:biggrin: So I can afford it.

A few things food is not enjoyable anymore like food has been my friend it brngs m joy its how I relax but its a hassle to eat now. I dont ever feel full like after my surgery but I dont get hungry either. Which is good I need to up my exercise and my protien like yesterday. I been slacking on my Vitamins so I just need to move ahead.

I am debating step class and I shouldnt be debating it :lol: but alas the stuggle continues thinking good thoughts and looking forward to a great weekend the weather is going to be wonderful!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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