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Why is banding so frowned upon?

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I've been doing the required steps for the last 6 months to get the band and it looks as though it will be my turn very soon to have surgery. I just got done sending a private message to a friend I've met on this board who had the band done by the same doctor. I wanted to share part of it with all of you and get your input as well.

I'm a little irritated right now. I went to a group appointment yesterday. Which went very well by the way. The doc was VERY nice and explained all the procedures very well. It was funny too because the dvd he had to show us wasn't working so he had to try and draw pictures of all the procedures. Anyway, he started with banding and talked for a short period on that - I asked him about complications and he briefly explained slippage and eroding. Then he gets into the bypass and goes on and on with the drawings and explanations about how it's done and all the different complications that could occur (don't get me wrong - he was very clear and I'm glad he did spend as much time as he did) but this whole time I'm thinking to myself "this is exactly why I don't want the bypass! Why can't you people see that!?"

Ok...LOL...Let me start over here. I got irritated before the appointment. When I checked in yesterday, there were a couple of ladies from the required classes I was attending that spotted me and waved, so when I finished paying my co-pay, I went and sat near them. After talking for a few minutes, one of them asked me which procedure I was doing. I said I was leaning more towards the band. One gal shook her head and said "oh, I wouldn't get the band" and looked at the other lady who's eyes started to bulge out while saying "I'd never get the band! You'd have to go in for adjustments for the rest of your life!" All I wanted to do at that moment was poke her eyes back into her head! But, because I am a non-confrontation type of person - I just gave her a thin lipped partial smile and said "well, I really don't like the idea of having things cut away and re-routed." Ugh!

I really understand that banding isn't for everyone, and that's fine. I understand that for medical reasons, bypass is definitely a better option for a lot of people. But I am not one of those people. I don't need to lose the weight fast, I don't have medical problems caused by excess weight that requires me to lose it by the time I wake up tomorrow! I'm just sick and tired of always being fat, my back aches, can't sleep well, can't enjoy activities with family and just simply want to be healthy!

While I was at the group appointment. The doc also said that the band success rate has always done very well in Australia but they haven't figured out why it isn't doing well here. I don't know anyone personally from Australia, but as far as Americans - do you think it could be the fact that we like to have everything in abundance??

Sorry for the long post - I just didn't like the fact that I walked away from the meeting second guessing my decision for lap band. I'll discuss it further with the surgeon when we meet one on one.

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I don't really understand why the comments they made caused you to "second guess" your decision. They were just saying what scares them about the band. You said what scares you about RNY. ? To me, one of the plusses OF the band is that you can have adjustments throughout your life, as needed. With RNY, you're stuck.

Sorry you're upset and by all means talk to your surgeon if you have doubts.

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From what I have heard from people in our support group - some only need fills a few times a year - especially as they get closer to goal. I chose the band because the surgery was less invasive and the fills will help you get back on track when you to slip - where-as, with the gastric bypass, I've known people who were able to stretch their stomach back by eating too much and there is nothing they can do to shrink it back. Some people even get the band after having gastric bypass.

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Monkey - I guess it was a "had to be there" kinda a moment. Their reaction to the band was more of a "you're insane for choosing the band". The shock on their faces and quick judgement is what got to me. But, you're right - they were just stating their fear. It just seems that no one (even the dr) are in favor of the band. While I was in the 6 mo. classes, no one was interested in getting the band. All I heard was quick, negative comments about it.

As far as their comments causing me to second guess my decision - it was more of adding to my own second guessing myself. I mean, how many times have I started a weight loss regimen and said "I'm doing it this time and nothing is going to stop me". I guess I'm fearful of failing at this too.

I truly believe that I'm making the right choice and shouldn't let what others think or feel bother me.

Thanks for your input - it's much appreciated!

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From what I have heard from people in our support group - some only need fills a few times a year - especially as they get closer to goal. I chose the band because the surgery was less invasive and the fills will help you get back on track when you to slip - where-as, with the gastric bypass, I've known people who were able to stretch their stomach back by eating too much and there is nothing they can do to shrink it back. Some people even get the band after having gastric bypass.

You know, I've heard the same things too. Yet another reason why I'm going with the band.

Thank so much for letting me vent. I just needed to talk with other banders.

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It's sad that you are in such an environment! My doc is really pretty balanced and at my 400+ start weight never batted an eye when I chose the band over RNY. I'm so sorry you don't have that kind of support!

But 3 years down the road, we bandsters have figures that compete with RNY and other bypass patients, and it is becoming more frequent for RNY patients, several years post op, to get "revision" surgery and get the band. Why? It is adjustable, that's why! :)

It's always good to question yourself, but don't DOUBT yourself! The band has a much much higher rate of success than "dieting", I guess because it isn't dieting.

You'll do great at it! :biggrin:

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The band isn't a fix-all... it is a tool. My doc told me that time and time again, but now I am starting to SEE that it's true. You still MUST follow the program and eat well. If you don't you won't lose. I realize that when I don't work out I don't lose. I can overeat with the band, but it's not like it used to be. I can eat maybe 1500 calories instead of 3000. I will lose, but not without trying. I have had weeks go by when the scale didn't budge. I had to really look at what I was doing. I was not working out enough, I was eating too many carbs and sweet things. So I know it won't work like magic. You have to work with the lap band. You have to follow the doctor's orders.

I think people who think that by having WLS you should be "cured" and not have to diet will frown upon the band. It is only a tool, and you have to use it as such. If GBP is a surgery that just limits what you can eat and not do the work, maybe that is better for some. I didn't look into it because I have seen others fail with it and have negative health side effects.

I had a great start, losing 40 pounds in the first couple months following my surgery with almost no effort. Now for about 2 months I have lost 12 pounds. I figure it's as good as I would do on weight watchers, Jenny Craig or any other program.... HOWEVER I can't eat like I could back then, so this TOOL keeps me on track. I could lose more if I did more working out, ate better, etc... it's a balancing act- like any lifestyle change.

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I had a similar thing happen to me 2 evenings before my Lap Band surgery at a support group. They were all bypass patients except for one band and me (this group has now flip flopped and is mostly band). They all started going on about how the bypass was better, blah blah blah. I left really 2nd guessing my choice. The next morning I had my pre op appt with my surgeon. He asked if I had attended any of his support groups, I replied as a matter of fact I have and told him what happened. He wasn't happy and asked me to write it all out in an email to him. By golly the next month I got so many apologies. He said both procedures are equally good. If he didn't believe in the band he wouldn't be offering it and as a matter of fact was helping his sister get one. We came to the conclusion that folks have their definite bias for the procedure that they chose. I definitely have a band bias, but would never bash the bypass to a bypass person, it's just that the band was the better choice for me for my circumstances. And now that there is a Lap Band and a Realize band, I see just as many biases regarding which type of band. Personally I am biased towards the Lap Band but maybe that's because it's the one I have. but believe the Realize band is a good choice as well. Hope that makes sense. I've known 2 people who have gotten bypasses and have regained LOTS of weight back. That was one of my reasons for choosing the band. They stretched out their pouch and there's nothing they can do about it. I can keep restriction but staying current on my fills. Probably had I heard the negative talk about the bypass any other time than 2 nights before my surgery when I already had the jitters, I would've thought nothing about it, but right before my surgery I did freak out a bit.

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I really understand that banding isn't for everyone, and that's fine. I understand that for medical reasons, bypass is definitely a better option for a lot of people. But I am not one of those people. I don't need to lose the weight fast, I don't have medical problems caused by excess weight that requires me to lose it by the time I wake up tomorrow! I'm just sick and tired of always being fat, my back aches, can't sleep well, can't enjoy activities with family and just simply want to be healthy!

That's the start of my list for getting the band, plus the other things mentioned; less invasive/risky, fills/adjustable, and reversible. You've done your research and picked what's right for you.

I went to 3 hospital seminars before I found the right fit for me (ranged from totally LB unfriendly to the Doc assuming we all wanted the LB) ...it's different with everyone and we need to all respect others choices. My siblings are all obese and I know if one of my sisters came to me about my LB I'd advise RNY for her for many reasons...you have to feel confident in your choice.

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I think Australia has had the band longer, so surgeons are more experienced. They also stress eating a 'normal diet' after healing from the surgery. That takes away a lot of that food obsession, which may make it more viable for a lot of patients long term...

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I think Australia has had the band longer, so surgeons are more experienced. They also stress eating a 'normal diet' after healing from the surgery. That takes away a lot of that food obsession, which may make it more viable for a lot of patients long term...

I think you might have hit on something. What attracted me to the band in the first place was "being normal but eating less"...however I've seen a HUGE amount of "diet mentality" here. You MUST do this you MUST do that. Life isn't so absolute, is it? Diets never did work for me, I have to remember not to "go on" one. :)

Thanks for posting this!

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I think you might have hit on something. What attracted me to the band in the first place was "being normal but eating less"...however I've seen a HUGE amount of "diet mentality" here. You MUST do this you MUST do that. Life isn't so absolute, is it? Diets never did work for me, I have to remember not to "go on" one. :)

Thanks for posting this!

There is WAY too much diet mentality. For ME, the diet mentality went RIGHT out the window as SOON as I had the band in. I followed pre-op and post-op to a 't' but now just eat as a normal person would, albeit a LOT LESS. I don't have ANY sort of food obsession anymore. I was on another Band board and someone asked how much of a tuna sandwich they should be able to eat. Everyone on the board came back and RAILED the original poster for thinking a tuna sandwich was acceptable. "Tuna sandwiches have carbs, you should not eat anything white, etc. etc." OVER and OVER from all kinds of posters. There is another poster on there that is NOTORIOUS for talking about how they weight EVERYTHING they eat. They have a flipping scale in their PURSE. NO JOKE. Talk about trading one obsession for another! That CANNOT be healthy!

The Aussies on LBT all talk about how they've never heard their docs talk low carb, high Protein, low fat, or whatever. Their docs say to make the Band work for them...

Most banded on the board would want to crucify me for drinking WHOLE MILK, eat full fat yogurt and ice creams, dipping bread in olive oil, eating REAL sugar and abhoring the fake stuff, etc. I eat like a NORMAL weight person. And you know what? It works for me... I don't sit here thinking of food 24/7.

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I have to agree with the other posters that the Band is less evasive, which was a big draw for me. I had a HUGE issue with Portion Control and hunger. The band has alleviated these two issues for me as I get my fills.

I live in the every day world. I work, go to school, and raise a family. Therefore, I need to eat with co-workers, friends, family, and class mates without the constant constraints of a rigid diet. The beauty of the band is it allows me, for the most part, to eat regular food....just a whole lot less.

And because of the investment my doctors and I have made in me with the band surgery, I select healthy food choices.

I see myself investing in me and my healthier future.

As far as my doctor's sphere of influence in one procedure over the other. Really there was none. My doctor and all the other doctors at the clinic I go to equally espouse the benefits of both procedures.

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The support group I attend at my surgeon's office is filled with RNY grads and potentials. One of the members has no problem challenging people who have chosen the band about their choice. She regularly says that banders can lose only 50% of their excess weight and she can't understand why anyone would choose that over bypass. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>


I complained that people who chose or were choosing the band may not feel welcome in the group and that it was reprehensible that the facilitator allowed members to ask other members to defend themselves. I told her that I was sick of defending myself and wasn't about to do it with a bunch of people dealing with the same thing I was. <o:p></o:p>


It was obvious to me that many people in the group gravitated toward RNY because they thought it was an "easy" way for them to kick their sugar addictions. Apparently, many of them appreciate getting sick when they eat something sweet. It was bizarre to me, but it seems to work for them.<o:p></o:p>

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It's sad that you are in such an environment! My doc is really pretty balanced and at my 400+ start weight never batted an eye when I chose the band over RNY. I'm so sorry you don't have that kind of support!

I don't understand your comment. I don't view it as unsupportive if a doctor makes sure a patient understands all their options. Should he be sure not to tell her all her options? That would be irresponsible.

But 3 years down the road, we bandsters have figures that compete with RNY and other bypass patients, ...

No, they don't. Inamed came up with those stats. They took a high risk group of bypass folks who won't lose well for a variety of reasons (mostly not bypassing an appropriate amount of intestine) and THAT is the group they compare banded folks. Besides, for any of these surgeries they consider a 50% loss of your excess weight a success. I don't think 50% of your "excess" weight is all that great. It's better than where we started, sure! But a success?

Banding does indeed have the lowest success rate, the slowest weight loss, and it is the hardest procedure to have to lose weight.

The following are typical results for WLS at the end of 5 years:

DS: About 85-90% of your excess weight (but a horror of a procedure IMHO)

Bypass: About 80%

Sleeves: About 80%

Banding: 50-70% (depending on starting BMI)

MGB: Not sure, nobody with any skill or positive reputation does this procedure, only the doctors who can't make it in the real world do it. ;o)

Gastric Ball: Only used for temporary use, not designed for long term use so there are no 5 year stats.

...and it is becoming more frequent for RNY patients, several years post op, to get "revision" surgery and get the band. Why? It is adjustable, that's why! :tongue2:

No, they don't get it because it is adjustable, they get it because they are very limited in options for a revision when they fail. Bypass isn't for me either but they get a band because they drank carbonated beverages and large quantities of food and stretched out their stomach. Banded folks screw up their surgery types too including dilating their pouch and esophagus. You can eat around every single surgery type out there.

When you have a lap band you are essentially trying to copy what your pylorus valve does naturally. You are adjusting it to do what sleeves do naturally but in banded folks it is done higher up in the stomach. Re-ops are between 10-40% for bands depending on which study you read.

It's always good to question yourself, but don't DOUBT yourself! The band has a much much higher rate of success than "dieting", I guess because it isn't dieting.

You'll do great at it! :thumbup:

I disagree, question yourself up to the moment they put you to sleep for surgery. Keep asking yourself if this is the right surgery type for you regardless of which surgery you are having. Never stop researching your doctor, hospital, and surgery type.

When you have Inamed putting out information they have manipulated all to heck to prove a point that doesn't exist then you have people that don't have solid information to base their decision. I like the Inamed band better than the J&J band but the folks at Inamed/Allergan have the morality of a stray alley cat.

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