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Oprah's Struggle with her weight

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I am so grateful to Oprah for being so open with her weight issues. I hope that it can lead many people to look at their habits and how it affects their health.

When I first saw this on TV I was like,"Stop reading my mind, get out of my head!" Many of us (especially here) have gone through this more than once, at that. The embarrassment & shame along with the not having the "right" image. (Yeah, who dictates the "right" image - that's my next thread...) But for her to live this out in front of gazillions of people and still be able to face it for what it is speaks volumes about her character.

I know for myself, especially with the band, I found moments in the beginning where it was all eyes on me. The questions about how much have you lost, what size do you wear, etc. etc. I refused give in to the "gotta lose this weight fast" pressure. I have still had to ask to some hard questions - why do you eat like you eat, how do you use food, why do you want to lose the weight & for who? Sometimes the answers change :wink:. I'm done with "weight" and image issues. The issues that concern me are health and well-being and how I care for me FIRST then all of the other people in my life.

I commend Oprah (once again) she remains to be "on purpose".

Here is a letter Deborah King (Huffington Post) wrote to Oprah in her column that I love...Deborah King: Dear Oprah

I'd love to hear your thoughts...


P.S. Word for today...


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i really don't watch oprah that often - but i get her magazine monthly.

i commend her open & honest candor about her weight regain - i'm sure many here can relate. my only issue with her, is her lack of understanding or empathy for those that have gone down the WLS route.

she's had too many shows where she has shown disdain for those who have elected to have weight loss surgery & for that i find unfortunate.

Edited by luluc

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i really don't watch oprah that often - but i get her magazine monthly.

i commend her open & honest candor about her weight regain - i'm sure many here can relate. my only issue with her, is her lack of understanding or empathy for those that have gone down the WLS route.

she's had too many shows where she has shown disdain for those who have elected to have weight loss surgery & for that i find unfortunate.

Hi Luluc!

You are right that is unfortunate. I know that for myself I have found a number of people that have "disdain" in regards to WLS before and after they learn that I have had it. IMO, I feel that we must focus on our own personal well being, whatever the route.

Looing at your siggy :)....you have done the thang :wink:!


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You know she just may change her mind about WLS. I know back some years ago I use to think the same way about WLS. Boy my thinking changed when I ballooned past 300 lbs. I was one of those Miss Thangs that said I would never get that big. The elders always use to tell me never say never. Then I went through my second battle with cancer. I realized then that I needed help in my fight against obesity. I researched the different weight loss procedures and made my decision on the Realize Band. I don't know why some people have such a negative attitude towards the different weight loss surgeries. But one thing I can tell them that it's not a easy way out and that it takes a total mind and life change in order to succeed. I have my good and bad days. But with each and every pound that I loose I feel victorious. So I hope Oprah has time to reflect and think about how she's going to get back on the wagon. I hope she's a little more open minded about her options. :wink:

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Isnt it funny, its all how you look at it. I can see your point and therefore I have to commend her for being an inspiration to people.

Personally, she gets right up my nose, I am utterly sick of her bleating about how this time she's found THE secret when we all know she's just on another round of dieting followed by regain. It annoys the crap out of me and I wish she'd just shut up.

Not being an American, perhaps I just dont get the Oprah love?

I'm also more of a just get on with it person, not an examine everythign in minute detail and have a big group love session person, so perhaps Oprah and I would never get on in real life.

Lol, that's just my own nasty and negative viewpoint, I cant help it, she annoys me.

But it takes all kinds to make the world go round and my approach is certainly not for everyone, so if Oprah inspires and uplifts you then that's fantastic. I'm certain that's what she intends to do, help people!

Actually, I have a little psychoanalysis of my own when it comes to Oprah's attitude to WLS. I think Oprah's entire persona is built on overcoming adversity. She's overcome poverty, abuse etc in the most spectacular of ways. But if she overcame her obesity, what would be left? I think she purposely avoids WLS because she depends upon being seen as a person who strugges to overcome. I wonder what that Dr Phil would say about that, lol (sigh, I cant stand him either)

Edited by Jachut

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Isnt it funny, its all how you look at it. I can see your point and therefore I have to commend her for being an inspiration to people.

Personally, she gets right up my nose, I am utterly sick of her bleating about how this time she's found THE secret when we all know she's just on another round of dieting followed by regain. It annoys the crap out of me and I wish she'd just shut up.

Not being an American, perhaps I just dont get the Oprah love?

I'm also more of a just get on with it person, not an examine everythign in minute detail and have a big group love session person, so perhaps Oprah and I would never get on in real life.

Lol, that's just my own nasty and negative viewpoint, I cant help it, she annoys me.

But it takes all kinds to make the world go round and my approach is certainly not for everyone, so if Oprah inspires and uplifts you then that's fantastic. I'm certain that's what she intends to do, help people!

Actually, I have a little psychoanalysis of my own when it comes to Oprah's attitude to WLS. I think Oprah's entire persona is built on overcoming adversity. She's overcome poverty, abuse etc in the most spectacular of ways. But if she overcame her obesity, what would be left? I think she purposely avoids WLS because she depends upon being seen as a person who strugges to overcome. I wonder what that Dr Phil would say about that, lol (sigh, I cant stand him either)


I totally feel ya on the whole Oprah love thing. I have a kind of love/hate relationship with her. I too am annoyed with her latest and greatest weight loss secrets! Not to meantion the doctors, psycholigists, spiritualists, nutritionists, personal traininers..ect she constantly has on her show as the "new" greatest person ever. I DO however, commend her for all her charity work and displaying her weighloss journey to America, and showing us that she is just a regular person like the rest of us....only richer. lol

I wish Star Jones had been more open about her weighloss and just plain told the truth! I lost SO much respect for her, as I think most people did when she became a skinny b*tch. Not to meantion the circus and freakshow she put on by marrying that creepy husband of hers

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I totally feel ya on the whole Oprah love thing. I have a kind of love/hate relationship with her. I too am annoyed with her latest and greatest weight loss secrets! Not to meantion the doctors, psycholigists, spiritualists, nutritionists, personal traininers..ect she constantly has on her show as the "new" greatest person ever. I DO however, commend her for all her charity work and displaying her weighloss journey to America, and showing us that she is just a regular person like the rest of us....only richer. lol

I wish Star Jones had been more open about her weighloss and just plain told the truth! I lost SO much respect for her, as I think most people did when she became a skinny b*tch. Not to meantion the circus and freakshow she put on by marrying that creepy husband of hers

Hey Italian Soul in a way I agree with and in a way I don't. I admire Oprah for the sucessful woman she's become and I admire her for her informative talk show. I beleive we all have the right to different beliefs, ideas, and opinions...so if she invite people on her show that maybe able to enlighten others in anyway and in different aspects of their life... then "Hooray" for Oprah. With that said I have a problem with her if she talks negative about weight loss surgery because on one hand you want to be this open minded person but then on the other hand you want to be closed minded when it comes to WLS... that's not right.

Now in Star Jones case I don't blame her for not sharing with America right away how she lost her weight. But then I can see your point she blabbed about everything else.

I just know that I'm the type of person if I don't want you to know about anything personal you better not ask me or you may get a very rude "None of your Damn Business." It's not because I'm mean but somethings I want to keep private. But I agree they're both in that spot light.

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I think that I meant for this thread to allow for an exchange where we can share our own struggle weight or whatever pertains to it while commending Oprah for her move and being hopeful for the positive effects it will have. (Oh, but I did ask for thoughts, huh? :wink2:)

In regards to Oprah, fan or not, I am not in "respect of person" but of the work that she does - rich or poor (they are both a mindset). The key word is intention. I firmly believe that her intention when she airs her shows or publishes her works is to uplift and educate. We all have our own demons and deal with them in different ways. As it stands, intention sets the mark.

At 37 years old, I have changed my mind one hundred thousand times over about one hundred thousand things. And yeah, I have said NEVA...a couple of times. It is a women's perogative to change her mind, for if we didn't.... :crying: I think that is call growth. You learn to accept people and be patient with how they resolve things allowing for their growth in their time without applying judgement.

I stand in defense of Oprah and every other woman (or man) that has overcome, be it adversity or a mistake, and consciously decide to take their lessons and pay it forward. We all have a gift, spread the love!!

Then she lets Gayle go on talking about those damn Sprinkles cupcakes....that Oprah Winfrey!!!

P.S. Leave it up to me to come in & stir things up...

Edited by Nina_S

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Stir it up Nina, Stir it up! Like I said I don't watch Oprah on a regular basis. But the woman that she is as far as overcoming so much in her life I do admire. Especially the fact that she is human and she has her struggles just like the rest of us. :wink2: I'm good!

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Personally, she gets right up my nose, I am utterly sick of her bleating about how this time she's found THE secret when we all know she's just on another round of dieting followed by regain. It annoys the crap out of me and I wish she'd just shut up.

LMAO on "The Secret" reference. I'll betcha Oprah went to bed every night envisioning a svelte self and she'd wake up a pound heavier. :crying:

I envisioned myself thinner every day I woke up before my band and woke up fatter and fatter. Now... I wake up after having nightmare of being fat again and look in the mirror... and I'm even smaller than I can believe. :wink2:

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Hello Everyone,

Please do not get me wrong, I like Oprah, but I am not a die-hard, take a bullet for her, Oprah fan, I never have been. (yes we are out there lol) I think she has done a lot of good work for people for the most part, but IMO I feel like some of her messages are a bit obscure and misleading and people follow her like she is a dictator. What she says is interpreted as religion and that is dangerous. How she can be so negative about WLS is so typical of her judgemental character.

I dunno, I think she is a good person all in all, but IMO does gets confused at times.

In reference to Star Jones, as a fan, I really admired her for her spirit, spunk, and intellect. When she started losing weight and did not devulge to her fans the truth, it turned a lot of people off. Why did she feel she had to lie?? Of course it was her choice, but as a person in the public eye, I feel she had a responsibility towards her fans.

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Hello ladies! Great thread. I guess Oprah's situation goes to show, it doesn't matter how much money you have, the personal chefs, fitness coaches, stylists, etc. you have, you still need to WORK for weightloss and continue to work for that matter.

Oprah has said many times before that she is addicted to food. When food has that much power over a person, to gain and lose the same 50-100 pounds that any times (I mean come on...over how many years?? Would she just get the Lap Band already, lol), maybe WLS should be an option. If I were her, I would be all over the Lap Band and work it for what it is, a TOOL to help her meet the weightloss goals she wants and keep them!!

Obviously what she was doing before hasn't been working...she did look great though! When she does lose the weight, she looks amazing!!! I guess it comes to a point where she just gives up and cave in to all the endless treats that are at her fingertips...I would probably be the same way. :thumbup:

Edited by .lexy.

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>>> Actually, I have a little psychoanalysis of my own when it comes to Oprah's attitude to WLS. I think Oprah's entire persona is built on overcoming adversity. She's overcome poverty, abuse etc in the most spectacular of ways. But if she overcame her obesity, what would be left? I think she purposely avoids WLS because she depends upon being seen as a person who strugges to overcome. I wonder what that Dr Phil would say about that, lol (sigh, I cant stand him either)


Jacqui I think I agree with you honestly I think that was part of my fear as well. If I am not the friend/family member who is always trying to lose weight then who am I? If I am not big friend who keeps plugging away at it then who am I? I think some people in my life think my goals ahve come easy and they have not in my mind but I think this is the one thing they can say I have not done and I wonder if I keep myself in this holding pattern for others to feel better about themselves meaning there is something she hasn't been able to do. I don't know if that thought runs through anyone's mind but I had to accept that I had to do something for me and if that means I lose friends and family members so be it. But I think I agree with your assessment :-)

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