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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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Candra sorry for your loss! Glad to have you back. I hear you about Rambo LOL, i am glad he is working for you.

Tamra, congratulations on your fill and weightloss keep it up.

Annalyn you are rocking girl, congratulations you are almost there.

Riley good to see you writing. I hope everyone is doing fine.

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Hi Everyone - OK I read the 5 pages of posts I missed. Wow! I've been MIA due to work and being too tired at night. Last week was really hard for me going back to work, but I am trying to adjust better this week. I had to redefine success for this week and it was to get through my 5 days of work without getting so stressed that I get a Migraine.< /p>

So my good news is that I went for my 6 wk check up 1 week early and have lost 18 or 19.4 lbs in 5 weeks depending on which scale - my scale I was 199.6 and Kaiser I was 200.8 with my clothes (although they were my light exercise pants!). Had a great visit with Dr. Park. She said I was doing really well - better than some of her RNY patients. Soooo - maybe the band doesn't lose slower! (Seriously, I never expected I would be close to losing 20 lbs this soon after surgery so I am eternally grateful for it!) So by my scale I am about 1.5 lbs away from my 50% goal which will be 58lbs! I am psyched.

Candra - so glad you checked in and are OK. I am sorry about your loss.

Mo and Reggie - also sorry for the losses in your lives.

Riley - My BEAT THE CARB ADVICE: eat extra protein; drink lots of tea; do Xrated stuff with Chris to take your mind off them!

Analynn - WAY TO GO GIRL! I am so proud of you for getting back on the horse and reaching goal. Many many years ago I was also married to an abuser, so I am also proud of you for doing what you needed to do to take care of yourself and get your self esteem back. And I know that it is never easy / or feels good to end a relationship or a marriage, especially with children. So just remember you have lots of people here who are there for you and support you.

CoCo - are you on Stage IV yet? I am living on scrambled eggs and veggies for Breakfast and chicken and veggies for lunch and dinner. And I am trying to be careful with measuring because my eyeballing it was starting to make bigger portions.

Tamra - we are rockin it! Congrats on a big 18 lbs and a fill already. You go girl! I so admire how even though you struggle, you keep at it and get back on track. I really think you walking is helping too.

Maria - thinking positive thoughts for you with your fill and your job interview.

Hey everyone else - hope you are doing well.

And Don't forget our date is coming up in 2 weeks from Sat. 3/20 we are going to meet at the Ellis Creek Watertreatment Plant to walk the wetlands and then come to back to my house for lunch. We need to set the times. We are going to walk for an hour so do you want to meet at 11am? (It takes about 40 minutes to get from Vallejo to Petaluma).

Edited by wantshealth

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CONGRADS ON YOUR LOSS PAT!!!!! Thats amazing, see you 3.20.2010 :smile2:

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At the risk of stirring things up again, I do want to respond to a couple of things from some of the prior page posts.

Tina, In the spirit of this being an open forum where we can all express our opinions, I have to say I share some of Tamra's feelings. I totally hear that you are struggling and not happy with your treatment at Kaiser. I guess I have just also had a hard time hearing you be so negative about Kaiser and the program repeatedly. Like Tamra, I feel very confident in Kaiser, their program, my surgeon and the other caregivers. It really helped me to move forward with my decision, knowing what a good and rigorous program they have and what a high ranking they have across the nation. I do think you are doing the right thing by trying to find some where else that you can get the care and treatment you will feel confident in. I believe a big part of being successful is having confidence and a good rapport with the people/doctor you are working with.

All that being said, I do not believe that Kaiser, Robin or even my Band are responsible for me losing weight. I believe to lose weight I need to change: how I eat, how much I eat, what I eat, when I eat, why I eat, and how much I move. I do not mean to imply that any of that is easy - every single person on this site knows how hard those changes are and struggles with them. This is a complex problem and it doesn't have easy solutions. I struggle sometimes with your posts because I mostly hear your frustration at Robin or your doctor or Kaiser, but I don't hear you talking about what you are doing or not doing that could help you lose or might be inhibiting you from losing. One of the reasons I like this site is that people share what has helped them be successful and use the site to be honest when they are not following the program and to be accountable and to have their peers support them to change their behavior. And I also think the friendships and the care that people express for each other personally and for each other's families is what keeps all of us coming back to this group - we are our own family.

I also don't think this is an issue of new vs longer term. I think there is value in hearing all the struggles that happen either early on or after years. I also think that help and support can come from anywhere and anyone - often from unexpected people if we are open to it.

Again, I am offering this in the spirit of it being OK to voice my honest opinion. I in no way am trying to put you down or make you feel bad. If anything I have said has offended you I apologize, as well as to anyone else on the site if I am being too direct. My sincerest hope is that we can voice different points of view and it is OK because in the end we are all striving for the same thing. We want all of us to be successful in our weigh loss and Quest for a healthier lifestyle journey.

And I wanted to respond to Reggie's comment about why we eat, but I have more than used up my posting space and people's patience so I will save those thoughts for another day!

Edited by wantshealth

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Pat - share ALL your thoughts lady!

I vote freedom of speach for all!! I know that when I'm feeling negative, I try not to get on the board so that I don't bring anybody else down because I have such a big mouth - simply because I know it's MY issue that ya'll can't help with - That said, if I did have a problem that I felt wasn't just my issue I would post it! Help if you can and ignore me if you can't.

Pat - so true that we are the only ones responsible for our own journey.

I, for one, know that Rambo is NOT failing me, it is I that am failing him. Late night snacking and no exercising! That said, we are a part of a program to get the help that we need and I feel that we should get that help, not rejection.

I would hope that if I went to Kaiser for help that they wouldn't just say "no fill" & send me on my way but point me in the direction/refer me to somebody equipped to handle my INDIVIDUAL issues.

I really want to find a thereapist that specializes in food addiction/obsession - WE LOST OUR HEALTH INSURANCE - cobra is 600.00 and we simply don't have it. We hope that my husband will be back to work and our health ins. to kick back in towards the end of the year and when that happens I WILL be pursuing it.

At the risk of repeating myself.... I am NOT hungry so i don't understand why I still have such an URGENT need to eat. I use to just be hungry all the time but now I'm not so WTF?? I'll be the first to admit that i have major issues LOL.

Going to see Alice in Wonderland today - IMAX 3D: Good news is that with this fill that I have I am afraid of the popcorn getting stuck - fear is a good tool when used properly hahahaha

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Good Morning everyone,

Candra, sorry about your loss. I hope you're doing ok today.

Pat and Tamra, you too really rocked the weightloss since your surgery. Big kudos to you both!!

For anyone struggling who is close to the Kaiser Richmond, Bev reminded us at the meeting on Wednesday night that the therapist is there for anyone that is facing difficulty and needs to explore it one on one.

I got to go to the post-op meeting for the first time. It was amazing how many people, both Band and RNY are struggling with sugar/carb cravings. I found the conversation very helpful because I don't think that I'll be unique or exempt from cravings when I'm futher out.

So what do I hope to do to minimize the situation for myself?

The first time I went vegan in 1989, (I was in OA) I also said "no sugar" in anything I eat. I read every label and if it was ingredient 7 or below, I could eat it. Higher than that was out. I did that for 9 years. After 9 years I started eating dairy and meat again but kept away from the sugar for several years more. For me personally, if I keep that sugar door locked, it's much easier than having one bite, then trying to quit obsessing about when the next bite will happen. I'm hoping to keep that door shut now as I go through this Sleeve recovery. Eating extremely low carb helps me because I don't get triggered. I've tasted almost every sweet thing in the last 50 years. I don't need to revisit them again.

I had a great first day on pureed food yesterday. Robin cautioned me that my weightloss might slow down with pureed. I was delighted to wake up almost a pound down this morning. I kept it to 12 carbs and got in 49 Protein. I'm hoping to up the protein today. This morning I discovered that 1/2 cup of cottage cheese still has my fingers feeling like little sausages this morning.

Working from home today. Getting a haircut at noon. Looking forward to a walk today!

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Hi Ladies!!!!!!!

Wow Pat that is so awesome!!! You are kicking butt!!!!!!!

Ok I slept for about 15 hours last night. I fell asleep around 4pm and woke up every few hours only to find myself falling asleep soon after waking. I just did some stuff around the house and I’m exhausted, winded and just drained. I wonder if it’s the lack of Protein catching up with me. Glad I started protein yesterday.

I hope you are all having a wonderful Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Happy Friday! Notning mew to report! Still

struggling!!! Tomorrow is a brand new day.

Pat-thanks and very well written.


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very well said pat!!! :smile2:

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John I went through the same thing at the end of 2. When I moved to 3 I started to feel better pretty much instantly. I move to stage 4 hopefully tuesday. Lee my weight slowed down after a few days and I have actually been at a total stand still for over a week now. Im hoping to change that when I move to stage 4. mashed taters for lunch today mmmmm.

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Aww John, So sorry to read that you're feeling so weak. I think I've been getting in more Protein so still feel ok. This morning I mixed 1 scoop of unflavored Protein Powder into a cup of chicken broth when I woke up. I needed that hit of 20 grams of protein.

I just got back from a trip to Trader Joe's. I found some fresh salmon patties that are 4 oz each and 25 grams of protein each. Also found Buffalo Burgers in the frozen section that I remembered from Low Carb days. Each burger is 5 oz raw. 43 grams of protein each. Looks like two good meals per burger. I just search for the best hit of protein for each meal. I know you're adding more today so I hope you feel better John.

Coco, Robin told me that it's not unusual to slow down in weight loss when you go to eating food so you're right on schedule and doing terrific. Whatever you're doing is working so hang in there. Look at your great ticker at 207. You're so close to Onederland!

I'm so excited to go fix a salmon patty for lunch!

Mo, I'm really sad to read that you're struggling. I know how hard you try. What can we do to help you get and stay on track?

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John - so sorry it is a hard day. I hit some of those really tired / low energy days. When I talked to my PCP and to Dr. Park they both reinforced that we will have low energy at times due to the low calories we are taking in. Lee is right about trying for as much Protein as you can, but it is hard on stage 2 & 3 to get a lot. Stage 4 is much better - I am up to almost a "normal" amount - ~ 50 g a day. But still the calories are low so I do sometimes hit the energy wall, especially after I got busier and went back to work and with exercising more. I am learning to pace myself better. It will get better. Right now listen to your body - you had major surgery and your body needs to rest.

Lee - you are doing so well. I am so happy for you. I wanted to go to the last Richmond mtg but was too tired after work on Wed. I am definately gonna try for the next one - can't wait to give you a hug. Do you think you will be up for a drive to Petaluma on the 20th? If you aren't ready for an hour walk you could come after for lunch. Let me know.

CoCo - hang in Stage 4 is coming and it will be so much better! I did see the weight slow down a little but I also upped my exercise to try to offset. If you are tracking you will see you are still consuming a really small number of calories and it will come definately off (Calories In Minus Calories Out!).

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John - I was very tired for the 2nd & 3rd week so you should snap out of it soon!

Lee - Although I don't have the coverage right now, I will again so can you tell me which thereapist it is? Do we go to the same one we did our psych with or...? Is it a therapist that specializes in food related issues....??

Allice in Wonderland was ok - I was truly hoping Jonny Depp would be totally whacked out and animated but he seemed to be a typical "mad hatter" NO popcorn - was only hard till the initial smell shock wore off. I did eat sunflower seeds - OH, and I went to applebees for lunch and got a fabulous chicken breast with portabello shrooms - the entire plate was 450 cals - I didn't eat the potatos or the veggies (broccoli) so it had to have been alot less than that. I give it a thumbs up!

Ok, back to bridal shower planning... sigh

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Candra, first.... huge kudo's on staying away from the popcorn! That is so big. I went to the movies last weekend and I know what you're talking about. Once I got over those initial popcorn smells, I was content to drink my Water. Popcorn made me fat fat fat!

The psychiatrist is the one that I went to my psych eval with. I think her name is Dr. Schnur. She's the only one left so there isn't an option.

I hope you get your coverage back soon!

I hit that tired place this afternoon. Maybe because I worked in my office four days this week and I'm just tired out. Dunno, but I'm just curled up watching Tivo and thinking about an early bedtime.

Pat, I don't think I can make it on the 20th. I have a conflict with the Contra Costa Obesityhelp luncheon that I committed to a long time ago. I wish there was someone else in the Oakland area to ride/drive with. I will be sad to miss it so I'll have to give it more consideration. It's still several weeks away.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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