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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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Morning all,

Been alittle MIA but (and I am sorry to say this) but I have been slightly annoyed on the site lately. I know there are many people that feel this way and I am sure this is gonna piss some people off, but it has to be said.

I come here for support, and to learn how to live with my life.

Tina ~ Not everyone has had a bad experience with Kaiser and the service they provide. We understand some people do not but if we can keep the negativeness towards our helthcare provider to a minimum and not so dramatic everyday that would be appreciated. I feel like EVERY POST you have lately is attacking either Robin or Kaiser, and while I am sorry your dealing with this along with job issues, I dont think it needs to be done everyday. We are VERY LUCKY to have recieved this special gift, to be able to help ourselves in the long run.

We all just need to work our own program and get back to supporting each other with our problems and success's with the band and our sleeve...:)

Edited by tamra.

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Sorry to hear about your job Tina - but I agree the uncertainty and moving you around is worse than just not making a decision.

Dr. Im doesn't do little fills (unless he has changed his protocol) - I started at 0 cc, got 4 cc at my first fill, 2 cc at my next fill, then 1.5 cc at the next fill, then an unfill of 2 cc, then a fill of 1 cc - so I am at 7 cc. - I don't think my unfill was looking on negatively against me - I didn't ask him to give me 1.5 to take me to 7.5 he decided to do that himself - I am not sure really what being at your sweet spot is supposed to feel like - can't be the same for everyone - I do know if I don't chew well or I eat too much or the wrong type of food I will pb. I usually am hungry between meals but not to the point of not being able to deal with it - a little hungry feeling never actually hurt anyone. My problem is more the emotional eating and gravitating toward sliders to avoid possible pbing. Nothing Dr. Im or Robin can do about that.

Does anyone watch "Ruby"? Don't you think her nutritionist reminds you of Robin - except she has blond hair - to me she looks like her and has some of the same phrases and mannerisms. I don't have a problem with Robin though - or Dr. Im.

I think Kaiser Bariatrics needs to revist the plan as far as aftercare and support - they need to expand that part of the program. I am not scheduled to go back and see them at all - guess if I want to go see them I will have to contact them - maybe they think no news is good news?

I just ate my beef portabello Lean Cuisine - 210 cal -15 g Protein, 24 g carb (the potatoes) - very yummy. I had a Protein Drink 30 g protein for Breakfast.< /p>

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Tamra I don't mean to offend you but I think several times in the past I have suggested we split the group to pre and post op. YOu and I were the only ones who agreed it was a good idea for this very reason. The issues a year out are very different than in the beginning.

I year out is very different than one month out. And to be honest your having your issues as well with going off the plan at times during your stages. I mean we could all get irratated that you keep eating things your not suppose to but instead people are supporting you through it. If we attack people for being honest that what support is there in that? Your honest about that and I am honest about where I am at too. Just our issues right now are very different. Things change dramtically in a year with the band. But I am not saying things to piss people off I am just saying where I am at and what I am struggling with. I am being real and I don't think I should have to pretend things are great. I am not asking you or anyone else to do that.

I do know that some people have left the group and quit posting becuase they feel that everyone is in such different places that they can't relate anymore.

I would be fine if my posts upset you if you just skip them. Again not trying to be rude but if I worry about what I say or how I say it and how people will take it than I can't really get support. This is about support for all of us not just the new pre ops. It does get sorta muddled and confusing when we are all over the place with where we are at and what we are dealing with.

I am not anti Kaiser. I think they are doing the best they can with the numbers they have. They have to run there program a certain way to accommadate all the numbers of people coming in. Sometimes that means people will fall through the cracks. I love Dr. Baggs and want to go back eventually. I don't think there is anything wrong with expressing what I am going through.

My journey is not yours. ANd honesly I hope people don't get to where I am.

I am not mad or upset you have the right to feel how you feel. I was honest I am pretty fed up emotionally and I am addressing that by moving on and doing what I have to do. I am not asking anyone to agree with me.

But yea I have ventured over to the post op and fills sight more often which has people who are dealing with the things I am dealing with and have helped me out alot with finding places to get fills and ways to work my program without restriction. I just have people here on this sight that I still care about and don't want to lose contact with...........that is why I stick around. I have been through alot with several people on this site and don't want to lose contact.

again it would be better to discuss this in person cause it is hard to read the tone and understand the the context when you can't hear or see the other person.

Hopefully this doesn't come across wrong................

I guess I can try NOT to mention Kaiser again except to say I am not going to be using them for fills anymore for more reasons than one. And that I am very disappointted in the way things turned out. But since this is a Kaiser support group I am not sure where that leaves me......actually I might have answered my own question.

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Hi everyone

Tina I am sorry you are having this problem! I agree with you in some points you make. I just went in on Monday and needed to get an unfill. I am only 4 months post-op and Dr. Fisher had given me 2 fills. Only 1cc the first time to give me a total of 5cc. The second time he gave me 1 more cc for a total of 6cc. When I tried to have soft food on the 3rd day it wouldn't good down. I stayed like that for 1 month until Dr. Fisher told me to come for an unfill. I was hoping only 1/2cc or 1cc at the most would come out and he said no. "Half of all my liquid needed to come out". He made it sound like I told Robin something wrong or lied the last time I went in to get that fill and that was wrong! I have been losing weight really good and now I only have 3cc that is less then when I came out of surgery at 4cc. I don't understand why he had to take all that out. He wants me to lose about 15 pounds before I can get a fill. I am at 188 that means I have to be at about 170. I have lost about 40 pounds post-op. I fell that I should have had the choice of how much should have been taken out. Know i am worried that I will have the same problem as Tina. Only time will tell.:)

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I think maybe we need to revisit splitting into two groups - pre and post op - and people can post under one or both depending on the the subject or advice. I too have made some good friends through this site and don't want to lose contact.

It is very different the further out from surgery you get. Even if you lose all your weight it does not mean everything will be perfect with your band or life. I was banded 1 1/2 yrs ago and some people probably think I should have lost all my weight by now instead of staying the same weight for the last year. I agree I am not on the "rah rah" train anymore and it is not as exciting once the weight loss slows down - and it will for 99% of us.

I just don't want to see us fighting on line - no need to - if you don't agree with someone else and you know you don't, don't read their posts. But if we can't be honest and post how we feel, the site loses it's purpose. If we were just trying to find out what to do - we all have a binder that has that information - I came to this site to have a more personal connection with people who can understand how it feels to have food restrictions and who have to work through whatever surgery they have had. Most people in the rest of my life don't really understand how hard it is and what having a gastric band really means.

Just my opinion.

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Wishing you the BEST beatriz. I also was treated like I said something wrong to Robin. Than Robin basically said the same. I still don't exactly know what I did. I just felt like I went from a model patient to a problem overnight. It sorta shocked and hurt me. I was treated different after that. I tried to be humble and suck it up but my health has to come first. So I am doing what I think is best not trying to make anyone look bad.

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Maria BEST wishes on your job interview I know how much this means to you!! I will send a prayer your way tomorrow!! I really, really hope you get it!!

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Pam I agree I don't want fighting. I don't intent to argue or fight with anyone. Honestly my advice to people is to skip posts if you don't relate or it has nothing to do with where your at. I do try to read most of the posts but something when I see it is somthing I can't relate to I move on to the next one. Nothing personal just we all post so much and sometimes posts are meant for one person or another and really don't apply to me anyway.

I don't think we need to argue amongst ourselves I don't intend to participate in any of that. It is about respect even if we don't agree with each other............

That said I can chill and post on other sites and they understand what I am dealing with. This site is primarily pre and newly post op right now. ALot of the people I got banded with are rarely on anymore anyway. Which is sad cause I miss them:-) Just some of the people I love and respect are still on here so I will always come back even if I switch more of my time to other forums.

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Ok I didn't mean to start something. Just a suggestion. I am totally fine either way I like hering pre and post op stuff and I am still learning. I just get the feeling that some people don't really want all the post op/year out stuff and that it is not relevant to them. I was just thinking splitting might be helpful to some of us.

I just won't buy into the theory that everything I post or say has to be postive and that I have to agree with Kaiser to be part of this sight or the program. When I was brand new my whole life was the band and that wasn't healthy either what I noticed is that the further you get out from surgery the more life balances itself out for you. Our eating problems aren't just about following kaisers rules it is about our lives in general and how we deal with things long term. Not just when things are going good.

But either way i am not going anywere I have made some good friends.............and I am finding alot of support on other forums on this site. I have learned alot and they got me to a fill center and also helped me figure out my options.

I just wanted to share that with my real support group here cause the people I meet over there are just acquaintances and they get my struggle they have either been there and made it over the hump or they are dealing with the same thing.

I don't know why what I say or do is a reason someone has to stop coming to the group. That is out of my control.

Edited by swrktp

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Hi Lee – Congrats on the weight loss!!!!!!!!!!! I’m averaging about the same calories and I’m a little hungry but nothing like I would be if I had my entire stomach. It’s a small hunger that’s very easy to deal with. I hope it stays this way!

Looking forward to our call today! I’m wondering how well I’ll like purees. I plan on trying some steak, beef and chicken and pureeing them with broth and gravy. I bought a food processor last summer for the first band attempt that I’ve not used so it should be interesting.

Good day everyone!

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I enjoy everyone of these posts and am learning off them. Let's move forward EVERYONE.

Ok so Just got back from vacacille fro my fill. Baggs gave me 1cc I almost chickened out but he said I usually give people 2 cc for their 1st fill. anyway I drank the Water and on the way home I felt a lump inmy throat and I feel like I have stuff in my throat. I dunno I have to see if i am able to drink more this evening I will keep u all posted. Thanks fro the good luck wishes tomorrow. I just hope I dont say anything stupid becasue I am so darn lightheaded from not eating.

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Maria you will be fine. If your worried about it maybe keep a protien shake or something with liquid calories in your car. If you feel lightheaded that is your backup plan. I did that a few times and than didn't need to use it in the end but I felt better knowing it was there. You might feel it for a few days but he is right I got 2ccs on my first fill. If Water doesn't go down worry but otherwise it is all good.

Canollie I thought I saw a post from you but it is gone now. I don't care that the sight has alot of pre and newly post lap banders. I learn from everyone and like to see how things go for everyone. I didn't mean splitting as a bad thing. Just that maybe people would feel like there issues was being address better if the focus was only on pre op or post op. Or if there were a distinction between life issues and Kaiser program issues. To me it is all one in the same but some people might not feel supported if life issues come into Kaiser program issues. I am just throwing options out there.

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Hi Everyone! I hope all are well.

John and Lee-congrats on the 2 week Bandiversary!!! Whoo Hoo!!! Congrats on the weightloss.

John-Give the too big Hawaiian shirts to someone who would use them. I know it's hard to see our good clothes go. Especially if we still like them. I am having a hard time with this too. It's kind of bitter-sweet though. While I am exteremely happy to lose the weight....I am not happy having to give up my good clothes. I an admitted compulsive shopper who had a lot of great/expensive clothes....Now I'm wearing inexpensives... I am not willing to spend alot of money, yet.

Me and food are having a hard time. I tried hard to stick to program today.

B-coffee, 1 Soup at Hand-Creamy chicken (130calories)

L-Breakfast jack minus the bread. I only ate the 1 egg, 1 ham slice, 1 cheese slice and added 1 slice of bacon.

S-100 calorie pack of smoked almonds and 4 mozzerella sticks from Jack in the Box.

D-???? feeling kind of tight....Maybe a grilled turkey burger patty, no bread of course.....

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OH WOW! I have been away for few days and you "chilren" start acting out LOL. I have to shed some light on this madness. First of all Tina I miss you too. The division of the forum may not be such a bad idea. WE all go through our trials and tribulations.

Tamra those of us who have been out over six months have been where you are, we all have different ways of dealing with things and I am playing the devils advocate in thinking that Tina's post is primarily for support and thoughts on what to do. When you are operating on NO FILL it is not easy as I feel like I am now. With that being said I understand that you are needing all the positive reinforcement and point is well taken, that's what we are here for. I hope we all continue to be a support in each others lives as these bands and sleeves are not going to be obsolete in our lives anytime soon :-). We are in the struggle forever.

We are all good friends and we need to support the best way that we can. I probably would have PM Tina is I was feeling this way. However hind sight is 20/20.

So I want you all to kiss and make up LOL. Lets move on and get slim or move out fat whichever comes first I hope slim is the premier.

I love you all.


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Monique I hear ya on the clothes. I lost all my good stuff. I am a jeans and T-shirt girl right now. I saved a few favorites and when I tried them on they were just to big to even try to get by with. All my business clothes and dresses are gone. I can't afford to replace them right now. I did go to thrift store and got 4 pairs of levis for 20 bucks I am surviving on those for now and t-shirts. Same think I can't justify the money. I think when I get to a 10 or 12 than I can get something nice.

I did just find out that a consignment store associated with a surgeon here will allow you trade clothes for your first year after banding. You should see if the Bay area has that.


I am only gonna ask for 1cc next week too. Even thought I am paying for the fill I still want to try it one cc at a time. I budgeted for 2-3 fills between now and June and I want to go slowly. I think I can get to a good place before I lose my job and with three fills. If no it is life but I will closer to where I need to be. Let me know how the fill goes I bet you start losing again now :-)

Ok so I got transferred back to Court. I am still gonna do my same job some of the time and than court as well. THey are combining two positions into one. I think I spend most of my time in one office but when I have to be in court or be in front of the judge than I will relocate to Power Inn/Courthouse. Not closer to home but I used to work in court before and deal with the judges, attorneys and legal stuff. I just need to brush up........

I need my business suits back!! I am thinking I need a few dresses and a suit to get me through until June. Sorta giving me a nagging thought I need to shop even though I shouldn't!! :-) I guess I could look at a consignment shop but not sure I have something that is a good trade.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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