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Happy New Year Team!

Welcome to the new people!

I went out with a friend tonight. We went to Elephant Bar while waiting for our movie. I had 1 margarita (i have about 1 mixed drink a year) and 1 appetizer. We were planning dinner for after the movie but at 11 decided to just go home. We saw It's Complicated which may be for the "older" crowd like me. I totally enjoyed it and laughed so hard.

Here's to a great year for all of us! A new Year, a new Decade!

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Hey all :-)

Been busy with work and my daughter this week.......

CANDRA: you and I have the same body type for sure Reading your posts makes me laugh.

JES: I like 14's if there are any left!!:-)

RILEY: I don't like tofu much but the chips I would I would like.

So my update. My ex serious boyfriend from 5 years ago just tracked me down I guess my recent pictures on Facebook where what initiated the whole thing. We had a bad, bad breakup and never talked after I kicked him out of my house one night about midnight.............so I figured an apology right?? Well we talked for about an hour and he wanted an apology from me!! Really had a couple of days of being really pissed off and realizing why he is bad news again. He told me I looked great but still had a b#**^y attitude and a bad character. Oh and he also told me instead of drinking to much he had now moved on to herion and coke and had a hot 19 year old redhead girlfriend (he is 37 and my daughter is 15 not to far from 19) YUCK!! I told him I outgrew him. He told me my shell looked great but my attitude wouldn't change till hell froze over!! Ok isn't it incredibly rude to contact me to get on my case again...........so this weight loss thing.............caused me to re catch a fish I though I had thrown out.........

Still angry about it tonight,............bet to leave me alone than to call and get in my face again. Needless to say we had a fairly decent argument which felt way to familiar. But at least I didn't eat even though I felt like it......

Pammie I met him on the internet and dated him for two years. We broke up for two years than got back together and he lived with me for 6 months until I kicked him out...........long story but no job and a drunk come to mind........on the internet he made it all seem like he was this great guy..........my daughter HATES him and told me to hang up on him!! I should have listened to her..........

Oh well I vented so now I can sleep :biggrin: I plan to change my phone number this weekend anyway and change over to just my cell. I don't need him bother me again. He has a way of talking me into things and I don't trust myself around him at all.

It is possible that losing weight brings out the vultures!!

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Happy New year everyone.......back home as you can see. Safe and sound no less. Well probably one too many malibu Rum's. We only start a new decade every 10 years!! At any rate Cedric was fabulous. The hubby and I had the best time. :biggrin:

OK yes I worked the pants... pictures tomorrow.

oh and I have enough jeans to go around.

nighty night...

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Jeepers Jes, you were out late girl, LOL! Malibu has sugar BTW - I'm just sayin' . . . .

I stayed in last night & fell asleep about 9:30! Woke up for midnight but was eager to go right back to sleep. And I DO NOT like my scale this morning! It said 168 - that's quite a gain! I have been eating cold Cereal by the 3-bowls-full, especially yesterday after my dental work, so carbs are expanding my liver for sure - 3 days of no carbs and I'll be back, so NO I am not changing my ticker, LOL!

Here's a word of warning when you're banded: DONT try to eat after a visit to the dentist! When you are numb you just cannot chew properly, can't feel what you are doing and that does NOT work with the band! I'm just sayin' . . . . hence all the bowls of cereal yesterday, sliders ya know . . . I was numb for most of the day, then in pain for the rest of it!

I also need to log my emotions when eating again, I'm afraid the cereal is a recent discovery that I CAN manage to eat to stuff intense feelings . . . so in my endless Quest to "set myself up to succeed," I took all of the cereal boxes to my son and asked him to lock them away from me! No more cereal for me :-) I did great not eating it for a year, now I'm not doing great at it so it had to go. Kinda like crackers, you all know what I'm talkin' about!

I sure did learn a lot in 2009. What did you learn in 2009?

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Riley - I learned sometimes things happen for a reason. lost my job, but I also started working on ME. I realized you can't be happy with anything until your happy with YOURSELF. So now I am working on me, to be a better person inside and out. *smile*

Well I feel horrible today. I am NOT EATING LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!! I crashed around 11, woke up 1145, 12 exactly, and again at 3....I slept horrible.

Today I begin the 1200 cal diet TO THE T. I will now measure and weigh my food, JUST like I did in the beginning when I got 5 lbs awy from goal. I will also excersize at least 3-4 times a week.

Please everyone help push me, I want to be at goal 250 by Feb 1.

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I'm pushing Tamra! Can you feel my pushing?? I want to be down 8 by Feb 1 too; let's do this together!!!

Who all is coming tomorrow? I wanna see my girlz . . . . and John! I will bring a few things, they are mostly 12s. And some career dresses size 16s!! Going to clean out my closet AGAIN today while I wash sheets and go through paperwork. I need these big ol' clothes out of my house!! De-cluttering is one of the gifts I have determined to give myself in 2010 :-)

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I am coming tomorrow :biggrin:

Thanks for the pushing!!! I need it!!

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Tamra, I'm in for the 1200 calorie diet as well. I really want to be down at least a couple pounds by the Wednesday night weigh in. I hope to drop a couple of carb pounds. That said, being pre-op, I'm very happy to have maintained my weight over the holidays.

I have a 1 hour walk planned for this afternoon at the dog park. I hope it doesn't start raining before then because my throat is still a little off. Later this afternoon I have an open house to attend. I'm going to be very mindful of what I eat. I think I'll have a Muscle Milk Light in the car before walking into the party.

In 2009 I learned about WLS and I learned that it's not a moral issue and it's not about my "failing" that's brought me to this point of lining up with surgery. I've learned that I really need help to shed the pounds but more importantly to keep them off for the rest of my life. I thought I wanted the LapBand, then researched, talked to my surgeon and learned that the Sleeve is my best option. I'm looking forward to the surgery and recovery in 2010.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :biggrin:

Happy New Year!!!

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Hey there ladies!!! Happy New Year!!!!

I will be there tomorrow!!! I can't wait to see you all and meet those I have not met...

I am probably going to purchase lunch at one of the two restaurants we passed last time....Remember, I was feigning for the Clam Chowder????

I have learned lots in 2009 and more to come in 2010....Will share later...............Enjoy the day....:biggrin:

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Good Morning and Happy New Year Everyone!!!

I will be there tomorrow FOR SURE!! However I forgot I was babysitting my friends daughter tonight until tomorrow night so I will have her with me. SHe is 3 and absolutly adorable... I will have a stroller for her to chillax in while I walk lol.. hope thats ok with everyone..

Tamra: 1200 cal diet again for me too.... its time to do this!! shed these last few pounds that are lingering..lol...My goal is no more excuses, the holidays and my TOM is over so the next month I need to kick butt lol... this will be our 30 day challenge....WE GOT THIS!!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy new year... See ya'll tomorrow!!

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Happy New Year! I made it to midnight last night after dozing off many times in the recliner - my kids kept waking me up. Then after the ball dropped we all ran upstairs - I got up at 7:30 to use the bathroom and went back to sleep until 10 am. We're going to go see the Alvin and the Chipmunks Squeekquel movie and then to my parents' for dinner at 5 pm.

Tina - that guy sounds like someone you shouldn't even talk to. yuck. How rude to contact you to just be mean to you.

I'll call you tonight Maria to get directions to your house again - does 9:45 am pick up tomorrow work for you?

Guess I'd better get dressed and see what time the movie is playing today.

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Hey there I'm up not too hung over LOL. I know the Malibu was not a wise choice. Oddly enough my reso is to make better choices and concentrate on getting my "house" in order. In 2009 I learned that I didn't have to be the weight I was and that, that little thing they call diet & exercise... it does work.

Anyway here are a couple pictures of us last night.



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Jes-Lookin' real HOTT in those leather pants.... Good job. Nice honey pic! You both look very happy!!!! You are so right....It is a choice... I need to make better one's too!!!!

Glad to see we are all catching up to the wagon and jumping on!!!! Hold on....here I come!!!!

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Morning all - and happy new decade!

I will be there tomorrow too - for sure!

Tina - you can have the 14's as I am still mostly 16 and when you get to 12 you can pass the 14's on over - Now, about Mr. Wrong - sounds to me like he's upset that you lost the weight and are succeeding in life because he isn't so he felt it necessary to call you and try to bring you down to his level to make himself feel better. As you have progressed - he has regressed - seriously from alcoholic to Heroine! No self respecting hot 19 year old redhead is really gonna be with an IV drug user so my bet is that, while she may be 19 and redheaded, she is a junky too and not real hot - just my experience with the loosers daddy use to hang out with LMAO So I want to see you again so what's up?? Can't you and Michaela come out tomorrow? Tell her I promise not to flash my stomech!

Riley - I have learned that i can't do this crap on my own - so many times I have lost this weight and so many times I have found it again - I have learned that support is necessary to succeed in all walks of life so here I am - with my super support group making things happen once and for all! My husband is a cereal junky - he had a bowl last night right before he had a bowl of Pasta - why, oh why, doesn't he ever gain weight??? One more thing i had learned in 2009 that I get to hold against men!

Tamra - I will stand in front of you so when you're pushed I'm pushed hahaha - I NEED IT TOO. I'm a super duper slacker - because I lose the weight so slow it gets frustrating and I give up - it's not as easy as it was when I was your age LOL So glad you're coming tomorrow!

Niclolie - You rock - i love your spirit and the "i can do anything" attitude - Bring on the bebe - but she may not like that bumpy trail ride LOL How are those almonds??? I'm an addict - i think my issue is that I'm just so very lazy and as a lazy gal Almonds are really the only no carb food you can just grab and not have to cook!

JES - Im so glad you had a good time - when reading your post and you said "malibu rum" which, by the way i find very yummy - my first thought was "so much damn sugar" but what the hell, that's why we did band and not RNY and you are rocking the size 12 leather pants so what the heck do I know! I mean - I'm not losing a friggin pound and you are so maybe, just maybe - I need to start livin it up with some steak, lobster and malibu rum - do you have a spare room??

Monique - Can't wait to meet you FINALLY! Oh, how I miss clam chowder in a bread bowl - friggin carbs! Speaking of which - I had zero for two days but then this morning - at 12:01 am I drank a glass of champagne - GRRR! But who can really resist champagne in bed with a bang??? happy new year to me, happy new year to me... Happy new year for Candra - happy new year to me hahahahahaha

Donna - where are you my love? want to be sure you are coming tomorrow - don't make me call your house and wake everybody up at the crack of dawn tomorrow just to get your little butt over here!

Any word from Pat? Would love to meet her/you Pat - will you come tomorrow?

Lee - are you coming?

Pammie - I want to see Alvin & the gang! We watched the ball drop too - what is the deal with Dick? How much plastic surgery do you think he's had because the man is like 180 years old without a wrinkle or sag - I need his skin cream! See you tomorrow girlfriend -

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Hey Jes you look great!!

Heather I will do the 30 day challenge I have the WII fit. Are you doing the EA or the FIT. I also got the upated WII FIT plus which I think is a bit better. I want the biggest loser but can't afford it right now........I am trying to get a few more fitness games and there is this new outdoor something game that is suppose to make you sweat. I have OUTDOOR challenge and my daughter has dance dance revolution but it is so darn hard.......

I have a few 18's around. I will bring them next time.

Ok anyone see the SHAPE magazine this month?? Huge article on emotional eating and steps to stop it. Also has book recommendations. Worth the price of the magazine

I am back on track today. :-) 19 days till a fill but only if I lose 5 pounds........sigh ;-) I am gonna do a carb fast for the next 19 days. Once I get a fill carbs are out again cause they make me PB. I can eat anything and I am afraid I took advantage of that over the holidays!!

candy lets get together in Sacramento soon!! I can't go to the Bay area either as I have plans this weekend and my car is not so reliable..........and gas. Did I mention I am broke.

Riley that financial responsibility is a great idea for the new year. I think I shop to much now since I don't eat my feelings away now. Retail therapy for sure ...........but it has to stop NOW!!

Ok ladies off to the gym. Looking forward to the hot tub but only after I run................

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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