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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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Hmmm.....I was at Pinole with alot of sick kids while we waited for our shots. I don't know. I might have been explosed in sacramento too. Yucky stuff.....I am going to LA in two weeks so I gotta get better!!

I like Dr. Im he was really nice and seemed like he knows what he is doing!! I think he is a bit more conservative with fills than Dr. Baggs though. He wanted to take out more than I wanted out. But I still have alot of restriction today so maybe he was right on. I was impressed with him though!!

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Oh I got the H1N1 because I work in hospitals alot now. And I got the mist. Thinking about it I could have gotten sick at work/hospital too......I forget how much time I spend at hospitals nowdays.

Doesn't matter. What matters is I need to keep losing. I don't want Dr. Baggs to take my band because of all the ups and downs. He said we were chasing our tails to keep going back and forth with fills and unfills. So I am a bit worried about that.......I know we both decided no unfill than five days later I need one. Sorta wonder what I am doing wrong??

But feeling better tonight and all my Water is down. Boy does a bit of water make a huge difference!!! :-)

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Hey everyone, just checking in - long, LONG day, plus had my emotional eating class tonight, just got home have a headache bad and way tired. Have not read to catch up yet but I will! I'm doing good, the class is really helping with my head hunger. I wish you all had the same kind of support I do! Pat came to meeting last night it was great :-)

Going to bed!!:thumbup:

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My goodness you all have been busy in one day. Yesterday barely any posts and today, whew!!!

Tina, sorry you are sick and had to go to the emergency room.

I would love to come meet with you all on the 14th. I will probably be able to come meet with you all but only if you do Vallejo. I know I can't come to Santa Rosa. I too and afraid of heights and would like to start by doing the flatland walk.....How far/many miles is the walk??? What time are you all meeting?

I am totally out of control! It's like I am sabatoging my own progress. I can't seem to stick to the diet. I had a telephone conference with Robin today and sorta forgot to tell her my issues. Didn't want to hear her mouth. I think, I know I can conquer this on my own without the warden baggering me about my eating. Anyway, I have been given the okay to start my Stage III diet tomorrow. I am getting ready to check/review my binder to double check what I can eat/have. Wish me luck!!!! It is a daily battle and I want to lose this weight and have to start taking the diets more seriously. I have to succeed at this....Not only for myself! first and formost for MYSELF! But also, there were so many neigh-sayers that told me not to do the surgery and to just try to lose the weight on my own...To hell with that! I have to prove them wrong. Hey, did you all go get new workout clothes.....I think that will jumpstart my progress....Especially if I look cute/hot!!!!:thumbup:

Who else is on Stage III? What are you eating??? :cursing:

Tomorrow is brand new day!!!!!

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I could use an emotional eating class too!! Holidays are coming and I think I will be ok but maybe not??

I have a stress management class tomorrow. I forgot about it I was signed up in September when I was so stressed out with work. Now with a little Celexa and a month at the new job I am chilling!! LOL. But I am gonna go cause that is how I can get referred to counseling!! I am still on the waiting list. I sorta want that lady Pam had........but I am going to see who Kaiser refers me to tomorrow.

I can't believe it has been a year since I started this journey!! Wow alot has changed!! Down sixty pounds and a new job. Been to Africa and back. Had surgery. Ended my love affair with Diet Coke.......I feel so much better and am in a much better place than a year ago!!

Going back to work tomorrow!! Feeling alot better. I hate being sick!! Stupid cough but I actually ate something tonight so I declare myself cured!!

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Ok so I am talking to people on the other forum. They are saying I should get an x ray or barium swallow to see if I slipped my band?? Are you serious? I don't think things are that bad. If they were wouldn't Dr. Im have ordered an X ray in ER. He did tell me that at some point it might be a good idea if the band tightened again....but seriously he acted like it was probably the flu that caused the swelling!! Should I be worried??

Ah Disneyland in two weeks. Last year I could barely walk the whole day and was to tired to walk back to the hotel that night. I mean I barely, barely survived the day and was happy when it was over..........Disneyland and the day was to long!! Seriously!!! IT is gonna be so different this year.

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3 days on my re-start and have cheated on every single one...lovely job Tamra!!! If I would have stuck to it, I prob. would have a surgery date by now, but It is what it is right?

I'll try again tomorrow *sigh*

20 lbs to loose, still at 15 lb lost so far.

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Monique, take it day by day as t will get better. Riley's head group is what I know I need. It is tough but hang in there!

Tina- hope you feel better, boy you have really been through the wringer it seems.

Tamra- tomorrow is a new day and you can do this!!

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Reggie-Thanks for the encouragement. I need all I can get!!!

Tamra-you and I are in the exact same boat. It's just that you are pre-op and I am post-op! We both need to pull ourselves together. We can do this!!!

Tomorrow is a brand new day. I know I keep saying that....maybe if I continue saying it...I will take it seriously. I know I should because did I tell you that it really is uncomfortable when I eat something that I am not supposed to eat. I have to read, read and re-read the Stage III diet. I also may have to do the Stage 1 and Stage II over....

Is there such a thing as a "Do OVER"???????

Can I get one????:thumbup:

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gosh I'm so tired...work is wearing me out. This exam I have coming up is 3 weeks long, ugh! I won't slow down till christmas. I went to a meeting today with all the Deans and finally one said "hi skinny you look so good". Nobody knows anything they just know I've been walking a lot and cutting back. That was the 1st person to say anything so I felt good.

I really needed that because I've been struggling. This past halloween weekend did me in I've been eating candy and drinking regular coffee. I have been doing my elliptical but not working off all the junk I'm eating. So everybody we need to keep each other motivated before we go too far off the deep end.

For all you soon to be banded...it's a struggle, I wouldn't trade it for anything though. I think the hardest part so far is the 2nd day after surgery. Everything else I'm taking in stride. Even if I mess up on my food I try to do better next time.

So here's something I remember from group.

If you are on the freeway and miss your exit you take the next exit and turn around. You don't keep going until you get to LA before you deicide to turn around. So that's what we all have to do, take the next exit, turn around and go the right way.

Nighty night ladies and John:biggrin:

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Hi Ladies - I was with Riley last night at her group - it was great; the couple who host it are amazing and so inspirational - Sherry lost 250lbs 11 yrs ago and has kept it off and Jim almost 200 in a year. It is so inspirational to hear people who have been successful (regardless of surgery type) and are keeping it off even though they struggle.

I went to the Kaiser Richmond group tonight; the moderator wasn't there but the group ran itself, although some people were bummed they couldn't weigh in. The group kind of freaked me out - everyone there was RNY, and I asked my usual question: Why did you pick the surgery you did? Lots of people talked about not wanting to have a port/feel a port and getting fills; they just wanted to be done with it. There were 2 nurses there, one of them is related to one of my nieces. She said that both surgeries are about the same amount of invasiveness. She also said that if you were to get sick later (like with cancer) and needed additional nutrition there are plenty of other ways to make that happen. So I am very unsettled tonight. Wish a bandster had been there! Jes - where were you??!! Beatriz were you there?? I don't know what you look like??

Nicollie and Liz - congratulations on getting your surgeon appt in the same day - way to go.

Tina - glad you are better; sounds like it was awful.

Heather and Candra - The Sonoma Country Weight Loss Surgery meeting is 11/14 at 10am at the Wells Fargo Center (use to be called the Luther Burbank Center). Take 101 North and exit at the Mark West Springs Exit (its the north end of Santa Rosa.) and you turn right into the Wells Fargo Center and need to drive around to the south side.

Jes - Yes, Riley and I will come to Vallejo, but after our meeting on the 14th. I am committed to going to that meeting because I already invited my husband and sister and she is driving down from Cloverdale to be there for me. We can be to Vallejo by about 1 p.m.

Anyone else in for the 14th for the SCWLS support meeting with Riley and me besides Candra and Heather?

And who is in for meeting for a walk and lunch in the afternoon in Vallejo? I think I heard Jes, Pam, Nicolie and Liz.

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Hey Pat

It wasn't that bad. I think the ER thing makes it sound bad. I just know that Water is a huge issue. If I could get fills in town it would have been no big deal. But since richmond is so far I feel like I have to make quicker decisions..........I was a bit embarrassed to be in ER actually. THere were some seriously sick people. I was just thirsty!! LOL. I kept telling them that....:-) But I guess it is the best way to get seen and the quickest. I didn't want to take another day off work.....I got home by 6pm so I did good. ER was not very full.......but lots of waiting and lots of questions about the band and bariatric surgery. Everyone wanted to know how much I had lost ect. THey said other people come in for unfills and they don't get why we go through ER when it only takes 5 minutes!! ;-) They all were very postiive about the band.........and so was I. They aske me even when it gets to tight and was like I will be fixed in a few minutes!! I walked out of there and drank like 30 ounces of Vitamin water before I left...........LOL. I kept telling them I AM OK!! But liability I guess........I was a liability.

Oh yea I got a mental health and vital signs exam before I could leave. No I am not suicidal I am THIRSTY!! Nice nurses one was in the post op room and remember me. Oh dear that might be a bad thing............LOL.

So no I think it sounds worse than it was. At least I know I can always get an unfill if I need to. Just darn drive over there...............so happy about vacaville!!

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Thanks Tina for explaining that. yes, I will buckle up and get the surgery..I had a moment when I posted. I guess just last minute nerves I am sure I will get plenty more as it gets closer I wish it was tomorrow already to get it over with.

Jess and Heather- I'm having a hard time too with candy. I have a bag full of Recess p-butter cups in the freezer and death by chocolate ice cream my husband and son have every darn night!! that can't be good but they love thier sweets! unfortunatly so do I. How can I stop I have about 2-3 p-butter cups a night for the past few days. I need to stop my nightly dessert! any tips or suggestions other than throw out the bag, becuase I tried that and my husband was like"dont throw that out" I think he has sugar issues but he not overweight. I have been working out daily but not enough..actually I am going to my zumba class in a few...ttyl ladies

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Good morning all! Back down to 172 & change this morning, YAY! Did not need that 9 lb. gain. I am really, really sensitive to drinking enough Water and avoiding carbs - all goes well when I do that! And exercise of course :-)

Tina I am sure that you are fine, or Dr. Im would have ordered the tests.

Jes when is your next fill in Richmond again? date and time? I think it's a wednesday - 16th maybe? I am going to try & schedule my next fill for the same time so we can see each other & maybe walk again :-) I need my girls!!

Still have not caught up on my reading . . . . between this site and eHarmony, I hardly have time for work!!!

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Hey Ladies and John :-)

Problems with the band? Not many.

My problem is that I get tight fast. Some people have fills up to 8cc's. I am good at no more than 5.5cc's. Anything more is to tight for me. If your to tight you just can't get enough fluids in and you dehydrate. Also you can PB alot and that tightens up the band for me. So you get caught in a circle if your to tight. Dehydration and PB'ing together make you tight. When you are tight you can't drink alot and PB which makes it worse. That is why I called for an unfill before I got to that point. I know how it goes. DON'T try to deal with to tight get some out..........throwing up and dry heaves and the flu are in my opinion a reason to get an unfill :-)

Other than that no problems with the band for me. I lose slower than most. But I don't exercise everyday just about 3-4 times. I think I could up my weight loss if I change that. So I can't complain. Planning to get back into the gym since my WII fit is not my favorite way to exercise. I rather do that treadmill.

First week after surgery was the worst for me. Just really sore. But it fades out. Very tired but that fades out too.

About the port............hmmm I don't even notice it. I mean if I think about it I know it is there. And I can feel it if I touch it. Well sometimes jeans touch it and than I feel it but it doesn't hurt. Ya know hard to explain you feel it but you don't............LOL!!

I checked out the sleeve last night. Oh dear they take out 60% of your stomach. Now that is just as dramatic as the bypass. I don't get why/how that is less invasive than the RNY? Maybe the malabsorption issue? Hmm....I thought it was something a little less invasive........Nicollie what did Dr. Fisher say about the sleeve? What did that paper say. Do they offer it or just for special patients? I don't know much about it.

Well headed out to work today. I think I am feeling better but well see as the day goes on.............:-)

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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